Here is your lead game designer bro

here is your lead game designer bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

With the increase of ''people'' transitioning there will be a whole generation off trannies killing themselves when they'll reach their 30s.Il will be glorious and i will enjoy each and every single deaths of these subhumans.


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>too stubborn to just suck it up and go with the obvious 'tranniversary'

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Just dont be lead game dev on anything im looking forward too and its ok

Yes with an even more increased pressure on the welfare state, the socialist pyramid schemes might finally fall.

Which games?

this is what video games do to you if you play them too much

So long the finished product is good, the lead designer could've been a fucking 5 year old for all I care


wait, I can get my hair back if I transition?


how do you go from a normal looking guy to that wtf, how is this shit even legal

How do I look? (very suicidal)

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implying they won't just switch back to being males and shrug it off as a "phase"

Undertale and Deltarune

Mental illness and an outrage culture making your friends too afraid of being ostracized to try to warn against ingesting huge amounts of exogenous hormones be crazy, yo

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if you do a hair transplant, hair doesn't just grow back up from nothing

I think unironically there will be a backlash to this shit in 20 years as a bunch of children have had their futures fucked with by pushy parents and trans activists groups.

here's mine... b-bro...

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I almost want study surgery and neurobiology just so that I could drive seek perfecting gender-reassignment therapies. Less ugly trannies for the world, less ground to argue for the anti-trannies. Imagine if we could actually change sex instead of just clumsily imitating superficial elements!

lol do you really think they can perform hair transplant on an entirely bald head?

>have mental problems
>got to the doctor
>he says transition and gender reassignment is the cure
>people think they know better than doctors

What if the lead designer fucked a 5 year old?

Yes... you just have to have money, a lot.

ass hair

Woman here, grow up.

>those messy as fuck eyebrows
Jesus fucking christ, if you want to be a woman so much, why not do the shit that every woman does, fucking shave that shit properly.

If you become a tranny when you were a man, doesn't that make you cis since you became what you wanted to be?

Doctors who supports this kind of mental illness should be shot, the simple fact that this animals think that they should inject hormones to kids should justify the execution of their kind

Sport and true friendship this is what people really need to feel good in their body not this trans shit

WomStopped reading there you better be posting from the kitchen you harlot


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Why is everyone on Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?

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Man here, dilate.

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Unironically bought xer game yesterday.

no because cis literally means normal


Just because these people are inferiour to us and the world will be better once they kill themselves doesn't mean you should cheer for their deaths you edgy faggot

quick, your axewound's gonna heal up!

with prosthetic dicks?
at least thai traps put more effort to the looks while keeping their dicks intact


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So the guy was right after all lol

speak for yourself faggot

because they love us.

Let's be honest here, the virgins here are mad at what they can't have. It's like how they hate women. Tons of sexual frustration all pent up in a lonely and horny virgin loser. Ends up in one toxic bitchboy.

Attached: If only this was a boy.webm (540x648, 1.89M)

I mean I can't say I don't see a trend of the LGBTBBQ crowd forcing their political agenda somewhere where it really doesn't belong.
But I'm willing to separate the artist from their work, as long as the latter ends up being good. As so should you, Yea Forums.

Because they're funny.

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>Look how many (You)'s I can rack up by larping as a woman
Come on now. Ignore females and female larpers and they won't bother posting

this WILL work


lol ytoids

This guys are a danger to societyby promoting transition to males with low self esteem, i dont think you'd like your brother to cut his dick off and die at his thirties do you ?

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quit comparing yourselves to anything feminine looking, traps/crossdressers and femboys look better then you corpses

One thing people need to understand is that "transition" doesn't mean operation. Usually it's just the start of them socially going by the identity they want, and maybe hormones.

The amount of trannyfaggots has increased in UK and so has violence against them, Praise Allah

Attached: Screenshot-2019-3-8 Birmingham school stops LGBT lessons after parents protest.png (475x510, 408K)

Um.. this is a blue board. Please don't post breasts.

That doesnt look like a wig, how the fuck did he get his hair back?

Francis is a Masonic plant trying to destroy the church from within.

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fuck im dying

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he cute

Let me guess, all the parents were muslims. This shit's all gonna come to a head one day.

have sex

Absolutely based.

isnt this tranny like a massive right winger lmao

Pretty much, 90% of the school's kids are Muslims.

What positions cant be taken by trannies to not ruin the game?
For me its Writer, Director, Producer, Art director, Lead artist.

Why are people here so edgy?
>lol dude I am hating on mentally ill people! look at me!

>takes hormones
>hair starts to grow

Op looks like he passed 40

Trannyfaggots aren't mentally ill, they are mentally retarded. It's okay to hate on mentally retarded adults, it's only not okay to do it with children. Your IQ is too low user.

Because society as a whole doesn't see them as mentally ill

The thing is, they dont start an identity they start a persona, what they wished they'd look like because this guys are :

A: Insecure and wish they'd get as mush attention as girls


Eitheir way they die in the end or wreck their bodies with hormones wich will make their bodies look like shit.

To any people wanting to transition reading this pls dont do this shit, dont listen to r9k shit about the blackpill, just do some sport in your free time and talk with someone you can trust about your issues

unironically this

I only met one tranny who plays video games and he's actually cool and he can pass off as a she, doesn't insist on pronouns and shit and still acts like a dude (but he types like a raging faggot)

You need the right genes to look good as a tranny as well, the dude in OP's pic isn't one of them

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I don't hate them, I pity them, and I hate that our society enables them and lionizes self-destructive behavior.


Honestly that's a pretty good transitonin given what he looked like to begin with.

They still look noticably maculine and ugly but it's a huge change.

we're trying to stop them spreading their mental illness, we're literally helping them more than their cult buddies who drive each other to cut their dicks up and eventually top themselves

World Health Org just classified trannies as not mentally ill, you fucking asshole.

Or maybe you conserviniggers shouldn't have fucked things up so badly that we need a welfare state.


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>A: insecure and wish they'd get as mush attention as girls
I know someone who became an ugly tranny and had more success on tinder than he did when he was a 4/10 guy so this probably has some truth to it

what if you have a smooth ass? why not pubic hair?

in 10-20 years, yes, and then immediately afterwards they're going to sink down into their depravity and degeneracy again

you will never be a female

They are not mentally ill, they are just dumb, gullible and naive and should be treated accordingly.

Shout out to sean ranklin

tell him to dilate twitterbros

those trannies are the minority, if they werent noone would give them as much grief

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>as part of the game rules about aristocratic bloodsucking monsters you aren't allowed to play AS the aristocratic blood sucking monsters
>make sure evry1 nos 2 BASH THE FASH

Can these people please just calm their tits for one moment. Just one?

because they unironically need help - have you seen the suicide rates for trannies? it IS a mental illness that should NOT be enabled and supported, just like "body positivity", because both of these just end up hurting your body and, in the case of trannies, your mental health

You do realize that statistic is about "considered attempting suicide" and it consisted mostly of people talking about before they transitioned, with the percentages considering post-transition being in line with average normalfags? Even the wildest of freaks can enjoy living more than you schizoid clowns

Why would you do that to yourself?

I hate the tranny angle so much. Not only it's an obvious tranny tell, but it makes them look like condescending obnoxious cunts.

I mean they are but still.

>It's legal and socially acceptable to hunt down pedophiles and shame them
>It's illegal and socially unnacceptable to beat trannies and gays to death even though they're mostly pedophiles
Wtf, society?

he's still a lonely guy without a girlfriend, I don't get it

because we all like to point and laugh at stupid shit retard, especially when that thing we're laughing at is an opposition/ associated with the opposition to our beliefs

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What games?

But now, he can touch himself and say he got to 2nd base. With himself, but still...

>he got his hair back
No wonder why there is increase of trannies of late. I'm tempted myself to become a tranny now if that means that I'll get my hairline back.

You know the rules. Tits and timestamp.

>have you seen the suicide rates for trannies?
I have a handy way of remembering

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back to /pol/ fag.

>Let's be honest here, the virgins here are mad at what they can't have.
Ugly feminists and bloody neo-vaginas?
You seem to be confused.
Gamers would rather masturbate to good looking women as provided by the great technological precedent of the present age to satisfy their frustration, and in the process have access to any and all of their fetishes, than engage with a buttugly feminist or trannyfaggot.

That's why you Feminists and trannyfaggots attack gaming and the Internet so much, you can't have the best of men because they have the standards of best men, so you have to settle for lower-tier men, however those lower-tier men have the Internet now and would rather be voluntary celibates than vomit at the idea of engaging with you, so you are left with nothing and unwanted (or as one would call you, an incel).

dude I jack off 3 to 4 times a day, that means I'm a huge faggot then

It's probably a hair transplant

I want people to STOP promoting this kind of shit

damn bro a woman?
how much of a cavity did the doc manage to create of your your mutilated and rearranged penis?

If you care about your hairline than you already a faggot. Dont hesitate.

She is the main reason I won't spent a dime on the new Vampires game. Can't wait for the AAA industry to finally implode


Fucking perfect

It's OK if you don't watch.

Go away to reddit lmao tranny

No, that's not true. Read the actual study, transitioning only reduced the suicide attempt rate by 3%. Also not only that, the study only took the course of like 3-4 years and during that time span 45% of the trans people they were monitoring tried to kill themselves. Imagine what the suicide/suicide attempt rate will be like in like 2-3 decades for these people.

now sneedling

I was talking about trannies promoting the transition you absolute retard

yeah, great idea

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I remember randomly tuning into Cosmo's streams and he was just blown out of his mind on drugs all the time

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I am speaking for myself and what I see are at least 3 tranny threads up at any point in time every single day

That's called natural selection and there is nothing wrong with it friend. Such people aren't meant to mate anyway.

>Tfw the reason you don't hear about Chris Pool anymore because he's now "Christine"

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>Letting mentally ill people take medication that gonna fuck with their hormones and make them even more crazy and suicidal.
Why Americans are so cruel?

>tfw when you don't hear about Chrischan anymore because there are now thousands of them online

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Those were never the rules, newfag. Tits and timestamp only apply if the femoid was asking for something, not simply making a stupid statement.

i was in that bread
god tier shit

Such people could have been doctors or something useful to society, between a corpse and an incel paying his taxes, i think the choice is easy to make right ?

Based. Can’t wait to look back on sex changes and hormonal therapies in the same manner that we view lobotomies and shock therapies today. How did we go from zapping faggots until they started drooling on themselves to feeding them bitch pills and cutting their dicks off? How long until this culture of mental illness enabling dies off?

The game looks like absolute trash anyway, easy decision.

Damn you pot of greed

why are you so obsessed with a ~1% group of people?

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''Depression'',''Anxiety'',''Stress disorder'', people want excuses that justify their shitty choices in life instead of man the fuck up, they gobble some pills instead of thinking of bettering themselves, pretty fucked up when you think about it

This is probably more true than ever

It's natural selection at its finest. Once they chop their dick off they 100% can't pass their genes on.

Based and Blessed

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Because this guys are a vocal minority that force developers to censor their games, not more tasteful erotic imagery have some burqas instead

The way I see it is we have enough people on the planet already. If a few nutcases want to cut their dicks off and remove themselves from the gene pool, by all means.

>l-leave us alone
Only when you're dead/fuck off from videogames.

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glad you saved me the trouble of posting it. how does anyone willingly do this? it's beyond fucked

>there are kids 'transitioning'
im woefully uninformed but wouldn't fucking around with hormone shit during puberty have serious repercussions? i remember years ago i read something on parents giving their kids hormone blockers to stop puberty.

My aquanctice molested as a kid and then raped later, guess she should man the fuck up lmao

We both know where there is too much people in the world.This guys are gullible and weak mentally but they sure as hell can becomse something better than a walking hormone coktail

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>faggots come by and kick your gnome
>tell them to fuck off each time they show up to prevent it in the future
>w-why are you obsessed
fuck you

absolutely rent free

When that 1% take over the local church and start trying to browbeat their way into a position of unearned moral and cultural authority it makes sense to pay attention. I would even date a tranny if any existed who weren't narcissistic, authoritarian zealots.


Why do these people always have such weird names?


that ~1% of people are put on a pedestal and given an undue amount of unearned influence on the culture because we live in hell and everything is falling to pieces, so we're gonna complain about it suck it up nigger

When you advertise yourself like whores and force representation everywhere, you get the attention you wished for.
It's that simple.
The saying "careful what you wish for" exists for a reason.

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Suck my girl dick and shut up. See how inserting the word girl into that sentence makes it very woke and brave

I like how they always photograph themselves in that one angle where people may actually confuse them for like 5 milliseconds before the second layer of image recognition sets in.

It means you'll be more like a real woman than someone who transitioned when they were 30.
Downside is, if your 12 year old brain, or overbearing democrat mother made the wrong decision you're super super fucked up for life and will never be able to return to maleness, while at the same time never being able to pass as a female

Well at least the hair grew back so we've figured out the solution male baldness.

Thanks based trannies.

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Take that dress off, Steve.

How long has Cosmo been transitioning? How the fuck does he still not have tits?

This. If it was just 1% of people living their lives no one would give a fuck. Instead everyone has to walk on a thousand eggshells and curtail language so as to not offended some hysterical tranny

I was saying the same thing to people until I started to lose my hair. It really crushes your self esteem and confidence.


As they say,
with great power comes greater blowback.

why are so many perfectly fine cuteboys and softboys becoming trannies? in makes them less cute and fucks their mind and life up
i scrolled through my bfs phone and found him researching tranny shit and im really concerned for him because i dont want him to fuck his life up

thick eyebrows are the patrician fetish
get the fuck out virgin

first post based post

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we need more crossdressing cuteboys and less trannies

It's biological.
You see, there are actually great biological differences between races which perfectly follow the Yin Yang formula.

[Blacks are dumb.
[Asians are smart.

[Whites are trannies.
[Latinos are masculine.

It's how the Universe balances out.

Attached: 1561719714786.jpg (480x640, 49K)

only applies to 2d

if he's your bf then tell him to stop retard

t. edgy incel

Catholic priests are known for their love for juvenile boypussy. Of course their top dogs are no different. How exactly is the pope having gay friends a surprise now?

t. Pablo Tyrone Wang Garcia

just tell him you found the stuff on his phone. he probably secretly wants you to find it anyway. it'll be fine

You forgot Ivan.

Let me guess: you don't have anyone close who is depressed nor were at any point. Being unable to cope is THE main reason why people get into chronic depression, they understand their poor choices so well that they just unable to do anything else other than briefly not focusing on those, "facing the truth" / "Manning the fuck up" is just low grade sophisty.

s-should I get into crossdressing?

Haha you're gonna wake up with maggots in your neo vagina one day

Call him a faggot

because they get pressured into it by wretched trannies, they get labeled ''egg'' until they turn. It's sad and very creepy

>cis people don't wonder if they're trans
t. unself aware mentally ill moron

>if you're not an edgy incel you must be a tranny

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here's what i learnt when i started losing my hair in my early 20s. no one but you actually gives a fuck about your hair loss. if its bad enough where you cant style it anymore just get rid of it.

I also think depression is somewhat a meme disease, but I myself have terrible performance anxiety. It hasn't improved with experience. Xanax helps with it a lot.

Do you ever get to stop dialating?
Or do those freaks need dialation breaks every hour until they're dead?

poor thing

Those suicide rates speak for themselves user. Edgy or not I wouldn't be surprised if the percent does start to explode as the years go on.

So this is why they went after women. If you have mothers who don't care they can go ahead and teach all this crap to them.

he really should have gone after trannies

Literally beat him into submission if he tries to transition

>Wanting people to not fuckup their hormones distribution makes you a bitter virgin

the latter

Trannies just appear where there's too much comfort and choice. Nobody other than white societies offer safe enough places where you can publicly announce you have these degenerate desires, and that's because whites are the smartest and most capable. Blacks and chinks would do it too if they weren't killing each other all the time.

>grrr incel incel incel! incel!
go bark somewhere else, animal.

Tits or gtfo

This tranny actually did ruin the game he was working on. After he chopped his dick off, he removed features from the game and put in one of his political activist friends in as a party member.

>current engagement level: howling into the void
The fuck does that even mean?

>influx of muslims
>increase of trannies
>these two don't mix well

He should have went for the jews and you all goddamn know it

>if you want to be a girl, you can
Yeah I fucking wish. I wanna be a cute girl, not an ugly creature

>all these cishets
Those stats are faked and I'll be the one laughing when your kids start to transition

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I was born in that city, and in 1986 my dad took us away because he said it was turning into Pakistan.
That is over 30 years ago, so I can only imagine how bad it is now.

calling others subhumans and being happy when people commit suizide is edgy, yes user

Based spongetom

>Hey look op scoured twitter to find some failure of a human being to be angry about
>Yea Forums - videogames

this better be bait

It's fine, once you hit 30 and realize YOU WILL NEVER PASS AND IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE THE OLDER YOU GET you'll evict yourself.

you will never transition to a cute anime girl, only into that fat old guy in hentai that everyone hates

hit a bit to close to home?

Lol, 30k tweets, this is your brain on social media..


Why do faggots and trannies shit in the streets so much?

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tell him you won't give him cock if he mutilates himself

Maybe they will all die in 10 years because they fucked their hormones?

>catholic church
It will be good to see the greatest force of evil within Christianity finally destroyed.

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If the images that get posted on Yea Forums are any kind of truth it's basically forever but it tapers off to like once a week after a few years