How come rts is not popular anymore?

How come rts is not popular anymore?

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Because they invented a dumbed down casual version of RTS, which is much preferred by the zoomer and tranny audience.
Literally every low iq individual I happen to know plays or has played this.

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Everybody tried to make another starcraft with focus on MP. But not a lot of players can enjoy competitive RTS multiplayer. Warlords 3 for example had a very nice campaign mod.

I don't want to live in a world where Warlords Battlecry is dead forever

Because the apparent "fanbase" doesn't actually play the games and instead only bitches about the genre being dead because not every RTS is the same as their favorite one.

2 > 3

kinda the same reason fighters are dying
the crowd that takes it too serious and the crowd that just wants good games are not both being satisfied anymore, it's only one or the other

based. WBC3 completely ruined the heroes with retarded shit like Minotaur paladins.

I'm fairly confident RTS never was popular. Or rather, people playing RTS games weren't wrong to do so given the options they were aware of at the time, but what they really wanted was to command armies (tactics games like Total War), build bases (city-builders), they were in it for historical RP aspects (PDX titles and similar), what they actually played was custom maps that now have standalone versions (indeed, this bit isn't even down to speculation as this most definitely the case for bestselling RTS, so you can write off the bulk of RTS popularity right there), they liked the mechanical aspects of controlling strong units (ASSFAGGOTS), they were in fact interested in strategy gaming but would have preferred turn-based or pausable real-time formats or any number of other reasons. And even among those who do like core RTS gameplay, there are various differences like decreased room for employing novel strategies because in the modern Internet landscape "meta" will form much more quickly.

That isn't to say there are no RTS fans (I guess I could count myself among them, too, although my fandom is more in the fringes with games like Kohan), but their numbers are a far cry from RTS sale numbers from during the genre's heyday.

lock up your children

I honestly prefer turn based, or something like Age of Wonders with simultaneous turns.

millenials and zoomers can't play a game where they control more than one character.
consoletards are allergic to keyboard and mouse
these are the reasons

It is proven that people get worse at multitasking each new generation.

source me bruh

And also this, I want interesting campaigns with dialogue, mission notes and so on and also mod ability, map making tools like in Age of Wonders 1 that allowed people to create both MP maps and story scenarios.

Because Stronghold and AoE both shit the bed with each new release.

This is closer to truth.
Still, there will never be another high budget RTS in at least next 5 years.
Look for example how standard RTS looked right before its death in form of Universe in Conflict, where everything was polished in at least the campaign for fun gameplay and diverse race mechanics.

Because EA won't make Battle for Middle Earth 3. It'd probably be filled with microtransactions anyway so I guess it's for the best.

Probably because it can't really be done on consoles.

Me too. I'm actually not very good at RTSes, so MP isn't an option. I need a good singleplayer campaign to get me interested. Even then, though, I'm not sure I'd play it. RTS is a genre that I keep trying to get into, but I can never seem to get good enough at it to really enjoy it.

but the point of literally every rts other than like anno is multiplayer. youre never going to be matched strategically or see plays youve never seen before vs a cpu

compettiive autism killed them

yea rts was never popular which is why starcraft practically invented esports in its current form

The huge amount of customization going for heroes in WC3 makes it superior. None of the new races and classes are bad and some of them really good.

people want neither the realtime nor the strategy aspect, they want to build comfy militarised cities and big armies that they smash against one another

Too hard to be popular. Can't be played with controller which means no multiplat.


>there are various differences like decreased room for employing novel strategies because in the modern Internet landscape "meta" will form much more quickly.

Balance your fucking game

You know why tf2 can live without weelky updates while fortnite cant?

Because there isnt a one size fits all meta that everyone will discover and everyone will start using untill they get bored and quit because they have only used pyro with phlog and did not experience the other parts of the game.

Tho tf2 did eventually die (sadly) due to the lack of updates , but it surived more than a game like apex legends or fortnut


How many of you played (not even taking about buying) any recent RTS?
Ancestors Legacy?
Or do you still play only games released 5 years ago minimum?

Why they do not just stick to Anno or Settlers?

cause they don't have strategy in their genre name and they want to feel like big smart generals, also usually their army building tools are rather limited

Lack of cathartic destruction.

imagine not knowing the competitive TF2 meta l m a o

they literally had to restrict classes

> I'm actually not very good at RTSes, so MP isn't an option. I need a good singleplayer campaign to get me interested. Even then, though, I'm not sure I'd play it.
How is that a problem? Supposing there's a matchmaking system, you'll just get matched up against your peers in wet toilet paper league and you'll win roughly half of your games.

I strongly agree with your other point however. A lot of contemporary RTS have been developed MP-first while I think the way to go about it making people interested in MP is to make a compelling game with strong campaign that gets people invested in the now more familiar game. Hell, I would argue the typical "MP-first" approach might be detrimental even for the MP-experience: for example, if you are obsessed over competitive balance, you have a much smaller design space to work with that takes out anything cool and unique and leaves the game feeling sterile. Multiplayer wasn't a total non-consideration for the original StarCraft of course, but just compare the potency of its spellcasters to e-sports-oriented balance of SC2 for example.

And now compare the size of competitive playerbase to total number of sales. Supermajority of players aren't interested in competitive MP, never mind tournament play. E-sports obviously could not have been born of a game that had no interest whatsoever, but you only need the minority of "true" RTS fans for that - the people playing RTS for other reasons neither helped or hindered its birth. Indeed, while this doesn't explain why the genre begun to decline in the first place, at this point e-sports are a reason NOT to get into RTS given that other genres offer more lucrative opportunities for achieving a livelihood, or simply a more competitive arena for testing your skills even if you don't have aspirations of going pro.

The level system is completely broken, though.
New races are great.
I thought I was going to be a plague lord but ended up using ants.

Hard to make, takes skill to play. The core audience reasonably should still be there, it's just that now that normalfags play vidya you can get way more profit off of easier things. If I were making an RTS right now, I would try to capture the core fun gameplay while also making it even more easy to play than a moba.

There is nothing broken about the leveling system. Of course some heroes are broken, and so are some races. WB2 wasn't balanced at all as well. I agree that shit like undead paladins is silly and there are some changes with skills I don't like, for example tying the morale bonus to a specific skill instead of a single overall bonus for several races. But it's worth the amount of options you got. It can even help you cover some of the disadvantages some of the weaker races have.

Millions still play AoE alone

RTS was always niche.
It's just now that every boywhore and their mother plays videogames, RTS seems very small in comparison.
>but why are fewer RTS's being released then?
Because there's more money to be gained elsewhere.

RTS holds a special place in many a' user's heart because they remember playing RTS in their youth, most likely on an incredible casual level. But were they to visit it now they'd most likely hate it, as they try to play it competitively rather than casually.

My problem is that, increasing skills limitlessly, can give you some broken stuff.

devs focused too much on making it balanced and e-sports viable

WC3 destroyed RTS with the notion of hero's and the creation of mobas. Smooth brained babies could never handle micro or more than a few units. The last true RTS was before every kid had a 3 second attention span thanks to cell phones. Gamer's today are literally too retarded as a group to handle them anymore.

i don't see how you can fault developers for wanting to have a competitive scene for their game, in my opinion it gives the game staying power
the issue arises when the competitive scene is forced and the game doesn't lend itself to that kind of play

Based strawmanposter.

Do you have research papers on this matter?

The issue arises when it's poorly balanced, and it turns out a lot of developers can't into balance.

Another thing is also that whenever a meta does evolve the developer swoops in to try and change it.

>hates heroes
>loves micro

I guess you'd fucking hate Kohan then

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2 1 5 0

Zoomers will never know

>it gives the game staying power
literally only happened with Starcraft

Kohan deserves more love.

only rts that matters desu

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I've only played 2160. Loved it for how different each faction was, to the point that I'd just launch empty skirmish and go through their building and development phases to admire the mechanical differences. Also the unit customization was great. Although, I've heard it was considered inferior to the previous games.

>Everybody tried to make another starcraft with focus on MP
Who are these ''everybody'' exactly? I would like to play some starcraft clones.

because dota and lol killed it

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Because RTS developers focused on PvP APM simulators instead of improved storytelling.

While the entire industry kept moving forward with immaculate performances, stories and characters, infusing even mundane stuff with RPG elements such as dialog choices to give life to their stories, RTS developers kept at it with retarded dialog boxes, portrait cameras, static shots and choppy low quality cutscenes barely even using their in-game assets to their full potential. Just as long as the multiplayer appeals to gooks and Cuckcrafts, they thought, the reason players loved the genre to begin with can go on the backburner.

Cuckcraft made a valiant attempt to elevate storytelling and presentation to the next level, but literally everything comprising it was derivative, uninspired fanfic-tier garbage.
Some have tried, but in the process forgot what makes RTSs what they are, like World In Conflict being top tier but having no base building, for example.

This. Also there is no talent left to make them.


Have to agree with this on a level, this applies to the MMORPG genre aswell, if you look back you'll notice that there was a big variety of MMORPGs back in the early 00s but nowadays it mostly boils down to ffxiv,WoW and a few smaller ones like guild wars 2 and BDO.

The reason for this is that as this user said it's one of those genres who's novelty wore off and when people started getting good at games they turned out to be terribly balanced and unfun on a competitive level.

because a few old rts games are better than anything that came after them, and eventually devs got tired of trying competing with those games that had come out years before in an era of shortening attention spans

Actually this. One of the few good things about Wing of Liberty is that it had "campaign stuff" and "tryhard stuff" which were separated.

>Who are these ''everybody'' exactly?
Look at Dawn of War. Many factions look like exact clones of the Star Craft factions.
Terrans = Imperial Army
Zerg = Tyranids
Protoss = Eldar

>Look at Dawn of War. Many factions look like exact clones of the Star Craft factions.
should we tell him lads?

>I've only played 2160.
60 is not bad but it's like drinking stale, lukewarm Fanta packed full of sugars that fuck up your taste receptors and endocrine system and other cancer versus fresh slightly chilled orange juice after a good day of hard work.


DoW is based on Warhammer 40k, which came before Starcraft, brainlet. The gameplay is also very different (and worse) than Starcraft.

World in Conflict's campaign was goddamn braindead and handholdy. It's next to impossible to fuck up. Fuck that trash.

>But were they to visit it now they'd most likely hate it
Not exactly true. I sometimes try old RTS I did not had time for or idea it existed.
Act of War really surprised me how fun campaign it had, especially the expansion.

>Look at Dawn of War. Many factions look like exact clones of the Star Craft factions.
>Terrans = Imperial Army
>Zerg = Tyranids
>Protoss = Eldar
user, the reason for that is because Starcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer 40k game before Blizzard lost the licence.
And the fun part of your post is that, from a gameplay standpoint, did DoW add some new ideas to the genre.

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It removed most of the base building and resource collecting aspect, resulting in a very dumbed down game in comparison to real RTSs.

I still play different RTS games with my friends. There are still communities out there who play actively, but people would rather complain than put an effort into finding games.

>(and worse)
Well, I guess you're the authority on brainlets as you are yourself one.

I put the focus on aggressive map control as well as customizing squads. gaining resources passively while holding territory is not something a lot of rts did.
>real RTS
Jesus user, it is a real rts and doesn't stop being one just because you can't turtle.

I'm talking about story presentation, not gameplay, speedreader kun.

Trends in games changed. With better technology, "immersive" first/third person action games became the dominant genre because our brains like to see an action have direct satisfying feedback, like shooting a gun and seeing a head explode. The fact that you are so detached from the action in an RTS reduced their fanbase to people who enjoy a very specific brand of problem-solving. And those people huddled up around just a small handful of games because they have a relatively high skill ceiling and so you have to invest hundreds or thousands of hours into one game if you want to be able to compete. That discourages experimentation in the genre. Meanwhile, the masses got a lot more to choose from.

It's not a bad game but it is a dumbed down RTS. That's a fact.

It split off into several more focused genres. People who liked RTSes for building bases got their city-builders, people who liked the combat aspects got RTT, grand strategy, etc, etc.

And then it turned out that nobody actually liked RTS as a whole.

>Homeworld is dead adter the remake and that pointless top down game
>But the IP is owned by Gearbox

Maybe for the best then. Wouldn't want them desecrating it any further.

Zoomers cant grasp mid level and above RTS play. Thus it has no audience.

They can barely micro 1 thing in mobas.

Having your resources generated by contested control points instead of farmed by workers made the game very aggressive and anti-turtle. It wasn't dumbed down at all.

I still can't grasp how manual hiring of laborers and sending them for resource collection was considered Holy Dogma of Strategy.
It was CoH that finally cured me from Mind of Turtle and shown me how fighting over map control can be fun.
Now I avoid 4vs4 turtlefests from more conservative RTS and actually try to gid gud in 1vs1.

It’s literally fucking the same bullshit over and over

>dumbed down RTS

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Dawn of War is casual shit.

>made the game very aggressive and anti-turtle
That's fine but it's basically restricting the game to one way of playing and it removes some of the variables for the players to consider. There's less to think about.

In RTSs in general there's nothing wrong with turtling, rushing, or any other kind of strategy. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.

>top down game

You keep using those words, they don't mean what you think they mean however.


Because only the games that follow the same format got popular, and that became stale. Any RTS that tried to innovate the genre was overlooked by most RTS players.

They had to restrict classes and items because the alternatives were all less fun both to play and to watch. Stalemates aren't fun, even if they are balanced.

Comp fags and Asians

RTS needs to go back to focusing on fun over fucktards

t. trushed by mongols/koreans

because then but not now which case is the millenial zodiac coming to come to me and then we shall mno no shall not enter me but what cases does the jury not then but after enter entropy into another mile dog full good food service 你好 fine then

hello我的朋?wat day art but thou in which case>?

Ok, I see what you mean. It's true that DoW isn't nearly as deep as many other RTSs. But its fast-paced and dynamic gameplay is super fun IMO. It excels at the niche that aims at.

Anyone want to play AoE2 HD? Or even AoE3 I'm down for hosting a ranked game in either

RTS is a genre that peaked very early, there weren't much to innovate afterwards, so it stagnated. Being restricted to PC-only made it financially inviable, as PCniggers are all pirating scum. Finally, the MOBA genre supplanted it.

The base->worker->resource->start loop is pointless fluff. Might as well add QTEs in middle of game play if you want to make it "deep" this way.

I miss Battle Realms, bros

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It's not pointless. Managing workers adds another layer of strategy and they become a resource on their own. AoE2 for example wouldn't be the same if you couldn't attack the villagers of your enemy. Raids would not be a strategy as well as defensive measures.

MMORPGs never had a chance to show off their novelty. The only MMORPGs we got were glorified chat rooms with f-tier singleplayer RPG gameplay while we waiting for an instanced dungeon group to get set up.
The only game I can think of that actually used the MMO part right was Planetside, and that was still pretty damn barebones.

Tekken is getting increasingly popular though.

I still play BW almost every day. Accumulated like 1600hrs since remaster came out.

Literally no other game requires such intense focus for extended periods of time. Feeling in the flow, when you are completely focused on the game is very satisfying, no other game gives it to me.
And feeling that you are improving is also very satisfying. Meeting a guy who used to demolish you half a year ago and absolutely wrecking him 3 times in a row until he starts dodging the matches, there are very few thingz in vidya thatmake you feel as good.

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I'd play a real time battle royale strategy game

People kept focusing on esports and refusing to actually make interesting worlds, styles and mechanics. Seriously, look at all the recent RTS games that came out.

>Empires Apart is almost a 1 on 1 aoe 2 clone. Shit art style and only slightly adds a few new mechanics.
>8 bit armies is a 1 on 1 clone of CC and adds nothing new or original. Doesn't even have a proper story mode.
>War Party is SC click fest with shitty cave man theme. Story is alright but still adds nothing in terms of game play or style.
>Planetary Annihilation had everything going for it and then the devs threw it all out to make it a competitive gook clicker and only added new shit cause their backers tried to sue then.
>HW2 is literally,dumbed down for console players.

RTS games,of the past had,interesting worlds, mechanics and looked good. The only RTS game that I can think of that hits all those check marks is they are billions and unsurprisingly that game is super popular and is making them billions.

Skill and IQ of average games consumer dropping as gaming gets more popular results in skill based genres like rts and fighting games dying. All other answers are not on point.

Its called FFA. It has been there long before the first battle royale game entered anyone's thoughts.

>tfw just love some casual fun win Company of heroes and WH40K dark crusade
the problem with RTS is that all the good ones are already made and you cant surpass them

AoE2 Regicide diplomacy games

These are so fucking shit because half the time the teams are already decided before the game even start since everyone joins with their friend
It sucks because the few times I actually played one that wasn't rigged it was super fun

I dunno, Generals was pretty competitive but still very fun.


>tfw baiting with my king for cheap kills
It was never worth the risk but damn was it fun. Developers made the right decision making him so fast

stop the 1v1 fair game and make it all unfair but with objectives to achieve. right now playing supreme commander and this is the way for rts to go. if you lose your shit over it its because you are used to playing sc2 and other that type of rts

2160 had some very cool features like unique base construction, mining, ammo supplying for all factions but mostly just removed or casualized previous key features and felt super slow and janky to play. Infantry is really pointless. Campaign fully regressed to the typical linear format where every mission must be won, and went "we want the WC3 audience" mode except not as well done. Story went full retard, extremely spotty continuity (how the fuck did ED casually terraform and colonize Titan), previous characters nowhere to be found or mentioned, lost souls cameo so insulting they should have been forgotten. Multiple factions of pirates and other rogues even though it's only been 10 (?) years and the ships were intentionally NOT packed full of unloyal shitheads. Virtual agents all feel like OCs, in fact the game itself feel like German fanfiction. Fang and Neo would have been perfect as agents but of course they are nowhere to be found. Story is basically just about aliens and ends with a stupid cliffhanger.

I mean, 2150 is considered the peak of the series, and 2140 can be checked out too if you want. But 2160 really pissed away all the potential that had been built, though I liked playing it for a while

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But for some reason after 2010 you ate the corporate coolaid and amongst your terminal depression were desperate for self value so latched onto this esports skill dickwaving contest and broke each of these genres down into meta and science and then allso killed any reason you originally played them.

Arenas and rts will come back when they have good grounds for a modding, turtling, storytelling and no stats no KDR autism fire and forget match culture where you can hone or fuck around to your hearts content with no lasting consequence.

fuck vidya

Sadly esports bullshit has taken over everything. Even fucking fortnite is serious business to people.
We will never, EVER get asymmetrical games with objectives other than "kill enemy".

As far as RTS games go, Zero-K and other spring engine games can technically support up to 32 players, although 16 is the usual "standard" limit.
Really too bad the community is too dead these days. 16-way ffa is great fun, even if it devolves into like 5-way within first 10-20 minutes

2160 also had amazing from where you had to call the publisher's phone number to activate your game

Steel Division 2 is pretty good by the way.
>in b4 not RTS

Christ that was retarded... a major reason why I didn't bother to play it for a while

amazing DRM*

The competititve scene and the casual/custom game scene should synergize eachother. A la warcraft 3 and brood war. In sc2, they dropped the ball with custom games, but the esports scene atm is improving (thanks to foreigners).

This is what we call "market pollution".

When you share an economic space with people you are affected by their preference. A classic example, if I'm a vegitarian and I live in a meat-eating society, it will be more expensive and more difficult for my lifestyle.

In videogames, we're seeing the expansion of markets to include a great class of retards and normalfags, which creates a demand for dumbed down games. And recently with the inclusion of the Chinese market, there is a huge demand for shitty mobile games that nobody in the West wants. We are suffering from market pollution.

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I just want to turtle and build comfy bases, and all RTS eventually devolve into gookclick.

love that game nephews and I would quote stuff from this game

Any games that allow for this other than They Are Billions? Stronghold 1 and 2 are great for it but I need more.

>tfw ladder anxiety
kill me

Age of Empires online was pretty good for turtling before it went tits up, fortunately you can still play it as 'project celeste'

Have you tried not being gay?

>tfw i dont have small anime girls to do this work for me irl

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>restricting the game to one way of playing
And that's how I know you're a casual shitter. There's no one way to play in any DoW and CoH game.

What's HW2?

I could never understand this in BW. You got no teammates to shit on you for dragging the team down. Theres only one other person who may judge you and he is probably to focused on himself to do that.
The only time you get verbally assaulted is when some scrub you just rekt starts calling you a noob, but those screams only make your win the more satisfying.

Dont get me wrong, i get wrecked plenty, and often i get very mad, but i realise i got no one to be mad at other than myself. It only fuels my desire to improve.
Winning bring satisfaction, but losing is what makes you improve

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Every time I ask this, I get literally zero replies. Prove that you have at least played some games instead of just shitposting about them. WHAT IS THE BEST RTS TO GET INTO THE GENRE TODAY?

Problem with this is you're going to be stuck on low difficulties and spend an hour or two more on each game than necessary. And no, I'm firmly against APM autism. But pure turtling is more or less tower defence.



This and also unironically, too.

surely you jest, capitalism is absolutely flawless and the market surely knows best

how do i git gud enough to have fun with the game? the only time it's been fun to me was a 15vs15 match on the small 1v1 map icy run. i just built a tactical missile launch platform in the center and EMP'd the enemy turtle shields until our team won. i didn't get a chance to use the missile launcher in any other match i've played.

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it's free too

>Prove that you have at least played some games instead of just shitposting about them.
>t-they only pretend to play X game because something they say disagrees with my opinions
I wonder why never replies.

Submarine titans have metric fuck ton of buildings, especially, aliens. Turrets, AoE like nuclear missiles, buildings which counter AoE, etc.

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Actually StarCraft 2,
Easy to get, easy to get into, and has most RTS stereotypes still holding strong, while offering a bit of challenge if you wish to climb the ladder

>normals start realizing PC is better than console
>flood the userbase with the same human garbage that lap up AAA trash from the anus of people like EA and Activison
>no more RTS games

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Explain me this why age of empires 2 is not considered the rts killer?

Were you trying to prove some kind of point here or just pretending to be retarded?

Devs were trying to pull off way too much for what they could do, a remake of this game with better implementation of counter-intelligence, tech stealing and projectile based combat would have been something that would do it
proper justice.

It's not so much the opponent bm'ing. It's mostly low self esteem issues and if i lose, it reinforces the idea that I'm a worthless piece of shit. I did play ladder a bit in sc2, even got to plat. After a while it dissipates when i remind myself that playing the game is not about winning/losing but learning. But when you haven't played for a while it gets hard to play again because of the anxiety.

so much D E A T H

You got it all wrong man. I know almost literally nothing about them but I want to try some out.

The reason why RTS went into decline was because the opposite happened.
Why pursue small community of opinionated intelligentsia when you can go after subhumans and potential marketing experts?

Skill ceiling is too high in RTS which is why casuals flock to LoL/DotA.

Based. I literally hate this. Games like WBC are pure gold and fuck balance.
Competetive Multiplayer killed all the fun and variation in RTS.

it's obv he claimed that normalfags pushed the rts genre away when they arrived on the pc market with their trash preferences. What do you not understand?

>t. AAA garbage player

I miss the western Brood War UMS scene

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Is it me or did the games seem to move faster in 2? I feel like all the towers in 3 are way too tanky.

As in competitive 1v1 rts? SC2 - its free and has plenty of players on all levels.

If you wanna dick around against AI, then literally any good classic rts: stronghold, homeworld, age of empires, starcraft 1 and 2, warcraft 3, rise of nations, dawn of war (1), age of mythology, etc.

Then have the unsolicited suggestion to change your attitude a bit.
However, since you're honest and willing to learn: Supreme Commander. No reason to start with good but not up there in the best of the best.
Go through a campaign, preferably through all of them. Look at how long it takes you to win at the end of a mission and think what you could have done better. Write down notes if need be.
After you're done with campaign go for skirmish and try to apply what you've learned and try to apply the fixes you've made notes about.

t. brainlets who do not want to admit they are shitters

Skill ceiling can be too high and there is an overfocus on 1v1 games, this keeps the type of people who would keep the servers full away from the games

If RTS's are so hard to make, why did devs move away from macro?

Like holy shit I haven't seen a good macro RTS in years

most popular game engines dont support it and its more complicated to make an RTS because you have to make a harder AI, balance, tech tree rpg stats for unit, buildings,animations for every unit. can just make an FPS or a top down game where you only animate one character and can make basic AI

PC was never just RTS, it died because only a handful of people were playing them, not because more people arrived that DIDN'T play them
You can't just force people to play a genre like RTS so easily, it's not BR game where literal children can comprehend it

This so much. Why waste time on a bunch of people who can tell you succinctly and eloquently enough how your game is lacking when you can instead have hordes sucking your cock and praising your farts.

cossacks 3
although it's kinda cheating since it's pretty much a remake

meanwhile turn based games are not ashamed of focusing on single player experiences too and they are still alive and thriving

>Claims to be high IQ
>Hates LGBTQ+ polcuck

Starcraft 2 has melee 1v1 ladder, custom games, and coop mode which is fun.
warcraft 3 is also quite accessible and still has an active player base for melee and custom games, but i'd wait for reforged/remastered (in december?). Plus the campaign is god-tier, a must-have just for that.
The original starcraft is also free afaik. But the remastered version is also worth it.

They're all good games and worth it for custom, ladder, and single player campaigns.


Because dota took off

>tfw there will never be Warcraft 4

>Why waste time on a bunch of people who can tell you succinctly and eloquently enough how your game is lacking
Is it really that? Or is it a bunch of autistic losers who only play multiplayer, can't stand the slightest bit of straying from the standardized Blizzard or Westwood format, and throw shit fits every time they consider numerical values to lack balance?

It is, but it happens to be in its most dumbed down form yet, known as auto chess

Attached: 1442153114885.gif (245x245, 960K)

I remember playing the Stronghold games as a kid, those were pretty comfy.
The castle/city building aspects of the game, combined with having to defend against enemies was what made those games really fun.
I'd really like it if rts games focused more on the base building aspect of the genre, along with managing your nation.
Basically I want it to be more like the Civilization games, but with rts gameplay.

Hating LGBT is generally high IQ if the hatred is for the right reasons.

>Or is it a bunch of autistic losers who only play multiplayer
Considering that I've pretty much entirely dropped out of any semblance of MP about 15 years ago? Yes, it is really that.

Sure it wasn't the most popular back in the day, but it wasn't niche either. The rts market provided a lot more games back in the day if my memory serves. Like warcraft, starcraft, aoe, rise of nations, command and conquer, etc. What RTS games do we have now? I think it's fair to say that marketing execs see no reason to invest in rts when mobas, br, and shooters are selling way better, disproportionately so.

t. low IQ thinking he's high IQ

Have you tried Anno games?
>tfw there will never be another Wacraft RTS game with this aesthetic
>instead the people who can do it are stuck working on a dead dota-like
>there is a chance they are just hanging in there, waiting for the storm to die down, get rid of Activision, and take over the company to make good games again

Attached: 741329.jpg (1402x789, 161K)

Actual high iq people are leftist because they don't fall for right-wing boogeyman dogmatic nonsense, so go back to pol you worthless faggot.

I like playing on lower levels and building comfy cities in AOE2. :3

I was interested in learning AoE2 HD, but I wouldn't be a challenge or anything else for you.

3v3 - 5v5 are the sizes where your individual skill still has big impact on the outcome, but you have teammates to support you and yell at you for fucking up. These games are the best for improving at the game, but good luck finding one. Youre prolly gonna have to make the room yourself and then wait for ages to get enough people to join.

Obviously, that's what I meant, it's not just the PC market it's the gaming market as a whole becoming more open. You can't really avoid that.
Same reason there aren't that many point and click fans left to propagate a market for those, or Sims games

This is an underrated trollpost.
but i want to see how this pans out.

Akshually, the real high iq people are those who don't fall for dogmatic nonsense in general, including right wing or left wing.

>get rid of Activision
That's not how it works, Bobby KoTick will suck Blizzard and their IPs dry.

Or Activision get rids of them, and from the ashes, a new Blizzard will be born. Which might take like 10 years but still

What I loved the most about UT2004 was joining a server and playing for several hours on custom maps Ive never seen before.

No, what are they like?

thankfully both are dying right now, people finaly are getting tired of assfaggots genre i wonder what will be next.

>tfw an horde of liches obliterates the enemy
top tier climax material
Anyway, there's this big mod for WB3 called The Protectors. Crashes on my pc.
Has anyone played it? Any opinions?

Separate question - how the fuck do you play Fey in vanilla?

people moved on to Autochess which is lower even than Hearthstone

people only liked it for the casual single player and occasionally LAN moments, with Internet and everything being "competitive and e-sport" every RTS would just be solved within minutes and everyone would just do the same build order and strategy just like Starcraft.

I feel like I'll regret this, but what's an Autochess?

RTS are games that require more attention to your situation than other games.
Instead of having to pay attention to your only character and all the dangers around you.
You have to pay attention to all your troups from different parts of the map, and your economy.

so if you stop moving or take a slight break from all that information, then you are dead.

Attached: n8r2MZs.gif (480x270, 2.12M)

autochess is just a fad and will be dead in 2months, theres not enough depth and skill expression for people to enjoy this game for longer than few weeks

Halo wars 2

>nevet heard of autochess in my entire life
>one day suddenly see at least seven posts on /v mentioning it
Is this one fag doing it or is it spreading?

Gook clickers stripped out strategy and replaced them with memes.

Strategy fags moved onto 4x games where they're dynamic enough to make them interesting and fun while gook clickers moved onto mobas

>Bungie will never get back to this

Should I get the stronghold collection on steam? I really enjoyed those games as a kid, but I don't know if I'll still enjoy them.

Kinda like what you want. The main focus is on managing your city and the availability of resources to the populace which you do by creating increasingly complex production and logistics chains, but there's also a bit of classical RTS concept on the sea where you have to defend against pirates and whoever you made your enemy. I'd say give it a go. Recent 1800 is really good and probably a perfect spot for new players to join, if you want to start with something more basic and older go with 1701, or if you prefer sci-fi aesthetics play 2070.

I don't see how autochess could possibly last as long as assfaggots did. The game is too luck based. Players like to have more agency.

theres chance Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition will bring rts back, even now game regularly hits 10k players on steam despite being buggy and outdated mess

what the fuck is that game?

Attached: racergamegfx.png (275x272, 7K)

You can just google Autochess to give you an idea.
It's a Dota2 mod and as much as it makes me happy to see RTS mods creating new genres again, this one is too RNG heavy

To sum it up
>rounds where you buy a unit
>put units on board
>each round they automatically fight another team (this happens individually per player's board)
>each unit has at least 2 "factions" (like Undead + Hunter, Beast + Warrior etc.)
>each faction combo have different tiers which grant passives
>combine the right faction combos relying on what you are given by RNG, and counter other players to win

RNG can be a good thing if it ads dynamics to the game, auto chess isn't really anything new, its majhong in vidya form.

It's mostly like card games. You place the units from the deck on the board and give them equipment for the available resource pool. Then they fight the opposing player's units, with the outcome relying entirely on the numerical strengths of the armies, similar to the combat in 4X games, like MOO.

Autochads are eternal.
We'll have a million dollar tournament before you know it.

>You can just google Autochess to give you an idea.
>as a verb
I want to go back to ~2005.

>To sum it up
Thanks. Looks like primitive imitation of MtG or CCGs in general.

>Has anyone played it? Any opinions?
Played it for some short time. Not enough to give a full review. It crashed a bit for me as well. Some improvements and lots of content, but also some changes to heroes, classes and races that I didn't really like at first glance.
>Separate question - how the fuck do you play Fey in vanilla?
Key is surviving the early stage, because here your units will be weak. At late game you should be almost unstoppable, because here you shit out high-level units en mass that dish out a ton of all kinds of different attacks and a lot of your units will be flying too. One strategy to get there is to have a strong hero that helps you survive the early stages. Or you make an economic hero, ice mage or merchant, that can boost your crystal income passively. This one helps out a lot, since crystal is the resource you need the most to produce good units and upgrade your main building.
Anyway always get more dream towers or how the main building was called, produce lots of units that you can afford at the moment, also tech up, upgrade them and build those economic buildings. Merchant heroes can help trading resources. But overall fey are not easy to play, they only get really strong at the end.

SC2 coop games

>How come rts is not popular anymore?

It still is. It was always a niche genre but no gaming company wants to make one since it takes a ridiculous amount of balancing and testing and eventually makes less money than a MOBA or Battle Royale game.

RTS being niche has a loyal following. This is why Age of Empires, Starcraft Broodwar and Red Alert are still being sold and played today.

Most underrated RTS coming through

Thank fuck the guys at Project Magma kept working on this.
You can play Myth II on modern systems with ease and even play the entirety of the first Myth in the Myth II engine.

Even that is 3 years old.

>cult classic that put Molyneux' name on the map as one of the most innovative game designers

Well, at least their buildings are small enough to hide.

Literally nobody even knows this game anymore and the zoomers that dominate gaming never even heard of Molyneux

Thats not a Reforge leak, funny how fans easily makes it look so much better though.

Sure, though when there are so many layers of RNG it kind of starts sucking the fun out of it.
RNG of:
>what you get
>what others gets
>how quickly/slowly you can get tier 2 and 3 units
>how quickly/slowly others can get tier 2 and 3 units
>who your units decide to attack (both abilities and auto-attacks)
>what items you get
>% chance proc abilities and items (specifically Assassins)
>who you get put against

Of course it's super fun when the RNG is working for you, but when it fucks you, it fucks you raw and hard

I guess that's a good way to put it. Has a very addictive "just one more" aspect to it, too

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Neither Reforged nor that fake leak look good

No its the latest fad.

simple, it requires too much intellect
people would rather wonder around an open field and maybe kill 1-3 people after 20 minutes

That's why I literally posted a screenshot from HotS, since those are the models.

Tell that to poker players.

first post best post, assfaggots cancer killed the rts genre.

The whole mix of tribalism + american native aethetics is godlike, I wish we could get a sequel with assymetric balance between the four factions, because how the original dynamic in the campaign built up each of the tribes so differently.

Its still just a rehash of an old Wc3 map, maybe even SC.

user I need a source

Daaaamn that was the stuff it was my favourite game as a kid.

I see, never played HotS.

The one thing I thoroughly enjoy in Horizon: Zero Dawn, is the tribal design. Wish more games had this polynesian, fantasy tribal style

I want more Aztec lizards like in Warhammer fantasy, that shits awesome.

It's actually not. The AutoChess map was created in Dota 2 first. There wasn't even anything similar in WC3 or SC for some weird reason

Because you have to learn each new rts you play because of the deep mechanics. It's not like a shooter where the controls and gameplay are basically the same, or a fighting game where you just have to learn new combos. It's because of that effort people really just focus on a couple rts games and only play others for a few hours at most

Poker still has a lot more player influence than autochess.

Assymetric, haha like it’s highly sexy but your view is top down lol.

I think you want Isometric. I’m fairly sure but I could be wrong.

Thats not true, this is what its based on:

I'm shit at the game lmao, been playing games all of this morning and my ELO has plummeted

Asymmetric factions and not camera view.

you should learn it, it's fucking fun. although I'm shit at it also, my friends and I hop on for versus each other or the AI and it's a fucking blast every time. it's truly a masterpiece, think I have 660 hours or something like that and I still have so much fun with it.

play " they are billions" only decent rts in years because there is no multiplayer.

Most people don't do that to begin with.

Which one is best, Yea Forums? Planning to buy one in this sale.

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Capitalism is decided by the people, socialism/communism is decided by a head organ.

You cant afford both Homeworld and SupCom? Isnt that like $15 right now?

any time you have to balance pvp the game will turn to shit because you cant have fun OP things anymore

bought northgard on discount the other day
it was good i guess a tad slow
not my cup of tea tho

Pretty surprised there hasnt been any coop focused RTS game lately, comp stomps have always been popular and the coop mode in SC2 is too.

Oh you naive child. You have no idea how massively deep and diverse WC3 custom maps are. Pretty much anything you can think of has been tried there. Autochess immediately reminded me of Pokemon Defense, as the other user pointed out.

Has the dev confirmed this at some point?
Pokemon Defense felt more like a round based Castle Fight but without the buildings than anything, since there aren't any significant synergies between the units
Though I guess I can see it being the case with the auto battling arenas and income

RTS is a boomer genre and they don't play videogames as much anymore.

you underestimate how much RNG you can pull into your favor in auto chess. for instance you need to look at all the players and see what they are building and then make decision based on that.

Company of Heroes 1 patch 1.4 was the last best RTS ever made.

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As much as I want to agree with this, it only matters when there are 3-4 people left, as you can lock them out of upgrades then and counter their setup
At the start, you can only check to see who has want for a tiny bit of higher chance to get a setup going that can last you a few rounds, but even then considering that the unit pool is spread out across ALL of the players it's still highly likely you'll get screwed over


Attached: muh_remustard.png (1799x847, 104K)

Fuck riflemen and fuck paratroopers.

Different user asking about Anno. How does Anno 1404 compare? Steam doesn't have any other older ones it seems, and I want to partially feed my nostalgia.

Mate if you couldn't counter that..

anyone remember this crappy Warcraft 3 knockoff? my sister used to love it

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the difference between the left and right is that the right tends to simply embrace their dogmas while the left pretends their dogmas are rational conclusions that everyone would arrive at if they weren't evil or mentally defective.

The left has basically zero self-awareness and triggering cognitive dissonance is trivially easy. The right are just stubborn assholes.

Yeah, it's fine too. Mechanically it's almost the same as 2070 in renaissance aesthetics, but 2070 had much better implementation of the secondary map in form of the underwater bases.

>Play Steel Division 2
>Troops can't entrench
>Tank destroyers that relied on camouflage just park in the open because vehicles aren't allowed in forests
For a game trying to please historical autism they're pretty shit at it. Feels like a downgrade from Wargame, desu.

Attached: stugcamo.jpg (800x560, 140K)

I played a bit of it and then stopped at THAT mission. Apparently there was a really difficult mission in the first campaign.

Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, and Starcraft had no problem competing with consoles.

Starcraft released in 1998 which is right around the same time as games like Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, and Tekken 3.

that honestly looks kind of cool

Yeah, I liked it but prefer THIS knockoff

Attached: lot.jpg (720x405, 106K)

It's less about money and more about time. Want to focus on only one of them.

Then get Homeworld first and SupCom when youre finished with that. Do it now user.

I'll play it on the weekend for an hour maybe

RTS can't get big if they're not multiplayer, and the truth is that overwhelming majority of RTS consumers are casual players who like turtling against dumb AI.

>historical autism
>tanks with shitty 37mm guns can engage at 2km
>1000kg bombs dropped on tanks don't destroy them
>tanks surrender to two men with binoculars just because they're retreating
They are really all over the place with realism, in some cases they go for it even if it's shit for gameplay, for others they completely don't give a fuck

Will do, thanks!

they are billions would be perfect with a coop, but even then its a great rts game that should never have a pvp mode build in

>targeting enemy with Big Bertha after your 1st advanced radar tower was built
Gods, those were the days.

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It's just not the same anymore. Every time I see or make BB I instantly remember that four-barrelled monstrosity in Spring and it makes me sad TA doesn't have it.

>-barrelled monstrosity in Spring
you have a good video for it?

>the left pretends their dogmas are rational conclusions that everyone would arrive at if they weren't evil or mentally defective.
But that's true though. If you aren't actually fucked in the head, there's no real reason to be racist/sexist.

13% - 50%

>The right are just stubborn assholes.
Because they know they're right.

It's a shit genre when the most popular games are StarCraft and Age of Empires instead of Cossacks and Stronghold.

Because you don't play them anymore, or barely do.

>Poor people commit more crimes

So how about they stop being poor subhumans?

rich blacks (or, as I like to call them, NIGGERS) commit more crimes than poor Whites

you know what?
Dawn of War 2 has shown that this game could wor again.
the defense mode got realy popular and i think the reason for it was the loot collecting.

an RTS like WBC3 where you go around collecting units and loot would work realy well

Kind of hard when you're systemically oppressed for generations. It doesn't help when things like the Greenwood Massacre happen, either.

Rich blacks are generally poorer than rich whites.

I can't find anything of it anywhere. I guess it was axed. I'll look if I have the version with the thing somewhere on my HDD.

Why not cut out the unpopular part (rts) and just keep the popular part (loot)?

>literally have a legion of enablers online and activists irl
>all the social gibs
>free to say whatever you want because race-card
All this and they are still untermenschoid untermenschen.
Oh and pretty good bait, made me reply.

WC3 is super micro heavy you fucking tard.

He isn't wrong.
DoW series looks inferior to actual RTS

Attached: ForgedAlliance_2013-09-02_02-16-17-33.jpg (1000x562, 113K)

It never had to be with heroes, once you level them up a bit you can essentially dominate the game with them and it was WC3 modding that gave birth to DOTA due to the fact.

you have no clue what you're talking about, dumbass. go play simcity

I'm surprised underage like yourself even know what WC3 is let alone sim city. Keep being salty about a dead genre.

WC3 is THE game that shifted the focus in RTS from macro to micro.
you dumb fucking shit. you subhuman trash. you wh*toid

Why would anyone care to prove anything to you? No one gives a shit about you that's why you get no answers to your question.

on today's episode of Yea Forums yet another wigger monkey comes over from dying /pol/ to screech about things that never happened while he waits on more Q user post. Cope harder one unit wonder kiddies. Go play Dota and go back to your containment board.

Just shut the fuck up you pathetic loser.

dilate, cumskin

I prefer turn based tactics like in Xcom. 'Big' RTS just feels boring, but small scale real time like FTL or tactical real time like CC2: A Bridge Too Far are great

Any good RTS games on the Steam Sale?

You never played WC3 outside the campaign and mods if you think that fucking mouth breather.

user do you really think anyone is still working on HotS at this point?

Sorry bruh you lot have the responsibility for trannies and you're the one crying about brown people all the time. Nothing makes me happier than watching you freak out and chimp out over the most retarded conspiracies while you remind everyone that white trash is the default state of most of what's left.

Not an RTS in the classic sense but give the Total war games a shot. 3 chinkdom just came out and is pretty great. The Warhammer titles are also pretty good.


Battle Royale also killed FPS.


Attached: 1526258632350.jpg (556x356, 54K) just pretend SupCom 2 isnt there

I said good

Attached: smug.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

Empire at War has a 66% discount.

mmmmmm I'm not sure about that one though
csgo is still huge and the biggest BR hasn't been an fps in a while. Apex doesn't count as it lasted like a week.

RIP Respawn. You were the best.

They obviously are since there's skins and a new "event" happening.
They cut off the e-sports scene and the updates are slow, but they are going

>ppl keep forgetting one of the most underrated and comfiest RTS game ever
Rise of nations is 5 bux atm go buy it

Attached: 9af78f18b44cd3af983cdd7fe822bad614a4cafa.jpg (1920x1080, 775K)

>Supreme Commander
>not good

In one hand you have the MP autists who just want to forcefully gatekeep the community with their entitlement by posting retarded ego-posts and basically forcing the devs to make some of the most unfun changes.
On the other you have the SP autists who just want to play their RTS games as if they were Sim City-esque games, refusing to learn game mechanics whatsoever and shove into everyones mouth their entitlement.

Pick your poison.

RTS was the only alternative to FPS for online gaming at first, then after online RPG's came out it was the only alternative to competitive online gaming. Then came mobas.

God that was a good game
lotus always fascinated me

People who prefer the combat play mobas and people who prefer building play city sims.

If you like both you're niche as fuck desu

Apparently it was XTA, not Zero-K. Still no video or even a fucking pic. But it's a rapid-fire four-barrelled version of BB with absolutely ungodly resource drain. But it's fun.

>"good" is not as good as one of the absolute very best
Brainlet expert user, help me here, is this another one?

RTS is making a bit of a comeback. Look at all the remasters. Look at how popular AoE2 is.

MP fags, if you get lucky, competitive scene is community driven, there's more room for discussion and they'll shit themselves trying their best to make everything in the game function to a degree.
There's a community revival project out there right now, for now it's just mostly bug fixes, but hopefully we'll get more
They definitely had the most unique units, including everything in their tier 2.

No, that was Red Alert 2 or, arguably, the very first fucking Warcraft with it's per-unit abilities. Back in Dune 2 times the need for insane micro-management was recognized as the problem it is and Westwood fixed in in C&C. Blizzard didn't, even though they mitigated part of it by increasing their group size from 6 to 9.

Only if remustard allows playing the originals.

why are you whining in most modern strategy games multiplayer changes have no impact on single player campaign

Yeah you can.

Attached: hw.png (1280x599, 332K)

>go buy it
But user, nobody who worked on it will see a single cent.

MOBA is surpassed by RTS for a lot of things – skillfulness, diversity to depth, fantasy …

>give TAB coop and pvp
>add Factorio resource refining
>maps are spherical planets like PA
>make multiple asymmetric factions
Just fixed RTS, that was easy


They Are Billions

oh, yikes
big cringe. oof

Innovation stopped, everything settled into a cookie cutter formula that became boring after awhile. Starcraft only survived because of custom maps & esports. Warcraft 3 only survived because it innovated hero units into RTS. I am aware it wasn't the first RTS to include hero units, but it did it in a way that was seamless and fluid. Warcraft also survived because the custom maps were even better than Starcraft custom maps because of the updated engine and map tools.

and its fucking boring now

go back and stay go

>Because they invented a dumbed down casual version of RTS
Yes, Warcraft 3

That's when fantasy RTS died

>they were in it for historical RP aspects (PDX titles and similar)
Can confirm, I played AoE II because I wanted to be a medieval king, build a kingdom, and go on crusades and grand campaigns, now I just play CKII.
>they were in fact interested in strategy gaming but would have preferred turn-based or pausable real-time formats or any number of other reasons
Also this, RTS skill requirements are a mutt combination of strategy and reaction time, which doesn't allow you to be tested on or excel in pure strategy, ideally the point of a strategy game. Pausable real time is objectively the best strategy format.

I agree. Even though I suck ass competitively, I havent found more intense online game. I start to understand why Broodwar is the king of Esports

Dota 2 is and no amount of boomer seethe will change that.

Attached: esports.png (785x873, 635K)

literally start off by intentionally losing. it's just a number on the screen who gives a fuck, you're still just as good, but now you can carry on knowing that the number goes down and nothing happens

>Planetary Annihilation TITANS
is it bad that i actually like that game? i heard they fucked over their kickstarter backers and people who bought the non-titans version.

Good start of the thread
Warlords Battlecry, especially 2, will always have a place in my heart

Based. I'll remember this the next time some corporate bootlicker says "wahhh you don't have to play it it's not for you why do you care"

quoting winnings as a proof of anything and bragging about dota where valve basically runs pathetic kickstarter for tournament prize every year, retarded zoomer

It's actually good NOW, it even has new devs.

Anyone remember Warzone 2100?

>Base building
>Insane tech tree
>Design your own tanks/VTOLs

Look it up, the devs released it open source and a team of volunteers have kept it going, it's available for free.

Attached: 298fb8c9049d2527a9e559b59708d7b5.jpg (1914x756, 512K)

less seethe more cope ;)

neat. is it still dead?

Anyone remember Battlezone (1998)?

>Tankfps / RTS hybrid
>Full campaign

Attached: bz222.jpg (639x361, 38K)

Depends on your definition of dead:

>MOBAs emerge from custom RTS maps as a simplified version of their parent genre requiring less input and management
>Auto Chess emerges from custom MOBA maps as a simplified version of their parent genre requiring less input and management
How many more layers until people are playing online War (card game)

Attached: 20140120-IMG_0301.jpg (305x581, 152K)

its a starcraft knockoff you dipshit
also a realy good game but the campaign could be annoying.
Realy good AI too

If you were to compare total prize pools, I think it's reasonable to ignore developer-run tournaments: this way you're looking at the actual interest for tournaments within the game's community, not marketing budgets. However, even in that case Dota 2 scene would have a lot of money in it.

I would rather question the relevancy of winnings overall. There's a lot more that goes to gaining sponsorships than the quality of the game or anything else we'd care about when discussing which games qualify as great.

What is this weird myth. Blizzard has never had this license. The story goes that they tried to get the warhammer license before making warcraft but that was years before starcraft.

>was addicted to this game for a while in my teens
>looking back on it now it's pretty terrible
Man, I wish I wasn't as critical about games these days.

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You should totally play Parkan: Iron Strategy.

Theres actually a remaster on Steam:

mmmmm i reach down into her diaper and feel the warm piss. i pull her diaper down and lick her piss soaked cunt, moving back towards her shit stained ass and tonguing it with complete passion

Because you can't butcher it for gatchas, lootboxes and DLCs without fucking with the game.

Damn, I loved this as a kid. Thought it was long gone now. Hopefully it's on torrents

Play It Stares Back

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They require way too much skill to play. I liked C&C 3 a lot when it came out, and played a fair bit of MP with my older brother, which was only fun because we were both shit at the game. Recently I've stumbled across a youtube channel that casts competitive matches, and holy shit does it look completely antifun. You pretty muhc have to have 120 APM, keep track of 10 things at once, micro 3 different control groups and zip camera across the map so fast you can barely see shit happeing. If I can't even take my time seeing tanks shooting each other because I have to micro and move the camera all the time, what's the fucking point?

>pure strategy
absolute brainlet

What channel is this?

Reynolds is wasting his talents at Zynga

First one crashed on the first mission for me and the second one had broken ship trails

No idea if they are patched now, officially or unofficially

Why the hell is it so fucking hard

What game?
Also, anyone played Primitive wars?


Don't think there's been a good RTS in quite a while, imo.


wtf when did this happen, I apparently have the 'classic' version and I have to fucking pay for the new one?
Forgot link (it's in the pastebin since 4reddit thinks it's a spam), not sure if any of it work now, but you might get the game here. Otherwise I'm not sure if there is a torrent of it.

Attached: Primitive-Wars.jpg (384x531, 52K)

you were too much of a pussyboy to ever press the 1v1 button, right?

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Didn't Age of Empires 2 have a resurgence recently?

game was good but ran like total dogshit

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Planetary Annhilation: Titans, with friends.

PTSD (pause time strategy defense) is the new hotness.

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Its becoming more dumb down now that we are going towards a version were all you do is click on units and they appear in a chessboard and they do the fighting automatically

Zoomer here, what's the BEST and most accessible RTS that I should be playing right now

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Dota Underlords

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Tooth and Tail maybe?

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When she squatted down over my face and squeezed out a warm loaf into my mouth, I cannot describe the sense of pleasure I experienced. My eyes tightly closed, and as the loaf was half way into my mouth I became away that I prematurely ejaculated.

I grabbed her hips and thrust her shit that was still connected to her rectum deeper into my mouth, I couldn't wait for nature to take its naturally slow course.She moaned in pleasure as I ate her shithole out while the loaf squeezed and mouled around inside my cheeks, overflowing out the sides of my mouth.

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Talk me into playing Syrian warfare. Got it maybe a year ago but back then it kept crashing, now it's stable but played the tutorial about 10 times and had it crash back then that I really cant get into it anymore.

forced meme cock sucker

Dawn of War 1, Age of Empires 2, Command and conquer (any of them before Red Alert 3 and C&C4 are good), homeworld 1 & 2 are single player masterpieces but quite unforgiving.

>This is what we call "market pollution".

Source? who is we? Yea Forumstards?

That's called micromanaging you stupid cunt, and has little to do with actual strategy.

>classic version available for free

but where?

RTS has little to do with strategy.

Grand Strategy took over.

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>vehicles aren't allowed in forests
kg bombs dropped on tanks don't destroy them
>tanks surrender to two men with binoculars just because they're retreating

Sounds like shit desu.

>no open world
>no crafting
>too much micromanagment
>too "passive"
>too complicated
>too much base-building
>feels like work than leisure

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Maybe the shitty ones you've been playing.

Maybe. But those are the genre defining ones.

>the shitty ones are the genre defining ones
lmao no

I do. I keep planning to set away some week or so of playtime to finally get into it but so far something got in the way every time.

They are. When you say RTS the first games anyone will think of are Starcraft, Warcraft, AoE. Gook clickers with no strategy.

Remustards are never good, though. And v1.5.2.25 was once available for free (it was maintained by community or something), before whoever holds the rights to the IP now decided they want to sell it instead.

>When you say RTS the first games anyone will think of
That's because people are retarded and don't understand anything. Good thing people don't base what language means on what troglodytes will think when you speak it to them.

Because game shouldn't be chore or another work shift. I have enough thinking in my job why should I want a game where I must think hard? It's no relax. It's literally work.

Seethe all you want, but those are the most imitated, most influential RTS games.
They define the genre. RTS means gookclick. And you need to have sex.

imagine being this retarded

You need to stop hanging with with that particular strain of anyone, they have fairly poor taste.

yeah I should've said
>anyone but contrarian autists who need to have sex

>400 apm for thirty minutes straight
>No strategy

Based retard user. I know you're mad every map can't be bgh nr20 while you tech to carriers cause that's the only strategy you understand, but if you tried a little harder you'd understand what's actually going on.

t. Kim Wong

Were they ever popular, excluding Starcraft and Warcraft?

.t silver in lol because you can't handle deciding to tech to high templar or 2gate oracle

Resource management and responsible spending is too hard for the zoomer generation

Underrated post. People liked a specific aspect of RTS games, and those aspects have been made into their own games.

It still is, its only that retards like you that don't play RTS, but only whine that its 'dead'

>Half a dozen weapons on your tank.
>They all use the same ammo pool.

confirmed low iq

at least I can look in the mirror without seeing this

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I think the main problem is that you have to be pretty good until there's any decent room for making novel strategic decisions.

Consider Chess (I'm using it as an example to demonstrate this is a rather universal problem that's not even limited to RTS genre, as opposed to being a problem specific to "gookclick" style RTS or whatever): while I think it's reasonable to conclude it's a primarily tactical game, Chess unquestionably has a major strategic component. The thing is, while even a relative novice like me can understand strategic concepts like having a dark square bishop to control the promotion square of my passed pawn or whatever, I'm not experienced enough to reliably and unconsciously see at a glance all the possible tactics. Being a stupid meatbag, I can evaluate only 5 or so moves a second, and any thought I might give to strategy is away from noticing a hanging piece or worse, a mate-in-one. In other words, trying to play strategically instead of just looking for tactics is a Bad Idea. Never mind that it's away from thought-resources that could be better spent in looking for tactics, strategy by definition is about long-term planning, and that means very little when most of the moves objectively throw away an even greater advantage

my microwave, TV, PC, phone charger, electric stove, and indoor lights, all use the same "ammo pool", what about it?

RTS games tend to be even worse. Whereas in complete information games you can at least look at the board and try to evaluate the position strategically to the best of your ability, in a typical RTS game you may well need to be very experienced to even have a clue about the state of the game! A professional player may narrow down the list of possible enemy builds based on even tiniest scraps of information like scout timings so they have something to base their strategic decisions on, but this doesn't apply to large majority of players (even if you were told a scout at 2 minute mark means x, that almost certainly wouldn't apply to your fellow wood league opponent) and when you don't correctly understand your position, any decisions you might do are effectively random. Garbage in, garbage out. Hell, even if you DID manage to get a complete scout, should you act on that knowledge? Just like novices should ignore strategy in Chess, you probably should do it here as well. You aren't good enough to come up with an effective way to adjust your build to deploy a counter on the fly so, barring some special cases like building detection against Dark Templars in StarCraft, getting a sharp timing from blindly following a build order spoonfed to you may even be your best idea (efficiently deployed soft counter > getting supply blocked when trying to deploy a hard counter). And of course, they too suffer from the importance of tactics eating away from strategy, and then there's the mechanical component on top of that (although in this case budgeting your APM actually might be a novel strategic decision, perhaps the only one that you should have made during the match... still, I'd rather deal with something more tangible).

TLDR: RTS games played at sufficiently high level may or may not offer meaningful strategic depth and room for novel decisions (depends on game). However, almost everyone would be handicapping themselves by trying to play strategically.

e-sport fags ruin everything

Reforged will make RTS popular again.

>zoom zoom no read manual

yeah and hardly any conservatives are racist in any meaningful way. This is a perfect example really because the left has this ridiculous notion about racism that ultimately boils down to not SEEMING racist. You can't commit any social faux pas that might make someone think you are secretly racist. And as demonstrates, sending leftists into a spiral of denial and cognitive dissonance is trivial, and they start shouting "poverty" and pulling various other convenient excuses out of their ass.

So to get back the point: The leftist dogma is that racism is the cause of all (or at least most) problems and that actively combating racism is the highest moral obligation. The reality is that, especially in 2019, racism is usually not the biggest problem to solve. It's often not even a problem at all and in fact trying to solve it usually just creates more and worse problems that anyone who was ACTUALLY rational would be able to recognize.

>decade+ ago
>HOLY SHIT this unit
>lets try economic campaign where you have bild from scratch to empire, takes about week irl time
>whats the meta
>is reddit of the game active enough to generate enough memes/banter
>why twitch only has 3 views, meh

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Literally what game took a week to play one campaign

You misspelled AoE IV.

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Some of the most delusional Riotrannies are openly hostile if you say TFT has no depth. It has at least the legs of Overwatch.

It just rustles my jimmies when the retards here try and knock starcraft for requiring a high apm. Almost all games can be mapped to challenge-apm on a 1-1 basis. Mechanically complex games always have a high apm, it isn't unique to starcraft. Tekken and other fighters have apm requirements in the hundreds as well.
Playing a game quickly doesn't mean it's memorized gookclick nonsense. The amount of mechanical execution and decision making required in a game like brood war is why flash won 50k for a quarterly tournament in asl 4. It has more strategical and tactical depth of basically any game since it has a fucking twenty year deep meta to draw on.

>strategy is bad for RTS, you shouldn't be trying to be strategic, go... guys, APM is good, embrace the slantcock, don't think, just click, shhhh

What even is your point? Apm is bad?

APM is excellent in Quake. Or maybe fighting games.

C&C3 was absolute kino.

And so since having to press more than six buttons a minute is bad, what would you do to fix, say, starcraft, to support six apm?

You mean Tiberian Sun

>get planetary annihilation because it reminds me of TA
>don't enjoy the globe map gimmick


Are you a Sith, by chance? You seem to only be able to think in absolutes. Should've gone for 1/infinity APM, really. More dramatic effect this way.

simply allowing autocast on unit production cuts the gookclick in half

>unironically trying to continue a discussion with someone who completely disregards "playing strategically is normally bad for RTS" and grasps at the APM straw as a deflection attempt

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>friend wanted to play it with me so I bought it
>he starts with his worst race and I win sometimes, but rarely
>after a while he goes back to his main race
>never win a game again, stop wanting to play after 20+ losses in a row as it just made me frustrated

I didn't get the online to work properly so I didn't have a ladder to practice on. The games that were close were really fun but I think it's hard to just pick up a 1v1 game with a friend because of the skill difference. We went back to SC2 coop.

just bumping the thread sweetie

Autocasting unit production is a noob trap for Terran and a bad idea for the other two. Making shit as Zerg is 5 apm regardless, shift f5, b, z. Highlights all your hotkeyed hatcheries, build menu, unit. Protoss units are too expensive to autocast, Terran units are too easy.

>Posting anime
>Having the reading comprehension of a four year old

Checks out

>>>Yea Forumsrules/1

This thread can't even decide how to evolve RTSs without changing them drastically. How would retarded developers?

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You can't select multiple hatcheries in sc1, in sc2 you need to autocast inject larvae instead. Yes it's not hard in the first 5 minutes of the game but when you have 3+ bases and an army to babysit it's painful
>workers are too expensive to autocast

>The same as units

What you want is a fast forward button, then.

Having a game with that many mechanics is a good thing and is where apm budgeting comes into play. Since you can't handle building units and fighting, you need to pick one. Execution and decision making- do I make reinforcements, or micro the hell out of this fight? If he's building reinforcements and I lose I'm fucked , if I win, I can steamroll his backup.
I can't understand why you think it's a bad thing.

Workers are units.
And in most build guides you'll find something like
>constantly build marines from your barracks, tanks from your factory and banshees from your startport
Why? Because always building stuff is a good idea 95% of the time.
>Since you can't handle building units and fighting, you need to pick one
No. There's no decision to be made here. You have to do both at the same time or you'll be stuck in diamond or whatever. Just get more APM lol

Because people realized that they were bad at them and that hurt their ego.
There are decent competitive scenes in at least 4 rts games I think, broodwar, sc2, wc3 and aoe2.
It's not a genre that is easy to break into, despite there being an interested playerbase. That playerbase already have their games they play though and most of them don't really want a new rts.

Mobas didn't steal your players, they made new players.

also a friendly reminder that Fey is the most balanced faction in any rts game ever.

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DoK felt like it had too few unit types. The campaign structure was really good, though.

I loved playing ums in broodwar, more in wc3 later and before wc3 came out I was looking forward to the ums so much.

Diplomacy maps were pretty good.
The ones I'm thinking of were like Europe Diplomacy, Africa Diplomacy.
So that continent was drawn on the map, and it was filled with neutral buildings and units, then in the corner you could move a civilian itno different things that were named stuff like "Mali", "Madagascar" and then you played as that nation.
Controlling different zones gave you income, and even special units.

You had scvs and terran buildings, but I think as Mali when I built siege tanks Reavers popped out instead, since that was their special unit.

Also played a lot of rp maps, where you had commands to spawn stuff and then messed around with.

The war of the ring maps were great in broodwar, I don't know why but I couldn't get into them as much in wc3, even though the tools should've been so much better for it, I think the map makers just didn't build the maps in the right way.

Elrond = Battlecruiser
Saruman = Protoss Carrier

Fuck I hated playing Rohan because saruman could harass helms deep with his interceptors.

starship troopers, rpg maps and aos were great too

I think Offworld Trading Company is pretty good, economic rts so you don't send units to kill the other base.

Looks like the base game is -50% off right now, but there's also free multiplayer?

So I guess if you just wanna play multiplayer you don't have to buy anything.

I will always love and play Age of Mythology no matter how flawed it is.

First post usually the best post.

is this the best total war game ?

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I don't recall saying "gookclick" style of gameplay was desirable, you could even read between the lines a bit and assume the word was used somewhat mockingly. However, a game like StarCraft, say, would NOT be more strategic if you simply increased UI efficiency or made the game slower so as to afford players more time to do stuff. Strategic depth and importance is a separate dimension independent of mechanics. If you simply do that and don't alter the design in any other way, you might even end up not reducing the importance of mechanics at all, people just spend their unchanged APM budget interacting with minutiae or tactical level, arguably making the problem even worse. I feel this has happened with SC2 for example.

Instead, if you want to make RTS games that lend themselves better to strategic play at all levels of play, I think the angle of attack should be to reconsider the more fundamental aspects of gameplay. For example, instead of simply making things more efficient (multi-building selection and whatever), you could drop the tactical level (ie. micro) entirely and add other game systems to compensate. An example of a game that does this is Kohan: building construction is handled similarly to HoMM/Civ with upgradeable cities and units (which you don't control as individuals but rather as companies of 5-7) engage automatically when they enter each other's zone of control.

DoW's own first popular strategy games was SUPPOSED to be what is now Warcraft 1 but Games Workshop tried to jew Blizzard as it was still a brand new company/studio so old-blizz broke off the deal and Chris Metzen rewrote the lore over the already made game foundation.

First post is, for once, best post.

Kohan just makes me happy.

It should be pointed out that just like mechanics aren't inherently on the way of strategy, simply taking out tactics doesn't in itself increase strategic depth (adding strategic-operational mechanics to compensate should, however), but it inherently does increase the relative importance of strategic level over tactical. Similarly, removing such micro can and most definitely will also REMOVE strategic elements from the game as well (for example, building placement in a game like StarCraft has strategic implications that obviously wouldn't exist with upgradeable cities). However, when you distance the game from interacting with minutiae, you also get closer to players interacting with the big picture, ie. strategy, and that should address the issue of strategic decisions for novices being intangible, or worse, novelties being harmful to consider.

M2 has the best total conversion mods. The base game also has nice ideas, a lot of flavor, and the pre-Warscape engine has major strengths over how combat works in subsequent games, but Medieval 2 is also too broken in many other ways for me to consider it truly worthwhile. Instead, the best TW game unmodded is Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai.


Build orders are for gold. Once you understand how to play the game it's freeform. And obviously it's always spend your money, that's the fucking point. Build your army, build your bases, what else would you do? The decision making is do I spend the 1300 on a new base and twenty workers or 1300 worth of lings? He shot down my overlord so I don't know if he's going for a 1/1/1 or an early factory harass. If I go for the base and he pushes I'm fucked, if I don't get greedy he'll out expand.
Why is that a bad thing? Mechanically complex games always have a high apm. You're rewarded for doing more. Splitting against banelings, dodging psi storms, whatever.

>Similarly, removing such micro can and most definitely will also REMOVE strategic elements from the game as well
Not the most terrible price to pay. Not to mention that it can be optional, via game modes or somesuch.

>it's assfaggots fault no one plays my shit games
I only started playing dota after sc2 came out and was absolutely brain dead, 1/3rd of a game, and more interested in being a curated esport than a videogame.
You can't blame the mid 00's death of rts on assfaggots. You can't blame the relic population of rts's dying in the 10's on assfaggots either.
They're just. Bad. Games.

it's got to be a demographic thing
my favorite RTS games are Supreme Commander, Kohan, and AOE2 and I never played serious multiplayer
those games were great to play the campaigns or LAN with a friend
everything now must have a multiplayer focus with lootboxes or else it doesn't get funding

Starcraft 2 had 230,000 games played yesterday. It's not DotA or league big, sure, but dead?

Dota drained all the creativity out of Valve's ass and its big fan base has been halved. Also is nowhere near as intense as a broodwar game and you lose you can only blame yourself. According to the game 1mil players are playing in 2019. Some years ago it was 2million. What happened dota fag?

There's still a market, but it seems the publishers have completely abandoned it. Which is why you're seeing most of the present push come from fan projects. Like the team behind Forgotten Empires basically revitalized Age of Empires 2 and got hired by Microsoft to keep making remakes of their RTS titles. Meanwhile you've got people turning Star Wars Empire at War into a modern graphical marvel

the average gamer is more moronic than they ever were in history, and only becomes more so year on year.
they can't jew idiots out as easy or keep them addicted by making an rts, or most other good games.

Dont worry user, blizzard is already fucking it up.

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I might have some disagreement whether the specific examples being used are actually relevant in a typical game situation (rather than the choice being often trivial, or all of them being often achievable to a sufficient extent), but I agree on general principles. Budgeting APM is unmistakably a strategic level decision.

In some sense at least. How would you better describe it? Metastrategy? The point is, while I see the point and I've argued it myself, it still doesn't sit quite right with me: given the choice I'd prefer to concern myself with actual big picture stuff and operational level, not metastrategy and tactics. Mechanics being a factor is inherently RTS (if you don't like that, that's fine, play RTwP/TBS), but this style of game is not, and I would have personally liked to see the RTS genre by large moving to direction of Kohan, Supcom, Majesty and similar over *Craft/AoE, because I think they get closer to the type of game I would like to see and more importantly, there's a lot of unexplored territory in that direction and I think you could do a whole lot better than they ever did, too.

Since budgeting apm is always a factor even at the highest levels, I think it should stay, at least if your game is going for something as incredibly in depth as either starcraft. Since the game can support thousands of apm, while the peak humans can only sustain in the four hundreds, it'll always force decisions on what you need to prioritize.

You can see that in the top fours of gsl and asl, flash, bisu, whoever. Their execution is essentially flawless, they don't miss timings, building placement, float too many minerals, all that, and their apm is sky high, and if either ever makes a real mistake, like not splitting for a psi storm, not expanding, whatever, they lose.

This shows that at the peak of the game, the core is the strategy. What to build, when to build it. they've mastered the mechanics, all that's left is trying it out.

I don't think you could successfully separate micro and macro from an rts though.

It turns into a different genre when you split the micro decision making out of the game. You need to be able to tech and build, but also move units around. The less direct control you have, the further away you get. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't rts.

it's amazing that the first game and its expansion are both being sold on steam, but the store treats them as seperate games (not game+"DLC") so only the expansion is worth buying for the features it provides.

> the largest possible randomized map that feels like each zone of mountain ranges plays like its own campaign
> the 2+ hour struggle to siege and maintain control of the cities in huge open areas with no choke points
> just set it to 1600% speed and enjoy the comfy elite unit EXP grind.
> stacking unit zone of control so multiple units engage at the correct location and order
> half the map is taken over by NPC hostiles

okay just so you know, I bought that Remaster and played through it on hard. They overbuffed the AI so hard that some mission are near impossible to win without cheesing through it. I think i lost a couple of hundred hairs there because of this fucking remaster.

rts requires genius level intelligence

did they make a standalone game of wintermaul wars yet

If that would be the case /sci/ would have a lot of crossover with various RTS discussion groups. It's at most for 130 IQ brainlets like me.

can a dev just make dawn of war 1 again please

can't be played on phones

this. this is the answer actually. Perfect job m8

Not true. I liked RTS before DotA was invented but I could never fully get into it. Plus, DotA and DotA Clones have become far more popular itself than RTS, so the conclusion that it siphoned all the RTS players can't be true. Sure, maybe some have switched, but that's just normal.

No the truth is: RTS is among a very specific niche, and it doesn't have much innovation. We started with "mirror match" RTS, where different factions were functionally the same, and envolved to "rock paper scissor" RTS, where different races have different stats, and unit A beats B beats C beats A. (This is now considered the best). Since then, we only had very minor changes in the way RTS are played. usually a new game has a little gimmick, but the MAIN RTS game is still Starcraft and SC2, a game that is many years old and it's sequel that while newer, is basically just an effort to put the old game into a modern light. (In terms of visuals and quality of life. I know they're not the same game). It's an extremely stale genre. And thus it is not "thriving". I love it, but it's specialized.
DotA (and clones) on the other Hand are easier to learn, have more frequent updates, large scale meta shifts and new Units. All stuff that keeps players interested and brings new folks in. Plus of course, while still considered a difficult game (DotA at least, not all clones are) it is quite a lot easier to get into than a REAL RTS.

in conclusion: u r a faget

How do I get good with plaguelords?

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Thank you for reminding me that Warlords series is fucking dead since Puzzle Quest.

be a ranger

brainlets who are too retarded to manage more than one character at a time and APMfags who needed every game to have an autistic competitive mode over a solid campaign

Well, supposing what people actually mean when they say "RTS" is "RTS/RTT hybrid" (or, more specifically, "*Craft-like"), then yes, it would be a different genre. No matter how you look at it, it would be a different subgenre. However, a game that is played in real-time without option to issue commands while the game is paused and where most of the decisions the players are make are strategic in nature is trivially RTS.

Also note that there are other ways to command units than micro: the operational level of maneuvering troops that aren't engaged in combat. It's obviously not completely absent, but as a general rule in *Craft you keep most of your army together and engage armies with most of your forces, a notable exception being TvT tank wars in Brood War that has such things as fronts and maneuvering of forces behind these fronts, victories resulting in territorial gains more so than the annihilation of the opposing force that is usually the case. Suppose that, instead of ability to micro being simply removed, scale was also increased and mechanics were added such that command of your forces was more like that in general: big picture army movement stuff, not a minigame of seeing who can click faster to feedback/snipe enemy spellcasters or minutiae like comparing the benefit of better sim city against drops to placing a building in a position where overlord scout is less likely to see it. Also, stuff tangible for novices: you need to be experienced to know things like likely overlord scout patterns in the first place (the example of building placement is completely meaningless at a level where players don't scout, and not worthy of consideration until you've exhausted the more obvious low-hanging fruit in how to improve your play), while in contrast force concentration and area control and similar are strategic universals that you may not be immediately good at, but that even the first-time players can fully and meaningfully interact with.

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RTS didn't evolve. Basically what happened with other genres is that they dumbed them down, gained lots of new players because they're casual genres.. But if you try the dumb down the RTS genre players will just leave or stick to the older games.

I get where you're coming from but I have yet to see it done successfully. Like more on the 4x/civ side of things where you're more concerned with supply lines than keeping your sunks under dark swarm.

People play rts for the combat, the teching and base building is just for fun. Civ is way too big picture, combat is just click on that guy and watch him die. Total war almost does it, and I'm really into them, but they can never get the big picture/actual fight stuff to flow right. It's always pretty jarring

>People play rts for the combat
Your kind of player plays your subtype of RTS for the combat. He is correct.

Such good concept but it just dont work at least for me...
>install bz2
>play tutorial and mission until i learn the gameplay
>finally try the skirmish against bot
>impossible to keep up with the management
It is sad but the fps controls for rts side don't work they should have added a bird eye mode or something

Play BZ1 then, that's what is on his pic anyway.

They are solved games in essence

cuz rts makes no money. How do you want to make good rts that is not pay to win? who will buy rts game in 2019 when biggest markets are phones and consoles???

Well logically shouldn't bz2 have better controls than bz1 since they share same concept from what i searched?
I dont see a reason why what didn't work in bz2 would work in bz1

It sounds to me you want to play RTT, not RTS.

Have you played Myth by any chance (Myth 2 to be specific, Myth: The Fallen Lords campaign using The Fallen Levels mod)? That's my favorite.

B-but AOE hasn’t had a genuine sequel since 2007

Does anyone else just like building nice looking cities with the AI on easy just to mix up the building with some satisfying action every once in a while?

what, how?

Are sequels in general better than the original game?

Because superiors genres emerged that catered to the things people like in. City builders took a chunk out, strategy&tactics games the rest.

how are you going to pause in a multiplayer game idiot? will you have timeouts like sports?

That's not what most people care about, you autists will never understand that.

on a related note I used to play Planetside 2 heavily and ran with a big outfit
the outfit leader said multiple times that leading a group in a MMOFPS was basically a RTS, but with real people controlling the units

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