Help the hero retrieve treasure chest from ice

Help the hero retrieve treasure chest from ice

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No girl no replies. How are we even gonna make this a porn thread?

just get the fucking chest

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I wish people would get laid so I didn't have to read this shit in every thread.

Freeze the lava

I wish i could get laid, but you can't get everything you wish for can you?

Gimmie a sec OP I have an idea...

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Can I fuck the chest?

The piss will put out the lava too, pure genius.

Only one way to find out

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what anime?
is it good?

>not wanting to fuck the lava
fucking casual

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Why isn't the lava melting it?

I've heard of a lock pick but not a lock dick.

A hole is a hole.

the room just loaded

Sexual Jerkoff Warriors are as bad as Social Justice Warriors. They both ruin everything. Over the same things as well.

Its a mimicutie

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>icebreaker 4 never ever

you moron

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simply ebin



alos - how? Out of interest?

I have no need for such pointless baubles.

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i know it wouldnt work
i just did a quick cut so it would look like it

i dont see you giving a right answer mr clever man

Thanks, I really need that medkit!
>Morphine Administered. Health is at 100 percent.

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wouldnt this work?

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It doesn't work from that far

i think the ice slab would push the viking offscreen

he didnt move in the webm despite being hit with an ice thing. I assume he is immovable

Yea Forumsirgin