Do games need to reach a certain level of difficulty to be considered good?

Do games need to reach a certain level of difficulty to be considered good?

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My cock hurts

without some form of challenge things can get boring pretty fast

If its not challenging its not fun


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Then why is the first season of The Walking Dead considered one of the best games ever made despite only having QTEs and item hunts as 'challenges'?

Yeah, games are literally just challenges made for fun. If a game's too easy then it just stops being entertaining and becomes a boring chore. I guess you could try and fix it yourself by making self imposed challenges if the game doesn't actively resist such things, but that's no excuse for not at least giving the player options since you could always just play something actually well made and challenging instead.

He was secretly the best character

Only by retards

Absolutely not. see

oregon trail
jackbox party

>inb4 all of these games you listed are shit
don't act like Yea Forums doesn't talk about persona 24/7. shit is easy as fuck. minecraft was enjoyed by Yea Forums before it got popular.

>He was the best character

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>Didn't get his girl in the end
Truly the game was rigged from the start

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No. Games can be good for different reasons. Challenge is just one possible reason.

No, not all, depends on the type of game and what difficulty is considered in that context. Though in many cases, having some sort of challenge to overcome definitely is a core part of being good.

>best character
that's not based molester

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For narrative driven games, no, otherwise yes.
Narrative driven games should also be played on easy because 99.9% of the time the combat is complete shit like with any crpg.

I need to go back and finish this. Stopped around chapter 100.

The issue of difficulty in Game Design is a bit complex, at least complex enough that you can't really say you need a Certain level of Difficulty in a game to be Good. Moreover, your question is extremely subjective, what is Certain, what is Difficulty exactly, and what is Good.
The main issue is Difficulty. It's relative, no one has the same 'level' and therefore doesn't react in the same way in one given games. So, even if you had a 'perfect' level of difficulty for one player, this level of difficulty would not be perfect for all players. Additional difficulty can be multiple things (Realisation, thinking, a combination of both,...)

But let say we go for : "Games can't be 'good' if they are not at least a bit difficult for you". The question then become basically : "Games can't be enjoyable if they are not challenging you". To that i'd say, for some people yes, for other no. Not all people are looking for challenge. According to Leblanc (2004) you can categorise games through 8 'characteristics' : Sensation, Fantasy, Narrative, Challenge, Fellowship, Discovery, Expression, Submission. ( MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research )

Hope this answer your question

Depends on the game. Easy and hard games can both be fun if pulled off correctly.

At the same time, some games get worse the harder they get, while others get worse if they get too easy.

It needs to be a certain level of difficulty to be an actual game, and not a movie. See Gone Home.

I doesnt need to be hard but it doenst need to insult my intelligence either

Best girl, you can't change my mind.

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No, they don't There's a reason why Castlevania IV is better than the first one

nothing about The Sims is difficult, yet fucktons of people play it

>Then why is the first season of The Walking Dead considered one of the best games ever made

Nobody with a fucking brain considers it even a good game, let alone the best anything. Everything Telltale has ever made is shit.

difficulty isnt a deciding factor when it come to if a game is good or not, okami and ghost trick and zelda are all piss easy but are considered some of the greatest games of all time because they are fun

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But he did? I'm pretty sure it's heavily implied that after everything Mikan did settle with him.

Everybody knows Buddha the Milfhunter was the best character

No. Dragon's Dogma is easy, even with Hardcore; but it's my favorite game. Same with Morrowind; easy as all hell, and easy to become overpowered without even trying, but a lot of fun.
Another example would be Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. A lot of fun, but incredibly easy even on the hardest difficulty.

That being said; there really does need to be harder games out there.

Yea Forums is the *reason* minecraft is popular. It was shilled here 24/7 back when it wasn't even called minecraft yet. These were the proving grounds.