Times this has happened

Times this has happened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


REmake2, DMC5

Everyone was hyped for these games
Doom 2016

better than most games, let alone kickstarter trash

Darkest Dungeon

this one

Metroid Prime

the new fire emblem will be this

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (the game, not the movie)


W3 for me, cause W2 was a piece of turd and an apparent development hell.

Mario + Rabbids

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Metal Gear Rising

Sneed's Seed and Feed

My friend also praises the console version of that but--and this is a dumb question and I'm sorry--how does the DS version compare?

The game was made by Platinum, a company that usually gets instant hype for their games.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Literally this. Everything about it, from the terrible leaked marketing to the premise to Ubisoft making it screamed red flags. Yet when it came out it was really fucking good somehow. How weird, and how pleasant.

Hey Reddit

definitely this

>Doom 2016
>Metroid Prime
>Mario + Rabbids

All these.
Windwaker was this for me as an edgy teen in the early 2000s. Bright and colorful? ME NO LIKE.

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formerly Yea Forums

I hope

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Metroid Prime
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Deus Ex Human Revolution
DOOM 2016

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Mists of Pandaria.

Doom 2016 was good? Interesting

Ww was actually dogshit that brought the worst type of zelda fans to date, imagine if WW didn't release we wouldn't have to deal with Funko-pops awakening

Deus Ex Human Revolution. Everyone was comparing it to Deus Ex 2 until the demo came out and it was actually good.

People thought D44M was going to be shit?

I’ve been really thinking about splurging on the ancestral version of this. Is it a solid game? The art design looks great

That new god of war game. I was so confident it was gonna be some piece of shit movie game but it was actually fun

It was a "leaked" build of the game

Wind Waker
Metroid Prime

bad game

Yeah, I'm with him though. I was so disappointed when they initially announced that they had abandoned the original project and handed it over to platinum with the dumbass title revengance. The actual game was fucking great though.

I hope and doubt

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Doom 2016
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Mario + Rabbids
Umineko Episode 8
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Horizon: Zero Dawn

I feel like there's a ton I'm forgetting from 06-10 but I barely remember shitposting from back then that wasn't just consolewars. Can't recall many specific games the whole board hated until release proved us wrong.



Big time. Remember it released a multiplayer only beta, there were no review copies sent out and the e3 demo looked slow.

It was fun but promised more than it delivered and should have been delayed until it was finished. I'm sorry you're a gigantic faggot.
Link's Awakening remake looks good but too expensive for what it is.

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Absolutely. Gameplay demos were played slow as fuck on low difficulty, only beta we got was the halo knockoff multiplayer, and there were no reviews at launch.

How the fuck is this on Yea Forums? No seriously how the fuck is this stupid bullshit Sneed shit on Yea Forums? You're so pathetic that you go around ruining threads on Yea Forums spamming this stupid fucking retarded Sneed shit in every fucking simpsons thread thinking you're so edgy and clever. "look mom I said Sneed!" You're so funny. Haha I'm laughing because you just said some epic shit. You said Sneed. That phrase alone just shows to everyone that you're a comedic genius and no one can touch you. Just kidding it shows that you're a fucking retard and that low effort bullshit sneedposting garbage is for autists. When you die no one will care about you, did you know that? Not a single soul. You spend all this time spamming this same stupid phrase over and over every single minute of the day like a fucking glorified bot. Just end it, no one would care.

REmake2 is one of the shittiest remakes I've ever played and DMC5 was mediocre as fuck tho.

It truly seemed destined to fail horribly. It's a miracle that it didn't.



>Said the Ocarinafag

Lightning Returns

Xen in Half-Life 1 was complete ass, so I was expecting the Black Mesa Xen portion to be ass as well, but the Xen beta was A LOT better than what I expected and I'm hyped for it.

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The atmosphere and both visual and audio design are absolutely god tier. Gameplay is good, but it gets rather grindy and repetitive after a while and the RNG can somehow fuck you in the ass badly, especially early on when you don't really know how to play well yet and how to counter some of the bullshit the game throws at you

runs like complete ass though but that's expected of a beta

Logans in game model looked fucking awesome for it's time. Shame it's not on pc

What are you going on about? Everyone has had high hopes and those hopes have been getting delivered

I figured this was going to be a decent game when it was announced. Ubisoft programming talent/money + Nintendo quality control + Xcom gameplay. Hard to fuck up

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>reused models and animations
>dynamaxed pokemon are different models
>cut corners bare minimum
Expect it to be a big hit.

I kinda had faith because the lead developer guy actually looked like he was putting his all into it. Shame it still had to be rabbids, this could've sustained itself as a pure Mario game with the potential to branch out to other nintendo ips. Imagine Metroid getting a strategy game.

Wind Waker doesn't really have anything to do with LA remake's artstyle or they'd be doing it as a copy of Wind Waker's artstyle like PHourglass and Spirit Tracks.

My birth

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It's good at what it does. It's unfair by design, and the biggest challenge of the game is emotionally coping with the inevitable losses.
Personally, I like the early game but can't deal with the sheer bullshit of late game, so I got about 80 hours of playtime without ever having finished it.
The narration is absolutely amazing, really carries the whole game.

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>Shame it's not on pc

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>oh man, licensed game? those are always shit

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Tropical Freeze
I mean HOLY SHIT returns played like the kinda of shit some fan would make on Unity, but TF is possible the best platformer in ages

who thought TF would be shit after returns?

pic related

D44M as well, the pre release trailers looked like shit

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the aesthetics of ocarina of time are the perfect representation of what a zelda game should look like, it's not even in my top 3 zelda games

Witcher 3.

Mario + Rabbids

W3 was the opposite after the first two


Witcher has always been shit though. It it weren't for the sony E3 bullshots trailers, people wouldn't even know it exists because it's a fucking sad excuse of a western rpg, with neither combat nor rpg elements. It's just walk and talk and keep the starting gear because it's the best.

Best boring meme i've seen

Binary Domain. Now I want a sequel. Or at least a continuation or exploration of its universe.

Red Alert 3
It's not gold but it's 'fuck you I liked it'

I'd like this but at this point that's one hell of a long shot. At least I can still get some entertainment by viewing the meltdown surrounding it, though.


Most recent example

this and Sekiro, I honestly expected a really shitty casualized game with a lot of qte/cinematic takedown because of Activision, it turned out great. The cinematic takedown are just to end the boss. Stealth is mediocre at best but at least it allows you to cheese some encounter

>tfw ex roommate slapped his cat so hard for getting into his plate that it starting shitting itself and having weird twitches

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dunno, but i beat the PC and PSP versions - both were fine back then

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Returns was solid as fuck, just unambitious.

>Let's not make a Metroid game for 8 years and then outsource it to Texans to make an FPS

Also, Elite Beat Agents. It's completely fucking impossible for a game with that premise to be good and the madmen did it anyway, it's amazing.

What do you like then?

Aparently Metal Gear Revengence was this becouse no one liked the idea of a MG game that wasn't about stealth

Everyone was hyped for that game. It was just nincel shitposting trying to bring it down.

Resident Evil 6. Everyone said it was bad. I waited 2 weeks for reviews and it was hammered. I still play it occasionally to this day. co-op is just to fun and on the hardest mode it becomes some crazy shit.

you're wrong, MGR was hyped

At least for Yea Forums the new TMNT worked out , new april is kinda shit but every other girl is full of tits and ass and really well animated, the wrestling episode is the best

This is why i am not going to shit on battletoads until it’s released

It's like one or two retards who go on Yea Forums too much and don't realise their board isn't the entirety of Yea Forums.

Should I get it? It's like five bucks on Steam right now, and I've never played a Metal Gear game before in my life.

Ctr nitro fueled.
Dispite nsanes success a lot of anons were concerned because vicarious visions changed how it played.
Ctr gets announced and is done by non other then Beenox. The company behind the amazing spiderman games.
Early trailers looked like there were no reserves so a lot of people were sceptical whether it'll be good. People start playing it and word spreads it feels the same as Ctr. Then we find out theyre remaking and adding nitro karts tracks. As adventure mode gets shown they're no more trophy girls, people getot pissed. Only then for beenox to reveal they'll become playable characters with the launch of the grand prix, a fortnight progression system thats fucking free!
Then even with the addition of the pitshop there were still people who believed it'll have microtransactions. Turns out Activision of all companys did not put micro transactions in the game.
It gets released and the major complaint initially is how hard the game is. Any legit complaints such as save corruption gets memed into NTrophy reverting anons saves.

This is a game on its initial announcement there was a slim chance for it to be as good as the original and instead it ends up better.

Yeah I was fully expecting Bloodstained to be shit but it's probably my favorite new release since Nier Automata or something.

its the whole "pokemon XD" thing all over again, only this time you have a bunch of 14 year olds who actually think its funny

Best AC game by far.

Is that true?

I thought people preferred Rogue.

Entirely depends on what you your AC game to be. At the very least it is one of the most fun pirate games.

>Eat my shit, it's metallic and shiny yellow!

NuDOOM, Bloodstained, Mortal Kombat (2011), DMC 5

If the animations and overall quality was actually upgraded I wouldn't mind the dex cut. I knew shit took resources and that's why I was ok with them copypasting the same models and animations every time. But now they're cutting pokémon AND copypasting the same models and animations.

Dying Light
>open world zombie game with crafting
Literally any game can be improved by having a dedicated kick function with traps and high drops. Hope the second game doesnt shit the bed, Dying Light was a genuine joy to play that took me by surprise.


fuck off, they're a million dollar franchise
they don't need to sacrifice anything, this is just pure incompetent laziness

No chance in hell.
If this game turns out to be good I'll stream myself eating my FireRed cart.

Horizon is the exact opposite for me.

I think you meant to quote .

It's fine, both are by me.

The game is good, but there's no need to spring for the DLC on your first playthrough. If you do then I recommend not enabling it right away.

I was responding to that exact post because it is the best AC game if you want your AC game in that specific way.

Odyssey is up there too.
It's funny, because they manage to be the better games by not playing like an AC game.

>game reeks of mediocrity, laziness and safe choices
>a masterpiece
It's okay at best.

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That's because ac's basic gameplay loop is boring and shallow.

Is Fractured But Whole as good and maybe longer than Stick?

Shadow of Mordor

Also definitely This was awful and also flopped

>completely retarded
Like clockwork.

>mediocrity, laziness and safe choices.

He said MHW, not MHGU.

G rank games are by definition lazy cash grabs but yes I'm effectively talking about World, now feel free to develop your console war bait.

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>some ablublu zelda shit
>wiiu games for 5+ y.o
You people newer grew up.

>New maps
>New combat features
>New engine
>New monster models

Compared to the rest of the series:
>Same monster attacks and models since MH1 on ps2.
>Same textures for characters, maps, weapons, etc.
>Getting rid of monsters from past games only to add them 2 games later to add the feeling of "more monsters".

Is not only G rank games, every MH game since Dos has been the definition of lazyness. World has been the first one that took some effort. Now feel free to be a retarded contrarian.

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Will be Death Stranding

I will forever hate rabbids for slaughtering the rayman franchise

I mean it's Pokemon. You know exactly what you're getting regardless. It's not a series that changes much, other than stripping out things people actually want.


>I knew shit took resources
yet they have no problem making twice the number of models for the giant pokemons
stop with this excuse, memory hasn't been an issue since 3 generations ago

It's not a metal gear game either than some shared characters and themes, none of which require prior knowledge to really enjoy.

If you like DMC, Bayinetta or Vanquish you'll like it. If you've never played any of those this is a great way to see if you do for the price

Watch Dogs 2

It's definitely better than Sticker Star and I also liked it more than Super. Doesn't hold a candle to the first two but, yes, it's pretty good.

it's not great, but it's good for the most part, with some tweaking it'd easily go to great

depends on who you talk to, since both games have different combat systems, but I personally prefer fractured but whole's grid over stick of truth's traditional turn-based.

as for the story, I thought stick of truth was slightly better. however, the dr. mephesto part was some of the funniest south park i've seen in ages.

Imagine not being a fan of these series and just playing popular series cuz they're so jaded that they don't like video games and not liking them.
There's a place for you.
It's called reddit.
I'm sure they can find shitty games they like that you'll enjoy.

I remember everyone flipping their shit about it thinking it looks great but it ended up just being average.

But its not Mankind Divided

came here to post this

everyone played the demo and it was fantastic, nobody thought itd be shit

No U

>new maps, combat features
So did every other MH
>new engine, monster textures
Well they updated the graphic so they had to updated the rest
>Same monster attacks
Still relevant for flying wyverns and zorah
>same textures since MH1
Not really but it's true that most of the returning monster didn't textures revamp
>Same textures for characters, maps, weapons, etc.
Certainly not since MH1, Tri had new textures (pretty much like World) but they were heavily downgradded for P3rd and didn't change much after that.
>Getting rid of monsters from past games only to add them 2 games later to add the feeling of "more monsters".
And? They're still doing this to this very day.
World's feat was to have pretty updated graphics and no map loading transition aside that it's pretty much on the same level of the previous MH.

Any LEGO game

What? Was there ever a reason to expect less than a sequel with more of kinda the same? Granted I didn't follow its development one bit, but when it came out my only reaction was something like 'yeah why not, might be cool, haven't played L4D for ages'.

>Fixes almost none of Sticker Stars flaws, just looks nicer

look, zoomers.
when Kojima first announced the game it was trash, just Raiden slicing watermellons

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here with the only valid answer

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MGR underachieved, the first videos had much better physics and graphics

The XD meme is still funny you fuck

This is the case for every game.

The shadow warrior remake, when they said Lo Wang was gonna be more PC and they would censor the anime easter eggs and make the sword overpowered as fuck, I had my doubts about the game.

But it turned out to be really good, I'm still a bit salty I missed out on getting the sequel for free when they gave it away though,


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