Post your haul

Post your haul

>Games you bought

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Fuck this sale

>buy hafl life 2
>pollutes my library with 4 different versions

Considering Gal*Gun 2, since I have VR. Unsure if it works with the whole game or not though. Kinda sounds like it? I think?

Nothing because I can just pirate it.

I bought RE0 and Im an hour in on the train. I'm Enjoying it so far, but when am I going to find an item box to put the extra things in?

>games you bought
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Ideology in Friction (not on sale)
We Need to Go Deeper
Super Animal Royale
Hunt: Showdown (gifted to me by friend)

I sold all my steam cards and some items from rust and killing floor 2 along with being able to claim 20$ off thanks to the event. I basically spent no money out of my own bank account.

Nothing. Games I want are either still too new to have a proper discount or not out yet.

A few euroshekels
0.40€ (already had a few cents on my steam wallet)
>>Games you bought
Portal 2

>budget 2400 ARS and thats about (acording to steam regional prices) 80 usd
>spent 2200 ARS
>bought Outward,the hunter call of the wild full game +all dlcs,amid evil, dusk, sinner sacrifice for redemption,swords of ditto,hidden paws,borderlans 2 handsome collection,below, the shantae 1/2 genie hero+all dlcs, odallus the dark call,

>Want to buy a game that costs 19 bucks for an american
>costs 28 ausbucks here
fuck you steam, the currency transfer rate isnt that fucking bad. they're just jewing me

Didn't have one
Around 110€
>Games you bought
killer7, Darkest Dungeon, Maximum Action, Rain World, Deathgarden : Bloodharvest (refunded), BamHam series without Knight, Streets of Rogue, City of Brass, Odallus, Deadbolt others.

Already started working on Darkest Dungeon, I haven't picked up the DLC because I heard they make the game harder and also the discount was less than the game. I'll get them if I really like the game.

>metal gear rising
>watch dogs 2
>hotline miami
>Sleeping dogs
all were between 75-90% off

its the sale mini game , the corgi thing bugged? i forgot to post im this user and all these games plus doing the steam mini game they let me lvl up my steam profile from lvl 78 till 114 and counting is the thing bugged? i never lvled so much on any steam sale like this one

Uhh exchange rate says otherwise buddy

Holy shit. I guess kangaroobucks really did shit the bed. Think ill start packing my bags for the EU, lads.

>Games you bought
neo scavenger, doom, witcher 3

>Half Life 2 and Portal 2
Wanted to remember good old days when Valve used to make good games with interesting mechanics and story

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~$150 usd
>Games you bought
Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Tabletop Simulator, UNO, Starbound, Risk of Rain 1, Enter the Gungeon, Slime Rancher, TOTAL WAR: Warhammer, EVERSPACE, Chinese parents, Hearts of Iron IV, Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2, Baba is You, Learn Japanese trilogy, Initial D pack for Assetto Corsa, Lobotomy Corporation. Good sale overall, I bought a lot of games on my list.

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2 terms of libs will do that

Yakuza 0 and Darkest Dungeon

They're fun.

No specific budget.
Spent about $110CAD

Wont get to try anything for a couple days since I am travelling, but this is the best looking haul of Steam games I have bought in a long time. I am hyped.

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>some dlc for REmake2 i got with the coupon


I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.



Kingdom Come: Royal Edition
Black Desert

Used my discount voucher and there aren't many good deals that aren't old games i already played.

I bought everything Tekken 7 and am quite happy with my purchase

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duke 20th anniversary, blood, sacred gold, dusk, amid evil, sw2, mgrr, some dumb porn games i forgot the names of

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Can someone explain what the fuck is going on with the Grand Prix badge? Shit rocketed me up from level 30 or so to 56 in the span of just one day. Is this some kind of glitch or is Gabe nuking his own leveling system?

The badge mentions needing to be raised to 2000 to 'level up', does that have any noteworthy effect?

Hadn't bought any game in quite some time.
Spent too much.

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Budget was 60, spent like 51 or something, got Ys Seven, Ys Memories of Celceta and Chaos;Child

Why does cockatiel keep getting 4th or 5th

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Gonna get hitman 2 once I get my stupid voucher.

FF7 being only 20% off is bullshit, fucking Tomb Raider reboot is cheaper.

>have enough points to get 5 dollar voucer
>capacity reached so can't use them

Can I play Pathologic 2 without playing 1?

>chad corgi team from the start
>don't like being on the biggest, easy mode team
>random change
>fucking hare, coming last

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can you stack the $5 off coupon? If so, i've made a mistake.

>started with 147k points because i bought a valve index
>about 50€, but used discounts for 45€ free and using a last 5€ soon for a last free game
>Moss, Superhot VR, Sairento VR, Raw Data, Space Pirate Trainer, AMID EVIL, ISLANDERS, cyube VR, Garden of the Sea, VR Dungeon Knight, and I was gifted FURRY GIRL PUZZLE and Blade & Sorcery
>i also won Cyberpunk 2077 while on team corgi, and boosted my steam levels from 26 to 100, i dont use a showcase yet though

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Eh I wouldn't spend more than 100
>Games you bought
Image, got the ghostface dlc free cause of the steam promotion 5 dollars off so that was neat.

Just bought bloodstained so not sure if there are any games I'd really want to get.

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What a lucky guy to get a free game from the daily rewards

pc gaming has been shit for years, theres nothing worth getting

Simple question lads, does the $5 voucher stacks?

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yes if you can even get your capacity that high

It's a remake rather than just a traditional sequel, does that answer your question?

Is there a way to search for DLC for every game I own?

My research concludes that they stack to at least $10

This guy gets it. Give me the fucking $5 discount and I'll buy something. Fuck spending $150 for $5

I spent 50 and am close to the 5 dollar discount

Do level bundles for dota battlepass count?

I don't support DRM

Why does every Youtuber this sale clickbait with the
but then they never mention all those thousands of points are useless if you dont spend actual money to increase your capacity

>VtMB is 15 years old
>gets 25% discount
Ok, fuck Activision, who has the GoG version ready to download?

Not sure if it's really worth buying anything this year. I buy shit and then I never play them. I have so many games in my backlog that I've never put the effort into actually playing. Might just save my money this year.

I just bought Va11 Hall-A, I don't think I will buy anything else, I just wanted to support the sequel and the discount was enough for me

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A patrician choice with discounts but Watch_Dogs 2? I'd wait for it to go for free, like the first one

Just got myself a new laptop with some fine specs after retiring my 6 year old toaster. Need some comfy sugestions to make use of my new thing. I'm eyeing Planet Coaster and Shadow Tactics. Also I have City Skylines and I'm wondering which DLC is worth my Shekels.

Is the 2nd South Park game worth $9 Ameribucks? The first one was fun but too short for me to want to put any amount of money down for it, so I'm not sure about this one

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anyone thats excited about this sale or any other sale "event" is a retarded zoomer too young to remember flash sales, THE ONLY GOOD STEAM SALE EVENT EVER

but user, now I can return my shitty impulse decisions ain't that great

Sorry, I'm not a worthless PCel.

Spent about 1400 vodka rubles which translates to about $20, buying games with the biggest discount and bundled together. Anybody can recommend me old-school, superdiscounted hidden gem?

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Learn to convert your dollary doos you cooked cunt

alright time to farm points in starbound

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Absolute shit. Steam sales have been utter crap since Steam stopped doing flash sales and set their discounts to publisher demands courtesty of Steams own shitty "deals" with publishers where they take 50%(!) of each sale. No wonder more and more publishers and devs are seeking alternatives than Steam.

i didn't get anything
i want to get alien shooter but i don't have enough

>Bastard Bonds
Nice haul

the room 3, glass masquerade, la mulana 2, euro truck sim 2, hacknet, gorogoa

I thought about getting luna nights and ac7, but both feel like they are still too expensive.

does anyone have any puzzle game recommendations?

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What kind of puzzles do you want?
The Talos Principle is comfy as fuck, although the puzzles are a bit on the easy side. The Road To Gehenna is pretty much perfect though.
Antichamber is a classic brainfuck.
Anything by Zachtronics will make you feel like a 80 IQ moron
Bugmen trying to fit in into Steam anime hentai niche. Good discount and surprisingly deep gameplay that gets progressively harder.

Shadow Tactics is good, but you might wanna try older games from this genre, like Desperados or Commandos.

Is uno even alive

>Cs collection,terraria,some random hentai game


Finally bought armikrog, heard it’s pretty short so I didn’t want to pay much for it.

>farm points
Does that do anything? Aren't the points you get just added to the pool of points you can't use because your maximum is too low?
I got like 15k points for playing CK2 for half an hour, but I can only spend 100 every day.

>Steam Sale Thread
>Euro hours on 4chins
>"Budget = 0" posts all around
Checks out

tokens and the points used to boost are two different things, you can spend as many tokens as you like

Bought HL2:EP1&2, Portal 1&2 and Necrodancer Amplified DLC.

You need to use points to get tokens


about 100 EUbucks

>Games you bought
Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience
Tales of Berseria
Just Cause 3
Kingdoms and Castles
3030 Deathwar Redux
PAYDAY 2 bundle
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

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or just romance

reminded me, I need to get truck simulator

no budget
around 130$
>Games you bought
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
Tales of Vesperia: Definite Edition
Dark Souls III

>Games you bought
Penumbra Collectors Pack;
Based tf2 Jungle Inferno contracts let you double the money you invested in buying them. and I'd still have some money left, but I spent it on different games before the summersale.

Have fun with the Trails series, user. I've recently reached Cold Steel 2 and I've had a blast.

Budget: A fat stack of 2 quarters, a dime, and 3 pennies.And a the 5 dollar voucher

Spent: Everything but 2 pennies.

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I've got 16 bucks left
>Games you bought
Pathfinder Kingmaker and PoE2.

Recommend me a game I can get that's fun, I don't care about the genre except no horror plz if it's good.

What are some good low spec/non-3d games out right now?

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*on sale

What genre ?

Any pros/cons?

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Wait for bigger discount :^)

I've got 45 or so bucks to spend, what should I get?


$30 in Steam Cards given as a Birthday present

$5.99 in addition to the gift cards

>>Games you bought

Uhh. I like RPGs and platformers but anything'll do.

Already did back in the day, cheers. It's just that I played the ST demo around release and found it alright, but unsuitable for my toaster that played it at 15-20FPS


Action platformer:




Strategy: (Tropico 4)


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VA-11 Hall-A

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I spent twice as much as I intended to.

Recommend me cute and comfy JRPG's

Today I'll remind them

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>tempted to buy dayZ

what am i in for?

is it basically the walking dead tv show?

>what am i in for?
a life lesson

World of Final Fantasy normal or Complete? Which one should I get?Also planing on buying Cold Waters because my brother thought it lookedcool since ships and submarines

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get the Maxima version of World of FF

a shit game
i miss the mod

I can only afford to spend $35. Any suggestions on which to get?
A few other things I'm eyeing are Flower (20% $6), Infinifactory (80% $5), ...and Gocco of War (60% $8) for some reason.

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Thanks user.

Is Starpoint Gemini: Warlords ACTUALLY Mount and Blade in space or am I about to get baited?

Always go with the biggest discount, so Ruiner and Underrail are ok. Battletech has high initial price and I've never heard of this one so I'd pass on it. Zone of The Enders is a little short for this price, right? If Infinifactory interests you and it's 80% off, I'd go with this one too.

is this game any good? really considering it for its apparent comfiness

Soma Spirits and Brave Hero Yuusha
Shadows of Adam
Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World
Ara Fell
Evoland and Evoland 2 (sort of)
Half Minute Hero (more like speedrun 8-bit Tales; also I think you can still buy the sequel and get the first for free)
The Last Word

It's a paid update that luanched with the Switch re-release
If you plan to really play the game then go for it

Before pulling the trigger on your cart, check my pastebin. I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.



If anyone has last 0.5$ in their wallet, you should buy Ubermosh (I'd go with the first one). Blood pumping soundtrack, fast gameplay and at the end of the day you can sell cards and get your money back.

I bought Just Shapes and Beats, the tranny cat DLC for Hat in Time, Bastion, Transistor, Witcher 3 GotY and Hitman GotY.

I almost have somewhere close to 200 steam games so I dont think I'll buy anything.

>200 games
Lol look at this casul

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Played it a while ago. It's not really a game. It's a VN with an intriguing plot but the dialogue can be a little, well, cringe is a little too harsh. But the way characters talk about things like sex for example is kind of off. Could use some sexual innuendos and some suggestive language rather than being so overt about it. The mixing mechanic is tacked on.
Character designs, music and the overall aesthetic is top notch. What it comes down to is whether you can stomach the dialogue.

It's great.

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>>Games you bought
Terraria and Endless Legend
considering I clocked in 30h in Terraria since I bought it, I think it's safe to say that's money well spent

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I bought Golf It! to play with friends but it's a piece of shit so I refunded it.

Is there any good multiplayer game nowadays that doesn't require to play 8 hours a day to be able to enjoy it? I hate PUBG but it's the only thing my friends want to play.

It's not a game, it's a visual novel. I liked it, but I don't want to recommend it without mentioning that the gameplay is mostly just reading dialogue.
It's VERY comfy, though. If you read books for fun, you might like this too. It took me 13 hours to get to the end, and judging by the achievement count I missed a ton of stuff, so at least it has a good amount of dialogue to read.

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>Katana zero, the messenger, super sexy maid 2

ayy fug it
Imma buy FF15
what else should I grab
just bought .hack GU


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Traveling back home today and I'll have a lot of pent up rage. On my plane now but just got told there's a 2 hour delay


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tfw haven't beat any games i bought during christmas sale
so yeah im holding out this time

Most overrated fighting game of all time.

As some one who owned this game since it's release date. I pity you.

>Imma buy FF15

by DQ11.

It's a better and more complete game

it's also not on sale

How good is Rime?

Good JRPGs on sale?

>0 0 0

when you first build a pc, steam sales are fucking magical. now that i've had one for 6 years i've basically bought all of the old shit i want and if a new game comes out I want, I just buy it at release. now i basically just ignore steam sales, seems like the deal have been trash the past few years anyway.

back in like 2014 when they still did daily deals and flash deals, I remember checking steam like 4 times a day to see if anything good came out. it just aint the same anymore, its got no soul

>little to none
>i dont know how much in burger coins
>hotline miami
>hollow knight
>last DLC from 100% orange juice , all DLC for saint row 3 and age of empire 2 HD

Forgot to ask for recommendations for games good at releasing stress. Thinking of shadow if war but ive heard varying views on the game.

What's some good weeb shit to play? No VNs please.

Katamari damacy reroll, my son.

Arabian Septims?

>Divinity: Dragon Commander
>Divinity: Original Sin II
>999 + VLR (already owned on DS/3DS, but wanted PC copies to go with ZTR)
>Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0
Dragon Commander was really short and I don't see myself playing it ever again. So far DOS2 has been pretty good but haven't seen it quite live up to the hype yet (still on Fort Joy so too early to say probably). I already know 999/VLR are good, just need to play them again when I'm in the mood. I started Steins;Gate and I'm a little disappointed it doesn't have the English cast but the story is good as always.

pic related

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What are some stress releasing games?.. Doesn't any game work as long as you will be interested enough to forget your life for a while.

Dragon Commander's a weird one. It's a hybrid of 4 or 5 different genres but the part that it excels at is definitely just the parts where you talk with characters instead of actually doing the strategy, RTS, or action gameplay. I think $4 is a fine price if you know what you're in for with it but it's definitely a weird side game for Divinity.

League of Legends makes you forget your life and increases stress.

Yea, I will give them credit for trying something different. If the RTS part was better, it'd be a pretty good game actually. But playing it again to try different choices doesn't appeal to when the RTS parts sucks so much, and letting AI autoresolve is so unsatisfying.

I imagine it would be games that aren't going to frustrate you with either high difficulty or complex systems. A game you can pop in and just blast through. I think has the right idea.

Find a good sandbox game that lets you kill NPCs. Just Cause 2 is fun and cheap, and Prototype lets you parkour around a city as a semi-edgy Venom Hulk dude (although some parts of the campaign can be frustrating so maybe not). Maybe Saints Row 4?

The new Neptunia game is pretty nice


>Katamari damacy reroll.
Just watch this and you will realize it's perfect for you.

Based taste

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No I am not much of a "comfy gamer". Playing the said games will not be enough for me to forget about my real life problems and I actually just do what said but a different game.

Got Monster Hunter World. Having a lot of fun with it, totally worth the price.

At least give it try, user.

I'll have a look
Ha. No.
Did saints row 4 but I'll have a look at the others.

>Being a buycuck in 2019
>when steam sale are a shadow of their former self

It's not 2011 anymore WAKE UP

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i kinda want to get terraria, but I tried it in early 2013, and 2 years back and just could not really get into it, but on paper it checks all the boxes, what gives

Reminder to get Blood Bowl 2 for five bucks and then join the Yea Forumsirgin league to play with fellow retards. We're having a rookie division for the next season, so newbies are more than welcome

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Dont really have one, working a comfy 9-5 so I always have some spare cash for hobbies
Like 40 something
>>Games you bought
Hand of fate 2

As a /tg/ fag who always wanted to get in on bb action. Might give this as go. I'll go with an orc throwing team cos the rage my star thrower Usain Borc will generate is too golden to pass up.

Should I stagger my purchases to maximize my point growth and potentially hit the $5 bonus without spending more than I want to? I admit I only got into playing on PC recently, when I realized that my laptop was decent enough to play older, lower-end, and 2D games.

On that note, does the Killer7 port run well on lower end systems? I definitely want to play it, and I would assume it would since it's a Gamecube game and I've heard good things about its optimization.

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Feel free to jump in, we're taking signups until the 9th

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Only bought Wolfenstein II and the Crash Trilogy so far.

20buxish for Wolfenstein, 19bux for Crash since I used a coupon thing.

Not planning on getting anything else.

same for me, i rolled the dice and bougth it again


I'm thinking about getting stardew valley to play with a buddy of mine. Any recommendations?

>Games you bought
Brigador on g2a

Trails series.
Tales series.
Dragon's Dogma.

>Slime Rancher

That was free on the Epic for weeks. How'd you miss that?

>>Games you bought
Total Warhammer 2 DLC

A lot of people don't like Epic, user.

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Yeah sure but are you really going to let your principles stand in the way of FREA GAYMZ?


Any objections to this?

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How is my cart looking?
What should I grab/scrap?

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>3030 Deathwar Redux
its a hidden gem with a great soundtrack !
hope you enjoy it.

based cheeky breeky

Use artwork to see more of the background

like 30$
Vanquish, Black mesa, Dark souls Remastered, In Death VR, Hentai Puzzle games

I looking for games like kenshi, factorio and those niche games but dont want to spend much money

Is it worth buying Mountain Blade for $5?
Do I need the DLC?
Are the devs even getting my money or should I torrent it?

had enter the gungeon for free in the EBIC GAyM STOR but bought it again on steam

I just played world at war and i had tons of fun playing tdm. Any other fps games i should look out for or just stick with this? First fps on my gaming rig.

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Someone please explain how the coupons work, and how I acquire one?


step 1: go to steam
step 2: read
step 3: return here and bitch because you are sub 80iq

spend like 100$ in games to reach 15,000 point maximun
play games with achievements or do game quests

also one of the prettiest fighting games of all time

You're buying my games user?

Collecting digital games is a waste of time.

Collecting PS3 and Ps2 games is more fun.

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>Broken ass steam sell event says I can’t boost anymore and must wait until tomorrow.
>been waiting 2 fucking days for tomorrow to happen

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No, they're other scenarios
You can get better ones with mods

Did I do good? Anything I should add or drop?

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5 birrion dorru
>>Games you bought
NEO AQUARIUM - The King of Crustaceans Ace of Seafood
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Elminage Gothic
Stranger of Sword City

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>Muse Dash
Eh, its okay. Some stupid chink phone rhythm game with annoyingly catchy J-pop tunes.
>Mass Effect 1
The best in the series and I haven't played it in almost a decade. Surprised it works on my shit toaster at medium settings, now I have it on PC I can mod it, and it's been so long I've forgotten everything but the main story and final section.
>Fight N Rage
Some user sold me on this in a previous thread. Its Streets of Rage only you beat the shit out of genocidal furries and there's a ton of unlockables. It's pretty good. The combo system can fuck off though, some of them are pointlessly complicated for a scrolling beat em up. Easy mode needs to be unlocked and has a pacifier as its icon. As it should.

Oh, and about £8 spent, with £20 budget. Its getting harder to find anything worth getting each year.

Open up Steam. Nothing worth buying.
Open up Rarbg. Nothing worth torrenting.

I just lost interest in video games. :(

give me some good 5 dollar or under games
preferably some that will last me a long time

a lot
about 18 euros
>Games you bought
Kingdom Come, hoping it's fixed and runs okay now

I kind of already have everything I want from Steam. But if someone has recommendations for good turn-based tactics, action games or ARPGs from the past 5-6 years, I'm all ears.

I already have over 300 games but I don't have these. Should I pull the trigger?

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deus ex, the half life games
if you have autisim tales of maje'yal for sure

Holy shit i thought i was the only one. i just want my fucking coupon fuck

Super Cyborg
Intrusion 2
Age of Decadence

Celeste isn't worth more than 8 bucks

thanks I'll check them out

the senran kagura games arent fun, only get them if you must have anime titties

>letting your dick make a decision
>buying Ace Attorney on steam
>buying game discounted only 20%
no no and no

Has anyone tried making a server in rust, spawning fuckton of bears then killing them for summer sale points? Just like soda hack in stardew valley?

those look interesting, thanks

Stranger of Sword City is pretty dope

I asked this yesterday but didn't really get any replies.

Has anyone played Dawn of Man? It popped up on my list and seems interesting, but it looks like it might be too ambitious and unfinished.

Fallout 4 or Monster Hunter?

I need a game to autistically grind materials and craft useless shit.

fallout 4 only because of mods

>waste $50 for a $5 discount
What kind of stupid are you?

Get all of The Room games for sure. 10/10 puzzle games, also House of DaVinci is along the same lines.

I got a big budget but I wont buy more than 2-3 games cause I got a whole lot already. What's the best on my list?

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fallout has pretty fun base building, and the gun customization is neat, but the gameplay just isnt fun

warhammer 2 for strategy and big brain plays
Atom for what is a polished fallout 1 in russia

Got 500 hours from both
Monster Hunter is a very active game, you need to put attention
Fallout 4 can be modded into worse STALKER 2

Atom RPG is really good if you like classic Fallout and Soviet atmosphere

Been sitting at a capped boost and 12k tokens for 2 fucking days.

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>mfw Steam sales don't get me excited anymore.
>mfw I haven't bought anything on Steam since early 2017.

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What are some of the games I should get?
I have around a budget of 100$

I was thinking:
Divinity Sin 2
Into the Breach
No Mans Sky (Waiting for the free VR patch)

>games only excite me when i can get a good deal on them. the content does not matter.
Oy vey i think you are on the wrong side of the game industry

I almost feel like I’ve been put into some kind of inactive purgatory, but it’s probably just a random fuck up on valves end or something they haven’t explained like the prize games.

Points never increase anymore? It says "wait for tomorrow" but I still can't get any more points without shelling out.

it's so annoying because I was actually planning on what game I should get with my free 5 dollars, but I guess not

Eh I got fucked on what games I can play. According to the event of all the 100 games in my library only TF2, Warthunder, kingdom come deliverance, and yakuza 0 count or have achievements

What's the timing like?
I'm eu but messed up timetable cos I work in hotel business

>somehow feel remorse/guilt for not giving companies money
Consumer culture in a nutshell. Come on man.

Did you review a game yet?

that's happening to me too

No budget, just tried to not spend too much. Failed miserably.
Spent less than $100, but again more than I wanted. Somewhere around $70+, though some of that was a birthday present for a friend.

Dead by Daylight and some DLC
Dark Messiah Might & Magic
Lobotomy Corporation
Outlast, DLC and Outlast 2 (gift)

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bro just wait a day. they give 100 point maximum increase everyday

>Want to buy GMod
>Dont have money
>My brother dont payme

All games count, you just need to play any game with achievements for more than 30 minutes and all the achievements you ever got on that game will retroactively be converted into points. The problem is you've got a maximum cap of point which you can turn into coins, and unless you've spent some serious bucks on Steam before it'll be well under the 15k amount you need for the coupon.

it hasn't given me any though, I've waited a day

i usually get mine within an hour of this very post

I bought 3 games and refunded 2 of them. Figured I'd give this war of mine a chance but it was some basic point and click facebook flash game level of trash. Gave avernium 3 a chance it was garbage. And lastly wizard of legend which would be fun but instead of letting you use all those spells you collect you can only use 2 of them. It's all shit.

I'll wait a little while but I think valve has jewed me

lmao I just got them
thanks for the 5 dorra gayben

glad ya got them bud

>being able to claim 20$ off thanks to the event. I basically spent no money out of my own bank account.
yeah, but you've spent a fuckload of cash previously

.hack//G.U. or Cold Steel?

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thanks user

Still waiting on my end it’s even swapped to day 7

cold steel.

Got both South Park games and Muse Dash

that sucks user, I hope it gets fixed for you

>claim my 10k points
>only get 100 points
Thanks gaben

Meh if even one day comes through I get my five dollars and haven’t spent a cent.

got some big money from selling cs:go items
any recs? anything i should ditch?

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>i'm retarded and I didn't read the rules

30 eurobux
7 eurobux
>>Games you bought
Mass effect, and mass effect 2

thinking of getting gta trilogy and ori

>Darkest Dungeon (I need Shieldbreaker and Color of madness)
>Dying Light
>Batman Trilogy
>No Man's Sky
>Divinity Original Sin
>Baldur's Gate 1 + 2
>Pillars of Eternity
>Shadow of War
I dunno wich one should I buy. Don't want to spend a lot so I might buy one or two.

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>My Summer Car is not on sale
It's even fucking summer come on man what is going on.

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what should i get with the 5 pound discount?

Don't buy Starbound.

baldur's gate is great dnd game. but be warned it runs on 2nd edition rules.

Whoa, thanks a ton


Darkest dungeon has kind of devolved into a borderline RNG shitshow circle jerking about how hard it is. Batman trilogy is a decent deal. If your picking up starbound for the sell “exploit” fuck off. Tyranny did nothing wrong. And I got bored of shadow of war really quickly.

based and blackpilled

buy a gift for a friend or get don't starve together so you both get something

Watch_Dogs 2 (Already refunded)
Dragon's Dogma
American Truck Simulator
Baulder's Gate
Night in the Woods

Don't get Pillars of Eternity on Steam, you can get considerably cheaper prices on G2A

Well surprise surprise i bought nothing from Steam. Of all the interesting discounts i already have all the games and the only thing i bought this month is Bloodstained with -25% on GMG.

Didn't even participate one second to the steam summer event, why fucking bother.

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>Stuck at only 100 points a day even though I've actually bought things
This sucks, but hopefully they'll keep adding random shit that boosts your points.

How are the DLC for SAO fatal bullet? The bunde is priced decently right now and i enjoyed the base game. Do they add lot of content?

>Budget 25 bucks
>Spent: like around 24
>Got: Danganronpa, CK2 Holy Fury and two smaller music dlc's for ck2 which were each one dollar

is the 5 discount gonna expire after the sale ends?

Definitely get Ace Combat 7. It's really good. Can't speak for the rest.

>Had about $20
>Bought Amid Evil and Serious Sam's Bogus Detour
>got gifted Scum

If I get paid again before this ends, I might pick up The Hunter and/or Void Bastards and/or Bloodstained. Even though the latter two are barely on sale because they are too new.

the sad part is that it's almost entirely melbourne sjws just ruining the entire country. from every aussie i've read about or spoken to it seems like Melbourne is like a Junior Sanfrancisco sjw shithole and every city and area AROUND Melbourne fucking hates it and everyone who lives there

melbourne is what makes me think "social reform" techniques were tested by Libs in Australia first and then applied elsewhere

G2A isn't legit though

>Yeah sure but are you really going to let your principles stand in the way of FREA GAYMZ?
I downloaded Origin to get free Peggle once. I'm not proud of it

>collecting shitty plastic dvd cases
>when you could be collecting big box pc games with full sized artwork, unique box designs and an actual manual plus the other fun things they sometimes have

risk of rain or crypt of the necrodancer?
any other games 3 dollars or under you'd recommend?

crypt is fun if you want a rogue lite. the dlc is pretty solid too

Sleeping dogs is a fun little game

Never played Risk of Rain but I hated Necrodancer. I didn't think it was fun to play at all, sadly. I really liked the idea of it but it was not fun to me.

Risk of Rain starts off hard but when you get used to the game you eventually snowball the pick ups and become death incarnate
Necrodancer is a fun concept ruined slightly by the SJW devs wanting to take their silly fun dungeon roguelite game and give it a serious feminist plot instead of something fitting. At least you can skip cutscenes. The game as a whole is worth it though, it's a good time, unique, and you can use your own music for it.

I'll probably get that since I've been wanting to play a rhythm game
already got it, and it's surprisingly one of the best games I've played in a while

based gog user. kino

oh also you can import music from your computer to play to

celeste sucks dick don't buy it

I expected nothing from sleeping dogs I got GTA Ching Chong addition. I was thoroughly pleased

220 leaf money
203 leaf money

>Games bought
SAO: Fatal Bullet
Warrior Orochi 4
Some eroge

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now I'm not so sure
has anyone played muse dash? that also caught my eye

as a guy who thinks fiminisim is just an excuse for women being bitches; the plot at worst is girl power. it's about a woman who went after a treasure her dad vanished chasing, while digging in a graveyard she thinks is the location she falls into the crypt of the necrodancer. He then curses her heart so she has to stay to the beat or she dies

Yeah, I got Muse Dash a few days ago.
It's annoyingly addictive for a short while, but then you remember that you are playing a chinese phone game with a terrible translation (you should see the loading screens, they're retarded) and the game is so simple I haven't died once in the five hours I've played it for. Not even the super hard final unlockable stage was that tough.
The gameplay is literally two buttons, too.

why are people still shilling Steam Sales so much?

compared it to the days of play prices and they are literally the exact same fucking sales

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Anita was hired as an advisor to the game. That seriously lowers my opinion of Necrodancer in one shot.

is that the black people group? i never payed attention to the dev side of things so i didn't notice. all i cared about was if the game was fun and i liked it

Death road to canada any good? Havent played a zombie game in a while

fug I don't want to give them my shekels, Risk of rain it is then
thanks for the review man

I would boil that down to a PR stunt or a member(s) of the team sperging about something similar to “NO MUH QUEEN MUST BE ON THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM TO TEACH THE NAZI ABOUT MY VAGINA POWER YAAAAS QUEEEN SLAYYYYYY, IF YOU DONT ILL ACCUSE YOU OF BEING NAZIS AND SINK THE WHOLE PROJECT AND EVERYONE INVLOVED” so the team just said fuck it and hired her

No, Sarkeesian or however its spelt, I don't care enough to spellcheck it. You know, the feminist frequency retard who thinks all games are sexist.

I'm broke, so I only bought Wargroove.

Have you played any video games over the course of the sale?

Only bought Marble It Up because im incredibly bored today and was looking for new games to get into. Played it for about 2 hours now and its quite fun. The physics are tight and there seems to be lots to do. Courses so far are pretty good as well.

Debating picking this up as i saw it recommended by another user in a diff thread -
although it looks janky as fuck, it looks like it might be fun and immersive, and quite lengthy. Will probably pick it up with the £5 coupon you can get for points.

i pull it out when i hang with friends and we play co-op and they love it. its like a better oregon trail

A fantastic choice. Be prepared to be slightly frustrated for a little while, before you get the hang of it and become the god of death.
Risk of Rain 2 is also shaping up to be amazing, but that's still in early access right now and obviously won't have a good discount.

>60 dollhairs
>jagged alliance 2 wildfire, hitman 2, crash remastered

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Worldwide, but also full of neets that can play whenevr

post pics of those free games gabe gave you

literal meme magic
the lol so funny "gaben take all my money" memes seriously brainwashed most people to think steam sales are anything special

to be fair, PC games were somewhat cheaper several years ago and Steam could capitalize a lot on that, but now that pc gaming is pretty much just as popular as any other platform the prices are the same too

They used to be good.

The PC market is just as big as all the consoles combined though.

(And mobile games even bigger)


This game is great.

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I'd say Necrodancer. Risk of Rain is good too, though.
Other than that, FTL, Mirror's Edge and Saints Row 2 and 3 are all in the same price range, and Fallout: NV and Dishonored 1 are really close. You got options.

>ruined slightly by the SJW devs
It's pretty obvious that at some point during development someone went through all the assets going "how can we make this shit more INCLUSIVE", but I don't think it really changes anything. The plot is just a boilerplate "you gotta beat the dungeon" thing, and the NPCs are glorified vending machines. None of the feminist agenda shit makes any difference.

I think I'll get risk of rain and FTL
thanks everyone for your suggestions

I'm aiming for a specific price in my haul so I'm trying to add $16 more from this pool:
>Fire Pro Wrestling World ($9)
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon ($6)
>Spark The Electric Jester ($5)
>Jedi Academy ($3.50)
>Dishonored ($3.30)
>Haydee ($3)
>Hitman Blood Money ($2)

All the other games on my Wishlist are either in my Cart or games I expect to get deeper sales in the future. Despite that I'm getting HARDCORE MECHA because it looks fucking incredible and got Hironobu Kageyama to sing the main theme so it deserves my money even for just a 15% launch window discount.

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What makes Tales of Zestiria bad, or rather worse than Berseria and Vesperia?

>HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
How do I buy the new games if you have nothing?
Between episodes, DLC, bundles, and legacy packs I honestly have no fucking idea how do you even buy this game.

Awful story, questionable cast, wonky camera.
I actually prefer the combat of Zestiria over Vesperia

Which Jagged Alliance game was the good one?

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If anyone here bought or is thinking about buying Blood Bowl 2 (it's $5 right now!), me and some anons have been playing on our own Yea Forums league for like a year now. We're about to start season 4, and will have a rookie division for newbies to join, so if that sounds fun, you're invited!

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>Night in the Woods
it's really repetitive just so you know
I ended up wishing I had refunded the game by the end

is starbound worth it?

thinking of getting it, are any of the DLC's worth it?

it's a dead game with lots of emptyness and nothing to do, the latest update barely added anything

get dishonored and jedi academy, they're both good enough for that price

just masturbate instead

budget of zero dollarydoos

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>share of revenue %
This doesn't take into account how much the entire industry grew in the last 4 years. There is a difference between shrinking and not growing as fast as other segments.

Is postal 2 fun ? Do I have to play the 1st one?

They only add variety. You probably wouldn't know what DLC to get until you know what kind of team to buy.
The legendary edition is a great deal, but by no means mandatory to play

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Didn't get much this year, most of the things I'm looking at are either too new or aren't released yet, these three caught my eye and were on sale for a good amount.
So I ended up only spent $28 this year.

R8 my pick.

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>around 65€
>literal 0

I might not buy anything this sale, what the fuck. Here is my wishlist, if anybody want to help. I wish I would have some mecha game that is not pixel 2D shit.

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Into the breach gets boring really quickly and is really easy compared to that dev's previous game (FTL). I won on my 3rd attempt and dropped it.

I see... I could've endured the story but
>questionable cast
is quite a turn-off.
Especially since I only like Edna's design just by looking at characters but I've seen some random posts about how she's one of the worst characters.

Postal 2 is dated in its humor and design, but fun and no you don’t need 1 to understand it they are basically to different games in every possible way

I spent £1.98.
I bought Hylics for 99p,
I bought Black Mesa with the £5 discount for 99p.

I've got the Baltic DLC for ETS2 for like $6.6, now I want to get Batman Arkham Collection for $4.71. Is this a good deal?

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Simple. I don't use the Epic Games store. I pay for steam games because the services they offer make a better experience for the end user. Discussions, workshops, cloud saves, and even servers all play a part in my choice. To a certain extent, I also enjoy having the majority of my game collection in one central location.

Otherwise I would just pirate everything.

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Torn between Divinity Original Sin II or Total Warhammer II. I know they are very different games, but I am just looking for something to give me the most bang for my buck. Is Warhammer II super different from the first one? I really enjoyed that game, but I heard original sin 2 has a ton of replay value


isn't that available for free on Mod DB, or was that a demo?

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Why is it that a 26 year old game like Secret of Mama costs way more than Witcher 3?

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2 has lizardmen and rattos along with tomb kangs
and if you own the first one you can play mortal empires which combines the games into one basically with all facitons

Did anyone get Tales of Maj'Eyal? What was your experience with it? I've never played a game like it and it seems complex but fun

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They're both fucking awesome games that will last as long as you want. Just buy whatever seems more interesting.
Vegas is meh, besiege and infamy are good though.


It was available as a conversion I think, it's been massively changed since then.

When do you get to reset and use your max amount of points to boost again?

It's extremely lacking in polish but the gameplay is solid. Not a huge improvement over games like Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

Because it's a remake, not a port.

>doom 2016
>the evil within
roughly $30

it's a shitty remake too, better to play the original with an emulator

vox machinae is pretty decent but the community is kind of dying off, you might want to just drop that one from your list

This. Emulate Secret of Mana because the remake is way too faithful to be worth that price (it's just the same game with simple 3D models and mediocre music remakes). The Trials of Mana remake looks good though.

which ones should i keep/remove?

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>buying the entire series without having played the first
But why?

You cant buy CS: Condition Zero Deleted scenes anymore


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you can always refund the games if you don't like the first one while still taking advantage of the sale.

>Implying it was wasted, not that they bought games they wanted
Not as stupid as you, bucko.

yeah, Civ 6 mostly with a bit of dark souls 3

Any good Tower Defense game? I want longevity. Maybe Workshop mods

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keep dusk and amid evil

dead cells is "okay" as far as rogue-likes go and gets kind of boring but I played it before they made the choose your own run thing so maybe it's better now that there's no grind

rain world is too cryptic for it's own good but you have people here on Yea Forums who will never shut up about incomprehensible games like RW and pathologic who will argue to the contrary

binding of isaac rebirth is okayish

GET BALLISTICNG (if you like zero-G racers, epecially WipEout).

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All are good, but pirate Isaac, don't give the fat fuck money

No idea what to get from those. Transport Fever looks like a nice take on the OpenTTC flavor but it has some mixed reviews mixed in, so I am not so sure about it.
Ori looks great but I am not sure its not gonna be a second Hollow Knight and turns out to be a boring as shit attempt at the Metroidvania.

All I honestly want is Desperados 3

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>ballisticng and blood bowl shill in the same thread

I'm here all week baby.

Can anyone recommend pic related? In particular I'd like to know how grindy it is, and if it's challenging or not. I don't really care about stuff like narrative/plot/dialogue.

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Vanquish and Cross Code are worth keeping.

Oh shit Stranger of Sword City is on sale? I’ve been waiting for that.

do NOT buy Wrack, it's unfinished, short and overall disappointment. Dev left the development after chilly reception and you basically have only one episode of promised three.

but what if I have no friends IE. friends only play call of duty and fifa? Think its still fun on its own

>Games you bought
Katamari Reroll
Doom 2016

I've heard good things about crosscode, it gets recommended a lot in steam threads

Don't buy it.
The idea is great, but the game is boring as fuck. Everything takes forever to make, it's very grindy

don't ever get a TW game. That shit has never risen above mediocrity since the first entry, they never fix major issues like retarded AI and only go for stuff that nets them the quick buck, and it's especially not worth it at 10% off.

updates ruined dead cells, get rid of it

>buy Kingdom Come Deliverance without DLC because not sure if I like the game
>like the game, think about returning it to buy the version with all DLC
>lose track of time go over 2 hours, can't return
>complete edition same price regardless of whether or not you have base game
Well, shit.

>he actually bought these instead of pirating it

thanks for your help, I tried rain world but didn't find it to be that enjoyable.
i pirated it, game just seemed ok
alright thanks

thanks user, basically the info I was looking for. Guess I'll pirate it eventually and hope for an improved sequel or a patch because I do love the idea of it.

>spend 200 clone leaf money
>buy nothing
wtf dude, steam sale should be about looking for discounts, not to buy nearly full priced 3 games and calling it finished. Get some good old games or some indies with discount -75%

Rain World is amazing.

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I hope the dev patches and rebalances it someday, he had great and unique visions but couldn't translate them into the game.

>Kinkdom Cummies Royal Edition
>Talos Principle + Road To Gehenna
>Nu-Hitman 2 Gold + GOTY Legacy
>Shadow Warrior 2
>Amid Evil
>Doom 3 + ROE
>Gun Metal
>Gorky 17
>Devil Daggers
>System Shock 1+2
Will buy just as much by the end of sale probably.
Dunno if I should by Nu-Doom right now or wait for QuakeCon.

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I liked the first game
Is this worth getting for 5 bucks?

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Hey guys, do I buy Metro 2033 + Last Light
Dragon's Dogma??

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rate and hate
there's still time to refund

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - $38.80
Kenshi - $20.47
Silent Hunter III - $3.65
Sniper Elite 4 - $12.93
Men of War - $1.34
Endless Space - $1.07
Drift86 - $0.53

Total - $78.79

I am okay with this. Every game is good.

>gorky 17

I can't believe that slavic jank is on steam. What a time to be alive.

refund invisible war and pirate it instead, you have to dump so many patches on the game just to make it playable anyways

"better" gameplay shittier story

Dragon's Dogma for sure.

Slime Rancher, Witcher, CrossCode

>paying for pc games

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Dragon's Dogma, bro. Not even close. I've put over 500 hours into DD. I have yet to actually finish a Metro game because I always get bored and stop playing them.

Damn that sucks. I'll refund it then, when I see a proper refund page instead of 502. Thanks

LISA is great - get the DLC if you have the money

Dragon's Dogma is fantastic and has good replay value. I'd find a thread and ask for how to get started though, because the early game your first time can be a little weird.

>Monster hunter world
>Portal 2 (Thought I had it, turns out I just had the first one after looking at it again)
>Every Hitman game except for the latest one
>All Half-Life games
>Team Fortress Classic
>Cities skyline

Overall pretty good haul, hoping to get some money for my birthday so I can buy MGSV and make up a little for what I've spent so far.

got hollow knight, played 10 hours so far and I'm having a really great time with it. great fucking game

Help me out, Yea Forums. Max Payne 1 and 2 or FEAR? Thinking of getting Underrail as well, but I've never touched a game like Fallout 1/2 before.

get MP1 and 2
Fear is good too but it's almost more of a tech demo at parts

Don't touch underrail if you've never played FO1/2, it's way harder to get into and if you don't minmax the right way (or go all psi) then you will get wrecked in mid/late game.

>Max Payne 1 and 2 or FEAR? Thinking of getting Underrail as well, but I've never touched a game like Fallout 1/2 before.

Max Payne 1 and 2 is you have to just choose that or FEAR.

but you should own all three, Underrail and Fallout 1/2

Rate my cart, I haven't bought anything since (according to steam) Dec 29, 2017 @ 12:41pm.

I have no idea what's Enclave or Neo Aquarium but they look fun.
Also, is Starbound fun or is it just a 2D Minecraft?

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It's the dawn of a new month and I am going to buy some things. Here's what I got so far. Considering Crosscode and Heat Signature. Looking for other 20 dollar and under hidden gems. Anyone played Butcher? Looks really good.

Saints row 4 doesn’t do enough to justify getting it if you have 3. Sleeping dogs is a rock solid game

Drop Binding of Isaac and Rain World. Dead Cells is the best roguelike on the market right now, bar none. And Dusk and Amid Evil are god tier shooters. Rain World is beautiful and unique but an absolute chore to play and just not very fun.

Do you want a repeat of what happened in the early 2000s or something?

>everyone shitting on Rain World
Lapdogs, all of you.

Attached: rwdobuwhitu.webm (800x450, 1.64M)

>when stores still sold physical pc games on shelves
Yes, yes i do

Everspace and China: Mao's Legacy

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Drop SRIV and get SR3 GOTY instead. You'll have a much better time

Your game is too obtuse and anti-fun to bother with. As an animation art project? 10/10. As a game? Garbage.

Definitely, DEFINITELY keep rain world.

Is AC Syndicate worth my time?


Well that's weird because I play it for fun all the time and I think it's a great game.

Attached: rwplaytime2.png (836x121, 117K)

These anons are right

do you guys ctrl-f every thread for rain world or what
is this the dev i'm talking to?
who is this obsessed with such a mediocre game

How does Hollow Knight run on Switch dock and undocked? Will probably buy it on Steam if it isn't a constant 60fps.

Way to out yourself as someone who didn't get past the tutorial area.

>Is AC Syndicate worth my time?

It's the last true AC game before Origins and Odyssey killed the franchise and turned it into a shitty hack and slash RPG full of microtransactions.

Do you want a [stealth] shooter with shitty story or an RPG with the "I don't get it" story?

It's not a mediocre game. It's the most unique gaming experience of the decade hidden behind a shroud of game journalists failing at the tutorial. I can guarantee you you have no idea what the game is actually about. Anyone who keeps going ends up praising the game for a reason user.

>Anyone who keeps going ends up praising the game for a reason user.

buyer's remorse is a hell of a thing

But user I shit on Stellaris every time someone asks about it and I spent way more money it in. You make no sense!

Definitely Max Payne.
Can't say that MP1 aged well in terms of gameplay but it's alright. Second one is a pretty good TPS.
Honestly, I'd even recommend Max Payne 3 in addition to that if you have some money to spare. While people are debating whether the story was logical or not, gameplay-wise it's one of the best third-person shooters to date and gameplay is quite satisfying.

>literal GOTY
>buyers remorse

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Our know people like different things. I think anyone who can’t understand and get into dwarf fortress is a fucking caveman, but I can see why they don’t like it or can’t get into it

I got stuff refunded with 4 hours on the belt, so you can still try.

have 30€
want some action adventure, have tomb raider any tips?

One game I will definitely not pick up after these threads is Rain World.

You have never pirated a game you could buy physically?

Was about to buy all this but added Yakuza 0 after seeing it in this thread.

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Does that mean anything MW3 won best story once, Fallout 4 was game of the year, games that aren’t even out yet get nominated. Shill and retards hading out awards like pedos at a park with candy is not the best metric of success

>can get the $5 discount
>have to spend my entire steam wallet to get it

Is it worth it Yea Forums?

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You fail to understand that you don't know rain world. You just know what it appears to be through the eyes of a game journalist. I used to be you but I completed the game recently after a friend shilled it to me day and night. I was not expecting what the game threw at me at all. There's a reason anyone who went further into the game is praising it, user.

Your loss, contrarian.

If you have never played yakuza before pick it up it’s a good starting point, be ready for the main character to say everything is rad and act like he has mild autism though

Yakuza is an overrated collection of minigames for the most part, so I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Lmao, is that all you can think about? Not the collapse of sales that brought PC gaming down crashing?

Not much $10.
I bought Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Italia and Everspace.

yakuza 0 is the best game I've played in years
enjoy it

I'm not talking about the official game awards, those are obviously bullshit.

>early 2000s, 10 years old me
>often see this game in stores
>screenshots look cool
>"nah, it's probably too deep for me"
>some years later
>enjoy the shit out of fallout
>"I probably should've tried this game, it looked kinda similar..."
>don't see it in stores, have shitty internet, can't pirate
>forgot about it
>more years pass
>suddenly see it on Steam
There's more obscure vintage slav kino on my wishlist. Time to finally catch up.

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>budget: $0
>spent: $0
>games i "bought":
whatever the fuck i want

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I've played 0 and kiwami plus 4 and 0 is the best by far.


I only spent 2 bucks and got it

Bought Crypt of The Necrodancer

Yeah I've played the whole series and it's probably on top still even if I loved the other games. It's just hard to argue with 0's content unless you're arguing for 5.

because you spent a lot on previous sales, user

I picked it because I heard there was porn jap actresses in it. also it looks like it is similar to God Hand (minigames with punching people in between).

It’s all subjective user sure you can say people just don’t get it or they didn’t go deep enough, but some people don’t want to get it and don’t want to go deep into a game to start enjoying it. Likewise you have people who just don’t enjoy certain games

What does this mean

0, 0, nothing

but is it fun? is the dlc any good too?
aside from collecting cards of jav actresses around the map they are hostesses as well so plenty to have fun with

Sure you can not want to experience something amazing just because. That's your right. But you can't say the game is mediocre because you don't want to experience it, that's all.

>5 dollars I guess
>Half Minute Hero and Jade Empire

Bought Tales of Vesperia for 24 bucks
pretty good desu

>made a new thread and didn't notice this one
So far I've gotten Vanquish and Deathgarden. Looking at Heat Signature and High Hell as well. I'd also like some suggestions on hidden horror gems; I've been told about Tamashii and the Charnel House trilogy and plan to pick em both up but want more.

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>Slay the Spire
>Megaquarium (probably still overpriced)
>South Park Butthole
Budget was $50, spent probably around $45

I hate pirating just because I can never buy a PC game without feeling like I took on an unnecessary cost. Have to buy on console instead.

Considering hitman 2 bundle
Would leave me with around 25$ left.
Considering No Mans Sky which is getting the MMO update later on this summer

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Never claimed it to be mediocre just pointing out not everyone would get it or enjoy it regardless. Take my example of DF I see fortresses of dwarfs weathering savage lands and calamity and the stories form this. All most people see is a fucking mess of numbers letters and shapes moving around on a screen

Hope you're doing it for the boost points because hitman 2 gold is 26 bucks on CDkeys

Says 30 for me. Is there a discount code or something?

If your getting no man for the update wait and see if it’s actually a good update first no point in buying just to be disappointed in it

I have no money so I spent like 50 cents to get the new Total War DLC, using the discount coupon from the event.

Dungeon of the Endless is quite fun but it doesn't have any mods I'm affraid.

*Except all the uncracked games


Yeah my bad i was still using eurobucks without noticing, still better than 40

not really, but I got some games gifted to me

>marketplace platform so good that not even free games can compete with it
>sale isn't even that good but torrent download rates still trickle down to a halt
>desperate piratefags shill their shit on the threads, hoping to maintain their seed/leech ratios so they won't get throttled
>but no one wants it
How does it feel to lose to trading cards?

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How much Steam Sales you got user and how many of them did you actually play/finish?

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>do you guys ctrl-f every thread for rain world or what
Different user but I literally do that sometimes.
What can I say, I thought it was really good.

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bought amid evil and refunded in an hour because stutters
great game though

quite a few

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Dont forget to purchase Warsim, Yea Forums!

Attached: warsim.jpg (460x215, 70K)

I only bought Darksiders 3 and Pathfinder: Kingmaker

There is probably other things I want but I don't recall any at this time

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Tales of Zestiria, yay or nay?
Played Berseria previously and it was okay. Story was cheesy (though all Tales stories are like that?) but I mostly played it for the characters and their interactions.
Currently playing Vesperia.

I can and I will, you cock-sucking faggot. How's the developers dick in your ass feel? Nobody is going to play your shit game here, but I'm sure your friends on Resetera might like it.

Relatively new to this, but I've played every game I got in the last sale (where I only spent ~$3.75). Aces Wild, Thief Gold, One Finger Death Punch, & KNIGHTS. I've grabbed two free games since then, but I'll likely be dropping actual money on this sale.


Bought DOOM. Might play it later. Nothing really peaks my interest.

Zestiria sucks ass, skip it, go emulate Tales of the Abyss for 3DS or PS2

Not going to lie, some of them i just quit after a few minutes because they're straight shit, but that's on me for being an humble monthly subscriber

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classic doom or nu-doom?

Bump for more horror suggestions

Would rather pirate it, desu

you buy golden edition and first season bundle if you didn't have hitman season 1 before

nuDOOM. already own the classics.

Don't do it, Zesteria is the 2nd worst Tales mainly due to a shitty story, equipment system, and Rose. If you like spammy combat and gay romance you'll probably like it tho

when you buy multiple games in a cart, if you refund one of them does it refund everything?

>Stellaris DLCs

I already own most of the games I wanted from previous sales. Also currently an unemployed neet.

Is We. The Revolution any good, also how many points/tokens do I earn for buying a game?

>have fun downloading 100gb of data, 40gb of which you'll never use.

>Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon is great, but it's problems manifest by the end (level 5-6), since any bad RNG will have disastrous consequences. Would recommend it tho, the game is really memorable
Yikes. The soda exploit doesn't let you break the point limit, which is the limiting factor on your Prix points
The game looks very pretty, but that's it. Do yourself a favour and play Terraria instead

I see.
>gay romance
Acceptable only if it's between girls.

yeah, what the fuck is up with the size of this thing?

SRIV is the only game where i can have a barefoot big titty thicc latina fly around a sandbox city while wearing a skimpy dress and a pink thong

like 5 muttbucks
about so
>>Games you bought
Dark Messaiah ov Might and Magic
Borderlands the handsome collection