European wins a game in an e-sport tournament versus a Korean and the twitch chat says "USA USA USA"
Why do Americans do this? Everyone knows EU outclasses US in videogames.
European wins a game in an e-sport tournament versus a Korean and the twitch chat says "USA USA USA"
Why do Americans do this? Everyone knows EU outclasses US in videogames.
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to annoy you, and it works
>Everyone knows EU outclasses US in videogames.
thanks for indirectly telling us youre fatter
Your mistake expecting a shred of intelligence from Twitch chat generally in the first place
Sounds like you got trolled by 12 year olds or whoever the fuck watcher twitch shit
Doesnt america have a higher obesity rate than any european country?
Mutts are dumb drones who are thought to shout about their dumb pseudo patriotism on every corner.
I mean it was not a great example to bring up twitch but it's the best common denominator. on Yea Forums the ameritards do it when for example two weeks ago, Tyson Fury (brit) beat a Schwarz (german) and everyone (american posters) on Yea Forums was going USA USA USA
>Your mistake expecting a shred of intelligence from burgers* generally in the first place
Because Europe is a slave colony to the US
Because it upsets you.
>being this delusional
also see
>mfw uncut American so your gay shit doesn't apply to me
>tfw have to shitpost against my countrymen and side with disgusting Yuropoors
Literal property.
>wow, why are Americans stupid
>Talent: win by default
America is a slave colony to Israel
Israel is a slave colony to me.
What country are you from?
Because EU isn't a real country, Eurocuck.
You seem to be missing the point.
Americans don't win in sports or vidya.
I think League of Legends is the biggest e-sport in the world right now right? I don't watch it, but I have a friend that does, and EU are beating Korea and China and NA in that too.
Recently in the EU vs NA Tournament (Rift Rivals) I can tell you that NA were 0-4 vs EU on day 1 alone. You guys can't even win one game in one day yet alone the whole weeks worth of tournament play.
Just stop posting right here user.
Have you been on the internet for a grand total of 15 minutes? Do all of us other Europeans a favor and stop posting and embarasing us because you're too much of a brainlet to recognize a decades old meme.
americans are pretty bad at videogames since we imported their soda and cheeseburgers, also they don't have our amount of history, we literally created americans, maybe that's why they say "USA USA USA" anyway
It's a conversation about the continent of Europe vs the Continent of Americas. Didn't they teach you that in burger-flipping class?
>average IQ of burgers even with nigs and spics weighing them down
thats correct if they are playing for points.
t. soccer fag
Yeah, and even us laugh at you lol.
tl:dr stay mad
Will you Eurocucks ever stop seething about the America?
tl;dr stay bad
You laugh at our dregs like we do. I visited Aus, quite literally indistinguishable from America. You're all obese pigs like them and the only difference is less browns and more Chinese.
Because if they started chanting for their own country the cops would arrest them. Open patriotism is only okay in the US.
I have no beef with Americans, but there's something strangely appealing in watching them die inside after being bested.
>You're all obese pigs like them and the only difference is less browns and more Chinese.
Yeah, it's great.
I agree it is pretty noice
Also, this might not be a commonly known fact, but sometimes in the middle of the night, for no discernible reason, us americans will begin quietly chanting USA to no one besides themselves. It's just an american thing because we know somewhere, somehow, it's pissing someone off.
bongistan is catching up fast
You mean other Americans?
So THAT"S why sometimes, randomly, in the early morning, I feel a seething rage bubble up within me and have to furiously scream in anger, but not so loud anyone can hear me and report me to the police for disruptive speech.
I fucking hate amerifats
Finland is in USA and Serral is an american player. Deal with it, nerd.
but you guys say it when the player you are chanting for that just won a game is not even an american, it's fucking stupid.
you guys have such a lack of talent that you have to back other countries teams/players to beat "the korean menace"
like just fuck off
EU isn't a country you absolute braindead nigger retard
It helps soothe your intense superiority complex.
buttmad americuck on "brainded nigger retard "suicide watch
>EU so shit they have to group together a ton of countries to try and beat the US at anything
but you are so irrelevant that you are not even considered rivals and have to chant off the backs of europeans wins? idiot
Esports is gay as hell, that's why americans don't care
If we really wanted to win, we would