Kill a female enemy in a videogame

>kill a female enemy in a videogame
>get a boner

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>kill a female enemy in real life
>get a boner

>report sage and hide a thread
>get a boner

>look at those strippers covered in green shit from Duke nukem 3d as a 7 year old
>Get a boner

>Announcing a report in 2019
>Getting a boner in 2019
Yikes sweeties, y'all need Jesus xD

>OP's mom makes user go to church every weekend
>he grows up to be an incel who hates women on the internet

Where my ryona bros at?
>stripclub level in shitman absolution
>stab strippers to death with screwdrivers
>get a raging boner

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What anime is this?
Anyways yea happened to me in Skyrim, but it was Dishonored that truly awakened me I think, choking out the maids.
Also those black ninjas in Black Mesa (Half Life remastered).
It's probably a good thing more games don't have female enemies.
Actually you should probably list the games that do so I can avoid them.

homodemon slayer

why he kill her ;__;

>feel bad
>but also feel GOOD

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Search results turn up nothing.

>tfw this thread just made me realize after playing multiple sessions of Borderlands 2 that it lacks female variants of enemies
Sure there's one here or there specially made, but psychos and bandits are usually men. Interesting how I didn't notice until now.


Why did you type enemy twice?

Nemu's voice is pure sex.

>kill female npc

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>you will never be a female immortal being who is just a submissive slut and lover of gore and mutilation
why to live.

I want to read a story like this. I want a lady with Wolverine/Tomie powers who gets off on being gored

the game would've been 100 times better without all the scat shit

>tfw can only get off to guro and amputation rape hentai

this league of legends art made me cum for days

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Latest Ass Creeds have them. They're moaning really well too. Thanks SJWs

gurofags are mentally ill
As you wish, page 29 :

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We literally and unironically evolved to brutally rape females. Sorry if that hurts your feelings

Wish I could see that but I'm in private browsing mode and have no intention of leaving it.

login to e-hentai and then you'll be able to enter exhentai

I did and it doesn't work.
It doesn't work in private browsing mode iirc.
You don't need plugins typically but I think you need a cookie manager at least.

>western shit
no thanks, bro.

jesus christ, shut UP

I'm not into western shit either and the artist's chinese
i'll take whatever guro of league porn I can get since there's so few


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supreme taste, shit thread. MODS

>look through their inventory
>start taking off their armor/clothing
>almost naked
>get a boner

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back when I was like 14 I used to grab the women in assassins creed 1 and toss them around to look up their dresses. fun times

>female character literally sounds like she is getting fucked when hit
my favorite punching bag

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>kill female
>take off her shoes only
>get a boner

>those moans after she gets shot
>the one dispatcher's voice

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Damn, that got me hard.

dishonored 2 did it better
>kill a female officers
>theyre always officers weirdly, theres no female mooks
>she gets her head cut off
>bend body over a table
>hold severed head
>notice her mouth is wide open
>realise what the fuck im doing
>stop playing dishonored

>video of an actual woman getting shot gets you hard, not vidya or guro

get help

Well. I'm going to hell.

Cringy seething incel.

have sex

she's a retard and she also survived

no need to feel bad

Dude, seek help

i feel bad because she survived

She was trying to suicide by cop. Some girl who was depressed about a dude or thought she was pregnant or something. Don't remember the details because they weren't important to me, like most other videos.

>get help
you're on Yea Forums, not reddit faggot

My nigger. Guro without feet is like armpits without smell.

Hey dude calm down

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I like this in theory but I don't like the girls being pulverized into food. I want to love my girls not eat them. Tachibana is definitely best girl though.

I wish they'd mindbroken the girls then spliced her powers into them so they could be degraded and abused in all sorts of creative ways forever.

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>some crazy junkie attacks cop
>now they need several surgeons and doctors to patch her up, costing probably hundreds of thousands in total
Should have just ended her right there. Throw to body to the dump, file a one page report, be done with it. Fucking waste of money.


See how annoying you sound?
I disabled private browsing and that's the only way your method works, ayaswan and only translated into Chinese yada yada.

But yea you can try it yourself. Turn on private browsing in firefox (the only way to browse otherwise wtf are you doing) and try logging in to e-hentai then accessing exhentai. You still get sadpanda. Your method has NEVER worked for people using private browsing, which everyone should be doing by default.

I'm not turning off private browsing nigga, doubly no for a porn site.

This is the future of Yea Forums. SAD!

grats you are a ryona fag

get married, faggot

Same could be said of any nigger spic or other subhuman, even if they never need a doctor in their entire life.
Wellfare for animals was a great idea

that moaning is the hottest thing
I was expecting her to cry like the actresses in JAV but her "chill moaning" makes it hot as fuck


works on my machine :)

where do you think you are? LMAOOO
pic related, you earned it

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>works on my machine :)
It literally doesn't unless your privacy settings are off.

delete cookies for exhentai
login to e-hentai
open exhentai

done, you're in without plugins

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Are there very many female enemies in Dishonored 2? I might have to see for myself.

thats why i downloaded sexlab defeat

Only works if your browser is not in private mode.

hit a nerve huh?

>play twelvesky2 back in the day
>hit a random female mob
>their clothes got removed with each hit
Too bad it was grindy p2w trash.

>he doesn't know

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There was an exhentai plugin somewhere that works with private mode or you can stop being a faggot and browse it in regular mode.


Am I still a ryona-fag if I like that girls are getting hit (blood and bruises are okay) but I hate guro, snuff and vore?

user pls

>kill a woman
>feel nothing

why does exhentai have this weird system going on anyways?
to keep away copyright strikes or something?

Ryona is literally just that, yeah

To keep fucking morons like you away.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums

>no first person VR ryona games where you're the chick

don't worry, once you get bored of vanilla abuse, you'll eventually look for guro, amputation and necrophilia
its only a matter of time, good luck

im on the site though fag


never happened
i'm not a degenerate

We have to do this every fucking time somebody links ExHentai. Just use NHentai. They have most of the same shit, and have direct download links too.

Why the fuck do they even have such an ass backwards login system. It's a mess.

bruuuh whats up with this doo's face XD

I really don't know how I should feel about my death/suffering fetish. I mean no sane person masturbates to people dying on liveleak, or those lynchings on rekt threads. it's come to a point where I just enjoy seeing people hurting or fucking themselves up, I go to that /hrt/ general just to jerk off thinking about those people wrecking their bodies with hormones and eventually sinking into the despair that will eventually take their lives, still not my most shameful fap, that belongs to that girl's suicide video

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>kill myself in a video game
>get a boner

Mai chan daily life

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The brain part was hot as fuck

Mai Chan is okay but I don't like how it's about her getting passed around as an unwilling sex toy. I want a girl like her but who enjoys being gored and is in a loving relationship.

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terrified little girls in horror games? Best thing ever!

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I was thinking about getting The Quest for reasons but decided it wasn't worth it.

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>kill a female enemy in a videogame
>look up her skirt

wow she's beautiful