Doom 2016 is the best Doom ga-

Doom 2016 is the best Doom ga-

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Standards are higher now.

just because a game is good doesn't mean it's good

>Below 90
They're both shit.

>doom 2016
>not a turd

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Doom 3 was the best Doom game with a kino movie

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>anything but shit
fix your taste

>trying too hard to fit in: the post

Stop breathing.

Who the fuck has ever claimed (Unironically, not "wow this new game is better than old game" tier bait) that D44M is the best game of the series?

>Make a doom movie
>Change the demons into mutants
>None of the unique demons to even begin with, just one pinky, couple of imp wannabes and a hell knight equivalent
Blow it out your ass.


Glory kills and arenas, those are the two reasons people dislike it. And I have to agree to some extent, but it's still a good game.

Eternal won't fix anything. It is 2016 doom except double the file size.

quake is the best doom game

There's nothing that needed fixing. You're free to disagree, but that would only make you look stupid.

Reminder this is the level of quality gameplay from the people telling you if you should consume a product

Come on, even you enjoy D44M you have to admit it does have some big problems, I know I do. Most of it doesn't "kill" the game per se but it does lower the experience.

Anybody who tries to claim doom 2016 is a cinematic game is not worth listening to in any capacity.


>constant cinematics disrupt gameplay
>not a cinematic game
lmao okay bro


it's a badly designed game by objective measurement

This but urinocally but not doom 16

>doom 2016 is a good game

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later dude, you gonna go watch doom 2016 again?

While there is something I dislike about most of Doom 2016's demons, I can't get over how much I like the revenant.

The gameplay to cutscene and "cutscene" ratio is pretty good though. I do agree it does get aggravating in certain sections, Hayden's office reminding me too much of Half Life 2 and that game's bullshit, but it is nowhere near cinematic.

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Checkpoints are way less difficult than save scumming... I don't like 2016 as much as 2 for the Serious Sam forced arena fights with ripping the stupid hearts out to start the wave, but this is probably the dumbest argument against it I've seen

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There's exactly two real cutscenes.
Hayden's office and the core or whatever where you're trapped until he's done talking.

Based Doom3chads dabbing on nuDoom soidrinkers.

there are a bunch more where you press a button or have to wait while not cortana force feeds you a monologue before opening a door
>Checkpoints are way less difficult than save scumming
saving is better, nobody forces you to savescum whereas you don't have a choice with checkpoints