Why are there no successful self-made female devs?
How do we fix this?
Why are there no successful self-made female devs?
How do we fix this?
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tell them to code in the kitchen
Minecraft came from space, though?
The devs who made Gone Home
You need to be an autistic incel to have the time and motivation to become a self made dev. Plenty of women work normal programming jobs
Why middle guy looks so different to other two nerds?
Calling notch "self-made" is a bit of a stretch, given that MC ripped off another game.
In the event you're serious, you'll see more women as solo devs and leaders of small teams if you help address the underlying issues. I'm talking stuff like:
> women getting discouraged from career paths conducive to being a solo/small team game dev because it's "unfeminine"
> sexual harassment
> Yea Forumsirgins and redditors starting shit with women in large scale game dev because a game's not 120% to their liking or she says something that makes them shit their diaper (for example, Hepler or that woman who was early PR for MN9)
> women who are members of other marginalized groups just having to put up with too much shit in general
By that logic Stardew Valley can't be considered either, it's more of a ripoff than Minecraft was
He isn't fat and bald.
Yes but why? He doesnt look like what I expect game nerd to look like
You'd be right, it wouldn't.
i don't think i've ever seen footage or watched a stream of stardew so that goof's on me
if it ever happens, they'll be from japan, and post something """politically incorrect""" on twitter, inciting a massive shitstorm or something.
>Why are there no successful self-made female devs?
>How do we fix this?
>we fix
if we have to fix it they're not self-made
He's a chad
That's not a game tho
isn't the main dev on the rance serie is a woman?
Females have no drive to achieve, it's that simple
Females will never ever accomplish anything even remotely close to what a man can
Deal with it
They can certainly accomplish far more than millennials do.
females are so great that men have successfully made it legal to change to a "woman" set a record, then change back and keep the record.
Why do amerimutts refer to other people as "males" and "females"?
Is it because you've acknowledged that you are not men and women but rather just animals?
Not surprised you millennials feel proud of all that tranny shit, it's your only legacy.
>Why are there no females in the vidya indu-
>Why are there no female head develo-
>Why are there no female main char-
>Why are there no Vive-based interactive novels set in 7th century arabia with a female camel as the protagonist?
>See? Video games is a male-oriented medium.
Notch himself admitted he stole a lot of the code from infiminer and had a lot of trouble coding anything complex
Most of the work past the basic framework was done by people he hired
He then just sold what was a very basic game to Microsoft, and the rest is history.
SV dude is based.
Tarn, eh. He's too autistic to be based. Look at how popular Rimworld got with a 100th of the complexity Dwarf Fortress has. All he needed to do is not be fucking stupid and ditch the ASCII, or at least, make a working fucking interface.
You're wrong, the successful male devs are holding down the female devs from breaking through
I think it would be fair if after a certain milestone of success, maybe measured by copies sold or dollars earned, the IP, earnings, and all the development of a game made by an indie self-made male dev was handed off into possession a more competent female dev
Because a woman who dedicates her time to learning to code is more rare then an aids free nigger in Africa.
The other two are autistic as fuck.
He's just a normal dude who made a cutesy game that sold well because it's an untapped niche.
No not really. A vast majority of jap devs and auteurs are still male. Those female personas you see being paraded are usual shit like art designers or musicians, while the the very few who do get into directorial positions like that slut from E3 are just contractual. None of them became successful due to will and guts alone.
Because they are not dumb enough to, not only get into the videogame industry, but get into indie game development.
Tynan Sylvester is also pretty chad.
>OP pretends this post does not exist
you did good user
except Amy Hennig, nobody is famous on this pic
>buy my book
That post is irrelevant to the subject being discussed
What becomes tends to be the games themselves, not the devs.
Not everyone is an attention whore like Kojima.
Yeah no. Fuck off. Call back when a "woman" has made a game by herself out of pure passion.
would you bang Milf Raymond?
>not knowing who the artist kojima is
typical of a piece of shit who doesn't play real games
King's Quest 6 is Jane's brainchild and a fucking masterpiece.
Just because you say it's not doesn't mean it isn't.
Women excel in fields dealing with empathy and care, primarily.
Men excel in technical fields.
That's not to say there aren't exceptions, but that's how it is. Women are less goal-driven than men, so they would generally not fare well in self-employment.
Of course, even just this thought is supposedly offensive now, and you have women trying to go against it just because, so who knows what they'll be doing in 5-10 years.
Funny thing is, men don't take it badly when they're said to excel at more physical, simple jobs. Which is interesting, because men are less agreeable than women.
No it isn't. These literal who thots weren't famous for making games. Fuck off.
>this is considered "trolling" on present day Yea Forums(nel)
Need to do something to have any worth.
You are the perfect, precious princess who can do no wrong, gets everything handed to you and praised for every fart you let loose. You get coddled and pampered by everyone, all of society, massive organizations and governments. You are alleviated to first class citizen by default.
Shh child, the adults are talking.
That's made by a man and you know it. Women aren't capable of real art.
>All pictures are of nips or 2000~ era devs.
Nice, male devs were also completely different back then, my dude. Nice try.
Also Japan doesn't count, their entire culture is fucked up and different.
>be millennial
>be handed the world in a silver plate with not a single challenge ahead
>still complain that life is not easy enough
This is why the draft should be a thing again.
Every man and woman should spend at least 10 years in a warzone.
A male child has more worth than a "woman". A male child will someday grow up to become a man, but a woman will always be a woman.
too bad she left Ubisoft, at least they were kind enough to ask an artist to photoshop her pictures
It's all Jane. Then she left Sierra to make Gabriel Knight on her own and the King's Quest franchise became absolute trash.
I never played Gabriel Knight but I hear it's really good.
wow whered you get your first confirmed kill special forceskun?
To also be fair, virtually no significant changes have been made to Minecraft after being sold--the main changes have been more animals and aesthetic block types
>Not the literal indie Chad
That's a good idea, I'll make sure to vote for Harris in 2020, your post convinced me
The fact that you haven't even played it or it being some literal who shit means it probably garbage
fucking tranny.
I just never complained that life wasn't easy enough.
You do, a lot of people do, and those people deserve to live in misery for a good while.
>she was released from Ubisoft, and she was downgraded
what a shock
Wait for the Steam release, he he he.
I think trannies are the ones who feel the most offended by the words man and woman.
>No I don't care about good vidya. Why?
are you telling me you didn't buy Jade's game?
he's younger
because amerifats are pigs
>> women getting discouraged from career paths conducive to being a solo/small team game dev because it's "unfeminine"
That's their problem.
>>sexual harassment
Is she sexually harassing herself?! We're talking about solo devs here. These people work from their bedrooms until they get established.
>>Yea Forumsirgins and redditors starting shit with women in large scale game dev because a game's not 120% to their liking or she says something that makes them shit their diaper (for example, Hepler or that woman who was early PR for MN9)
Not relevant to solo developing. A solo dev can have a random numeric screen name and interact with the community through that handle.
>>women who are members of other marginalized groups just having to put up with too much shit in general
So they can't download Unity and watch some tutorials on YouTube because they're too marginalized? I can see that for some inner city kid with a crack head momma and no computer at home. She might have it too rough. But for the privileged Zoe Quinns of the world what got $200k from her parents to start a business? Nope nope nope, total non-starter, not even willing to entertain having a discussion about the idea that she's too marginalized to be a solo game dev, that is simply off the fucking table, period.
You described baby boomers, though. They're the ones that fucked up the economy despite the fact they had everything on a silver platter.
Hey at least she's gonna be fucking up Google's games now
>Yoko Shimomura
>not famous
Hey, I use man/men but female. Gotta have a distinction between humans and """"""""""""""humans"""""""""""".
Choose your waifu Yea Forums
For me its Jane Jensen
>untapped niche
Neverland Co died because normies are stupid.
it's a bit cheating to include composers in the list
Can notch really be considered sucesful given the whole thing made him go completely nutters.
>Implying that its a problem
>Implying that it needs to be fixed
>Implying that it's even true
I expected the DF guy to be way fatter
>t. Another millennial
aren't neptunia devs female and making a bank on ironic weebs
Based and manpilled.
Oh, you are one of those millennials stuck in your politically-driven gender wars.
My condolences.
Michiru yamane or yoko shimomura. I'm a music guy. Shimomura has that Mega Man OST which pretty much defined my childhood so that's a bit creepy I suppose.
me too
Lmfao you don't become successful simply because of guts
And you are boomers 2.0, except whenever they call you out, you just blame boomers.
Because autism is more prevalent in men, and you need to be autistic to unironically want to work on the videogame industry past the age of 16.
You wanna know why they're fat and bald? Shitty diet/lack of exercise and high testosterone/genetics.
Toady is borderline anorexic for American standards.
Tell me when I can support a family of 3 and buy a house on the salary of a postman and I'll agree with you.
But thanks to piracy, all entertainment is free for you zoomers. you should be swimming in money; three quarters of my mcdonalds paycheck used to go to buying manga.
>yfw Toady has literally had to sign a will where his games sourcecode is destroyed in the event of him being murdered just as a precaution because of autistic neckbeards
So the only female made game is a Bore Me to Death Simulator? That's not a positive.
It really just boils down to culture and opportunity. If a Woman is shown to be successful in a certain field, even if fictionally, more women are likely to go into those fields.
google the Scully effect
is this bait?
Lost it when the 3 skeletons came in.
Ah yes that 100 dollars saved will really help me buy a house at age 21-25 and marry.
The real answer is autism. Males are more prone to having the autism needed to passionately craft a game.
Are you retarded? How much money do you think the average person spends on netflix or videogames? Enough to buy a house and raise 3 kids? Lmao!
Why would any Neckbeards want to murder Toady? Also why is Toady such a cunt that he won't let Dwarf Fortress be Open Source?
False premise.
How so? Can you name any self made female game devs like them?
Do you actually want that, or do you just want to play videogames?
Aside from rent and purchasing groceries, your expenses should be at 0. Learn to cook, you lazy faggot.
because neckbeards don't always agree with the highly specific changes he makes and because he doesn't focus on stuff they want him to.
>Also why is Toady such a cunt that he won't let Dwarf Fortress be Open Source? Shut up commie, DF is his life's work, his passion project, he has no reason to let anyone in on it. Be grateful it's gratis instead.
Why is this my problem to fix?
They can do what JK Rowling did, pretend to be male until they achieve success. Hell it would help the movement more than any type of online crusade. I'm not a fan of Rowling's writing and some of her opinions, but she did become the only person ever to make a billion dollars from writing books, I can respect that.
he based
>Shut up commie, DF is his life's work, his passion project, he has no reason to let anyone in on it. Be grateful it's gratis instead.
>implying I'm left wing for wanting Open Source PC Games
John Carmack made every ID Game up to Doom 3 Open Source and he's a conservative.
The autism powering Dwarf Fortress and its crazy userbase could be used to make tons of insane mods. Instead it's going to be stuck with Toady's vision which require a Super Computer to run a large map for a ASCII game.
It's a problem you caused shitlord
you are full of shit
> women getting discouraged from career paths conducive to being a solo/small team game dev because it's "unfeminine"
You get harassed more as male than as female. The only difference is that if you complain as male you will get called a pussy.
> sexual harassment
You get harassed as male all the time. The biggest difference is that if someone slaps you on your ass as a male you get bullied by others if you complain. As a woman you have it piss easy. You get even promoted if you complain while as a male you lose your job and reputation if you say someone slapped you on your ass.
> Yea Forumsirgins and redditors starting shit with women in large scale game dev because a game's not 120% to their liking or she says something that makes them shit their diaper (for example, Hepler or that woman who was early PR for MN9)
SJW are doxxing and harassing literally every straight male on social media. Straight males are the most harassed people on the internet.
> women who are members of other marginalized groups just having to put up with too much shit in general
Straight white male have to put up with the most shit. The only difference between the so called "minority" and white males, which are the real minority if you look at the world population, is, that as a white male you don't have the race card or gender card. If you complain as a white male, no one cares because you have no privileges all those other "minorities" have.
Women have been the leads in some of the most influential games made in the industry.
Problem is that if they draw too much attention to themselves, they get creeps who either talk about how they masturbate to them, or objectify them to the point they are just a token women and diminish the involvement they had.
Basically. Gaming is full of thirsty incels, so it's better to be an invisible woman than to be harassed all the time. Just look at how you fucks treat Jade Raymond
I do. By the time you reach your late 20's you'll want something more out of life.
And gas, electricity, internet, phone bill, water, etc. bills go where? Up your mother's twat?
We know for a fact that Minecraft got big because that fucking cocksucker Notch shilled it day in and day out on Yea Forums, and since girls are not allowed to post here they're not able to follow in his fat footsteps.
Self-made people are rare in general. Especially the "made" part. I don't think tinkering with DF for the rest of your life can really be considered something to strive for.
Jane Austen was even more successful and just called herself "a lady"
Yes, made, 15 years after he was finished with them.
Toady isn't anywhere close yet, let the man do his work. After he's done, you might ask him to open up his game, but until then demanding him to let anyone else in is just how insidious powers ruin every other good thing nowadays.
I didn't cause jack shit, I'm a bartender at a shitty club in Miami.
you wanna blame someone, blame (((them)))
Because successful women get torn down by other women.
>retards here call Minecraft ripped off Infiniminer
>played Infiniminer
>everything is so fucking different apart from the block mechanic that I really ponder the intelligence of this underage board
There's plenty of women working in the industry, but I think for that solo dev stuff you're gonna need someone like an auteur, and Auteurs and Autists go hand in hand.
posting on Yea Forums is just a giant game of telephone, no one actually checks any sources and just reposts stuff they've read here, I thought you knew that already famalam
Minecraft at release of the first betas was very, very different from modern minecraft. It was pretty much just infiniminer with no game modes and less kinds of blocks. The survival aspects and RPG elements weren't added until later
Sadly, this is true. A statement, no matter how retarded or factually wrong, will be accepted as gospel if it is repeated often enough with the proper emphasis. It will turn into "consensus" or "board culture" and remain unchallenged.
Notch never hides the fact that at the beginning the project was inspired by Infiniminer, the voxel-generated environment. But it was clear from the start that he wanted to add a lot of new gameplay mechanics such as the survival aspect.
Calling Minecraft an Infiniminer rip-off is like saying Borderlands is a Jet Set Radio rip-off just because they are both using cel-shading.
That's true but that doesn't apply to the topic at hand. Minecraft is an infiniminer rip off that just changed over time to its own unique thing. Now it is extremely different and virtually unrecognizable from how it started off, but people who have been around for long enough to actually play infiniminer when it was most popular and the early betas of minecraft will know how similar they were.
There actually are self made female devs like Roberta Williams but zoomers wouldn't know about that.
I think it's more analagous to calling Kaizo Mario a Mario rip off. Kaizo is clearly its own unique game which is radically different from Mario in core game design philosophy and gameplay loop but the core engine and mechanics are obviously just copy pasted.
She's actually the main writer.
They don't have a y chromosome. Men are by nature more risk taking. Men put a lot of time and effort in autistic shit with very low chance of success whereas women just play it safe.
ugh why are they all white?
But why is middle guy not fat and disgusting? He doesnt fit what I expect gamer nerds to look like
They're not all white, Notch is jewish. Stop erasing minorities, you fucking nazi
My vision of him as a chad was ruined when I heard him speak and he has a virgin voice
at the extremes you find more men
meaning more successful men
and also more homeless drug addicts killing themselves
Literally no one fucking cares you stupid faggot.
With that kind of looks, females consider it cute though.
Honestly, he always looked kinda söy to me.
>Roberta Williams
Keep on zooming zoomer.
Because they just parrot whatever gets posted here, I doubt the majority who claim Minecraft copied infiniminer even played that game.
>getting discouraged
If anything is the opposite these days with the you go girl world we live in today
>sexual harrasment
Nigga how the fuck do you get sexually harassed when you are working alone?
People do this with everything, not an excuse
>minority women
That has nothing to do with the question, what about the rest of the women?
How much money has Tarn Adams made off of Dwarf Fortress?
Nowadays he makes at least 10k a month from Patreon and other donations
Not true, women have it more than men.
Well women have more greed, more entitlement and aren't satisfied with anything. That's not necessarily the same as drive.
You guys don’t know what a real chad even is. Newsflash, they don’t play videogames
there were self-made female devs in like the 80s and 90s funny enough.
B-but someone said it was true
>why are there no successful self-made female devs?
women generally arent successful at being self made anythings. theyre not innovative or industrious. they wait for men to create, innovate, foster industry and sustainability and then say "i could have easily done all that but you did it first for (((reasons))) now share with me that which i dont deserve and didnt earn, starting from the top down"
she destroyed the splinter cell franchise because she found it too difficult
i hate her
>minecraft is a rip off
I hate this shitty meme
>"dude some old as java box game demo"
>"minecraft ripped this off!!!!!!"
>Why are there no successful self-made female devs?
The same reason there's no successful self-made female anything else either.
Because most don't have what it takes. Besides, the only reason women are even in the industry to such a degree is because of affirmative action anyway.
>Because most don't have what it takes.
Like what
For example ___________________________________________________________a penis_________________________________________________________________________________
By not being a baiting sack of horseshit
Holy shit, people are still runnning with these shit progressive talking points, and on Yea Forums of all places.
>women getting discouraged from career paths conducive to being a solo/small team game dev because it's "unfeminine"
Women already have huge institutional, academic, political and even corporate support. We live in an age where women are encouraged to do everything except taking low paying or back breaking jobs. Have you been living under a fucking rock.
>sexual harassment
They're harassing themselves at home? You do realize to be an indie dev all it takes is some cash and programming skills, right? You could even hire someone to do with your art, music, etc. and not see their face ever. This is how many patreon-supported western porn games are made. Fuck off with these absolute shit arguments, they never made any sense from the beginning.