Style over substance: the game

Style over substance: the game

Attached: Persona_5.jpg (497x612, 99K)

u mad?

That would be DMC

Cocks over pussy: The OP

ya seething still little guy

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this game's menus are such memes that even it's Smash representation focused on menus

>not enjoying the rule of cool
Bitch ass niggas

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Sakurai really loved Persona 5's interface

My Foot Up Your Ass: The Reality

sometimes style IS substance

see: ridge racer type 4

first for Kawakami

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What's wrong with style over substance? Not every game has to be 2deep4u.


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Souless: the game

To be fair it's a lot more interesting visually than metro tracks.

>Persona 5 was so special that it deserved it's own version of the win screecn
>No other fucking fighter gets this

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Actually explain what you mean instead of spouting meaningless buzzwords. The hate for this game really pisses me off I’m think of going full xv-kun and devoting my life to defending this game from retarded comments like these

You mean: The Genre

Name two JRPGs that this doesn't apply to

I can't because you'll just bumble out a retarded assfuck reason why I'm wrong so why even bother humoring you?

There is no reason to be upset

I think all the DLC characters will get unique UI things. They'd be crazy not to have Hero gain experience upon winning a match, or BK transitions with an irising jigsaw//Gruntilda head or tiling jiggies. Hell, Cloud was the first to get looping victory music.

Did playing Smash entice Smash players into playing Persona?

I don’t think Switch owners can afford anything but a Switch, hence the constant console war threads on Yea Forums

Almost every Switch owners have a PS Vita

Yeah I
>weapon breaks again
>enters the 607th repetitive shrine dungeon
>climbs another cliffside for 15 minutes
Breath of the Wild
>fights an entire generic enemy horde for a chest containing 5 arrows



You must be retarded. Switch owners are most likely to own all consoles and a PC. Nintendo audience are either kids/women (who aren't on this board) or enthusiasts who own everything.

Sony fags however are simply poorfags who play everything at 900p 25fps, throw all their money at the machine and reeee all the time.

Never played any Persona game but I do love Kawakami.

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OP is a baiting retard.
Discuss your waifu or husbando.

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Shit taste

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I think modern Final Fantasy fits the bill better.

>his waifu is a human character

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