>Sony Interactive Entertainment president and CEO Jim Ryan told the Nihon Keizai Shimbun in a new interview that the company is considering the merger and acquisition of game development companies.

>According to Ryan, with companies such as Google entering the games industry, “content is becoming more important than ever before.”

Place your bets who will join the PS chadforce.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No japanese studios only western shit. Why care?

Probably Bluepoint or Remedy.
Maybe Insomniac, as they will be making Spider-Man anyway.

More like who’s getting executed.
Larger companies buying out studios has always had a higher chance of being the death of that studio

What would sustain shitposting? I only want that.

>mfw Sony acquired Platinum
Them nincel tears gonna be hilarious

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Probably Hideous Kojambo, who else will fund his movies?

I dunno Sonybros every western studio is cucked beyond belief.

Which Japanese studio should Sony buy?

My best bet is Sony buys the whole of Sega or Capcom or FROM.

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Why are we so BASED Sonybros? I don't even think I have a dabbing picture good enough to show how much we dab on everyone else.

>Which Japanese studio should Sony buy?
Level 5

Japan has laws that would probably prevent Sony or any other company buying out the likes of Sega or Capcom.

i hope this isnt true

This. Japan is based unlike kikemerica.


kojima productions
sucker punch
platinum games

I expect at least 3 of these

Sony won't buy Japanese studios, you retards.

>sucker punch

well shit never mind.

>platinum games
They don't even own any of the games they make, would be a terrible thing for these series.


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>platinum games
Aren't they pretty adamant about remaining 3rd Party?

how many big independent studios are left?
especially in the west
something on par with Insomniac or Remedy
everything has been bought up already

maybe, bayonetta would be a clusterfuck of a series

The merger law states that FOREIGN company cannot do that in Japan, Sony is not a foreign company.
Most of Sony's capital is still their insurance business (local).

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Based Sony, now they might be able to put out a whole 6 exclusive movies in a single console life cycle.

>If we can't get pokemon we just get yokai watch

SNK was bought by a Chinese firm, and Sega isn't even originated from Japan

between EA, Bethesda, Microsoft, even THQ Nordic, everything seems to have been acquired and snatched up
who is left to buy that would actually be newsworthy

>Buying companies
Why? Microsoft has been doing the same since Rare and every company they buy shits out turds.
Isn't it easier to just pay for exclusives like Bloodborne or Spiderman?

Which do you prefer, stay 3rd party or going bankrupt?

Nobody is going to buy a monster collection game on home console. Sony has no handheld. They will buy shity western indie devs. Who carees?

Japanese dev
>Level 5
>Kojima Productions
>Yoko Taro studio

I was thinking more of their history making exclusive jrpgs with Sony like Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, Jeanne d'Arc, White Knight Chronicles
they have had a partnership together before


Which do you think is better for a company like Sony?
>One off exclusive where developer can just fuck off afterwards to another publisher
>Studio will only ever make exclusive games

Is Yoko Taro’s studio not owned by Square?

Copying M$ again? Pathetic.

the former clearly has worked better than the later as history has shown us

>buy game studio
>force them to make movies
based sony

They’re buying you retards


This is your mind on Snoy.
Rather than thinking of the new exclusive games you will get, your first thought goes to Nintendo fans.
Literally obsessed.

Go ahead now, spout your buzzwords. We both know it's the only way you know to communicate.

good luck getting all the companies that own different section's of sega's body to sell that shit all at once.

You can't control costs when you buy an exclusive. If you buy the company you can apply horizontal controls, or hell even vertical if you want. You get the ability to share information faster and sooner (making new hardware easier to adopt), management conditions are consistent, you can dictate team size and move them around, etc. It's massively cheaper if you have solid management and Sony does. Microsoft seems to let companies take their time then when the bill gets high they'll can games rather than crack the whip. Hard to say about Nintendo but everything points to a pretty great ability to manage multiple teams in different genres.

Sony actually has prioritized the first option when dealing with other studios
they clearly value both 1st and 2nd party exclusives
it's rare for them to outright buy a studio with no previous history or exclusive contract with them
MM being the one of few exceptions

>One off studio where developers can just fuck off afterwards to form a new studio with your money
Fixed that for you

>pay more people
>to still have less than a game per year

because western studios are better than jap anime shit ones

>Microsoft seems to let companies take their time then when the bill gets high they'll can games rather than crack the whip.
that's not true at all,

>kojima productions
I don't think Kojima ever wants to be under the thumb of execs again, his name will sell games for years to come.
>sucker punch
Already owned
>platinum games
Too male gazey for Snoy, more likely Platinum would just agree to be second party with Nintendo.

Damn, considering every other studio they have only makes movies it's about time

Valve with hl3 being ps5 exclusive Not going to happen, but it'll cause the biggest shitstorm imaginable.

from the western side?
quantic dream
io interactive

more like no games studios

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>Place your bets who will join the PS chadforce.
Watch it just be Illfonic and some literally who VR developers.


sony buying bungie would be hilarious, I don't think MS would ever live that down

>quantic dream
bought up by some Chinese mobile company

I don't know about that. Kojima has a new ip and new ips are unproven. Death Stranding is not a guaranteed success until the numbers are there. Sony already knows Kojima will be an expensive acquisition. Now if DS becomes a success then he can ask whatever he wants. With a new competitor in gaming with deep pockets Kojima could be a really good position IF Death Stranding becomes a hit.


>quantic dream
yeah....not gonna happen

the pre-orders are already higher than any previous game from KojiPro

pretty sure DS has raped pre order numbers

I expect one will be Hello Games

Is this a situation Platinum currently finds themselves in?

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No Chinese company outright purchased SNK. When are you retards going to learn how investing works?

it was prior to nier automata, though that may be a temporary reprieve

Pre-orders mean jack shit. The legs. It has to have good legs.

Based anti McDonald's nonce-cel poster

they already own sucker punch and platinum is adamant about being independent and self publishing in the future, so that's never happening.

>quantic dream
Net Ease just put a big investment in them and David Cage is in trouble with the employment tribunal
Publicly owned and profitable. Has Korean based investment. Just cut a deal with MS for the Alan Wake publishing rights as well.
Have lodsa money, big film deals and really focusing on PC gaming. Jason Kingsley wants them independent
China money from NetEase and want to be independent
>io interactive
Hitman IP won't come with them so they would be buying a studio with nothing backing them
The minute Ted Price says he is interested in selling. Sony would get counter bid by Facebook who have a huge multi-game contract for oculus with them never mind Microsoft. They like being independent.

Sony will likely pick up Illfonic, Kojipro and 1 or 2 VR studios. Don't expect huge acquisitions.

Nope, they're independant. They just got a bunch of in vestors fro places like France and China and America.

In the 25 years of existence of the Playstation, Sony has never bought any Japanese studio. The two studios they own, which are rather big, were created alongside the Playstation
The reason for this is to avoid disrupting the balance between Sony and the Japanese biggest publishers like SE, Bandai Namco, Sega, Capcom and such. Sony making a move toward a Japanese studio would have a ripple effect among the whole Jap scene who already is under Sony's wing anyway

More games stuck at 30 FPS, great.

>“social justice is becoming more important than ever before.”

sony is to embarrassed to be japanese to buy any studio there

>Publicly owned and profitable. Has Korean based investment. Just cut a deal with MS for the Alan Wake publishing rights as well.
control will bomb then sony or microsoft with buy them up

Halo fan, don't need those tranny hiring faggots back, Halo 3 was their last good game and that was only because of Xbox Game Studios, Sony can keep them.

Are you even aware the financial problem happening at Platinum? To give you a perspective, Bayonetta was financial flop to platinum, they almost went bankrupt until Nier saves them but 1 game can only do so much to sustain a company.

Sony seems to be the exception, all the studio's sony bought out have had relative creative freedom autonomy to work on what projects they want, even if it doesn't turn out a huge profit.
Only the studios which were losing them money for years on end got canned (evolution, studio liverpool)

>io interactive
>Hitman IP won't come with them so they would be buying a studio with nothing backing them
IO is confirmed to own the Hitman IP

hear that fags?
you better buy Astral Chain

yep, looks like microsoft and sony are probably going to go into bidding wars for noteworthy studios like insomniac and remedy. literally the only two studios worth buying at this point. bluepoint are technically talented but have only done ports, remasters, and remakes.

insomniac kinda ruined the spiderman combat with that stupid gliding to enemies shit they put into the game

The destiny games are good if you want a few years for all the expansions to come out before buying. I suspect this to be an activision thing

Reminder that tears are coming.

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>In March 2015, Leyou Technologies Holdings submitted a disclosure of interest document to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, highlighting a "possible investment in a renowned Japanese video game developer".[27] Later in August, it was announced that Chinese web and mobile games giant 37Games, along with an asset management firm, Orient Securities, had formed a joint venture to invest in Ledo Millennium, a subsidiary of Leyou Technologies. Through Ledo, the venture acquired Kawasaki's 81.25% stake in SNK Playmore for $63.5 million. The reason given for the acquisition was to gain rights to SNK Playmore's IP, and further develop them by following Marvel's approach to mass media, with games, comics, film and television.[6][28]

What now faggot?

The only realistic one is Bluepoint. Other than that they are going to buy some smaller developers and then grow them organicly.

I hope this doesn't happen, but damn imagine the cataclysmic butthurt on Yea Forums

It looks a bit too good to be true

>The minute Ted Price says he is interested in selling. Sony would get counter bid by Facebook who have a huge multi-game contract for oculus with them never mind Microsoft. They like being independent.
thats just stupid. Who would willingly join Facebook and produce shitty vr games. Also they never could work on ratchet and clanck again or Spiderman.
I doubt Sony will buy anything. They already bought Audiokinetic which seems pretty useless.

>people think Sony only left this E3 and not all E3

this is also why SIE Japan Studio is actually one of the largest studios Sony owns at over 400 employees
they focus on engine work and 3rd party partnerships, with smaller internal teams working on many different projects acting like separate studios

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>Silent Hill
>All exclusive

We will dab so hard that day that the industry will collapse

why list studios like bungie that self publish and wish to remain independent?



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>reviving ninja gaiden
>reviving castlevania
>reviving MGS
yes please

That would be very impressive but it seems very unlikely.

>all exclusives
>all turned into third person heavy cinematics QTE games

Ninja Gaiden is Konami's game?

The only place calling it an acqusition is fucking wikipedia, because you morons don't understand how business works. Find me a single documentation from SNK where they specifically state that they are now fully owned by this company as a subsidiary. I also want you to find me a single well documented business source made by a knowledgeable investor who says that investing money into a company now means that you own said company.

sony could reunite kojima with MGS

I see sony buying the rights for mgs and silent hills but not buying the entirety of konami
and even then they'd still allow pc versions

no it's tecmo, I always mix them up

kojima has also publically stated he wants kojipro to remain independent and dumbass companies will give him blank checks just off his name alone.

>more censorship and moviegames

More censorship yahooo

>control will bomb



Shitposting aside...
If Sony's CEO recently said their goal is to make less but high quality games, then what's the point of buying new studios?

>oh no, Sony will turn a third person franchise famous for it's cinematics, into a third person cinematic game

True, Most Japanese Games promote being young and hip no fucking substance at all not to mention theyre stories are a bunch of fucking stuff Jammed together or being all over the place.

Maybe you should have read that article instead of just the headline.
It was clickbait.
What the dude said was that he doesn't mind that sonys games get delayed because they rather release less games per year if it means a higher quality.

he doesn't want to work with MGS anymore

>it's this easy to trick neo/v/ with clickbait titles

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I swear console players are legit and genuinely stupid. Not even meme'ing. With PlayStation Now, none of this bullshit matters.

>in order to censor them and curtail their output
Based snoy. Playstation is just for selling screens now.

if a studio takes 4-5 years to make a game, then they will not rush them
they will instead get more studios to fill in the inbetween years


Why do you think they’re working with Kojima?
The only major series Konami owned that wasn’t 3rd person cinematic was Castlevania

>Owned 84% shares
>Doesn't owned the company

Do you even know what type of company SNK is registered? Do you even the what is shareholders means?

>Sony get Kojima
>Sony gets MGS rights

"No prease, Sony-sama, no more Snejku onegai"

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isn't fromsoft owned by some manga or anime company

Layden never actually said that he "wants to make fewer games". He acknowledged the fact that Sony is releasing fewer games now than before, but those games are bigger in terms of sales and critical reception

>was ibce the defacto console for japanese games
>start censoring the games forcing devs to focus on other consoles (the switch) and give no shit about the console actually popular in japan (the vita)
>now have to start buying japaense devs so they don't jump ship

Castlevania Lord of Shadows was produced by Kojima

I can unironically see Zone of the Enders by Guerilla Games, the dudes that made Horizon.

*after dropping price to $10
Gran Turismo shits on their entire current library.

We're talking about Nu-Sony here, my friend.

Reminder that Sony quietly built a new studio in San Diego

They're making Uncharted

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delusional, two of those companies are already very profitable and kojima has stated time and time again he wishes to remain independent.


Uglyaas tranny mole F lead in game corridor with decent combat was a flop and game with cute girls wasnt? Based

microsoft does this
sony does this
never trust snoyniggers

and naughty dog is making a first person game in the style of half life

gross, do you delusional fucks have no shame?

Seethe harder xcucks

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>always copying everyone else a year late

Truly, Sony is the Apple of vidya

Sounds like a direct response to Microsoft eating up a load of companies, I didn't like it when they did it and I don't like it with Sony.
Exclusives have always been a thing but it's seems recently we've reached a point where there's more of a desperate scramble to procure everything, even on the fucking pc of all things where Epic is forcing exclusivity aswell.

Microsoft does this
>shitty GAAS multiplayer
Sony does this
>HQ single player exclusive

>naughty dog is making a first person game in the style of half life

Do tell

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Visual Art studio just a subsidiary that handle motion capture for Sony games, its not technically a game studio.

Yeah, it means that you own shares in the company. It doesn't mean the company is now your subsidiary you dumb fuck bizlet. Go read a book before trying to talk about crap you have no knowledge of.

you realize bleeding edge was in production before microsoft bought that company, right?

Bluepoint maybe
Def not Platinum, that's 100% not happening
Sucker Punch is already Sony owned
Insomniac could be one depending on if they WANT to be bought or not
Kojima I feel will want to stay independent after Konami fucked him

>yfw its compile heart

>We're totally open. The future, the next game that we do might not be third-person," Naughty Dog creative director Neil Druckmann said today during a panel at DICE Summit 2018.

they also once offered to make half life 3 for valve, no joke.

so it seems they have legit interest in a single player fps.

God of War sold 3 million in a week, Spider-Man did 3.5 in the same time
these games broke sales records for any PlayStation exclusive ever, that includes Gran Turismo
these games went on to sell over 10 million each, neither of which have been sold for $10
Gran Turismo 5 was the best selling PS3 exclusive at 11 million, Sony already has at least 4 titles on par or better than that on PS4 with Uncharted 4, HZD, GoW, Spider-Man
Gran Turismo Sport has only just reached 8 million, which is still great but has the same deals and price drops as any other exclusive
stop shitposting

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Destiny games are shit, somehow even worse than their last two games, ODST and Reach.

It took Sony 25 years to realize you actually need people making games if you want exclusives?

I'm all for it though. My only issue with Sony is that they hate video games on both a realized and conceptual level. If they start pumping out actual games I'll support them.

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>Naughty dog working on TLOU2 for 6 years, 3 years since they last released a game
>Media Molecule haven't released a game in 6 years, Dreams only just went into early access
>San Diego studio took 5 years between god of war: ascension & the new god of war
>Guerrilla took 4 years to work on Horizon: Zero Dawn, still haven't announced a new game more than 2 years later
>sucker punch's last game was 5 years ago, still no date on Ghost of Tsushima

They have been hiring game developers. Specifically some former Naughty Dog devs

at least the gunplay and movement is better than halo

name 5 ps4 movies

"Content" is an overused word that has no meaning whatsoever. It can mean anything and refers to whatever. Just like "toxic" or "epic".

user as a Sonyfag you of all people should know Bayo 3 would be heavily censored if it was on Sony

>Confusing STOCK with SHARES
Fucking kill yourself retard, just because you google shit doesn't mean you know what the fuck you're talking. Fucking dumbass, now go google the differences between stock and shares and educated your stupid nigger ass

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I'm so glad they didn't get halo. They would've turned it into another boring movie game. I say this as a ps4 owner.

I with I hadn't left Xbox.

It's more of a reaction to Google entering the market
Sony has Microsoft in check for now, them buying a bunch of PC-centric devs won't suddenly turn them into a threat especially with Microsoft shifting its focus on PC and Gamepass rather than the console itself
Backwards compatibility may further widen the gap, Xboners which were frustrated this whole gen may shift to PS5 and get access to the whole PS4 library day one

halo is already boring as shit so that wouldn't be necessary

No, even 343's Halo is better than that shit, 343 is better than current Bungie. The only reason Bungie was even able to make Halo CE-3 so good was because of Xbox Game Studios when they left Microsoft in 2007, they went downhill fast.

>buy Wipeout guys
>let them make a few Uncharted spinoffs
>shut them down

>buy Motorstorm guys
>let them make Driveclub
>shut them down

>buy SOCOM guys
>let them make MAG
>shut them down

Now the cycle begins again.
Fuck you Sony.


So they can become more like EA-senpai.

>Platinum only made bayo
Fuck off, I want another Vanquish

They also would have killed off Master Chief because he's too masculine and killed off Cortana because she's too hot.

I stand corrected, fucking do it Sony, bring W101 as well.

Ah yes because xbox (lets replace chief with a black dude) is such a good alternative

>The absolute state of xcucks, Nincels and PC Master Waste

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I havn't played any of 343's games but not even Halo fans liked the last one so

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It's been kind of rumored that they're making a game based on the comic from TLOU.

They even put skins based on it in Uncharted 4 even though its not related to Uncharted at all

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>San Diego
they are baseball
Santa Monica are the GoW guys

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>Master Chief because he's too masculine

*Mogs your franchise*

and are you seriously going to say Microsoft doesn't do this shit after gears 4/5?

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That is completely subjective.

Two objectively boring games, (if you can even call them that) are uncharted 4 & FF15.

Those are not games. Games are supposed to be fun, and those two are the exact opposite of fun.
Halo is a fun game loved by millions.

Black dude got sideline so hard he won't be in Infinite or any mainline Halo game ever again. Chief took his series back.

The user score is filled with Snoy pedos giving it 0s. I stopped taking Metacritic seriously years ago.

Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 6
Yakuza Kiwami 2

>buy Wipeout guys
>let them make a few Uncharted spinoffs

Wut? Sony Bend made an Uncharted spinoff but that's it

I want you to read this article and realize how fucking stupid you are, so shut the fuck up already. You still didn't find me the things I wanted.

didn't they replace MC with a black dude and removed all the sexy features from cortana in 5?

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I guess they are on to something

Xbox has nothing movie games or otherwise

Well, you fuckin got me there!

? Context?

And Halo Infinite is taking 5 years, Zelda took 5 years, Cyberpunk gonna take 5-6 years. Nothing to do with Sony, that's just how long AAA take to make now

ah yes, I'm sure it's the sonyfans and halo fans didn't cry about 5 at all

Gears is made by Canadians, those fuckers are cucked anyway like that British Ninja Theory team, they're already far gone, Gears is dead and Bleeding Edge will flop but they saw that Locke was a bad idea.

halo 5 tried to out a new spartan in the spotlight and the fanbase fucking hated it

The games you listed are also "loved" by "millions" (of NPCs, just like Halo), tranny-kun

>buy Wipeout guys
>let them make a few Uncharted spinoffs
>shut them down
what are you even referring to?
are you confusing Liverpool with Bend?

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ok but they're still under microsoft

>tfw excited just for shitposting and meltdown threads

God, what have I become...

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Brian Reed tried too but got fired for it, now Chief is the main character of every mainline Halo game going forward.

Fans cried about it but still enjoyed the gameplay and multiplayer.

Master Chief is a generic milititary type with a generic grunt voice with no personality.

Who else has heard the rumor its platinum and remedy?

>10 years in the future
>Microsoft has bought all the Western studios
>Sony has bought all the Jap studios
Which console is best now?

it's not just you. Sonybro images are funny as shit and the fact that people get asshurt for them enhances it further

True, they should have left Gears dead, who the fuck even asked for that series to come back?

damn, maybe they should find a way to make bayonetta third party?

>In contrast, in common parlance, "shares" has a more specific meaning: It often refers to the ownership of a particular company.
>refers to the ownership
nigger can you read?

>buy SOCOM guys
>let them make MAG
>shut them down
you are forgetting something
MAG was 2010, complete failure
then they made SOCOM 4 in 2011, complete failure
then they made Unit 13 in 2012, complete failure

Sony obviously, western gaming is in shambles

you can say the same for Halo

Can't keep hustling for eternity

>Astral Chain
>Switch only
damn maybe thats why platinum keeps losing money, making games for a fucking dead console where the main target audience dont play their kind of games


If anyone is curious the rumours are the following are being looked at as viable buys by Sony within the industry itself:
>Arrowhead Game Studios
No solid confirmations on if any offers have been made but anyone you ask says they've heard they're all options and that it just "makes sense" for them. Personally the only one that would surprise me is Playdead.

Insomniac was apparently approached and declined already during pre-production of the next S-M game, but they've been shooting down offers for over a decade at this point and the executive/management on both sides are friendly about it. Apparently Mark Cerny used to send Ted Price christmas cards joking all he asked Santa for again that year was Insomniac.

Who else is excited to experience The Last of Us: Part II, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima in IMAX?

Liverpool Studio never made an Uncharted game you uninformed c/u/ck. The reason for them to close down the studio was because they had put nothing since Wipeout 2048 and Wipeout HD+Fury.

W101 is owned by Nintendo. As is Astral Chain.

>Lost MGS, Silent Hills
wow what a huge loss, lmao dead franchises stained by shit games in the series

I know you didn't actually read the article, now if you want a tldr look at the key take away portio and the last paragraph.
Did you not read the article that specifically talks about stocks? It's talking about ownership in the share, not ownership in the company. You fucking idiot.

Every independant studio has been on the shopping cart of fanboys
There were threads about that preposterous Take-Two aquisition filled with deluded goden faces

Technically they're indie, but they're also a publisher. SO not really.

Xbox bought more relevant studios, they will have better games, even though they'll be on pc

Playdead would be a horrible purchase. Takes them like 6 years to put out a 2 hour game. Hell Sony gave Edith Finch away for a similar reason

Cope, Snoy was planning to get rid of Kratos because he was too masculine and they saw taht as toxic.

>you can say the same for Halo
No, you can't, Halo still had more stories to tell of the Master Chief, Covenant as a whole wasn't dead, the Flood could come back at any time, the Halo rings were all still out there in teh galaxy, humanity still wasn't safe. Halo 3 cliffhanger ending, the only ones who didn't see that Halo had a future were the ones who were never fans of the series in the first place. Gears literally ended with 3 and it was never a good franchise.

wtf bro, no??? you have to experience it in the original res, 720p that way you can see the game the way the developer intended. you're as bad as the people who want all their games to magically work with a new controller and in higher fps and res on a new system. completely undermines the artistic integrity, you're just another george lucas rereleasing starwars with cg trash.

the dream is real

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>it literally said "ownerships of a particular company"
>"b-but its not the company, its the stock!"

Source? I thought everything hitman has to go through SE

That's why I doubt it too. Even if they staff up under Sony they have no proof they can put out stuff at indie/aa level in a reasonable 3 year timeframe, and afaik they aren't looking to be bought either.

Probably because their model is not sustainable and one bad game will send them into bankrupcy

>super soaker as weapons
Halo is a bad joke. It lost it's popularity long ago

What are you people talking about "replaced"?

Was this black guy in one game or did they change master chiefs race?

>>San Diego studio took 5 years between god of war: ascension & the new god of war
SSM had another game but that was canceled because it was too similar to destiny. I want to know what Rayspace is. I hope it is a mech game we lack good mech games nowadays.

Good maybe you guys will have more than Bloodborne to flash around for your Dilationstation 5.

Says the Snoy pedo.

Calm down tranny.

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all of sony's current ongoing IPs are stronger than ever

just lol if you think they'll have anything with the launch of gaystation 5, it'll be a paperweight for 2-3 years while relying on PS4 BCs games.

Cope, nigger. Now find me the articles I asked for.

>Why? Microsoft has been doing the same since Rare and every company they buy shits out turds.
That's because they had shit management and corporate culture that treated game devs the same as every other Microsoft department.

Ever since Spencer and Booty changed things up, things have been looking good. MS finally have game developers as CEOs, and they clearly understand that creativity is fucking important. Tim Schafer, Brain Fargo et al voluntarily joined them for a reason.



It's kinda scummy to do this in some respects, but at this point I expect it of Sony. This is a legitimate tactic to choke out platform competition for titles that could be good. It's just smart.

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I could see Kojima meme productions since it's already a movie studio, but people saying platinum or sega have some serious brain damage.

Let the past behind, grandpa

But they know what fun is.

Im finally starting to realize that our exclusives don't mean shit, because they aren't real games.

Xbox has its problems but at least they haven't forgotten what gaming is about.

>got proven wrong by his own source
>"where's the proof!"
Ok nigger

Aren't the baseball guys MLB - The Show in San Diego? How is that a new studio?

Imagine buying a Nintendo system ever


"Fun game loved by millions"

It's not just about the amount of people that love it.
Don't start resorting to ad homiens just because you have no arguments against an opinion.

Also I seriously doubt millions of people liked uncharted 4.

>Posts 20 times how Sony always wins and larps as totally all different posters
Literally everyone hates you niggers

you dont have a ps4

Really? Where was all this backlash with ODST & Reach?

relevant studios like ninja theory who have been a joke for their entire existence, with only one title receiving genuine praise
or obsidian, a company where all talent has left years ago and have absolutely nothing good to say about the people remaining
at least Tim Shaffers studio will make something relevant, the only reason he still has a fanbase is because people have been waiting years for the promise of psychonauts 2, which is a multiplat anyways. double fine has shown absolutely nothing of value outside of psychonauts, but I'm sure microsoft won't regret that purchase. totally not nu-rare 2.0



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>But they know what fun is.
>Im finally starting to realize that our exclusives don't mean shit, because they aren't real games.
Can you explain these 2 statements? Either I don't understand retard, or I am so retarded that I don't understand your big-brained logic.

Their ips are shit.

I rather have the past then shitty third person games with no gameplay for that cinematic experience.

Oh, yes, halo fans like this guy

Sony is an American company, they can't buy Japanese studios

Not him but ODST and Reach got torn apart by fans in 2009 and 2010 and the sells for both games took a hit for it.

I asked for a well written article by a knowledgeable investor that says "buying shares is akin to company ownership" and this is the shit you give me? That fucking article even says it was them just buying shares in the company and mentions nothing about ownership do everyone a favor and promptly remove yourself from the gene pool.

it was like the very first bit of news that directly followed the announcement of the split from SE
they immediately confirmed they retained the rights to the IP
they even went on and made a hitman game after the split

Yes I do? What makes you think I don't?
Because I'm criticizing it & not worshipping the movie games they continue to give us?

That's a 360 game.

>old shit from a time when Microsoft was at top and fanboys try to claim Reach was great
When they brought this to us Halo fans attention we tore them apart and they fucked off back to Call of Duty.

I keep hearing its these two. Anyone have the source?

lol So he didn't get replaced, The fanbase is just a bunch of man babies that overreact at the slightest change?

>its a bunch of noname developers you've never heard of


sony will acquire cdpr, get a hold of gog then pc gaming as a whole
sony wins again
screencap this

Fromsoft. The sheer amount of butthurt will crash

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Nice. Put me in reddit screencap plz guys.

prove it then. we all know your lying

>sony is an american company
Sorry sweety but you're wrong.

The rumor about Remedy started when Control was revealed at Sony's E3 conference and gor fueled when Yoshida recently visited the studio in Finland while Remedy's devs visited Naught Dog a few days ago
Platinium is mere fanboy nonsense

>The console war started with the Xbox Juan

No, Bungie try to replace him in Halo 2, and we attacked them, they tried it again with ODST and Reach, we attacked them, and 343 tried it with Halo 5 and we attacked them. If we didn't do this, Bungie and 343 would have replaced the Chief, because of that now Master Chief is the main character forever.

Probably that second one.

I'm saying Xbox understands that games are supposed to be fun, and PlayStation is more focused on making "cinematic experiences" and treating fun as an obstacle.

Playstation is HQ'd in America now

the trademark showed up after Astrobot finished up development
I wouldn't be surprised if that is a Team Asobi (Japan Studio) title
expect something vr related
RaySpace sounds like Playroom or something, not stylish enough for a proper AAA title

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why? "from soft is GOD" is a meymey, they barely sell 2.5M games on average, they are negligible to this industry outside of those lgbt blogs that use them as a badge of merit.

I wish i cared about anything as much as you fags care about sony or nintendo. Brand loyalty is some kind of religious experience on Yea Forums apparently.

Why did you post a golden face with a sony hat?

>I'm saying Xbox understands that games are supposed to be fun
Kek ur funny

>>According to Ryan, with companies such as Google entering the games industry, “content is becoming more important than ever before.”
What kind of bullshit statement is this?

Reach sucked and no score will change that. Sales also tell a different story as well.

why not?

For as long as they don't touch Japanese studios.

But Xbox has no games. You nintendo shills can't seem to grasp that microsoft cant be better than sony when they dont even make games. Your seething blinds you

it was first confirmed a separate studio in multiple job listings
this is a new place

>I'm saying Xbox understands that games are supposed to be fun, and PlayStation is more focused on making "cinematic experiences" and treating fun as an obstacle.
i read your post and i started to drool like a retard. i think i broke my dog's neck petting it too hard with my retard strength that i got after reading your post

They don't need to
Atlus, Sega, Square-Enix, Koei Tecmo already make Playstation exclusives for free

This, this is why I'm going Xbox Scarlett and Nintendo Switch next year.


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I just seen a thread on the forums talking about how sony will be making more games like
>spider man
>god of war
And everyone was saying how stoked they were and they can't wait. Is ps just not for me anymore? If this is their direction they're taking, I may as well go to xbox or nintendo.

very fun

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What's the last Playstation exclusive SEGA made?

>July 4th
Are you from the future?

My date is wrong. That should say "1st"

>im just pretending
The point was that bad ratings are not due to playstation gamers
6 minutes ago

begone bingtendie

Date on my phone is wrong lol

that new sakura game is also exclusive
they're very likely to get ported to pc by sega europe, but sega japan only cares about ps4

And this is what I feared and the reason i'm going with xbox this time. The core ps audience wants more of this cinematic trash. The studios they're buying aren't going to be konami or capcom, it's going to be some no name trash that wants to make visual experiences.

Think about it this way. What do you need to change with State of Decay to make it a fun game? It needs a lot of work, a lot of fine tuning, some new mecahnics to prevent the gameplay from getting stale, a lot less padding and a lot more meat, and so on.

How do you fix Order 1886? I dont even know where to start except "scrap it and try again".

>Sega, Square-Enix
Yakuza and Final Fantasy are not Playstation exclusive.

Based gold controller user. Fuck playstation though and fuck all your cinema garbage.

>Even when provided with proof, he still won't accept that he was wrong.

lol ok retard

Oh shit, you're from the future!

Buying BioWare from EA. ME5 and DA4 PS exclusive.

who rubbed his magic lamp again?

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>more Studios that will become generic cinematic trash
Is Sony the new EA?

I'm 2 years older than him yet look 10 years younger. Holy hell wtf is this blob.

I still wouldn't use it as an example because Reach was one of the biggest backlash from fans the series had seen.

>that new sakura game is also exclusive
I believe it when I see it. Those two are hitting PC so hard. I'd bet good money on it if I was a betting man.
The entire fucking Yakuza series is hitting PC, so Judgment is obviously coming too. Likewise with Sakura Wars. Granted that Sakura Wars is not Valkyria Chronicles, but with a similar style of game and background it is hitting PC too.

>they're very likely to get ported to pc by sega europe, but sega japan only cares about ps4
See you even said it yourself.

Think about it this way. What do you need to change with Order 1886 to make it a fun game? It needs a lot of work, a lot of fine tuning, some new mecahnics to prevent the gameplay from getting stale, a lot less padding and a lot more meat, and so on.

How do you fix State of Decay? I dont even know where to start except "scrap it and try again".

I swear to god I'm going to have to see a fucking doctor to undo the damage you have done to my brain today. I've already scheduled an appointment to have a CT scan. I'll consider myself lucky if my brain even functions enough to keep my body breathing on its own.

I don't remember FFVII Remake or the latest Kingdom Hearts compilation to have been announced in other places than PS
But you can replace Square-Enix with Cygames if you want

Good shit mate, enjoy yourself. I'm switching back to PS3 & xb 360 for now though.

>Reach was one of the biggest backlash from fans the series had seen.
Halo reach? What happened, explain. I mean I thought it sucked dick but I wanna know.

>I don't remember FFVII Remake
Let me refresh your memory.

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Even if this is being ironic there is literally no law preventing American and or foreign companies from buying Japanese ones. Walmart bought out a supermarket chain, and Renault is the majority owner of Nissan Motors

Which brings me to my older point that Halo's popularity fell long ago

Honestly I can't make it any simpler than that. Just take some time to think about it , user.

Maybe a week or two.

I like anime games. Sony shows no more interest in providing such titles. Ms is looking to buy a Japanese studio which at least shows they're interested.
>yes I know nintendo has plenty but I really don't like the switch

The campaign was hated, the multiplayer was hated, the maps were hated, the art was hated, almost every single thing about the game was hated. The sales started off good but then fell off after a year. Fans shitted on Bungie for years and wanted them out.


First on ps4, then on ps5.

>That fucking article even says it was them just buying shares in the company and mentions nothing about ownership
Can you read motherfucker? do you know what "aquire" mean?

As long as it sells well, it's fine.

>Ms is looking to buy a Japanese studio

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If Microsoft ever buys a Japanese studio it's not to make anime games but something more along the line of Scalebound or what FromSoft does

I could spend the rest of my life trying to make sense of what you said and I will never understand. Your words will live on forever with all the great thinkers to come trying for thousands of years to figure out just what in the fuck you meant by that.

Huh. Though I was the only one who thought reach was a pile of shit. I just don't understand why the next Halo after 3 wasn't something like odst but with it's own unique multiplayer, etc. Halo does NOT need sprint, fucking ever.
You people act like this is literally the only thing sony is going to make. They're talking about the cinema garbage the most because that's what's selling with the cu cks. It was like how ms tried pushing the kinect so hard to get wii numbers.

excuse me fellow snoy fan but the ethics department does not condone such uninclusive terms, please check your privilege and remember to attend our next LGBTQIA pride parade!

Exactly, look at how many people are on damage control because I called ps out on this bs.

Oh please no. that shit looked so gay to me.

Declining ips get the cut. Now God War is more popular than Halo. Halo is dead and that was the Xcucks bigger title. There's time to switch, no pun intended

I should just make my own consoles and exclusives. How much do you think Konami wants for the rights to Silent Hill? I'll start a patreon lying about needing a sex change for the money. :)

The Order 1886 doesn't need much 2bh. They had everything in place for it to be a good game and it sort of shows at the very end when it actually got somewhat fun. Main problems are that it is too short and focused on the wrong things. The mc also wasn't very likeable.

Sure it is.

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The main issue with The Order was that the story wasn't really interesting and especially the characters
They tried to ape Uncharted but failed at the most critical element

I actually offered them advice to make the order the "ps' gears of war" by making a multiplayer with humans vs lichens (do they even use guns?) but they gave me the response.
>No. The order is a single player experience and we've told the to countless people already.
They instead decided to be so ys and worry about shit like adding male nudity to the single player.

I'll do the same screenshot when the next GoW gets announced

You said the franchise was bigger than Halo, I proved you wrong.

>acquired stake in a company by buying majority shares
Can you not read, nigger? I know you're fucking black so it must be hard, but at least try. Read this again and shut the fuck up.

How much would it cost to buy the rights to the silent hill franchise?? Millions. Like probably 50million.

>Chart starts at July 2018
>2 months after God of war had released and has had nothing new since
>1 month after a new halo game announced with more being shown last E3
You’re retarded

if its for ps5 aren't they jumping on this a little late compared to xbox.

>Sony sponsored 4K TV: $1,499
>PS4 Pro: $400
>Games: $60
>Online a year: $40
>Aditional Dualshock: $55
>PS VR: $199
>Playstation Headset: $78
>Aim Controller: $71
>Playstation Camera: $39
>Playstation Move: $44

>Grand Total: $2485

How are you ok with this?

they already have studios making games. xbone just bought theirs a few months ago

>people expecting new halo
>this is equivalent
Hold to the glory days, grandpa. It'll come crashing down soon

I liked the story. A secret order of knights fighting werewolfs in a victorian London with weapons made by Tesla? Cool. The character are also fine. Especially the french guy and the girl. Really the biggest problem is the mc.

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fuck california


>Paying $10,000 to play a console game 10 years later only at an extra 30 fps


So many unnecessary purchases in this post.

What's worse is that these acquisitions makes it further difficult for AA to re-emerge in the industry. Which is Something the industry desperately needs for the sake of new creative ideas. All these AAA games have gotten really stale. These mega corps probably don't think that because they're more concerned about their dickwaving contest among the competition than actual the consumers.

>My only issue with Sony is that they hate video games on both a realized and conceptual level. If they start pumping out actual games I'll support them.
This. Shawn Layden is not interested in good and deep gameplay. He's more concerned about pretty graphics.
now fuck off nigger


>makes it further difficult for AA to re-emerge in the industry
AA games left because not enough people bought AA games to justify making them
the costumers already decided what they want, the market was not there for AA
AAA games get focus because AAA games get bought, or do those customers not count?

Makes sense, gotta have a lot of manpower if you want to compete with the Holywood conglomerates.

i dont even play modern pc games

SE just doesn't do exclusives anymore period

And yet every single Sony studio has just happened to switch from making games to movies.

which studio pray tell

>i don't like the games because i don't have a ps4
>i know, i'll call them movies!

Literally just meaningless empty platitudes based on a bias formed around Yea Forums culture. I suggest you take a break from this place, you obviously take it too seriously.
Sony’s exclusive library has a decent variety and isn’t solely “cinematic experiences” even though I admit that I occasionally jump in on that meme.

Bloodborne, Spider-Man, Yakuza, GT Sport, Infamous, Persona 5, Horizon, Uncharted, God of War.

I think only 2 or 3 of that list could be argued as “cinematic experiences”

>Yea Forums's face when they realise the only thing that can stop sony from winning next gen is the entry price point

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>they also once offered to make half life 3 for valve, no joke.
lmao they would fucking butcher it, rape it with cutscenes and SJW bullshit. i hope these fucks die

Naughty dog, a developer so far gone they have disowned the word fun

it literally says, play it first on PS4 implying people will be able to play it elsewhere later

>It'll come crashing down soon
yea it will when Kratos dies in the next GOW and the series falls apart

>rape it with cutscenes
I'm guessing you never actually played HL.

>""""""game"""""" developers

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but those arent cutscenes bud

>Naughty Dog
>making movies
I don't know any movie produce by naughty dog, which one are you talking about?

that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen, Konami is making record profits with their old IP via pachinko

Sony won 2010-2019

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I disagree. AA studios collapsed because the significantly increased development budgets of new tech which occurred during the PS3/360. Their moderate sales figures could therefore not cover the increased expenses. They couldn't compete with larger studios/publishers who could pour exponentially more money into their budgets/marketing then they could. In comparison AAA had exponentially better market exposure and more financial stability than AA which is why they survived.

I don't care what shovelware westacuck studio they buy out.

If you think about the biggest Playstation franchises and where most of their mascots have come from this is actually true. Japan puts out great games and they've done their fair share of supporting the platform but Playstation has thrived thanks to Western developers putting out solid title after solid title for many genres.

Uncharted 4 and expansions
The last of us and expansions.

Japanese games promote having fun, whereas games should be about watching a movie. Thankfully Sony knowsthis too

This, Bluepoint is basically a Sony studio already

Controlling amount of shares you fucking dimwit. That isn't the same as actually aquiring the company as a subsidiary. For instance, that shinese company cannot just close down SNK, because they don't actually own it. They acquire the shares, and get a say in company votes and investor meetings. They do not gain control over actual company assets.
Now kys and shut the fuck up. I'm tired of talking to your stupid asshole.

what other big jap icon are there besides metal gear for sony?
and btw the HD Collection came out on xbox 360 as well and mgs1 came out on pc so only mgs4 is really a sony exclusive

personally it would be ico, sotc, last guardian and bb and des

literally 1 exclusive worth playing

Moon Studio

That quote is hardly anything to go by, but I hope it's true. I was recently thinking about what games I would like to see and an FPS that isn't just action, but also has physics-based exploration and puzzle-solving. ND would be a good fit for that.

>black hand
can i say the n word, fellow sony user?

>Implying Konami gives a fuck about video games anymore when they print money from gyms and toy machines

kys tranny

>more exclusives

but all those are video games

I thought sony wojak was specifically used for things that don't matter.

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>Buying Take-two
Not gonna happen

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Damn, so no more uncensored versions of games on other systems...

>with companies such as Google entering the games industry, “exclusives are becoming more important than ever before.”

Cope more, rscottyg

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i doubt they will do any big name acquisitions
microsoft did it because they barely have anything under their belt, and all they got is washed up hasbeens like obsidian and ninja theory

Cope harder PCmutt

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Great, right at the end of the generation so my PS4 is still useless.

>I'm saying Xbox understands that games are supposed to be fun
That'll be why Xbox has no games then.

Back to Discord, Xtranny.

You're not getting a Switch, faggot.

How many shills has Microsoft send out on Yea Forums tonight? It's okay to be honest, I won't report you to your superiors.

I just want to know how many because it seems Microsoft is actually serious about squeezing out 1 or two more sales before E3, I mean you've picked one of the worst places to shill xbox, you basically have zero supporters here and the only people who would've bought one because its not-sony, already have.

I find it funny honestly, Microsoft hiring pajeets to shill the Xbox on a Japanese image board, talk about counter productive lmao

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Dontcha mean movie studios?

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Seething xtrannies

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They should just buy EA and now Playstation becomes a perfect containment platform.

>Sony has little to no competition
This won't end well.

What did they mean by this?

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>for sale
ok retard

shawn the queer faggot

>Would literally be Rare all over again


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Please buy Konami and save MGS/Silent Hill

>release no games on switch
>sell no games on switch
>blame switch
I don't know what they were expecting.

It's funny coming into these things and seeing the same autist crying about "Microsoft Shills" but will go into threads to defend Sony by spouting the same insults over and over.

Rare owned BK, perfect dark and all those ips. W101 and Astral Chain are owned by Nintendo

Will the next Dualshock have longer handles for easier dilation purposes?

Yeeee more censorship great

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>Microsoft thought they would be getting Donkey Kong
>Sony thinks they would be getting Bayonetta or Vanquish despite platinum owning neither

this Sony 1st parties (except for the couple of jap studios) were never ever relevant anyway. PS5 will be a GOD-tier console regardless just like PS4/PS2/PS1 were on jap 3rd parties alone.

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Bayonetta 2 & 3 are owned by both Sega AND Nintendo. Bayo 1 could be on PS4/5 if Sega allowed it (remember that it was on the PS3 but it ran even worse than the wii u), but the sequels would need approval from Nintendo, and that's pretty much impossible