Golden Sun is overrated trash. It's a mediocre JRPG with meh combat and a terrible story. The only reason why people give a shit about it is because it's baby's first JRPG on the GBA.
Golden Sun is overrated trash. It's a mediocre JRPG with meh combat and a terrible story...
Other urls found in this thread:
Top notch battle animations though. And the dungeons were neat. But yeh it’s astonishing how much of Golden Sun is just a straight ripoff of Dragon Quest.
I honestly think the game is style but no substance. They put more effort into the animations than they did with every other core part of the game, so as a result the game seems very lacking.
Only thing it was good for was to learn some vocab back when I was still a JP noob.
>Golden Sun is overrated trash.
>It's a mediocre JRPG
Most JRPGs are overrated, in the end almost all of them have garbage stories and mediocre gameplay.
I agree. Music is okay, but that's it.
Why would you spend time with GS when there's Battle Network, Boktai, FFTA and Pokemon Emerald?
The second game is better.
So what does that say about Golden Sun when it's even worse than your run of the mill JRPG?
It's forgettable like the majority of JRPGs.
The puzzles are fun.
Nah, and literally every jrpg can be called babys first. None of them are rocket surgery or particularly deep narratively, especially your favorite one
GS isn't one of my top jRPG series but the djinn system is fun and the puzzles are neat.
I liked the puzzles and use of psynergy outside of combat.
The Djinn system was really neat, and being able to use certain abilities outside of battle to improve the "adventure" side of thing was a great idea.
The combat is on par with most JRPGs at worst, and the plot is not particularly bad either. Its only outstanding flaw is that it's really verbose, which somehow isn't a problem when other games do it.
How did you guys pronounce this?
What does it make worse than other games?
I personally didn't play it, only the first hour of it, can't judge.
I mostly remember a friend of mine showing me the animations back then that kinda impressed me.
Like psyduck but energy instead of duck
dumb satania poster
Zoomers like you deserve death
Exactly, and I fucking love it because of that.
I hate JRPGs gameplay, but Golden Sun lets me enjoy its beautiful world building, aesthetics and dungeons without getting bored by overcomplicated fighting mechanics.
Damn, I cant wait for GS4. Its gonna be so good, guys.
dilate tranny
nice b8 m8.
Idk, I only played lost age and it was pretty alright, lots of decent dungeons compared to other stuff I've played.
Battles are too easy most of the time though.
My dude, game is basic AF and suckered people into playing with its nice for the GBA graphics and music.
God Bless Sakuraba for finally being able to write consistently good OSTs for both games instead of just writing 3-4 good songs and fucking off into outer space, but besides the appeals to the senses, the games just aren't as good as more refined RPGs even on the same platform.
>playing jrpgs
I played it in my hospital bed when I was dying. I have fond memories of this game.
Incredibly boring. The story is generic as fuck and it doesn't help that the pacing is bad, making the game drag out longer than it needs to. Combat is a meme and is a prime example of how bad JRPG combat can get, spamming the A button to get the battle over with because the combat is so simple and dull. It's also easy as shit, there's only one boss that actually poses a challenge and it's early in the game, rest of the game is easy as shit. The characters are one dimensional with no interesting dynamic traits and they might as well be cardboard cutouts for all I care. The game is just so uninspired and generic.
TBF Lost age ramps up the difficulty (along with everything else). But yeah the first GS game isn't anything amazing
lmao disliking Golden Sun makes me a zoomer?
The game got released in 2001 you retard. Actual boomers have fond memories for games like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger, not fucking Golden Sun.
No bulli
did u survive
Post the theme already
I too sometimes fondly dream about death.
boomer here. suck a dick
it's a solid 19 year old gba rpg, name a better one from the same time period.
Unironically Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
If you're actually a boomer and not a larper then you have shit taste, which is something that even old age can't fix.
Why do you all feel the need to constantly shit on this game. Just let the people who like it live in peace and move on with your life. The franchise is dead anyway.
Also, Venus Lighthouse is best music track.
mars is better
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
I mean, if we're including Lost Age then my vote is Lemuria
that's not a new IP.
get this red card bullshit outta here
play the rebalanced version niggers
You didn't say new IPs dude. Stop moving the goal post.
that's not part of the original question.
if you like mario/luigi, you have your own problems.
Oh dear, I like good games, what ever shall I do?
it's not moving the goal post, it's not new for 2001 like golden sun, i did say "from the same time period" not my fault you can't understand context.
idk, suck more mario dick?
the franchise should have died in the 2d->3d transition.
Felix is best holden sun character. Change my mind.
Wow, that's kinda sad. You're making me ashamed of liking Golden Sun.
No shit, a lot of older games are like that. It's all about nostalgia.
considering Isaac is a fuck up who Felix had to clean up after and Mathew barely did shit, that's obviously the case
Tomato Adventure shits on Golden Sun, fuck off Isaacfag
stay angry.
thats what 32bit era jrpgs looked like when drawn in 2D. Go look at SaGa frontier or xenogears... or anything else not done in primitive polygons.
how fucking fresh out the womb are u?
It's a solid 6/10, definitely overrated but only the story really stands out as terrible. Also it suffers from the generally good presentation, because it makes you expect more than what the game manages to deliver so it's hard to not end up severely disappointed when you finish the game.
Fuck, I always just read it as psy energy .
>t's a mediocre JRPG with meh combat and a terrible story.
So every jrpg?
I liked golden sun just fine but I was already a fan of their work when they were part of sega because I'm old.
>that one tree-person by the river that just fucking dies if you don't use Move on her on a certain part of the story
I think Golden Sun sucks!
Tfw Lemuria is a dying hunk of shit after being hyped up for 2 games.
>jap only shit
As a huge GS fag I have a hard time arguing it isn't pretty basic as far as JRPGs go, but it certainly doesn't deserve any hate when its so inoffensive. I think the point of contention might be that some JRPG afficinados hear that its considered an all-time classic and then feel a little underwhelmed in the story department and consider the games reputation to be unearned.
With that in mind, I still think GS does a lot of cool shit. Using psynergy as field magic is a really natural concept that I'm surprised more JRPGs don't ape because I find it gives the world a far more dynamic feel when you can interact with so many things. Villages generally always have something hidden away like gear, a djinn or even a summon tablet in places that require you to pay attention to your environment. It really gives the villages and dugneons a lot of life when you can interact with them rather than keeping them entirerly static like most JRPGs.
In addition, the solid OST and graphics still hold up really well. Combat is on the easy side, but the underlying mechanics themselves are solid and the turn-based system is quick and to the point with skippable animations on the summons and satisfying presentation. You do need the Reloaded mod to really makes the combat shine, but I understand that its not necessarily a point in the games favor that you mod it to become challenging. Still, the core mechanics present are sound.
Overall, is it on the same level of polish like undisputed classics such as Chrono Trigger? No, but the game does a lot of unique things with its Djinn system, field magic, rewarding exploration and password system to stand apart from the usual JRPG crowd. I certainly don't think it warrants any real hate.
Dumping the reloaded mod for anyone interested:
Shamelessly copy-pasting PSA anons explanation because I can't be bothered to do a full writeup:
>What is this jank?
Golden Sun Reloaded is a mod for the first two Golden Sun games, the purpose of which in the words of its creator: " to provide a harder and not too straightforward game, meant to be enjoyed by players that are quite knowledgeable with the game mechanics and want to try other things than Megiddo & Summon Rush."
There's a changelog in the link which goes through a lot of what actually changes, but in short the mod focuses on improving the combat system of vanilla; Enemies are significantly buffed, some gameplay design is altered to ward off Summon rushing, classes and Psynergy spells are retooled with new additions and changes.
These changes serve to make the relatively easy combat of vanilla into a deeper, more strategic and fun system that allows the present core mechanics to shine.
>Should I play it?
If you've already played GS and want a fresh experience, absolutely - Just about everyone I've talked to who played the mod recommend it.
Haven't played GS before but still interested? Assuming you've played some JRPGs before, you should be fine. Reloaded will most likely be a more interesting way for an experienced newcomer to play the game than pure vanilla
At the end of the day, its up to you if you want to mod it or not.
>I am clinically retarded, how do I patch the game
Use an IPS patcher:
to apply the mod on a clean ROM of Golden Sun. Alternatively wait for dumpanon who occasionally shows up with pre-patched ROM links in the thread.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
I haven't played GS in years, but I have fond memories of it. I think its the way its put together as a whole to present you going on a grand adventure in a world involving psynergy and how psynergy and alchemy affect you and the world throughout time. It's persistent in both battle and interacting in the world.
Even if in examination the small details are basic, theres a bunch of things going on in the world building of GS. Like you start on a quest to save the world, then you find out that maybe things aren't as they seem (the world is already dying but you don't know that yet, the thief Lunpa is still alive, Lemuria is a thing but its decaying, how other parts of the world use psynergy or get by etc).
If it will ever happen it won't be made by Camelot. Most of the old staff is gone and currently Camelot doesn't have the appetite to make a new Golden Sun game.
Give it a spin friendo, I was in similar position until I replayed the games after seeing a few Yea Forums threads about it a while back.
Might I recommend using the reloaded mod this time around? I found vanilla to be a little to simple upon replay, but reloaded really cranks up the challenge in a good way. It doesn't make it retard difficult, it just makes the game challenging enough that you actually start using strategies with different class setups and keeping healing items on you rather than just spamming attack and occasionally healing.
Based Satania poster
I thought it was good. Fuck you.
Remember to post this whenever some idiot says the mechanics have no depth
wow, I had no idea! I really like Golden Sun, and since it's actually shit, please tell me of some 10/10 JRPGs that you love! I can't wait to play those, since they'll be multiple times better than Golden Sun!
Don't post like a woman with PMS next time and maybe someone might give you a serious reply.
If they made a hypersexualized Golden Sun reboot do you think it could save the franchise?
Chestlets, when will they learn?
so you don't have any better games than Golden Sun? I see, so your OP was actually full of shit then, now fuck off, retard who can't detect obvious sarcasm
Golden Sun is the best JRPG ever
For what profit is to a videogame series if it gains the world but loses its own soul? Matthew 16:26 I believe.
Mia the best girl!
>music is okay
Fuck you the music is incredible
Ar Tonelico 1/2 > Might and Magic 6 > Outrun > Kirby > Acceleration of Suguri 2 > Atelier Ayesha > HellSinker > RefleX > Stronghold > Daggerfall > Rayforce > Clannad > Metroid > Air > Castlevania 3 > NiGHTS > Warcraft 2 > Sonic 3 > Mario Bros 3 > Secret of Mana > Mario and Luigi > Mega Turrican > SaGa Frontier > SMT > Ys 3 > Phantasy Star 4 > Unlimited SaGa > Little Busters > Xenogears > Mega Man 4 > Final Fantasy Legend 2 > Dragon Quest 3 > Heretic > Duke Nukem 2 > Guilty Gear X2 > Etrian Odyssey 3 > Deus Ex > Plok > Sailor Moon snes > Diablo 1 > Dark Souls > Golden Sun > Diablo 2 > Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn > Sengoku Rance > Touhou
A lot of mediocre franchises that should've died a long time ago are still alive because of fan service, so yes it could unironically save Golden Sun.
I bet you think Phantasy Star IV is bad too as well as other Sega RPGs. All of Sega's RPGs are pure. No pretentious garbage. Just a perfectly distilled hero's story as it should be.
Go back to the actual babby's first JRPG - Final Fantasy VII.
What the heck is that list, user?
Is that every game you've ever played?
Bro what even is this list
jesus christ, look at all that shit taste
and no, I'm not saying those games have bad music, I'm saying that the vast majority of that list's soundtrack is definetly not better thN Golden Sun's
I don't what this list is about but if it's about music then Touhou most definitely should be at the top and not the bottom.
Agreed, the plot is nothing but padding and pointlessness.
Ok I bite, what's so bad about the battle system.
Every Battle Network game except for 4
It's literally just spam your strongest attack and heal.
I will defend GS now not because I think it's flawless or deserves the praise it gets but because it's been bashed too much lately. There's a lot of good things about it which are:
>solid world design with many different biomes and cultural themes
>certain freedom of travel in GS2 you get after getting a ship is a very pleasant experience enhancing the above point
>great dungeon design that makes exploration not just a straight A to B way with random encounters but spices it with various spatial puzzles
>unorthodox class system that works both for those who is interested in experiment with it and doesn't hamper those who don't really want to learn it and just play with default elemental affinities
>music and visuals
The game does have its flaws but it also has lots of upsides. Personally, almost two decades after the games' release I'd give a first one a 7/10 and second an 8/10 scores.
So it's like 90% of all rpgs ever? Battle preperations play a huge role and as a matter of fact, you're wrong since the strongest attacks are your summons which give you a penalty.
If having amazing graphics and animations , top-tier music , an actual decent world building and plenty of secrets considered trash these days ?
OP need to play actual bad games
This. It had lots of optional content to tackle as a post-game option. One thing that many modern RPGs completely lack.
>not even II or IV
Yeah, you can't use your Djinn's for like two turns and then you can use the summon again.
Wow, what a penalty.
Usually most bosses go down after the second burst anyway.
90% of all rpgs ever are shit. What's your point?
>Alex got away with all he did
>Yeah, you can't use your Djinn's for like two turns
not him, but it's 4 turns for a rank 4 summon and then you have to spend another 4(5?) turns regaining and reusing the djinn, each of which give you a stat/spell penalty upon usage, before you can try again
I've been here for 10 years, and in 10 years I've seen like 1 or 2 GS threads that nobody came to shit on.
People who play golden sun now and think its just another jrpg dont understand the novelty of having a complete, full jrpg in the palm of your fucking hand.
The only reason why people give a shit about it is because the cover is so fucking cool
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>"Wow we really are the Golden Sun aren't we Isaac,"
Really Camelot?
Whats with this concentrated autism
Like why would you specifically hate GS instead of literally any other JRPG?
If you don't like the genre itself I don't see why you are actually in this discussion.
I'm probably older than you, and I speak from experience: The majority of JRPGs are forgettable.
>It has nothing of value
Why did Saturos and Menardi have to hero themselves? Couldn’t hey have explained everything to Isaac?
I too like to make fake anonymous posts and roleplay.
Even if you like a genre that doesn't stop developers from making a shitty games for it.
There are shitty games in every genre, GS isn't one of them, so what's your point?
Because their own motivations are selfish even if what they're doing leads to the greater good for the world. They don't give a shit about Isaac.
>Hackuraba music
Nothing of value.
Same reason people call banjo kazooie a shitty collectathon and then turn around and praise crash for inspiring gameplay and inventive camera functionality.
>they’re own motives were selfish
They were trying to save their village. Hell I’m not even sure why Karst and Agatio fought Felix too for that matter. Shitty writing I guess.
Wanting to save your own village doesn't mean you care about the rest of the world.
You can care about your own people while still being evil.
>my subjective opinion clearly matters here
djinn in cooldown severely hamper your stats and can change your class/spells. try playing the game next time
>dissing the artist and not the music
You're right, your opinion is nothing of value.
>not posting the god tier doom dragon track
>Hell I’m not even sure why Karst and Agatio fought Felix
Because he got in the way of their revenge, specifically Karst for her sister. At least I think Menardi was her sister.
I'm dissing both. All his shit from that era sounds the same. Listen to anything from Tales, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, etc. You can literally mix and match a good chunk of the music from those games into GS and it would still work. Same old note-spamming synth rock, woodwind flavored town themes, etc.
Nobody bothers with the classes other than the standard pure ones because of this. It's not a good mechanic.
Tons of content? I had one dungeon in each game that lead to a boss that you just spam Summons and Psynergy to win. Woo.
I've beaten both games and regretting playing. I just havent played them in 15 years.
All you do is spam Psynergy and Summons to win. What strategy.
>what is elemental affinity
If you actually start experimenting with the class system you'd realize that mixing djinn around allows you to pull off high level summons faster if you're into that or is just out right stronger for raw burst.
Pure element is literally just for children who don't know anything better.
Chrono Trigger is my favorite JRPG after Tales of Symphonia. Golden Sun was a great looking GBA game with a simple story that felt like it had some stakes. The animations probably fooled me into overestimating how fun combat was, but I was a young kid and I loved it anyway.
If you didn't like it, that's fine. But you literally just said, "You use your resources to win".
ITT: People that played Golden Sun 10+ years ago and don't remember the battle system at all.
>you attack to kill
what the fuck else are you supposed to do? GUARD?
that's my only criticism of the games desu
Yeah. But there's pretty much no weakness tables based on damage or anything. The battle system could not get anymore "Unga Bunga" if it tried.
If you had fun with the battle system, then I don't see what your problem is. Don't fall for the old "let me explain to you why it is bad shtick.
No it's not. It's underrated if anything, fuck you retard OP.
>assuming Dark Dawn is canon
>assuming Mia didn’t actually hookup with Garett
Yes there is. The amount of ! indicates the effectiveness. Like I said at the start of this "argumentation", you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
You sound like the pump from Barkley's Shut up and Jam Gaiden.
Really? Then why is the game so damn easy from start to finish then, if I couldn't even remember that?
Gatekeep all you want, but I have beaten both games. Yes, both, I don't count fanfiction like Dark Dawn.
Treating Dark Dawn as noncanon is probably the best decision for everybody.
Are you blaming the game now for your inability to remember things, you didn't even remember that summoning gives you a penalty on your spells like mentioned. But keep on moving the goalpost as you please, maybe you will be right eventually.
And that makes Golden Sun's music in particular bad, because...?
It doesn't matter how many notes or what instruments are used as long as they accomplish what they're set out to do, which Golden Sun does very well.
>And that makes Golden Sun's music in particular bad, because...?
It's stale and cookie cutter.
how does it feel to have no idea what you are talking about
Yeah basically. No soul either. No stories that really had any impact.
Listen to yourself talk. That's how. Listen to any of Sakuraba's battle themes, town themes, etc. from around the same era. His style of composition is incredibly repetitive.
It has good dungeons, though. A very rare feat in JRPGs. Of course, Wild Arms is infinitely superior, along with Lufia 2.
Cool, I just use weaker attack spells until my summons are ready again. Doesn't change the fact the battle system is stupid simple.
I guess it is so forgettable that I cant recall something from a game from 15 years ago. But keep deflecting, your denial is entertaining.
Wild Arms superior
Lufia 2 superior
If you don't remember it then you shouldn't be talking about it in the first place.
>Yeah I just heal for 40 hp after an AOE that hits for 200, definitely a good plan
>His style of composition is incredibly repetitive.
do you just think anything that sounds remotely prog rock sounds repetitive? or the fact that console sound chips from that era have similar instrumentation makes things repetitive? because his melodies, rythms, and harmonies are all different across games
I'll talk about it however I please.
Story is half padding, half pointless
Characters are flat or annoying (Kraden)
Combat system is stupid simple
Music is pretty good still
An user earlier in the thread said it best: It's all style, no substance.
It's true, I can't stop you from showing how much of an idiot you are, got me there mate.
Really? Name calling? That's all you have left? I'm so sorry that I had to tell you the truth. No need to get personal. :D
>AOE that hits for 200
>not using shield djinns every turn
Not really, if it's personal to you it just shows to me that you are. First you said there is no penalty besides being unable to use your djins, which is wrong. Then you said you have to use your resources to win. Then you said there are no elemental weaknesses, which is wrong. And now you're saying "Hey I barely even remember this game, it's been 15 years but I can still clearly tell that it is shit because reasons". Like I said, it's no problem that you don't like the game, but in the end, you still fail to prove that it is a bad game, which this discussion is all about.
>do you just think anything that sounds remotely prog rock sounds repetitive?
Prog rock? What are you talking about? There's nothing prog about his music.
>because his melodies, rythms, and harmonies are all different across games
No they aren't. He's been regurgitating the same overall style of music since Phantasia.
>"name me a better rpg from around that time"
>answers with a port of an older game
>It's a mediocre JRPG with meh combat and a terrible story
So why does this board praise DQ then?
Apparently Golden Sun has more lines of dialogue in it than MGS2, a game that has around a 20 minute rant about utter bullshit at the very end of the game
It's easily the best GBA JRPG.
I'll never listen to a board that praises Mother 3 again.
Can't believe you dumb fucking trannies made me skip out on GS for all these years.
WOw you sure showed that 18 year old game boy game who's boss
>There's nothing prog about his music.
the dude has been in multiple prog rock bands and has said numerous times its a huge influence in his work. you must be deaf not to hear it
>No they aren't
you know nothing about music if you think this
I believe it
>walls of plot text at every story point
>every NPC has text when you talk to them, plus mindread text
I wish FFTA was a port instead of the shit we actually got.
>But yeh it’s astonishing how much of Golden Sun is just a straight ripoff of Dragon Quest.
One of the founders of Camelot worked on the early DQ games.
Like 3 I'm pretty sure.
Honestly it's more enjoyable than DQ for me.
Don't you only get 1-2? Even if you use those and then re-equip them every other turn, you won't be able to Summon like that.
FFTA is still a good game
Not a fair comparison at all.
Golden Sun has mind read which adds a lot of extra dialogue.
>can mindread literally every random no-name npc in the game
>can even mindread the fucking dogs
the story is meh at best and the class system really need some more work
>FFTA is still a good game
*nullifies your post*
The majority of the game's dialogue is mind read. The actual story content is nowhere as long even if it's annoyingly padded by Kraden and most people don't know how to speed up text in TLA
>you know nothing about music if you think this
Literally listen to his shit. It all sounds the same.
It's definitely one of them. I think Riviera is my personal favorite but it's a very different formula
I'm not saying it is perfect, but it is fun for what it is.
desu I'm glad resetera took over and we can rightfully shit on this Nazi trash.
btw Mother 3 is the best game f all time :).
and every other animal, there is even a chain trade sidequest where you have to mindread many animals.
Games really fun tho considering most people blindly bought it.
This reminds me that my best friend still has the cd and case of FFT, but for some reason the back cover was pic related, kinda confused me at the time because I didnt know about FFTA then.
Riveria is actually a port tho.
I never said it was a bad game overall and even then, I enjoyed it.
it's when people say it's better than golden sun that I have a problem.
>first 3
Different tempos and note progressions
>last 2
Full Force is a deliberate callback to Take up the Cross because Symphonia is a prequel set in the same world. A lot of Phantasia songs and motifs are used in Symphonia & Dawn of the New World
There's a lot of cases where there are actual, legitimate lazy reuses of his own work (the boat theme from Golden Sun having the same melody as the battle theme of Tales of Destiny 2) but none of these are it
Im with you on that one, but I love both games honestly.
Legitimate truth.
>Golden Sun
>Mother 3
>Mario & Luigi
>Sword of Mana
>Battle Network
>Yggdra Union
>Tales of the World ND2
>Summon Night: Swordcraft Story
How was one system so fucking good for RPGs anons
Riviera was shit, though. It's literally baby's first moeblob waifu harem with a ridiculously basic battle system and tons of shitty gimmicks scattered across its "dungeons".
didn't ask
I'm actually curious what you think all sounds the same. Is it just because they are all high tempo pieces with drums? Because the chord progressions, instrumentation, and melodies are all completely different. Just because phrases end with a suspended chord doesn't make them the same.
Also the Tales games are composed with another person, not just him, so not really sure how fair a comparison those are.
>Swordcraft Story
My nigga
Barring Mother 3 and Mario & Luigi, none of these games are worth playing. Especially not these days, since you can easily emulate much better games from other platforms.
okay retard
>3 and Mario & Luigi
Those aren't even good. I liked M&L as a kid, but I can't stand it now.
Mother 3 is dumb fucking liberal trash with shitty combat and more gameplay interruptions than Golden Sun.
>There's nothing prog about his music.
I want you to listen to this album and say that again
If you can't hear the influence you are deaf
>Mother 3 is dumb fucking liberal trash
ok incel
>Mother 3 is dumb fucking liberal trash
Absolutely fucking based and redpilled Trumpkino. I'm so thankful for men like you. Please save this shitty board with your impeccable taste.
you activate one, next turn you activate the other while setting the first to active again, repeat. You can do summon damage with other djinns still. Of course this requires two people on shielding duty, but it makes any boss without djinn storm a chump.
>Mother 3 is dumb fucking liberal trash with shitty combat and more gameplay interruptions than Golden Sun.
Yeah, cause Mother 3 totally berates you with pointless Yes or No questions at every turn.
It's barely there. His style is way more reminiscent of 80s synth rock than it is of 70s prog. If you want the latter, listen to Tim Follin's work.
>underage kids trying to false flag golden sun and mother fans against each other
So, should I give these games a look or nah? I don’t mind a little repetition or cliches if that helps as long as I can find some good within the game.
Yeah, but those are the Mars and Venus Djinn, which are usually on your attackers. That means one of your other options are your healer, making this a slow process. I think you only get the Mars shield Djinn later on in the games, as well.
I think you only get 1 in TLA, as well.
And faggots are falling for it like always. They do it because it works.
I do too, but I put golden sun's story on top of ffta's.
at least, golden sun's wasn't as obvious as ffta's.
You can play far better JRPGs out there rather than waste your time with Golden Sun. There's a reason most praise that comes from this game is due to nostalgia.
It all depends on how much you can stand copious amounts of dialog, a boring battle system, a clunky interface with a screen crunch problem, and a boring plot.
Ignore these underage shitters or samefag and go for it
They are no better or worse than any other jrpg games
I actually played through Lunar Dragon Song. I think I can handle it.
Yeah, you'll probably like the story. Remember that you can Mind Read literally every NPC.
If you decide to play Dark Dawn, though, remember that it's a bit of a letdown.
kys trash taste
if you can stand THAT mess, then you can handle Golden Sun
It’s not that the story is bad, it’s that the WRITING is bland. I’ve never played a JRPG where the characters can talk so much without saying anything. The characters didn’t have fun conversations or unique personality quirks revealed through the dialogue.
Now as far as gameplay goes, that’s a different story. The puzzle solving gameplay that uses the games magic system is fucking great!
The battles are super fucking fast, with beautiful animation (for the GBA) that has a real sense of speed to it.
Could you imagine having that puzzle gameplay with random battles as slow as FF9’s?
As others have said, the music and visuals are great; the game just needed a more loose localization that could give the characters some more personality. Tales of phantasia on ps1 (for the skits) would have been a good reference.
I love all things Golden sun, it was the first rpg I really played. But it is very stupid and I think a lot of it's problems can be pointed out during the boat ride to the coliseum. So basicly the party has to protect the boat while it corsses the lake from monster attacks, monsters attack in waves and after each waves one of the boats rowers is hurt and cant keep rowing you have to pick an npc to take over, which would be fine in just about any other rpg except A) at no point in time does Mia offer to heal the hurt worker, she was a towns only source of medical treatment she was strong enough to heal the rower. B) the boat had sails and no one was like "hey Ivan think you could create some wind to sail us the rest of the way?" I would have gotten if he was to weak to do it but it would have been nice if they still brought it up. And lastly from the start of the game they tell you only people who can use psynergy can see psynergy that boat was filled with people who could not use it and watched the party fight monsters, so what did they see? why did no one be like" hey that's pretty crazy those guys just stood there and the monster died".
>They are no better or worse than any other jrpg games
Bullshit. Golden Sun's dialog is exceptionally loquacious. Its menu is cramped by the GBA's resolution, which wasn't a problem in a lot of older console JRPGs. The combat even lacks something simple like characters changing attack targets if someone kills a monster prior to their turn. It's a mess.
Now why did you do a thing like that?
No, the sequels are.
The first one is fine.
It was one of my first JRPGs on the DS and I had nothing better to play at the time. The gameplay was absolute bullshit and a complete mess but I stuck through it anyway because I was a stubborn little shit. If I can handle that, than Golden Sun shouldn’t be a problem.
You're better off playing something else, dude. No need to waste time on some hokey handheld titles.
Mia is too busy giving breastjobs to her teammates to heal some deadbeat worker.
You can't really use a fan standing on a boat to power the sails either. So I'm not sure if it had worked.
Come to think of it, I don't remember there being any niggers in Golden Sun. Why is that?
I'm a DQ fan but honestly I like GS better
>I don't remember there being any niggers in Golden Sun
the "nah my healer can only resurrect party members" is a fairly common trope and annoying in every jrpg I played. I finished octopath traveler recently and the whole plot of the revolves around someone close to her being poisoned and eventually dying. at no point did she propose to 1) try and cure the poison with a spell or 2) use the resurrect spell that usually bring the whole party back despite the fact that this is considered a taboo in the lore(no spoiler version : she never offers to heal anyone despite being super nice)
more to the point, mia can set prayer to a quickslot but using it on npc never seem to do anything, which is a bit sad.
but there are many other psynergies that are underused like the one to hide in the shadows or the one which punches from far away. stasis should be usable in combat too.
so much wasted potential.
That's not a nigger. That's an ant.
You cheeky cunt.
This. Golden Sun is actually a better JRPG than most
I would have assumed wind psynergy actually created wind rather than just emitting air from the user like a whoopee cushion.
It's usually because your party members are only knocked out and not actually dead.
>so what did they see? why did no one be like" hey that's pretty crazy those guys just stood there and the monster died".
People can't see the actual psynergy, but they can see he adepts making the mental/physical struggle to conjure the attack and the monster getting hurt.
If they're only knocked out then why do I need to bring them to a fucking priest to wake them up?
I'm confused. Do I get 1.73, or 1.73b, or both?
in dragon quest, if you don't bring them back at the end of the fight, you are dragging a coffin...
they usually see fire coming out of the hands, water flowing, ice forming, vines growing...
what they can't see are the rings when casting and the hands but they sure can see the effects.
It's actually the best JRPG. If you don't like it, you have low IQ.
wind is still just moving gas, just like a fan doesn't create wind, psyenergy wouldn't either. So if the power moving the wind is part of the system (ship), I'm not sure if it would work.
Shouldn't they be able to see you when you use Cloak since it's a psynergy and they can't see psynergy?
what are some good jrpgs that are currently discounted on steam
But then wouldn't Ivan be blown away in the opposite direction like he was firing a comically large shotgun whenever he uses his powers?
Facts. Golden Sun is pure shit
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5 are on sale.
That is probablya little different, since the cloak ball can be used by non-Adepts.
Well... I guess? I'm probably just overthinking it anyways. They also simply could've frozen the water and walk over it instead of using a ship but in the end it's more about creating dramatic moments I think.
>They also simply could've frozen the water and walk over it
I don't think Mia has enough PP for that.
>good jrpgs
Trails in the Sky.
If you tackle it from that direction, Ivan wouldn't have enough PP to sail half way across the ocean either.
same thing for the wind in the sails, the tiny wind mage would definitely not hold the whole trip.
but mia should definitely heal more.
I would be pp dry all the time in this world, always walking in circle to be able to heal people...
For some reason I always assumed like normal people's mind just warp around whatever happens in front of them so as to make sense of what they did. Thousands of people saw Isaac fighting in the Coliseum and yet no one saw the obstacles magically being altered or Isaac raining down giant swords or making earthquakes on the arena, so in my head they are just seeing this teenager fight very, very well and their senses are completely ignoring nature wreacking havoc around him.
DQ is a game that everybody should rip off.
>dedicates life to healing people
>never does outside of Designated Healing Target™ party members
You'd think after all these years having the story contradict gameplay would stop pissing me off but it still fucking does. The stupid thing is that it's usually really easy to fix. Like in Tales of Symphonia when some frail old man NPC gets fucked up, Raine immediately sits her fat elven butt down and starts going through every healing spell in the book. It doesn't matter where you personally choose to go or talk to, your healer is gonna be down there spamming her shiny lights until she wrests his decrepit soul from Death's clammy hands. It just works.
I hear FF5 did it too, but fuck actually playing Final Fantasy to find out. I would gnaw my arm off to get away from that series
If you transfer the data, the fighters accuse Isaac of cheating but Kraden explains it as Isaac using skills that he trained.
>JRPG with meh combat
the games offers tones of classes based off little monster you find in towns and dungeons with a wide virety of spells and summons you can use in battle or on the field, game play is easy but it excels with a ton of options
Golden Sun is above average because of how varied the gameplay is combining turn based battles, puzzles and exploration. while some jrpgs did it better golden sun did a good job combining them all together.
I had no problem. It was simple and easy but worked well. I wouldn't enjoy it today but it was a great childhood game
I enjoy it but it’s awesome you don’t ! Not everyone has to like everything and that’s GREAT! XD just play what you love and most importantly have FUN :3
>Golden Sun is just a straight ripoff of Dragon Quest.
Golden Sun was far more enjoyable I could never stand the cringy japanese humor, samey art style and music. Golden sun atleast tried to offer more varied game play with puzzles
>Mia doesn't have enough power to freeze the ocean
>Ivan doesn't have enough power to create winds for the whole journey
>Isaac doesn't have enough power to move the 2 feet of dirt blocking the road that forced them to take the boat in the first place
>Garet doesn't have any useful power whatsoever
Isaac and Garet could both use the move spell but the problem is that they're a bunch of kids so they aren't capable of doing anything actually impressive with their powers without some sort of aid.
Wasn't the whole point of fighting in the arena because the super old dude wanted to see them fight using psynergy?
yeah, especially the fifth, it's the only one of the seven first I couldn't be assed to really play. I literally stopped after the intro.
when I was young and innocent, I started to play with rpg maker and wanted to make a rpg with seemingly permadeath where the life spell was hidden and if someone died in a fight, they would be burried on the starting map until you actually find said spell. but it was way too complex to finish.
also, I discovered that I sucked at balancing anything.
>Golden Sun is overrated trash
Translation:I hate it therefore its overrated
maybe JRPGS arnt your thing OP
They can cause earthquakes and summon meteors from the sky but they can't move this tiny pile of mud?
the fact that their power don't grow with their level makes kind of sense from a gameplay standpoint but it's still sad from a storytelling standpoint
Yeah, but Babi knew they had Psynergy and has been using psynergic objects for decades already, so maybe his senses were better adjusted to the whole psynergy deal. At least thats how my mind justified it.
>low key complaining about Nintendo in a thread about a Nintendo series
They never explained how the summon mechanic works but in assuming that it has to do with djinn causing some zany shit when in resonance and it's not something that you can readily use.
The intro alone showed that it took like 4/5 adults to try and stop a boulder and they couldn't even do that properly.
You have shit taste
How many of their names do you remember?
>introduce 8 characters
>only develop like one of them
Dark Dawn was a disaster
yeah but those were unnamed commoners, they use their psynergy as often as you use your muscles in a city life.
compare this to characters that are actually using it on a day to day basis for battling purposes and it might be different.
also, the old werewolf said that it takes more energy to act over a longer distance
all of them. but in french.
I’ve always meant to get into Dragon Quest. Are they super kid oriented like Pokémon or more of an all around appeal like Chrono Trigger? What is a good starting point?
Isaacucks are still salty that their series is dead and never getting in Smash.
>muh Isaacfags
>muh Smash
obsessed rosterfag
try the fifth, heavenly bride, you start as a kid and you can choose your wife.
All-around appeal. I loved the GBC/SNES remakes of the original trilogy. They're old enough that they don't bog you down with lots of cutscenes, event flags, and hand holding, but new enough that you don't have shit like going into a menu and selecting Talk, Door, or Stairs for basic events that should be one context sensitive button press.
>implying it cant be both
Fredo pls go
>implying Chrono Trigger isn't super kid oriented
IIRC there were two who got some spotlight, Amiti and Sveta
Though it's not like anyone in the first two GS got much development either other than I guess Piers. Shit, Mia is the brother of the fucking main villain, and she has the least amount of lines of anyone that isn't named Isaac. And remember how they set up this whole mystery around Sheba and then never gave us a single clue as to who or what she actually was?
The point is Chrono Trigger appeals to children and adults, unlike Pokémon
You're going to have to explain what exactly differentiates Chrono Trigger in that respect. Pokemon is loved by tons of adults and Pokemon has more depth in its gameplay than Chrono Trigger.
Story for starters. I’m not going to bother arguing about children’s games with you if that’s what you’re hoping though.
So long as you accept that Chrono Trigger is a kids game.
>Golden Sun
Anime crap.
>Mario & Luigi
Mario crap.
>Battle Network
Megaman crap.
>Yggdra Union
>Summon Night
Weeaboo crap.
>Tales of the World ND2
Literal who.
>Sword of Mana
The only games worth playing, at least FFTA is.
Remember all those video game magazines for a few years in the early to mid 2000's who'd list Dullahan as one of the toughest bosses in all of gaming?
The one thing I remember Dark Dawn a bit fondly for was that it went ahead and turned that chandelier dragon from one of the earlier GS commercials into an actual summon.
The point of no-return shit can fuck off into the sun though.
>never gave us a single clue to who she actually was
>villagers in Lalivero talk about finding a baby at the site of a meteor impact
>also there's a fucking city in the sky
I think the implications of her origin are there, but yeah they didn't go into as great of detail as I would have liked as well.
Fuck you getting the boat and exploring the eastern sea was kino
Point of no return is really the only thing I have against Dark Dawn as a game. I don't really understand the hate for it otherwise. The only other complaint I can really think of for it is weapon unleashes getting even more randomized instead of just nerfing Megiddo like the change was clearly intended to do
The whole Anemos thing really needed to be fleshed out more than it was. We never even saw said city in the sky. For all we know it doesn't exist anymore. And even if it did, what would it be doing over Lalivero? How did no one notice it when Sheba fell? Too many questions.
Turn Based doesn't require any skill. Anyone with a brain can play them. Unless they have some type of quick time event/fast reflexes for attacks, there's literally no reason a non-gamer shouldn't be able to pick one up and beat one on its hardest difficulty because it doesn't require skill, the game can always be won with a certain outcome.
Turn based is only liked by people who can't play real games.
>Any normie can pick up and play Nocturne in Hard
I’d like to see that
Hey. You’re trash
>chess is not a real game
haters gone hate
> masking buttons is skill
> mashing buttons at the correct time is more useful than the ability to strategize with what you have at hand
I can't say that I agree with your vision of video games. actually, I think that you couldn't be farthest from it.
I never said that. I was just saying that's the only way normies might not be able to finish any goddamn turn based RPG. They're not hard. Anyone with half a brain can finish them.
Why does she want slime?
Chess isn't a real game, it's only a puzzle
turn based RPGs are just puzzles you have to figure it out. With the right set of decisions (not skill), anyone can finish a turn based RPG.
There are plenty of normies who ONLY play turn based RPGs.
Hmmmmm, I wonder why?
If this is the JRPG thread, I'm playing Breath of Fire III now and I want to know when this game fucking opens up. Ever since I got Nina, I keep running away from every battle because my autism won't let me level up until I manage to get back to the Yrall region and visit the masters there but the plot keeps kicking me in any direction other than where I started.
I beat the game without even realizing masters were a thing, just play naturally
>everyone can easily finish every puzzle game ever made
it's absolutely the same thing, with enough perseverance, you can finish any "skill based game", the same way that you can brute force a rpg.
the only difference is that a rpg is about the journey and the story. if you play it for the fights, you might have the wrong game
Question is still relevant. I'm tired of every dungeon removing my access to all the previous shops and sometimes even save points. I remember entering the McNeil manor and wanting to save, but fuck if the game didn't scare me for a bit when the characters wouldn't let me leave the manor for no fucking reason whatsoever. There ended up being a save point in side, but man was that retarded