What's next for Lara croft the queen of gaming?

What's next for Lara croft the queen of gaming?

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yes please


nu-lara is for /ss/

hopefully a different developer

Horses, dogs, and sometime shotas.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves


Wtf is a wegs

NuLara is not even a noble.

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That doesn't say she's not a noble, they just said they aren't going into detail about her family background and wealth.

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Scam and trash

woah..! tx

i assume they're running out of "prequel time" and will soon need to start making games with her fully mature, which means she needs to grow huge bazonkas and start being a badass instead of being a frumpy, whiny and unlikable little cunt

i need more please

>transcribing the "Uhs" and "pauses"
the fuck

This prequel meme got old already, I agree.

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I can't decide if TRU Lara or nu-Lara is best girl.

>relegated to being horse slut

Name worse fate in gaming, even dead IP is better.

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Exactly this

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It's physically impossible to fuck a horse stop this meme


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Post rare Laras for my collection.

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Flat as a fucking board.

I love my wife Rise Lara!

Hey! This is my wife too! This is us on our wedding day! She's crying because she is so happy!

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Cock. Horse cock.

have sex

Isn't her father referred to as lord Richard Croft? He even has a huge estate and personal museum in his mansion in Shadow flashbacks.

Upper class English girls are my fetish

A reboot in 7 years because Shadow flopped
If you're going to make stealth action games with crafting and somewhat open worlds you need to make them PS4 exclusive so that the snoys will heap praise on it because its an exclusive


Shouldn't you be playing those Nintendo games made for yellow bus kids?

Even Elizabeth is someone classier than Lara now.

My wife Lara is perfectly classy.

Especially when they like horses.


This but also horses in between sessions

Can you say that in a wifebeater while smoking a cheap cigar and rubbing your belly while a horse fucks her?

Isn't that how your dad met your mum?

Do you guys think she survived the horse ramming it's 3 foot long cock all the way in her pussy, asshole and throat?

I like how Lara used to be a well respected woman, but now she just pleases horses for our entertainment.

My dad made a bet with his friend he could bang my mom and her sister and he accidentally knocked them both up so my grandma forced him to choose one and marry her or she'd shoot him and he chose my aunt.

The internet disagrees, there's quite a lot of evidence to the contrary out there. Some women take it like true Laras.

Based trailer trash family

Virgin detected

We've been poor since my family came from Ireland a hundred years ago. Nonstop poverty. It's a trip.

nu-lara fits so perfectly in a older sister ss setting

She has a British accent without being retarded.
What do you guys think of Shadow of the Tomb Raider? I played Rise and the first chapter and loved them but Shadow looks shit, the animations seem the same of Rise.


Getting smashed.

You are a lazy boring leech.

Sounds like your fucking whore of a mother

I'm not your brother, pal.

I don't want to get banned for posting bestiality

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I'm not your pal, dude.

Based footfag bro

I'm not your dude, homie.

Most people ride horses, but Lara has horses ride her.

I ride you're mum

Lmao, based.

I'm not your homie, nig-

She comes from money at the very least. Old marble manors don't grow on trees.

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My dick

Just for you.

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Came here to post this. She’s being put out to pasture... in Tijuana.

Aww thanks user xo