End of an era
End of an era
Alright steambros, how do we turn this around? The change.org petitions we made aren't working.
That's because a majority of the games you'd wait for sale before buying are games you already bought during previous sales
I finally bought Doom 2016 because I finally got decent enough internet to download the whole game and there's not much else that interests me
Learn to speak English you dirty fucking wop.
>it's steam's fault nobody is buying my shitty games
lmao cope
Wait, that's traffic to their games pages?
So their games have become irrelevant and old and they blame steam for this?
am I supposed to know who this is?
okay, this is epic
*fortnite dances*
>nobody is buying my old game anymore because they already have it from previous sales
Magi looks kind of like shit.
make some good games and ill buy them
its not my fault i dont want to buy anything
>get rid of the things that made the steam sales exciting
>games just aren't dirt cheap anymore (rarely will you see 75-80% off unless it's shovelware).
Probably because
a) PC gaming is currently more expensive than it has ever been, GPU, part, peripheral prices are through the roof
b) PC exclusives are shittest in history, if existing at all
c) Multiplats are shittest they've been in history, console exclusives are currently king of the castle
d) Valve have made zero effort or games the past near 10 years, everyone was holding on and supporting Steam thinking it would lead to some kind of golden age where Valve becomes the Disney/Pixar of vidya and just starts outputting solid games, instead, they became jewish
Really not much to it, PC gaming will straight up be for the first real time be in threat of death when PS5 releases and can do 120fps/4k easily in games that look better than anything we're looking at now
>console exclusives are currently king of the castle
If you think this is true I feel bad for your taste in games
Unless you are in your late teens and yet to mature enough to have taste
this is low quality low effort bait
>valve rapes their most profitable games like tf2 just so that it won't take profits away from doto 2
You should feel bad for making that pun
>sell a shitload of games for really really cheap for a month
>do this annually for over a decade
>wtf why is the number of purchases declining???
captchas failed to make this post: 7
There are hardly any games worth buying in the current year. Video game crash when?
tf2 has been dead for 10 years
Not to mention they do these sales, with the same discounts, every 3 months now
>3+ year old game doesn't generate much interest anymore
How could this POSSIBLY happen?
>Indie dev at MoaCube. Made Cinders, Solstice, Co-Op, and Magi. Working on Bonfire.
This except the part about consoles being king, consoles are not exactly getting good treatment these days either.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's because they removed flash sales and thus, killed these sales.
There's nothing right now on the Steam store that you can't find on a cd key website the rest of the year.
>shit summer game
>no flash sales
gee i wonder why people dont give a shit about this summer sale
>epic games
Sell it yourself then nobody is forcing you to do anything you pathetic faggot.
That's the traffic during sales, you fucking idiot.
i was almost with you until
>Really not much to it, PC gaming will straight up be for the first real time be in threat of death when PS5 releases and can do 120fps/4k easily in games that look better than anything we're looking at now
PS5 wont kill PC gaming, it's gonna be extremely high priced at launch and it will drive people away from consoles.
>sales are much worse than in the past
>20% discounts instead of 90%
>get less traffic
woah, who could have seen this coming
>steam finally dies
>PC cucks lose access to their entire library
How does it feel you dont actually own a single game on your computer, cucks?
Literally who.
>Steam is going to die because people are not interested in the sales
Is this the power of console fags, soon to be streamfags?
It’s really hard to find shit I actually want to buy on the steam store. I had hundreds of dollars burning a hole in my pocket that I was willing to spend during this sale and I ended up spending like 35 bux.
>PC gaming will straight up be for the first real time be in threat of death when PS5 releases
>steam dying
pls no go
Nowhere in my post did I mention the sales, I just said that will happen when your shitty platform finally kicks the bucket, retard.
Nobody has money to spare anymore
> everyone was holding on and supporting Steam thinking it would lead to some kind of golden age where Valve becomes the Disney/Pixar of vidya and just starts outputting solid games
No they fucking didn't, they bought games on Steam because it was convenient.
Nobody fucking cares about Half Life save for a bunch of redditors.
ITT: retards who dont understand he's talking about his game, not steam itself
>PC gaming is currently more expensive than it has ever been, GPU, part, peripheral prices are through the roof
You don't need a fucking RTX card and an i7/R7 processor with a 144hz 1440p monitor you zoomer. PC gaming is more affordable than it's ever been and that's especially true for the used market. If you "can't afford" PC gaming you either literally have no job or are trying to get the best of the best and shouldn't be bitching about prices. Even right now at the moment new Ryzen/Radeons are releasing and causing Intel/Nvidia to make price cuts.
How in the FUCK did you brain make you think the PC hardware market is bad right now?
>why yes, I do torrent games from my lost steam library. how did you know?
Same, maybe it's rose tinted glasses but I remember it being easier to find shit that looked interesting.
Either steam is showing me wrong stuff or PC gaming is just in a doldrums of scattered AAA ports/tretreads and indie shit.
The discounts used to be far better. You also had some variety. One game might be 50% off during sale X but you'd find it during sale Y for 75% off. Also flash sales were great.
Now it's nothing but 25-50% markdowns across the board. Same markdowns for the same games every sale.
When will that happen exactly, console cuckold?
When consoles have already turned into dust and your stream subscription goes up to $100 a month because they know they can get you to pay for it?
PS4, Xbox and Switch's software sales have all increased in the last fiscal year, instead of decreasing like Steam's
exclusives play a large part in getting people into those individual ecosystems
there was a sale????
>it’s real
literally who
If you console dies even your physical games are now worthless
Enjoy your physical DRM dickhead
It's very easy to trick Yea Forums since this place is full of retards, helps that Mr. Twitterman is providing what, without context, becomes misleading evidence.
PC gaymen is dying. All of this was inevitable.
I unironically love this meme
Steam won't die until Gaben dies, and I'm not ruling it out that he will outlive me.
If gabe stopped being a lazy fat fuck and steam stopped censoring then this wouldn't happen.
Hey it's only been the same time every year for a decade.
I wonder if there's gonna be another video game crash like in the pre-2000's. The market today has to be absolutely oversaturated by now since everyone and their dog is making some "new" shit. Feels like once in a blue moon that something genuinely outstanding and memorable comes out.
Hasn't Steam already stated that if they go under they would be removing any of the DRM which exists on games bought from their service?
What's stopping me from cracking my games?
No games worth buying desu
What other platform is more lenient than steam?
>Valve makes Reddit Life 3
>Valve doesn't censor hentai weebshit
>this will make people pay for shitty sales again
What kind of logic is that?
You niggas are literally fighting over nothing with this Steam vs. Epic faggotry
Anyone even played his games? Or even heard of them?
have valve make games that aren't card games or mobas
petition for whaat?
Sales then: Flashsales, good discounts, reason to check back every day
Sales now: Shit sales, half the games not even on steam, no flash sales, you already own everything
what? this is just some shitty indie game.
>pointing out decline in traffic for specific game
>graph goes back three years at least
Of course it's going to go down when the game's three years old, especially if it's a relatively indie title.
Remember 2011?
Wow was still relevant and wow clones tried to compete. Tho activision had started to kill it.
EA hadn't fully corrupted mass effect, dead space series tho we did lose dragon age.
Square Enix still considered single player rpgs a good idea.
Valve still made games.
We had Deus ex HR, witcher 2, portal 2, AC brotherhood, skyrim.
Then started the era of online microtransactions, gaming journalists went full on american race identity wars.
We had Witcher 3 in 2015 and thats about it.
Gaming is fucking dead.
Again, you absolute brain damaged retards, how will that make people pay for Steam sales?
Besides, Valve's games are garbage, even Half Life was nothing more than a glorified tech demo.
Why do you think there's no Half Life 3? Because there's no new engine to make a tech demo out of.
That makes his argument even more retarded
So what you're saying is this whole thread is bait and everyone but a select few in it fell for it wholesale? Just another day on Yea Forums.
I played Solstice. It was okay, very short and kind of dry at points but if you like sci-fi and mystery stuff it's an alright VN.
It's some indie dev studio that make shit-tier VN games.
I got Cinders somehow, it was alright, and apparently I also own Solstice.
>Remember 2011?
Yes, it was absolute garbage like every single year since 2007, you stupid zoomer.
>We had Deus ex HR, witcher 2, portal 2, AC brotherhood, skyrim.
And out of all of those the only one that isn't trash is Deus Ex.
Again, kill yourself.
>Trash tier indie games aren't pulling attention even when they are 50% off. The only logical explanation is that steam and games as a whole are dying.
Have sales.
I've never heard of a single one of these games. No wonder they weren't getting any traffic on steam, the games this dude is trying to sell are low-tier indie garbage.
There are a certain subset of indie devs that believe that Steam's job is to give them special treatment, advertising, and make sure their game is in the top sellers for the next 10 years.
Then they jump ship to Epic and cry about how Steam didn't do anything for them. Then they stop talking altogether when their game doesn't sell on Epic either (outside of the guaranteed copies from Epic).
>literally who game gets no attention
I have no idea why I still come to Yea Forums, this website proves that it's the most brain damaged of all on the internet, worse than Reddit, Resetera and Gamefaqs combined.
The traffic during sales dropping that much sure looks like failure to me you fucking nigger. Valve hasn't made a decent game in a decade. They destroy their own popular games.
>I hate massive offline AAA singe player narrative heavy games with zero microtransactions
Post your steam library so we can all laugh
Are they just talking about their games only?
>shitty indies sell less over time, steam is dying
Flash sales are sort of a double edge sword. On one hand, with the presence of flash sales, you get people holding off on the possibility a specific game gets put on the sale and they can get the best price available. On the other hand, if it doesn't ever get put on, then said people might just wait for the next sale in hopes that the game gets put on that potential flash sale, resulting in still no purchase of the game. Compared to no flash sales where the userbase knows that what they see if what they get, then traffic will be down, but they can make an immediate purchase from the beginning or just wait until the next sales in hope of something better. I think flash sales put too much hesitancy and overall may have reduced sales, but that's a guess.
See pic related. He says it's taken from Steam's internal discovery system, which suggests a single game, but then he blames it on Steam allowing a "deluge of shit" on their platform which is why traffic is down.
It was my privilege.
It's for a single literally who game, you stupid idiot.
>Valve hasn't made a decent game in a decade
Again, how will ONE game make the sales any better?
The reason people don't pay attention is because you can find these games at the same price at anytime of the year in a cd key website, and because they removed flash sales.
This is what you unironically believe.
>currently more expensive than it has ever been
dropped your retarded pleb opinion right there
>fighting to the death to defend their DRM machine
>literally defending the honor of an online shop
the absolute state of PC gaming
I didnt know I was supposed to keep buying the same games yearly
The last steam game I bought was the orange box back in 2008 or 9. I pirate everything
its the traffic on one individual developers relatively unknown indie games. you retards need to stop spouting bullshit like steam is dying and actually do your research instead of looking at a cropped image without any kind of supporting info. literal brainlet panicking 10 year olds.
What fucking honor?
You are saying because one literally who game doesn't sell anymore that Steam is dying, you stupid retards.
Yeah the "pc gaming is ridiculously expensive" era lasted merely 4-5 years thanks to crypto and phones and now we're back to 2015 performance. Fuckin amazing.
Ah okay then, no-one's ever heard of them or their games.
>we now have zoomers like this being nostalgic for the end of the 7th gen
jesus christ
>Valve hasn't made a decent game in a decade
So what?
Who gives a fuck?
>half life 3 comes out
>complete it in 7 hours
>back in the same place
Fucking no one cares about Valve's games anymore beyond people who have memed about Half Life 3 so much that it would never live up to the standards.
In fact, if I was Valve i'd stop development of all games currently in the making and stop supporting the current alive ones to focus entirely on Steam itself.
>6 euroshekels for this
Yes, because a game being a singleplayer narrative heavy game with zero microtransaction doesn't warran quality.
Also, it's pathetic that in a videogame you consider "narrative heavy" being a positive, when the writing of 99% of videogames is absolute garbage at the level of those shitty Marvel movies.
in continuation, fuck paid epic games shills like op. these fucks are literally paid to come here and spread rumors and bs to get people to panic and spend money on their platform. its all marketing bullshit. can't believe the mods allow paid marketing campaigns like this. this website is fucking dead.
>and, who cares?
Yup. Sounds like the credentials of an indie dev.
literally only gpus for less than 6 months
Why haven't zoomers been permabanned from Yea Forums?
>having a steam library in the first place
fake abbs
Remember when they announced rx 480 as a VR ready gpu for 200$ 3years ago?
>take screenshot of steam library list
>pirate the games I wanted to play again
Feels like nothing at all!
How would anyone ever respond to your personal quirky idea of quality?
Who cares?
Why would it be same as my idea of quality?
How am I supposed to know or care or use it in any relevant way?
>Witcher 2
get out scrub
>tv or console dies
>user cant play his physical drm without an expensive replacement
lmao owned
>massive AAA singe player narrative heavy game
Sounds pretty terrible to me.
Just like your personal idea that a game being narrative heavy is good.
The Witcher 2's gameplay is absolute garbage.
Even TW3 had a barebones combat system.
He's just retarded and doesn't understand a basic concept like "sales go down over time as a larger percentage of people who would give a shit about your game already own it", and he's taking it out on steam cause that's the popular thing for a literally who indie dev to do nowadays.
spare me the desperate attempt to change the subject, GTX1060 btw
does this mean that Epic is actually winning?
Discounts below 50%
It means you're illiterate.
>our shitty games are worse every year so there's no increasing demand, it's the shop's fault
>when PS5 releases and can do 120fps/4k easily
So in 30 years when the PS5 Mini comes out? Unless they botch it like they did with the PS1 classic
Nice lesbian rocks image tumblrfag.
If that were steam's overall numbers, maybe. They aren't though, it's just this one guy's one game, so it's exactly as expected for 3 year old indieshit.
>its another literally who indie dev episode
>he blames it on Steam allowing a "deluge of shit" on their platform which is why traffic is down
Traffic of what? The entire steam platform or his game?
To delete epic store MAGA
You're not saying a game is good, you're just saying popular thing bad.
So are you living in your own personal golden era of gaming now or what? What do you play since you've recused narrative heavy sp games?
>Really not much to it, PC gaming will straight up be for the first real time be in threat of death when PS5 releases and can do 120fps/4k easily in games that look better than anything we're looking at now
every fucking gen console retards come up with some retarded reasoning as to why pc will be dead for good this time, retards did it with the ps3 and ps4 too
it's literally impossible for sony to stay in business and sell their consoles at enough of a loss to actually compete with pc gaming but i gues sit doesn't matter because you dumb faggots keep repeating history and it's fucking tiresome
also imagine thinking pc exists primarily for gaming lmao
>its another literally who indie dev whines on twitter and a retard takes a screencap to farm (you)s from Yea Forums episode
>you're just saying popular thing bad
No, i'm saying that narrative driven games are shit because they focus on the story, which is garbage almost everytime because talented writers are not going to be attracted to an industry where MGS2 and TLOU are considered "storytelling masterpieces".
>What do you play since you've recused narrative heavy sp games?
Right now i'm replaying the STALKER trilogy.
The other thing is that indie devs are complaining about the Grand Prix resulting in people misinterpreting the prize system and leading users to deleting undesired games from their Wishlist. Because they have metrics that show that some wishlists convert to actual sales, they're counting this as potential lost in a user purchasing their game, but I think they all heavily fail to consider that it might just be spring cleaning. Sure, they might be misinterpreting the prize system, but they might also just not care about their games anymore for whatever reason and are removing them from their wishlist, and I'm sure this is a majority of the userbase.
It was part of the thread that OP linked, so one can't positively state whether he meant his games or Steam as a whole without making a guess. Since it's an indie dev, though, I would imagine he's talking about all indie games, since that's been a concern/suggestion for a couple years since all the Greenlight nonsense.
dont forget the ram shortage due to mobile booming and the thai hdd factory getting flooded
Try reading a little more of the post you're replying to. It's just his game.
Holy shit, don't play with me, user. Do you mean to tell me I can stop pretending to like consoles and build a decent rig now? I haven't looked at pc part prices in a very long time because last I checked cryptocucks completely tanked the market.
>STALKER trilogy
At least they should run well on a shit pc given they're decade old.
I bought rust for linux. The company said they support linux. The last 6 months rust was either not able to launch at all or lauched but couldn't go past the game menu.
Rust from one day with linux support, the next day the devs pulled the linux support from their steam page.
Valve doesn't care if your shitty market manipulates users into funding your beta shit for as long you need that extra publicity and money.
Those things happened 1 year after rust became "stable" with the official 1.0 in feb 2018.
I hope that fat gabbot chooe on his chicken wings and dies from asfyxia during an explosive diarrhea in the bathroom
>one can't positively state whether he meant his games or Steam as a whole without making a guess
>it's taken from Steam's internal discovery system, which suggests a single game
Pretty much tells you right there, it's a biased sample.
>new good PC games don't exist
>dude why does nobody buy the stuff they already bougth at other steam sales
Judging from I don't think even he know what he's talking about.
In general PC gaming is going to shitter.
>GPU prices are literally jew laughing.exe
>community is nothing but incels and furries
>1000000 digital storefronts
>shitty console ports and indie games, nothing fucking else
>unoptimized shit gets released all tthe time
>steam library already overflowing with shit I havent played from steam sales several years ago but I bought because they were cheap
>have giant backlog and dont feel like buying more shit
>oh em gee gais steam salez is dying end of an eera
How's that Read Dead Redemption 2
dont forget
>literally every new release is an early access broken mess that can barely be called a game
Again, given that indies have been complaining about the Greenlight system as letting in a slew of shit onto the platform for a while, I think it could go either way. I could definitely see one assuming he's talking specifically about his game, but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if he meant as a whole.
Although going by:
which he just tweeted out, I think that confirms that the internal discovery is about a single game. I'm not a dev, I was just guessing on that part because I thought maybe it tracked all his titles and not just one.
Why mention africans in Constaintinople and spain when it's set in poland isn't it?
>Indie developer who makes generic indie games was destroyed by the indiepocalypse
Wooooahh! Who'd have guessed when you have a lot of competition you have to compete to get customers.
Steam's sales have decreased due to Epic & Ubisoft removing many potential Steam games
This has nothing to do with Consoles or PC gaming at large, please use some basic critical thinking
Its fun. I played it on my PS4. Then when I was done with it I went back to playing things on my PC.
lol can we get Tim Sweeney to pay these shitty indie devs instead so they fuck off and take their garbage off Steam?
I, for one, welcome our new Epic Store overlords
about fucking time steam ruined PC gaming for me
>PS5 a 5700 XT with a Zen 2 CPU
>it will be 120fps/4K easily
Console gamers, truly natures clown
Maybe you should email robert purchese to ask why does he insert cuckolding fantasies into his game reviews.
There's no reasonable way for him to get numbers for all indie games, at most it's all his games together. There's no conclusion to be drawn from that beyond "games sell less over time" whatever argument he's trying to make beyond that is just him stupidly applying data in wrong ways.
Half life 3
No joke if valve pulls this off and makes the game not shit i forgive them
>making anything else than some shitty ASSFAGGOTS cashgrab
And they hated jesus because he told them the truth
The story got released already so whats the point?
Xbox lost access to the minecraft telltale game recently & can't get it back even if purchased, meanwhile PC gamers could just crack games even if Steam ever went down
At least this year has somewhat of an event, bot as good as the old ones but still.
General consensus seems like indie devs are willing to take the payout regardless of potential bad PR, because normies don't care about the platform and the money goes to keep their lights on and fund future titles. That being said, EGS seems pretty particular with their curation, so most indies aren't going to get accepted anyways if there isn't already substantial amount of marketing and awareness to the title before they get bought for exclusivity.
>PC gaming is more affordable than it's ever been
>$400 (((mid range))) gpu
You're an actual retard with no grasp on reality.
you are getting tired of gaming & you blame the PC platform, this is notable from pc gamers since they are an older demographic
yeah, it's beyond retarded
his last game is a VN from 2016 and he pretends like Steam is dying because he's selling less of it
PC platform is just boring.
I am having blast on PS4 but I pretty much use my PC for those few exclusive indie games and work.
Even if it tracked all his titles, the only thing that could be said about it is "indie games earn a decreasing amount of profits in their later years".
Steam Greenlight has nothing to do with this, indies lose their luster in later years, like all games.
& the games you are playing on PS4 are probably multiplats anyway
>EGS seems pretty particular with their curation
If by particular you mean extreme.
I am playing Judgement, Spider-Man and Gravity Rush 2, so not really.
>no context graph
>screenshot filename
Fuck off.
It's a walking simulator.
ludde fuck off
Hows GR2's online?
Although I didn't really participate or pay much attention to Greenlight or the current Steam Direct, Valve's lack of curation, or very minimal review process, could definitely flood the platform with a lot of shovelware (and we even saw it happen with all those completely trash titles that shouldn't have been on Steam's stores or been able to get any money from users). Of course indies are going to lose traffic over time, but I think for even upcoming releases, it'd be easy to get lost finding it if it wasn't graced with a Daily Deal or storefront highlight, which has been shown to practically triple traffic and sales for titles.
Don't let Sweeney hear you talking shit, user. 88/12 88/12 88/12
Faggot who used to work on the witcher but now makes shit-tier indie games.
>console exclusives are currently king of the castle
What a joke, multiplats are literally the only thing holding consoles together.
>how will that make people pay for Steam sales?
Tell devs to actually put their games on fucking sale. You think steam decides which games get 75% off and which ones get 20% off? People don't pay money during the steam sales because you can buy steamkeys cheaper off of steam. That and everyone can agree that steam sales aren't anywhere near as deep as they used to be. 33% off is the new 80% off. I'm not shelling out fucking 30 bucks for a two year old game, or 25 bucks for a two year old expansion to a 4 year old game.
All the replies from butthurt PC fags lol
It's true, once next Gen is out and 4K60fps is the standard for the masses then PC gaming will be near obsolete especially with how expensive they are compared to console's
All the respected AAA developers like Rockstar will always have their full focus on consoles with PC always being an after thought and that's just a hard truth not to mention valve doesn't even make games anymore except shitty card ones, although understandable that would be hard to accept after wasting so much money
Playing games on console and using your smartphone for everything else will be the META this coming generation, not to mention Xbox is actually taking themselves seriously now, pc gamers will be a lonely and dieing breed in the coming years 100%
Curation isn't even the right word really, he's going for hype more than quality.
And how will Valve making games help with that?
A) is patently untrue. A top tier gaming PC was always possible at
>mentally ill ramblings
Keep posting on Yea Forums, that way you're not actively hurting people irl.
>once next Gen is out and 4K60fps is the standard
I think you should just settle for 1080p and 60 FPS (for real this time edition).
Hows that monthly fee for online?
I wish game developers wouldn't give their games titles that already exist for other games.
>pic is real
Are liberals literally insane?
When you need this level of mental gymnastics just so you could justify whining about the lack of black characters in a game about mediaeval Bohemia, surely a little alarm would tick off in your brain if you had an ounce of self-awareness.
>number of games grow exponentially
>"hurr durr, our visibility is dumping! steam is dying!"
PC is no longer exciting these days. Bring back the 8800 GTX and Crysis days. It's been boring for the second half of the PS3/360 gen and the entirety of this one.
We don't have the graphical leaps we had back then and yes I realise consumer tech performance leaps are slowing and that is the reason why.
Nowadays for me anyway, I just play on PS4 for ease of use. Only thing worth playing on PC is vanilla wow and you can run it on a god damn netbook.
Westernshit hacks can't sustain 60fps even at 1080p and that's the only thing PS5 is getting now that California Sony is turning its back to real studios.
I'm not that guy I don't give two shits if valve makes videogames. I was responding to the quoted part of your post and explaining that it has nothing to do with the games valve makes or other people make. It's entirely caused by developer greed and laziness.
>“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg
>i am tired of games & getting older, this is pc gaming's fault
you won't recapture your childhood with WoW bro
If the PS5 benchmark is right and it's in the RTX 2070 ballpark, then PC gaming has zero to little reason to even be a thing, unless you are some Russian playing LoL an a toaster.
I was an active Steam user for 13 years until Valve went full SJW and decided they don't want people like me around anymore.
if only Nvidia would release new GPU's that are more powerful, sad that 2070 is the last GPU they ever made huh
Because he's American.
>what do you mean my shitty amateur bootlegs won't sell 100k, I'm taking my shit to Sweeney, he'll mass buy keys and no one will ever actually play my game
Thank fuck the indieshit bubble is finally popping.
not gonna lie, you had me until this garbage line
>PS5 releases and can do 120fps/4k easily in games that look better than anything we're looking at now
it's fucking dead because no one brought it, most people use their PS4 for fortnite
But what if I want to play games that aren't movies or diveball sims?
LOL Snoy boy
It would actually be more expensive to build the computer I have now than it was when I built it 4 years ago.
Lack of curation is not an excuse for your game not selling. You either advertise it yourself or you hope for a word of mouth sleeper hit
Valve cannot dedicate people to do curation or reviewing. For one thing, there's too many games to begin with. And indies were actually complaining about the restrictive barrier to entry before Valve opened its doors to any game. Greenliaght was exactly that.
It´s shit.
>twitter isn't being mentally ill by itself
Because everyone has bought everything they wanted, and there's only so many games you want to buy that have come out between one sale to the next. It's only the late newcomers that joined recently who create the spikes, and newer growing gens. Infinite growth is a pipe dream.
As good as all the other open world Rockstar games after San Andreas.
>console exclusives are currently king of the castle
Yeah, there's Bloodborne and...
>blatant bribery like that is legal even though it's actually anti-competitive and predatory to the extreme
Knowing how to market and run your own PR is a skill I imagine most indie devs can't do on their own. Even if you made a great game, if you don't know how to advertise it to the right audiences and get them to spread it via word of mouth, it'll get little sales. I think Valve's lack of curation or a proper system of funneling out the trash only adds to this issue, but given that Valve is running the entire platform, it's partially their responsibility to keep the overall quality of their platform to a certain degree. You say there's too many games to begin with, but the whole point of Valve making literal billions is to redirect it to making the platform better, which includes proper curation and not just funding their projects like Index.
I don't doubt that indies were complaining about a restrictive barrier, though. There's always going to be shitters complaining regardless, but I think Valve does have some responsibility to have a proper department set up just for QA and curation if they're going to continue being the main, relatively open market for digital PC games.
Woah, this hurts so many people.
Whatever it takes to finally crash the indieshit market.
Mediocre pseudoplatformer with stinky brown anime girl
you know you're right when you are triggering this many people, jesus christ
Game deals just aren't good anymore. Back in 2010, it was common to find shit at 75-90% off.
Now everything's between 20 and 50%, even the stuff that once ALREADY SOLD for 75% off. It's fucking bullshit.
If publishers want someone to blame, they only look have to look in the mirror.
>can't believe the mods allow paid marketing campaigns like this
Hiro only cares about chink money
Looks like the indie market has changed, time to adapt or perish.
Fuck you, Kat is cute
60fps will never be standard because most devs will always push for enhanced graphics over fps If they can afford it.
Doesn't make her game any less shit.
>activision had started to kill it.
except for their shared board, activision and blizzard are seperate entities at that point.
people keep blaming activision, but blizzard is the cause for the downfall of blizzard; not that the board is making it easy, though.
you dont know that you are a fucking idiot when you seriously believe this, god in heaven.
Part of this is because graphical fidelity is easy to see for the layman, even though we've sort of hit a peak where style and design needs to be start being prioritized instead. Meanwhile because people are so used to 30fps or less after so many decades, anything higher looks off until you get accustomed to it, which means the layman might misinterpret that 60fps as being 'weird' or say to others something's off and give it bad word of mouth.
Or, you know, westernshit studios simply can't code.
why do you reply to your own posts?
Its bcoz of new laws u fk.
Bcoz of eu and australia i think steam was forced to include chargebacks of games
Thats why thefe are no flash deals anymore, everyone would just return the game if they bought it off flash sale.
I haven't bothered with a steam sale in ages because I already bought all good games a long time ago
wow, sales of a game go down over time? WOW
there isn't anything good to buy anymore new game releases are 99.9% shit
lol pathetic. i used the sale for the first time and bought a bunch of old shit for dirt cheap prices. sure there were only a few interesting new games.
If you return it you get back what you paid for it, what's the problem here
are you saying that liberalism is a religion?
I'll have you know my visual novels are VERY important.
only bloodstained looks actually fun and new even though its a typical iga game.
None of the good new games are on sale anyway, if this was back in the day, RE2 & DMCV would be 20 bucks on sale
>remove rotating discounts, making checking the store constantly useless
>pull off dogshit discounts that aren't even on par with the all time lowest prices for the game
Yeah big wow.
>he believes the 120fps/4k meme
how gullible
everyone already had those games and blasted through them before you good job retard
That's a retarded explanation.
No publisher could possibly complain about people getting the cheaper version because THEY THEMSELVES set that discount.
Why the fuck would someone set a 75% if they really didn't people getting it to begin with?
Refunds do not explain "base" discounts going to shit as well. A game that used to be 50% off normally and 75% off on a daily/flash sale is now 30% off normally because jews.
>a) PC gaming is currently more expensive than it has ever been, GPU, part, peripheral prices are through the roof
If you target 1080p 60fps it hasnt been this cheap in a long time.
Current cards do at least 60fps 1440p and anything above the budget cards push ovet the 100fps.
i knew it was gonna be bad but holy shit
>Checks games they have made
I have never heard of any of these games which means they are probably not very good
Yeah, it used to be that you had to check Steam every six hours for flash-sales during summer. Now that the sale prices are constant through the event, there's no reason to check the store after you've seen what's been initially discountented.
Not to mention that you can most likely get better deals during weekly and weekend sales.
This is a very misleading OP. Makes it sound like people aren't using/buying Steam games as much anymore.
This is actually the traffic over time to a specific game's store page, not even sales numbers, simply tracks how often people click on a game and look at it on steam. A 3 year old indie western VN game that the Twitter guy in the screencaps made.
>Not to mention that you can most likely get better deals during weekly and weekend sales.
Yeah, it tells loads that I'm not getting id games this sale due to lukewarm discounts and am instead opting for Quakecon sales, hoping they'll be better. I don't expect them to be any worse
I love playing Bloodborne on my PC. It's my favourite game, too bad sometimes Youtube takes long time to buffer.
> Valve hasn't made a decent game in a decade
Uhh.. sweety, Underlords is top 5 on steam, even though it was released a week ago. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that the game is bad, btw
Ah yes, the game that broke it's highest player count number just a few months ago died 10 years ago, funny that such a dead game stays in steam's top charts.
Every transaction costs money
There is difference between regular and flash sales. Flash sales last few hours and served as massive game advertisement as well, but the sale would end before most people learn of it. Rest would be sold at the smaller sale
Really depends on the publishers. If they see ppl buying game at lower discount no reason to rise it.
Shitty titles. They sound like hipster boardgames, would never even look at a trailer.
It has entered the same death spiral as Artifact.
Isnt 2016 when they killed their good sales?
When they added refunds but made it so the sales were no longer dynamic, in that you could vote to lower games prices further?
To me, that and them bloating the client up real bad, that killed Steam for me. It stopped being fun. Recommendations went to shit too. They killed greenlight and let everything in now. It's a fucking mess and they deserve to rot
So is Football Manager and Dota, doesn't make them any less shit.
It was either refunds or sales, they chose refunds.
Autochess is a new BR and it's gonna stay here for a while.
Just accept it
> If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that the game is bad
Stop trying to fit in here, try to fit in a noose instead.
i was just implying it. i can still buy many indies but old users like you cant. cause no new interesting games there anymore, and probably im already in the same boat with you. glad metro games were too fucking dirt cheap tho. wont buy bloodstained on steam. im gonna buy a copy of the physical version.
>It was either refunds or sales, they chose refunds.
Was this ever stated anywhere or are people just speculating out of their ass?
I don't like it because the game is bad.
You're ignoring Underlords is also on mobile and has over one million downloads already.
Even weekly/weekend sales have gotten shittier than they used to be. I think the last time I bought a game off Steam was like late 2015. It's all been 3rd party stores with actual sales and shady key resellers since then.
Based fucl steam fuck gaben
They had to. Laws in half of the world demand refund. Not in kikemerica that would be too humane.
>There is difference between regular and flash sales
They're still the ones who set the price for the flash sale. If they didn't people buying at such a steep discount, they wouldn't give it a flash sale in the first place. Do you have brain problems, my man?
Just bring back the daily sales
ye figured, i put retard on the end because im drunk on a monday and feelin feisty
good job getting games, i would recommend you download some and give them a go if they're
I know youre retarded so ill explain again.
You cant have flash sales and refunds together.
Every transaction costs money. If bunch of ppl bought game 1 day before flash sale, they would all refund which would cost publishers a lot.
>people lose interest in shitty indie games after 4+ years
>"how could this happen?"
>Hasn't Steam already stated that if they go under they would be removing any of the DRM which exists on games bought from their service?
What they said was "we could and maaaaybe would do it for Valve games". Not for the third party games.
I rarely buy anything any more more on steam sales because I own everything already from previous sales.
Althought, Somik is a russian girls with photoshop
It's set in Bohemia and Poland was a trade center in Europe. Africans did come through, same for Middle Easterners and did in fact have sex with the local population. There is a reason why Poles have a majority Black hair. Look up Tartars for example
>people think Halo MCC will save this shit when Halo barely has a PC audience
I built mine a little bit after you did. Feels great having gotten in just before the bitcoin GPU fuckery.
>game series that has not been on PC doesn't have a PC audience yet
>be me
>want to buy games on steam like old days
>see deals
>no new games i can buy because every good game i wanted is on my library
>buy hentai games instead
Read the thread, nigger.
Maybe try having good summer sales like you used to.
I bought Rust and it doesn't work on Windows my dude. Linux has nothing to do with it, it's just a shitty game.
Are they selling uncensored games yet? There's no point otherwise.
No it wouldn't, you underage dipshit. You're under the impression that refunds are being paid straight out of the publishers pocket and that every transaction is money taken or given every second?
What a storefront would most likely do is keep a tally of all transactions for a certain period, and give publishers what they they're due at a regular interval. It wouldn't cost them jackshit if customers refunded their regular sales game for a flash sale one, they would simply just make less money at the end of the day.
And once again, they would not allow a flash sale if they weren't okay with that
>instead, they became jewish
So they did become the Disney of gaming
there are uncesored games, some games you need to do some shit to unlock them, like typing r18 on the menu
You don't own your games, consolecuck. Read the fine print :)
Steam is never going away because it's unironically too big to fail
I say that because something the size of Steam going belly up overnight would rock the very foundation that digital sales are built on: that you'll have access to these digital goods forever just like you would a physical copy
we all know that's smoke and mirrors, but since a true horror story hasn't happened yet, we're content to live on faith that our purchases are safe
at most, some company other than Valve will buy it and keep it going
By uncensored I mean no mosaic censor.
It doesnt work like that. Stop making shit up to try and justify your ignorance you absolute cretin. Read the thread.
Imagine not owning a gaming rig and a current gen console.
>Stop making shit up
That's literally what you've been doing though, shit-for-brains
I've been hearing that PC gaming is dead since the late 90s at least.
Have a (you) for your fantasies, you dumb cuck.
>game makes almost the complete majority of sales in the first couple of years
>game dies off in relevance after that
Just like EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME EVER MADE then? There is a reason most games tank in prices over that time. To say nothing about how shit.
Sorry guys, since i lost interest in PC gaming the global consciousness is following my thoughts.
Is he referring to the people not buying The Witcher in the current year or to the people that don't give a single fuck about his MAGI shit?
>I'm not reddit because I bought fucking GTA on keysites
Listen to yourself man
Based. Epic chads win again.
Because most people buy keys from chink sites that have 90% off all year round
>thinking thats trying to fit in
Are you a bit slow buddy?
Maybe try to fit in by telling your father to kys himself for raising such a fuck up.
>fucking IMPLYING
What yearn you were born? You should be accustomed to "totally not hyped spec prereviews" saying new console is gift from God himself when you are at least 20.
I also remember how PS3 could simulate real life.
>used market
Enjoy your no warranty and parts break randomly in 2-3 months.
Who are you quoting? How is it relevant to anything? GTA5 takes a magmashit on your turboshit greentext opinions.
Mangagamer releases don't have the mosaic. With games like Koikatsu you have to mod the mosaic out. I don't know about others
>same old indie shitter bitches about steam again
Mouse and keyboard. Different host of core gamers.
Don't get me wrong, I fucking hope you're right, but there's always been a reason for PC games far removed from MUH PC MUSTARD RICE.
More Japanese games are needed. No doubt most western indies are trash. Old Japanese console games are simply far superior and they should sell them or remaster ones there. Besides, a good sign is that Bloodstained is selling well and Monster hunter which used to be a niche series in the west has finally become pretty big there.
>d) Valve have made zero effort or games the past near 10 years, everyone was holding on and supporting Steam thinking it would lead to some kind of golden age where Valve becomes the Disney/Pixar of vidya and just starts outputting solid games, instead, they became jewish
Especially this. But also the rest.
Fuck Valve. Fuck Steam. I hope that lardshit pigfuck chokes on fast food and shits his pants while suffocating to death.
When they started their hat and crate cancer I finally dropped out after being with Steam since 2004. Haven't bought anything from that cancer pool since 2012 - so, seven years ago, and I don't intend to in the future.
Meanwhile GOG gets all my money and the rest I just fucking pirate because fuck the rest honestly.
PS: FUCK THE #TrannyAIDSCensorLGBTPQFemenStation
Neat. Japs really need to get around uncensoring their shit, even for other stores given Valve gets cranky about dumb shit.
There is nothing left to buy
You sound like a stable individual.
kill yourself you failed abortion
>used market
I don't get it.
How is an indie devs literal who game getting no traffic means steam traffic is declining? I fucking wash it was declining because maybe I'd have a better chance to get free shit from the grand prix.
I am quite content with the games I have now.
Ive been enjoying my older games for the past couple of years and I dont really see the need to buy software thats going to push mtx/dlc for a complete experience.
>he bought fucking pubg but not Stardew or HM2
>pc hardware has become more expensive
>less exclusives
>console hardware is catching up
>console games getting cheaper
>steam not innovating for years, UI looks like shit and is bloated with useless features
>Valve not even giving a good example by refusing to develop actual good games
gee no wonder pc gaming is dead
i bought a ps4 and a switch and even tho the 30fps is fucking shit and bothersome theres something comfy about just dropping on the couch. i really cant be bothered with upgrading my pc and having to configure all those games anymore
Nigger most of us pirate our games before we even buy lmao, if it's a multiplayer game we have entire discords set up for private servers
Being a pcfag means never spending $$$ if they didn't deserve it you literal cuck
Not only you have bad brain that does not know what the symbols mean, but also autism who likes autism games
I don't have Stardew on steam either. I have it on the switch
Steam has problems, but the declining sales of this literally who game isn't one of them.
He's the kind of salty bastard who believes he should be up there with Edmund McMillen, Toby Fox, Scott Cawthorn and Johnathan Blow as one of the guys who "made it" in the indie scene and stayed independant.
>Paradox being the biggest unashamed kikes around after EA and Activision
What is new.
>Paradox wants MORE money from their overpriced and uneccessary DLC's
There aren't any games released that are interesting to me though
Most games are complete shit, even the big ones, and the whole gaming sector are focused on the exact opposite of what I'm interested in. It's all asshole simulators like fortnite/pubg/rust/GTA, autism simulators like Ark, games cut down into tiny pieces by microtransactions, cinematic bullshit games, remakes of games I've already played or indie metroidvania/roguelite/puzzlegames that I'm tired of by now. Not to mention the plague of early access and bullshots from E3 and the like, it wears on your interest.
Sorry nigger but Baily isn't 110%. More like any % Pokemon without the skip to the credits.
He sounds like Trump, a retard.
Well, he's not wrong, these guys are about as untalented as him.
lmao paradox
>makes shitty indie games no one cares about
>wtf why does no one cares
ha ha oh ow, look at this rebel with his contrarian opinions, what a guy!
They all made games, he makes visual novels.
Western visual novels are the worst kind of visual novels.
Death of platforms is the future
Paradox's absurdly overpriced DLC is outrageous.
What the fuck am I reading? Why are we back to this nonsense again?
>i really cant be bothered with upgrading my pc and having to configure all those games anymore
I went through a phase like that 3-4 years ago, in the end I still ended up going back to PC because PS4 was just that shit. Be it the trash UI, the laptop HDD loading times or the retarded amount of fan noise, it was supposed to be comfy but it just felt cumbersome.
Toby Fox made a visual novel with shitty shoot em up segments.
I can't wait for summer to be over
Yeah I wonder why no one was interested in a rigged steam sale that involved racing animals.
Why the fuck would anyone be interested in picnics, adventures, sharing, group activities with your friends, when we can make the little corgi go past the finish line?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
>tfw people tell me Valve and its employees are not detached from reality.
Steam sucking dick doesn't suddenly mean those are good. Steam is depressing because it's close to being the perfect system, but has people who are far too incompetent to manage it.
Unlike say, Epic, which can never be the perfect store because that's not its intended function, it's intended to be a trojan horse in the industry.
Visits over time to what exactly? His games?
Now this is some top tier clickbbait.
I WISH Steam was declining.
Because now everybody is a Corgi nigger.
this. PC has zero fucking games, I already own everything good there is for it
If Valve went bankrupt and closed down Steam they would make all games DRM free
If Valve finally accepted c*nny games and brought back Rance then it would be the perfect system.
Doubt, you're probably what? 22? It's unlikely you've played or own everything good PC has to offer.
Rance got removed?
that fucking neck.
He is the chad virgin
>If Valve finally accepted c*nny games
Fuck off shrimp dick pedo.
>3 years ago
>you could build a very nice mid to high range PC for $400
>now a shitty mid-range GPU costs $400
kill yourself brainlet
Have kids.
lel poorfag
I paid that exact same amount for a mid range Nvidia card back in 2012 at release. And if you want 1080p60 you can get away with a card at half the price. You faggots are massive babies with no grasp on the current GPU market.
am i the only one on Yea Forums who has never bought into any of these scam platforms?
Buy a house.
Epic will never win because their 'store' isn't a store at all. It was made to be the fortnite platform. That's why they never even put in a shopping cart, because why would you buy something for anything that's not Fortnite on their store?
It was literally made for tencent to get their foot in on the American games industry, and has no other purpose. It will fall into obscurity like EA's big attempt and Ubisoft's big attempt and Bethesda's big attempt, etc. etc. etc. in a couple of years. It will only be remembered as that thing you're forced to download and use after you buy one of their games, nothing more.
The sad fact of the matter is that for a company to usurp Valve, they will have to make something that's a store first and foremost. GoG is close, Green man was close, but neither of them got the traction that Valve has because they never got the publisher buy-in due to the fact that they are extremely consumer friendly.
If GoG had a good launcher, they would be objectively better than Steam.
Maybe it's because the sales have been absolute garbage for the past couple of years.
What a retard you are
what, Steam?
>virgin incel pedo telling other people to have kids
No he is just bordering down syndrome.
Maybe. There's little reason not to at least have Steam or a GoG account.
GoG gives you games for free during its sale.
Not a problem.
Take your own advice you waste of oxygen
All Steam would have to do to make these publishers happy is offer a better cut just for DLC. Companies still sell physical, where they get about a 45% cut at the end of the day, so they can obviously operate on a much worse margin than Steam is offering. They were actually ecstatic to go digital whenever they could to get a 70% cut instead. At some point though, they realized how lucrative milking paypigs through dlc was and were furious that Steam also demanded the same cut there. This is one of the big reasons that EA had a falling out. Steam put their foot down and told them they couldn't push DLC through the game itself to bypass selling on the Steam store.
Why so you can molest them? Don't you have a Resetera discord to occupy needle dick?
Could easily shit out a TF2 update using the workshop a year but nope.
I legit have nothing to buy, I don't buy Denuvo games and I pretty much migrated to GoG at that point, it's got great classic games which I hadn't payed attention to, like VMTB, the only games I play on Steam are multiplayer and the hasn't been and interesting one in the last 2 years, which leave me with Siege and PUBG, Risk of Rain 2 is my only purchase this year because it's a gem but otherwise I could go without buying anything on Steam for another year or 2 and not have problems.
I didn't even realize the summer sale was going on because I barely used Steam and the discounts were barely worth noticing. People cared back in the day because there would be huge slashes like 75-80% off on recent AAA games. Nowadays it's barely 25% if that and the games they discount are shovelware and years old shit that people already have.
>thought it was traffic for steam
>apparently it was just traffic for his game's steam page
Did anyone else get bamboozled? Why do these indie devs always have to throw out smoke and mirrors to make a point? And why is it ALWAYS the literal who indie devs?
>console exclusives are currently king of the castle
but they all sucks? the only problem with sales is that's literally no fucking good games worth a damm
Steambros... we cannot let this happen......... think about our lord Gaben................
Isn't that already their update model for the past 8 years or so?
There's no Half-Life 3 because Valve isn't in the business of making single player games anymore. Until they can figure out how to make infinite money by monetizing it with hats that can be bought and sold on the steam marketplace like how they tried and failed with Portal 2 there isn't going to be another half Life game
They're not wrong though. Valve is only friendly with successful indie developers. If your game sells like shit then tough luck.
No, no, it's totally LGBTPedo propaganda movies driving console sales, not Diveball, Fortnite and COD.
>crying about people cleaning up their wishlist
these indie devs are the lowest of the low, jesus christ that's some next level gibsmedat
>steam is dying because some less than literally who isn't making traffic
If anything, this self-entitled cunt is proving them right.
Valve is not "friendly" to anyone, sell your shit and it'll appear in top sellers. A store for videogames isn't socialism.
>There's no Half-Life 3 because Valve isn't in the business of making single player games anymore.
That's the only reason they were able to move into sales in the first place
>gee well it's valve so if I support them that just means I'll get more amazing games!
Masterful bait, enjoy the (You)s
that's pseudo movies, fornite and the anual shooter, there's fucking 0 games that you don't already own and are worth to buy
What exactly are you trying to imply in your post? Should they give you free money for simply existing?
uh, he worked on The Witcher, dude
No. Valve explicitly becomes more receptive and actually communicates with game devs that have games which sell 250k+
Indie devs are not entitled to good exposure though
You take away flash sales and daily deals and make it so you have two weeks to buy things at a set price, then the visitor count goes down. What a fucking revelation
This except the consoles part. The truth is that all consoles and PC are having a lack of good AAA games right now. It's not like the 00's when every year you had to decide from one game over the other because there were so many. Now you can buy every one you want no problem because there is only like 10 a year and personal taste discards 4 of them.
No FUCK YOU vanilla wow will bring me home, I aint gonna slave for that motherfucker any more and mom is gonna come back and bring me tendies
>when the people batting for your store are Randy Pitchford, Paradox, and literal who indie devs
Can this ragtag bunch of retards Tim scrounged up kill Steam Yea Forums?
So? Why care about literal who's that create a shit product? It's not worth the effort. Come back when you've sold 250k+ games. It's exactly how youtube works as well, become big enough and suddenly you have your own contact at youtube you can message with questions and who takes cares of takedowns and shit.
>Valve communicates with authors that sell
How socially and economically inept do you have to be to believe this is special treatment? Stores don't own creatively bankrupt indieshitters anything.
And now they don't need to, they can just sell other companies' single player games while they rake in the cash with steam marketplace transactions and its insane profit margins.
>No. Valve explicitly becomes more receptive and actually communicates with game devs that people buy in significant amounts from their store
Yeah no shit
Working on a companys first real game and not working on their subsequent better games doesn't say that guys the shit.
It's already been more than a year since the last update
No, but they are doing a great job killing Epic.
I worked on his mother. So why doesn't he know about me?
Steam actually offers pretty cheap access to a huge market
People have forgotten the times you actually had to have a publisher to function
he legit looks like rat
What does PC even have?
>autism genres such as RTS, grand strat etc. which have microscopic fanbases now
>games from 80s-90s that have been forgotten
Legit only use my midrange for emulation of games and piracy. I feel bad for these pozzed steam users who can't let it go since they bought 100+ games on it.
Are you a fucking dumbass? Of course devs/publishers with lots of copies get more communication from Valve, with some getting dedicated reps. Most smaller ones get to deal with whoever happens to be at office when they submit their store page for approval.
>if I call it autism it doesn't count
Console babbies are adorable
You mean Epic
>game is on steam-sale
>50% off for limited time
>look up game on key-seller-sites
>equivalent of 75% off, all the time
it's rare nowadays that a steam sale is actually worth it
What's with the replies to this post? It's right.
He's right you know
And what makes you think you're entitled to their attention when you're the single reason Steam gets a rep for hosting shovelware?
Nice try samefag
What should game devs do then?
Learn to code?
>some samefag posting two times
>oh my gerd what's with the replies ?????
How's that third grade education treating you?
I can't even
Most of you inept fucks do need to learn to code.
Why does his pubes have stretch marks?
coop more like COPE
>he doesn't have 4chanx
Step up dummy, he wasn't the consolebab.
I'm using 4chanX+Oneechan right now, stop samefagging brainlet
99% of the deals are pure diarrhea and never change during the summer sale, making me browser the first and last time
valve don't even try to make it deal with developers/publisher for bring down the price of some game show how much they care about steam
how'd I do Yea Forums?
>consoletards always use these threads to shitpost about PC as a whole whenever people rightfully criticize Valve
and then you wonder why nobody takes you retards seriously.
nice delusion
Just a heads up lads. The REAL steam sales these days happen don't happen during these big events. They happen as mini niche shit that only last for a few days.
As a recent example these past few months, the Golden Week Sale, the Post-apocalyptic sale, and the SKULL FOR THE SKULL THRONE sale were all had great deals.
>sell 10 copies at 75% discount during a flash sale
>now sell 5 at 50%
Right now there are LITERALLY no traditional Arena (not Saxton Hale) servers on TF2. Not even one with 4 people on it. The friendly fire enabled genre is dead.
In parallel to that, trade and idle servers make up a greater percentage of the community catalog than they ever did. TF2 is breaking playercounts because Valve stopped fighting idlebotting.
60fps and above is noticably better than 30 even to the layman when actually playing the game. The reason it isn't standard is simply because graphics and visual fidelity is more marketable.
literally fucking who?
Spotted the poorfag who doesn’t tax deduct his PC
When will these shills admit Epic Store was a failure?
That's more or less what Valve has already done. Their current game dev efforts only exist to add to the steam marketplace
That's generally only legal if you use it for business purposes. You're not breaking the law are you user?
>cant gt it back even if purchased?
So tell me Yea Forums. Why DID the traffic in this poor indie dev's steam game page die?
When you idiots stop taking the bait
Because the sales are kinda shit this year. It has nothing to do with Epic, the deals just aren't that good this year. The prices are way too high for most games still. Some are okay tho.
>buy a console game
>console breaks after they stop making them
>can never play it again
>unless of course, you guessed it, you emulate it
>meanwhile PC games have literally endless lifespans
>there are PC games older than the playstation 1 with active communities online
who gives a shit? if steam died tomorrow theres like 3 multiplayer games on there im still interested in playing again, and the rest i would pirate
cope, get a grip and have sex
I'm not an indie dev or publisher. I'm just telling you that you're a dumbass, and wrong about Valve not communicating with people who sell stuff on their platform.
>release my shitty indie game in 2016
>check how it's doing 3 years later
>traffic to its page has been steadily declining as it isn't popular, new or good
>clearly if this is happening to my single indie game from 2016 then this is happening to EVERY SINGLE GAME ON STEAM
>glory to Epic store!!! Steam is finally dead!!
>a bunch of people calling me out for saying dunb shit means I'm right
>pay for servers because snoy says they wont close
>At this point we drove more attention (and revenue) back when we were selling through our own website alone. Even during Summer Sale.
>Proceess to post this
>buy a video game
>expect that it will last for all of time and you will never tire of it
consolepoors everyone. look at them and laugh
>b) PC exclusives are shittest in history, if existing at all
>c) Multiplats are shittest they've been in history, console exclusives are currently king of the castle
it has nothing to do with other competitors or change of times, its just simply people do not have enough times in their lives to play x100~1000 games and have already bought what they are interested, likely from other key resellers. there its honestly no need for concern on the conjecture of "end of an era', video games are just weak and uninteresting at this point in time.
I thought this was some sort of big deal what with 450+ posts and apparently it's just some indieshitter wondering why his indieshit games that have been out for years are now forgotten?
Yea Forums will look for any excuse to shitpost and fill the thread with their retarded opinions
>shitty indie game gets less and less sales as it gets older
The biggest issue is a lack of disposable income.
Most people can't afford games anymore so they just pirate.
In Canada new games are fucking 80$ any adult who works enough for that to not be an issue doesn't have time for videogames.
The average wage here is 13$ an hour.
That's less than minimum wage, let that sink in.
And only white men aren't a negative in tax revenue on average...
White men over 35 at least, that's who is supporting this collapsing nation.
We have like 5 years until we are Venezuela.
If you're buying games instead of stocking up on food and supplies and getting the fuck /out/ of the cities you're retarded.
>steam will die in your lifetime
lol poor. You go to school so you can get a cushy job above the minimum wage :)
Most people graduate with debt
Also Canada is a banana republic
>make average or crappy trash games
>people into these sort of games buy them
>once everyone who was interested bought the game there's no more interest
This is nothing new and it's how every product works. I make a point of ignoring every developer who uses twitter as a platform for bitching about "muh steam bloat/reviews" or who blame the customers instead of their shit games for bad reviews, but apparently I already ignored all of this guy's games since they look exactly like the "deluge of shit" that he complains about on twitter
You forgot
e) Games in general are the shittiest they've been since 1980. It's like nobody cares about fun anymore except indie studios so tiny they can't afford to make good games.
Lol you PCfags have it good. This console gen has the fewest exclusives or good games.
You can play offline, you fucking moron. And even keep multiple copies on different hard drives. How stupid can you get?
>steam ruined PC gaming for me
what were you doing?
are you fucking kidding? RDR2 alone blows anything on PC this gen outta the water. There has been a dearth of good KBM games lately.
It's almost like summer sales have been getting worse every year and the people who keep saying you just own everything you want to buy already are retards.
There are games I bought cheaper 5 years ago than they are right now.
Was there anything like "dark souls for $10$" or the whole GTA collection except GTA5 for $4?
>my cinematic walking-simulator is proof that all console games are great
>meanwhile the Greatist Hits list for PS4 has a total of... 36 games
>PS3 had over 70, PS2 about 200
We’re in the dark ages of console gaming
>remove large discount flash sales
>remove literally the only reason why anyone would bother checking back
>people aren't checking back
gee I fucking wonder why
>cinematic walking simulator
DOOM aside it's a better FPS than anything on PC this gen lul
This looks like a hidden object game.
How is anything he said wrong?
>decent FPS
It’s a decent RPG, but cmon user
Ah, that good old piece of superiority complex reinforcing tripe. The worst person I've ever known was an athiest, and the best person I've ever known was an athiest.
Evil is the desire to directly harm others for no-benefit other than to lash out at the world. It is not unique to a world view.
If one defines religion as "a set of value above held as an abstract absolute," then yes. It is the worst kind of religion, as it holds many values that lead to the death of the civilization around it. Such as: utopianism and the original sin of the in-group and divine sanctity of the out-group.
Thus, they demonize their in-group and enable the worst behaviors in the out-groups as recompense for the original (and in their mind unique) sins of the in-group. Believing that their Utopia will arise once the in-group is subjugated to the holy out-group.
>It's Steam's fault indies are dying!
Anybody that says this is an idiot. The reason that it's so hard to get noticed and make sales with indies games these days is that there's too much supply in terms of studios or individual creators making games an not nearly enough demand to make up for all that. We need a genuine indiepocolypse in which a lot of indie developers go under to decrease the number of games coming out, and then the cycle will begin anew
how is a third person perspective game a first person shooter? how is it better than an actual FPS?
RDR is completely devoid of roleplaying or emergent storytelling through decisionmaking, how the fuck can anyone consider it an RPG?
civilization is more of an RPG than RDR.
bruh that FPS mode is lit
how does the PC have so few good games?
That's also steam's fault though. Literally any fucking shmuck can release their game there.
So Valve should be responsible for what devs end up actually being successful, making failure to sell well on the PC actually Steam's fault?
And it is Steam's fault. Valve figured out they could do even less work if they removed flash sales and daily deals. A publisher is incentivized to give a larger discount if he knows the deal will get the spotlight for a while, but now there is no spotlight.
Trash company that can't even do sales right anymore.
Does those people not know how the world map looks?
Nobody in Africa could afford travel to Europe in those times, there were no planes or well maintained roads, you couldnt travel in most places by cart even if you took few months on a boat to get there.
Only people who could afford it were royalty or kings, scholars and other important people, they would travel to Rome or England, to important places. African trade didnt reach central Europe, traveling through the crumbling war torn ottoman empire would by a death sentence for anybody from Africa.
I tried googling for any real mention of blacks in countries like Poland and Bohemia in those times and i didnt found one.
every article or what ever was always "there is a painting where someone in the background has darker skin", ignoring the fact artist who never saw blacks woldnt think that a black person would imply someone of another ethnicity, there were much closer dark skinned non blacks like arabs and greeks. Ive seen whites so tanned from working whole life in field their skin is brown, greeks would run the color pallet even more.
Flash sales were trash. Tell me how many non flash sale games you actually ended up buying during those sales. High chances are you just waited to see if a game was going to get a flash sale, and if it never did you forgot about it and never bought it. Instead of just getting a long period of time to decide if you want to buy something or not at a price you had 12 hours to decide if you wanted to buy a game or not. It's psychological manipulation to entice you into buying things more and you're actually fucking supporting that shit.
I've been repeating this argument ver batim in KCD threads but literally these people won't listen to you. They are retards. African trade was also risky for Bohemia because Bohemia was surrounded by countries that were in a war 24/7 and the game literally begins with one of those countries going to Bohemia to raid it's villages in retribution for the King/Emperor being a lazy fuck. Not to mention the game is literally a few years away from the Hussite Wars breaking out, at which point literally any sane African trader would stay the fuck away from Bohemia.
The best part about those paintings being cited is that literally every figure painted in those Bohemian Paintings aren't Czech
Queen of Sheba is from Yemen and was from the Bible and literally comes from an era before Bohemia even existed, and Saint Maurice was a Roman Soldier and Saint and again existed before Bohemia was a thing.
Journos just can't into history. Even if the game appealed to them these retards wouldn't play it because "muh combat and accessibility". The only problem are all these journo shills that shit up KCD threads with
>muh far right
Even though pic related disproves that.
>The Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road
Yet this game isn't set in Prague. It's in Western Bohemia. That's a long way from Prague and it's a shitty idea to go there when there's a fucking conflict going down. Prague is a good place for trade but why would you want to go to a Western region where city and town raids are happening? You'd have to be a retard to do that.
It's set in Bohemia. Now known as Czechia.
The trade center part is true. But what's your proof of Middle Eastern and Africans fucking Poles? If anything that's proof of Jewish descent, which is why the Germans persecuted the Poles (along with revenge for the Battle of Grunwald, which was started by the Krauts but you get my point).
Best games of this generation btw
It's a single dev complaining about their steam sales, not the popularity of Steam.
Valve is releasing a landmark flagship VR title before the end of the year.
Valve and Steam are not going anywhere.
The same people moved onto complaining about cyberpunk 2077 DEMO for being racyist.
I don't think reality matters to them.
>If I say X I make more money, lets do that!
or something.
Because most people realize you can get better deals for steam games elsewhere
This. Name any recent PC exclusive that's better than any Switch first party game. You can't.
You used the word "literally" 6 times in this post
It doesn't matter to them, that's why I said they won't listen. Daniel Vavra has cursed both the Germans/Nazis and Soviets for several hundred tweets yet Journos will never use those tweets, they know they exist because they clearly dug down to look for his other tweets but they won't acknowledge it does. The same way they won't acknowledge that the black creator (Mike Pondsmith) of the original tabletop game that Cyberpunk 2077 is based off of is literally supervising the game and has gone on record to tell off the Journalists for telling him what to get offended by and pretty much told them to fuck off. Hell they won't even acknowledge all the Haitians that are happy at the representation in the game. They don't give a shit, it's just money for controversy.
My apologies, haven't slept at all and my writing is shit currently.
>PS5 and Xbox Circle come out
>lose all support instantly
this is ok though for some reason
>RDR2 alone blows anything on PC this gen outta the water.
Fuck no, both The Witcher 3 and BOTW were better open world games
>they know they exist because they clearly dug down to look for his other tweets but they won't acknowledge it does.
One of the defining aspects of modern journalism is journalists cross referencing each other while doing only superficial research on their own.
They read what their friends say, and repeat.
KYS OP. It's just shitty indie devs not making money anymore with their shovelware.
Witcher 3 is a bad game
While Flash deals where a chore for consumers, I'd say it was better to make money.
The sales are shit these days anyway
I cbf with steam anymore
If TW3 is bad then RDR 2 must be the shit in the toilet
>66% off for a 5 year old game
And he wonder why nobody click on it anymore?
That's true, but the Journo that broke the news to begin with must've gone all the way through Daniel Vavra's tweets and deliberately ignore all of the Tweets talking shit about Nazis and Soviets and celebrating the days the Nazis got defeated all to find one tweet of him saying he supported Gamergate in it's infancy and claim that's proof that he's alt-right. The first journalist manipulated the truth to suit their agenda and the others all followed suite without fact-checking.
Imagine an RPG with no actual itemization lul.
So this is what happens when a hungarian larps as a German.
imagine a shooting game with terrible controls lmao
imagine an open world game that railroads you on missions lmao
The problem is that you cannot have flash sales with refunds. Imagine the outcry if a popular game got 20% discount, then it gets a flash after you brought it and changes in 50%. Literally everyone would refund and then get pissed when refund is only approved after the flash is over.
RDR2 controls great and you're basically just bitching that there are setpiece missions at all which, okay.
>RDR2 controls great
just stop user
Nah he is right. Console is king. PC is fucking trash. Your taste is very bad.
lmao stick to fortnite