Name a stronger vidya character

name a stronger vidya character

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Other urls found in this thread:

my cock

Big Black Cock.

I can't. It's over. You've won.

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Attached: BAKA!!.jpg (508x604, 29K)


Can't beat the cock

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The cock


Why is Marissa so smug?

wtf i can't
post tanline c***nny

For me it's Shinmyoumaru

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because after she defeats her enemies she makes them smell her sweaty hands

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Chocolate Cirno > Vanilla Cirno

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Solve this if you are so strong:

A bus left the Scarlet Devil Mansion;
three people boarded at the start.
At Hakugyokurou, one left and half a person boarded
At Yakumo-san's house, two people left;
So how many passengers in total?

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I can't believe they've turned Cirno into a fucking nigger. The sjws won touhou.

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Is that sweat? Jesus Christ. Imagine the smell.
Is it true that drinking milk makes you better at dodging danmakus?
Can I get a 1cc on Hard just by drinking a bottle of milk every day?

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what do I win?

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She's clearly melting, plz save her

This Ice Cream

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Avatar fagging is literally the most autistic thing a man can do. Grow up.

Serious question: what happened to Touhou fan music videos? Shit like Cirno's Perfect Math Class and Overdrive you don't see nowadays with the newer installments.

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Luckily we can fix it

Attached: how to make a cirno.webm (640x360, 2.42M)

This, I can not name any, she is truly the strongest.

What a cute Cirno, I will make one tomorrow.

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those videos just aren't popular anymore sadly,i have found so many good ytpmv/[MAD] on youtube that gets overshadowed by
>muh vine compilation

The music scene is still going but yeah the meme scene has taken a hit. Some artists just jumped ship to other series, others quit, Nicovideo suffered too.

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stop calling cirno autistic!! you are being mean

insert benis into her hand pussy

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But Alice you don't have a benis

magic futa benis

I think you need to leave.

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There's dozens of albums coming out every event and most of them with a music video

One, my cock.

Link five recentish music videos that aren't Jackie Chan. Please?

I think you need to dilate.


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IOSYS is giving into Internet outrage culture.
It's funny and the message is real, but I find that the problem with pirating doujin music lies mostly in the difficulty of buying straight from the artist. Humans are lazy and a lot more would bother spending five bucks on a CD if it wasn't only available at convention grounds or a small handful of Japanese online sites, some of which are dirty resellers.

Nah. When it comes to music specifically, people find it exceedingly easy to just pirate it even when there are convenient buying options.

she fucks daiyousei like that

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fuck off to


Man did all the old artists move on to other franchises or die or what

user I think you misunderstand
this is a name a stronger videogames character thread user and that's what I'm doing while elaborating on Trip's mannerism to throw you out of his apartment when he senses no-no naughty words
you've played facade before, haven't you user? You're not a r*ddit summer tourist, are you?

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You need a bigger dilator.

Not him. For me, it‘s melons. The most powerful decoration item in video games.

I'll dilate a new cavity in your chest with a 12 gauge slug you cheeky twat

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Oy doc, u 'ave a loicence fo dat dilator?

I think you need a trip out of here

do half of you fucks even know what dilating means?
because I fucking don't, and I also don't care and neither should you if you're not a tranny

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Would you go on a treasure hunt with cirno?

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Wouldn't a treasure hunt with Nazrin turn out better?

She's cheating tho and where's the fun in that

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It's ok because she's cute.

>Adventure of the Lovestruck Tomboy comes on autoplay

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I haven't check the touhou fandom or Comiket in years, is there anywhere where i can read what happen or the how the culture changed if it has changed?

Also holy shit that video kek.

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She isn't just strong, she's also a genius.

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imagine the smell

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i want to fuck reimu's armpit

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fuck off 2who posters
The obvious winner is the tank from the best zombie game back in the early 2010's

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Why does touhou have so much fucking high quality fan art? The real games look like a middle school-er with downs made it.

I don't think anyone has attempted to write that down in one place. Not in english, anyway.

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It was good, it was in the right place at the right time, the creator encourages fan works, and he's managed to stay consistently good and not piss people off. There's a lot of things that have to come together for something like touhou's fandom to exist as it has.

>good games
>chill developer
>kino music
>unique character design
>remains relevant with new games
>legacy of over 20 years
Makes sense to me

I see, too bad.I was big into Touhou but got tired of it I guess, but it's nice to see it still alive.
All I know of Touhou now is that people want Reimu is Smash kek.

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Smash threads are just an excuse to discuss about Touhou without having the mods deleting everything

Reimoo for Smash!

>people want Reimu is Smash
Forced Yea Forums meme. At least we get thinly veiled 2hu threads that aren't deleted though.

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>start a treasure hunt with Cirno
>complete it immediately because Cirno was the treasure you were looking for

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baka in a cup

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comatose youtube is stronkger

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Me and my wife

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>green greens slowly gets louder...


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my level 60 night elf mohawk

Reminder that Touhou fans are racist and any thread about them should be removed for not being real vidya discussion.


Cirno is an existential crisis for humankind.

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If I have to name only one good thing about the word dilate is the existance of the tag "dilation_tape" but only that. Everything else about it is somehow shit.

Go away akyuu

>Read a book on general relativity or astrophysics
>cant take "time dilation" seriously anymore

>Forced Yea Forums meme
No lol. Reimu for smash request have always been serious and no one is asking for her ironically. A small group of discordfags are trying to shill the narrative that it's a meme so they can use it as an excuse to shit up smash threads. But if you look past them, and even on sites other than Yea Forums where smash discussions happen, a lot of people want Reimu in the game. The only reason why she only became highly speculated recently is because there's no longer any shitty fanrule holding her back, just like Doomguy.

Fly, Cirno!

Run, Cirno! Run!

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i will snap her neck and lay my eggs in her body

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