Platform for little children

>platform for little children
>see this

What do?

Also post best vidya advertisment.

Attached: gb ad.jpg (816x1100, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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For the life of me, I still can't understand how the west is slowly turning into Iran by another name. I hope you guys get your shit together because the alternative is insect level kingdom.

Ludo as fuck.

>the west

us gamers huh

So yeah I begged my parents for gaming magazines like this when I was a kid but you have to realize that my dad probably flipped through this shit on the toilet. It must've worked because my brother and I never asked for a gameboy but sure enough one day we got one and holy shit were my folks good at Tetris.

Imagine how many bondage fetishes this kicked off

I guess it's more for teenagers.

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>Iran by another name
What? Iran could have these advertisements because women aren't worth shit there and can't complain.

Think of how many rapes this prevented.
>rapist sees ad
>decides to buy a gameboy and play for the night instead of raping his chained kidnap victim

Still my favorite commercial for a video game. Short and sweet:

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I like this

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Man, it's so hard to find any decent dominatrix in real life.

Zoomers on Yea Forums don’t realize it’s adults who buy shit for them

I still dont get it.

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God I wish that were me.

>m-muh lewd censorship
fuck off nonce

Sony’s first attempt at advertising to edgelords since they saw the anglo market were suckers for that. It didn’t really work but they perfected Edgelord marketing by the PS4 and anglos around the world clapped

kek. At the time I thought he tied her to the bed cause she kept nagging him about playing vidya instead of paying attention to her.

No games

>It didn’t really work
Everyone recognizes all the bizarre sony adds though so it had to work pretty well

.. Is it?

But was the game that good?

You mean where women are practically slaves to men and get beaten if they say too much stupid shit and degenerate faggots like gays and tans are stoned or beheaded?

If only. We're the exact opposite.

that was some weird times. what were they thinking?

>that puny wunderbaum on the right

>first attempt at being edgy
they had fucking david lynch making commercials for them before that

we're literally bombing iran because they're not gay

Am I the only one who doesnt get this? I get that it's a messy room and quake, what else?

I wish we would be turning into Iran. This is way worse. Fuck marxism and fuck zionism.
Breivik did nothing wrong

fucking idiot.

Fuck off nazi sympathizers. Iran still denies the holocaust and calls for the destruction of the 2 greatest countries in the world: America and Israel.
Gay rights are human rights and women are not property.
Fuck Iran.

Yes. So many nowadays are also into findom, which is where the guy gives her all his money. Really terrible when you have to wade through a ton of them to find a decent genuine one.

Oh it's a toilet, the black toilet seat made it seem like it was negative space amd it looked like some weird seat

I see what you're doing

>thinking the game boy was just for children
there's a reason it came with tetris instead of a mario game

I am into someone voluntarily giving me all their money too.

>implying it's not the consumist nature of today's society the root of all the problems
i swear the cope from anti-communists is cringe as fuck, and i don't support the reds

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I remember that Joe Rogan guy saying he played the fuck out of Quake back in the day whenever he could to the point of putting shit off, so yeah boomers really liked it i guess

I never even played quake but yeah, I'm thinking it's based.

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Exactly. Everyone is. It's why it's so hard to find actual dominatrix instead of people just doing it for the money. I don't get the fetish so it just ruined a whole subset of women for me.

... Can I have some money now?

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Bros... I'm thinking... Sony won...

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Sorry man, I am not into findom. If you want to try just go on twitter or fetlife and you'll prob get some suckers

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90s had the best advertising and no sjws

Can you imagine doing such an ad in today's climate?

What did Sony mean by this?

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The company would probably have to publicly apologize even though the people this ad is actually targeted at would either happily jack off to it or just not give a shit.

wtf redpilled?

the 2000's were a weird time


How did Nintendo go from this to bing bing wahoo?

Ya ready for a real unpopular opinion, /vee/?
I don't like ads like . They're genuinely pretty sexist, and I'm glad people don't seem to make ads like 'em nowadays.

Iran famously allows homosexuality so long as one partner "admits" they're transgender and undergoes surgery.

sony's marketing for the original playstation was a huge success, and they did it making the playstation a "counter-culture" product, something your parents and teachers don't want you to have, something edgy that those crusty old folks wouldnt understand, sony kepy up their weird ads ever since, because if it works, use it

Oh dear. It's like they didn't even have an ethics department back then.

OK now if motherfucking IRAN says that trap aren't gay then they aren't gay.

you're still a faggot though

I see nothing wrong with that ad. it's common knowledge that sex sells and this was a time where the female demographic was near non-existent.

Someone should spread this shit on twitter. I wanna see the shitstorm.

>a time where the female demographic was near non-existent


spotted the american, whos ally Saudi Arabia is 50x worse when it comes to sharia laws

go grab some wendys you fucking jew

Well, Mohammad basically didn't say anything about transsexuality because who the fuck thinks about trannies while uniting the tribes of your people back in the early medieval period.
Unironically though it's some wacky posthuman horror that people are being forced to undergo gender reassignment to avoid getting executed.
"Sex sells" isn't a justification to me, it's just an explanation. I know why they did it. Hell, it's not like it's not funny, even if it's a bit cliched. It's just also sexist.
Play actually good games, like Dominions or Eve, instead of the Sims or Animal Crossing.

They really do have so many different fast-food restaurant chains.

Nintendo systems were never only for kids. It's a slander tactic used by people that don't own Nintendo systems to downplay the competition and make themselves feel less attracted to the system.

Oh look, and before twitter no one actually fucking cared about these ads.
Now everything would be racist, taken down, people fired, insults everywhere etc.
Our fucking sensitive generation is abhorrent, I actually PRAY for a war to put these fucks back in their place.

I like some kinky stuff but I never could get into dominatrix's. If she slapped my face and called me a bitch or stepped on my balls i'd just get pissed off. And I enjoy humiliation, just not that kind.

If you're praying for a war because people theoretically (in your mind) wouldn't like an ad which came out fifteen years ago then your ideology is unhinged.

Yeah and I'm pretty sure that Nintendo tended to have the bigger, more complex games that adults might tend to enjoy more overall. The SNES had more RAM than the Genesis so maybe it helped.

You might have autism.

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is the comment "there is a beautiful, naken woman on this page" you find it offensive or just the naked woman?

pic related. is this sexist too if a model poses for a swimsuit edition cover?

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have sex with children

3,000 iq response

I assure you none of them are really offended, they just pretend to be. They want to pretend they have an evil oppressive enemy to stand up against so their lives feel more meaningful. Some have convinced themselves of this so well, they might actually believe it.

You're on the internet, no one actually means anything they say, especially when they say they want wars and murders. You fucking idiot. I shouldn't have to tell you this, you should know better.

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please be bait.

Meme magic was a mistake

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>Seething Iran shill

It's definitely not the naked woman. It's the casual assumption that the reader is gonna look at the naked woman and go "nice", like they're handing out a sweet to a mental retard. And then advertising their product by saying "it's even better than staring at naked women and saying 'nice' (which we know you want to do) amiright?". It's objectifying, but in the genuine sense.

Actual pornography doesn't generally do this.


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>not knowing quake is a top 25 video games of all time

that ad caused a shitstorm though

BASED boomer poster
>no you see, I was merely pretending to be retarded

I'm not that war wisher user you fucking dingus.

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They were bing bing wahoo games efore though faggot.

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Hey sweet a Gameboy Pocket!

I fapped so many times to this.
Still love it.

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If you can play a video game using a mirror to reflect the display which would arguably mean playing with reversed left/right controls that's a pretty decent feat.

cant you use a double mirror setup to have it proper again

Women are sex objects though.

You can but it wouldn't be real.

If that's true then how come they won't have sex with me?

90s used to be more relaxed and moralfags didn't have internet to make noise.

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They've already attracted a Chad to fill them. Sorry.

wtf we need sex communism

>casual assumption the reader would look at the naked woman and say nice
Well, what would the reader do? Look at the naked woman and say ew? Is the reader a faggot?

Same. I do like it a bit rougher and don't mind if she's dominant, but the moment it becomes degrading it does nothing for me anymore.

Can you imagine being a zoomer kid with a phone with all the porn in the world on it at all times from a young age? I wonder if their dicks will even work by the time they're 18.

It's like when I look up a jerk off instruction video and the chicks like, "Yoooouuuu'll never get theeeessseeee tits you pathetic... uh, pathetic white... white guilt. Milquetoast. Piece of shiiiiiit." and I just roll my eyes and tune out.

because liberals (ie sole existence is to oppose things you dont like) didnt understand any technology with the advent of ease in mobile devices you get their constant bitching in your face.

there's a reason twitter keeps getting funding despite not being profitable. it just works too well for social manipulation that would be completely impossible without it.

That's nice, Anita. Now where are the DVDs you promised.

Would a mental retard take a sweet and not gurgle something approximating happiness in response?
It's like they're using her as a treat, and they just know that you'll want it. It's shit.
Anita's almost as dead as DVDs.

Jesús Gil was hilarious.

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>It's like they're using her as a treat, and they just know that you'll want it.
there's nothing wrong with a company giving me what I want, actually that's exactly what they are supposed to do. the only way you'd have a problem with that is if you are ashamed of what you want.

>eating from that microwave whilst on the toilet
>toilet seat has gap to rub your dick on dirty splash area
>no lid so feces flies everywhere when you flush
>fabric slippers near bathroom area
I want to throw up right now

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Ultra Based.

2/10 but i still replied

I dunno man, I've been bombarding my brain with porn for like a decade now but I can still lean back and fap to my fantasy or pop a boner from some simple stuff like feeling boobs pressing against me.
not like your dick stops working, you just usually default to porn because it's easier

Bro the only thing that awaits humanity is the great filter shortly after the wests downfall.
We're in this ride together, user

>tfw haven't felt boobs in any capacity in 10 years
I'm perfectly fine

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What am I supposed to see other than a gameboy?

JOI videos are retarded. Women know nothing about properly jerking off cock and it's annoying when they try to tell me how to do it.

Sorry to hear that.

i love latex sex!

>that ad caused a shitstorm though
Yeah, it caused a bit of controversy, but nowadays it would cause insane SJWs to dox and threaten employees and the company would have to apologize by firing everyone involved in the ad and then create an apology ad and spend the following 3 years living down the ad while people keep bringing it up for no reason other than to shame the company for their past misdeeds.



>Zebra Crossing
Are there really that many zebras in England?

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The only one I ever came to was one with a chick with huge fake tits telling the viewer how she wanted even bigger, rounder fake tits and how she wanted the male viewer to get fake tits too so we could get big fake cartoonishly big tits together etc etc.

Was pretty good.

They're every fucking where. We call 'em albino horses

yeah been telling myself to hit a brothel and just get my head fixed on straight and rewired. Honestly have been spending more money than normal seeking a memorable distraction and games aren't doing it.

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legit an option for you if you're not a romantic.
if you are, it's probably a bad idea because it would ruin a lot of your impressions on how sex should be.

I'm fapped to sexy cellphone wallpaper adverts in the back of magazines during my adolescences so that my children don't have to.

I miss gaming magazines lads.

>kids today can see all the fucked up porn in the world by age ten
Holy fuck, that's honestly worrying.
Am I turning to one of the boomer soccer moms who protested sex in vidya ten years ago?

>platform for little children
>see this

Game Boy was played by fucking astronauts, don't you act like you know anything you little shit.

cant even bring myself to go because of that.


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Go back to retardera.

I miss the idea of them. Sometimes the magazine would just straight up give nonsense reviews.
At 18:28 these guys find a review for Superman 64 where the magazine gave the game an 80%.

This one is pretty funny.

Still better than today's big sites who have only two kinds of articles.
Paid praising of some shitty AAA titles or some politicsbaiting to get those sweet ad revenue clicks

What are some games with difficult questions?

dunno, I think not wanting your kids to see hardcore porn is a valid stance. just don't take it to the extreme and try to keep them away from anything sexual at all. won't hurt them to jerk off to some lingerie catalog or vanilla porn.

That Guy Game

>It's the casual assumption that the reader is gonna look at the naked woman and go "nice"
How is that offensive? That's what any real man would do.
You Ameriburgers need to be gassed.

Stop being a faggot. the joke their game is an STD?


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Who wants to tell him that Iran has the highest transgender rate in the world?

>90s used to be more relaxed and moralfags didn't have internet to make noise.

Yeah, how dare we don't have more debauchery MANLY ads for MANLY gamers

hyper individualists. they get pissed if anyone implies that they could predict their behavior by extrapolating from others.

Then there was also deep silver's dead island torso bust too.

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God I feel warm and fuzzy when I hear early 2000's edgy music.

>and moralfags didn't have internet to make noise
I've been saying this over and over, the internet was a fucking mistake.
Can't wait for a solar flare or whatever to fry every last stinking circuit board.

not so much the internet itself, just the fact that smartphones made it easily available to everyone, at any time. when you actually have to sit down somewhere to access it you'll most likely put some minor thought into it, simply because you planned to engage it for more than 20 seconds anyway.

Cute feet

>beautifully executed

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build an army, trust nobody

Just go to a massage parlor the fuck are you doing.
Or just start lifting. Find a workout routine that's fun. I was fat as shit forever but I got really into muay thai and jiu jitsu and it's done wonders for me. There are ways out of it,user

Not really.
I'm hyper individualist as fuck. You can't be hyper individualistic if you can't recognize the masses of normalfags out there.

That guy was just a beta americuck.

I love how youre projecting your fat ass on some poor user.

>death, famine, constant fear and destruction are better than some oversensitive faggots
okay retard

fix your shit or quit your whining.

that's still not as weird as the David Lynch ads

*beta americuck hyper individualists

Sexist? Why? If there were no ads with men half naked trying to sell you dehodorant you could have a point.
It's sexualized, which I agree is not a great thing. Dumbing everything down to SEX, CONSUME, GET WASTED is garbage.

>Or just start lifting.
I don't know why everyone here keeps defaulting to "if they don't get laid they must be fat". The much more likely explanation is that he has little social contact and never even actively tries to get a gf.
Even fatties can find someone who will fuck them if they try.

What do they feel like?

Holy shit. I haven't seen this one in years.

>tfw used to be bullied by two girls in hs
>tfw this gave a femdom fetish

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alt interpretation:
He's saying he's already got Klonoa for sex.
She's saying she also wants to fuck Klonoa, and is trying to seduce him into letting her fuck Klonoa.

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objectively it's obviously not, but I can see how it would mentally appeal to some people.
it trivializes life by forcing you to worry about very basic stuff instead of retarded complex social games.

no, it's not.

very soft. but it's less about the actual feeling of touching tits and more about the fact that some girl is letting you touch her tits.
you could model a perfect copy and it still wouldn't be the same.

It's simple just get rid of msm social media shit

Based Gil

Why does everyone want to fuck Klonoa


it is, if you're not a retard.

Are you a retard?

>Got bullied by two girls in school
>Still don't trust women
I'd rather just have the shit beat out of me, than go through that mental torture again.

this thread reminded me that I miss the 90s and 00s.

It's strange though. In the 90s I knew things were good. Actually enjoyed life. After 9/11 and the some time in the 00s, I thought things were pretty bad. I remember saying "how could things get worse" around 07.

Now I look back at the 00s and seem like paradise. 2007 is like 1960 for me. In a span of 10 years everything became so dark and sad. Fuck

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that can't be real

no fucking way

How old were you when this ad came out, because I remember people getting PISSED at this ad.

No really, it is. And this one too.

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Not as long as you're paying for it. The idea of a natural leather domme is a virgin fantasy.

Things can be racist even if they're overlooked. Just look at you.

Sorry about that, user. Mine wasn't so bad. It was the guys who bullied me the most.

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It was a different time.

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I refuse to believe that these are real.

Nintendoes what Sega don't

lmao dude no way! XD

The Donkey Kong one is clearly an edit.

>common problem

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Are we just going to ignore that the DS basically advertised porn?

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That would have to be from a fucking parody magazine to be genuine.

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Nintendo ads from like the launch of the Gamecube until the very early DS era could get weirdly sexual.

>I didn't frequent forums in the late 90's, early 2000s and now assume the Internet was completely politically neutral

If nobody means anything, why do you get mad at libs on Twitter all the time?

Are you retarded? The Internet was a scholar thing for decades before the retarded public were given easy access. It's always been full of liberals.
Would it shock you to know this very site you're currently on once held mostly leftist beliefs until around 2011? Of course it would, because you're either a bunch of liars or historical revisionists.
What alternate universe are you retards coming from and how do I stop more of you from doing so?

how did you find a picture of my room?

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Would prefer that over the current state of bongistan tbhfam.

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>he doesn't remember lad culture

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would work well with RPGs, the best genre to play while taking a dump

because they object to it

comfy setup

that's fucking hilarious

>the west

you mean america. maybe the UK too but not the rest of europe

Most of Western Europe is too authoritarian for me, or debt wells. If I could live in Western Europe, I would probably choose Italy, or an isolated island like Malta.

Sounds like you've never gotten a good handjob before


No, liberals back then would be considered libertarian now, and conservertives were the ones attempting to enforce their wold view on everyone else.

how is western europe any more authoritarian than america? The only right america has over europe is the right to hate speech. In every other way they're the same, america has harsher laws and police than europe too

grow your own you fag

>Naked women = SEXISM

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based and correct

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Q3 was garbage

> Not tying her ankles to the top corners of the headboard.


your opinion is garbage

I'd definitely say 80's/90's liberals weren't as hardcore obnoxious as this current generation. Not to say obnoxious liberals then didn't exist they just weren't as prevalent.

the dissapointment I felt when I learned that it had no single player campaign was immeasurable.

fuck off, retard
same I bought that shitty CD to realise it has no single player. Besides not everyone in late 90s-early 00s had internet except for internet cafes. This game was dead on arrival.

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Relatively? Yes.
But it was still an OK Quake entry.


>i fear death and discomfort more than i love life and truth
i dont hope for war. i hope for a space age where we can spread out and be ourselves. if i didnt have to share walls with faggots who want to lie to themselves and could work on something i knew only those who find me an equal and those who i find equals would benefit from i would count it a life well spent and the idiots could all have their own little pods of experience and culture and think what they like of me and mine.

I'm pretty sure that's happened to all of us, bud

>Would it shock you to know this very site you're currently on once held mostly leftist beliefs until around 2011?
I dunno if I'd really call it leftist views, it remember mostly anti-authoritarian ones.

Okay this is the first one where I'm seriously wondering what the fuck?

Zoomer masquerading as a boomer. The internet was full of politically charged shit in the '00s, and this ad got a lot of blowback.

Yes, the internet is more populated now, so it's "louder". This isn't because people are more sensitive, it's literally just because there are more people using the internet than there were in the early '00s.

>platform for little children
>see this

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lets reword that zoomer's post: it was better when the internet wasn't so widely accepted and people were still somewhat suspicious about the stuff you could find on it.

Which I agree with. The internet was better off as a niche place for outcasts and weirdos.

Increasing accessibility is great for spreading information, not so great for giving every joe schmoe a platform. Op-eds are universally known as the stupidest fucking opinions on the planet, and the internet is literally FULL of literal whos dropping their op-eds as twitter posts, facebook comments, reddit threads, etc. etc. These people don't deserve platforms, but they have them. Shame.

They should have never let the general peasantry on the internet. You needed to fucking know how to operate a Telnet client to fucking talk online sometimes. Now nobody knows what the fuck Telnet is.

The Gameboy was only aimed at children at the end of its life, though, it used to target the same demographic as the G&W, people who wanted to play while commuting

At first glance it looks like an advertisement for a rape/murder horror game for GameBoy. God I wish that were a real game.

this Kinetica ad was one of my earliest faps

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She must have had a spine of steel to pull that shit off.

If we're getting into what is real nothing we perceive is real, it's just an interpretation of reality. Assuming we're not being deceived by a demon of course.

stupid questions, it should be obvious why

America is resisting, that's why we got Trump and Canada is stuck with this pussy

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What did they mean by this.

Yes please.

Why all the chicks have anorexia?

No ass. no thighs. no hips and no tits was considered hot back then. I'm so fucking happy that we've changed.

Who was in the wrong here?

Dude I’m eating right now fuck

Who is giving money to twitter?

Who the fuck has a mirror in the door of their bathroom pointing at them so they can watch themselves taking a shit?


all Leafs.

Poor Justin :(

Damn, that guy has no charisma.

Damn! tough break for the leaf even as a leaf he was the only decent man there.

fuck off tyrone

I jerked off to this. A lot.

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I always remember Yea Forums as counter cultural. If it was leftist was because the right was the norm.
Also notice how I wrote moralfags, I wasn't implying any political side.

I remember renting Majora's Mask from Blockbuster video back in 2000 then getting pissed I couldn't play it without the expansion pak, that was fucking lame

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Upgraded to 6/10 you got some these newfags good.