I've never played an autochess game. Are they fun, or just a meme?
I've never played an autochess game. Are they fun, or just a meme?
No they are not fun, it's literally rolling a dice.
You can barely affect the outcome of your game.
Calling it auto "chess" is a huge insult as you can't really use any strategy.
Could be a good game to play to kill time if matches weren't 40 minutes long
I would say think of it like a card game or something. I went in expecting gameplay and that's not waht this genre is
>when you hear normalfags at the office talk about autochess
The trash they eat up just gets worse and worse huh
How about you play it for yourself. It's free you fuck.
not fun
literally nothing you do matters before the first half of people get killed
literally every single aspect of the game is completely luck based
This. 100 health is way too much. Either cut it by half or double defeat damage.
This is just not true. There are 2 or 3 broken combos that you can run to basically autowin. Knowing what to go for means that you can have a much higher win rate than 1/8
It's like traditional card games.
If you get a devilish hand you're guaranteed a mediocre score at worse.
If you get shit cards you can only hope for a middle of the road score.
You still have choices to make but in the end it's worthless if fate fucks you.
So, finally after being aware of the game since the start of year (with the release of valve and riot versons) decided I would find out what the fuck this game is really about.
On the whole I'm pleasently surprised. There's definitely too much luck and bullshit involved but the decision making involved with elements such as:
do I keep rolling/ what do I buy/ do I shift what i'm investing in (like a draft in magic the gathering)/do I try to maintain x level of gold for investment income/do I am to maintain a loss streak for the gold bonus/when do I start playing to win again and so on is genuinely quite engaging.
Having said that I am still only early days on the autochess mobile and ranked low knight. Maybe at higher levels of play your choices (or illusion of your choices) means less because there is no way you can beat your opponent who has significantly better rolls - i do not know that yet.
also agree with this that games are too long yet I frequently feel rushed during the preperation phase during mid game in particular - maybe because i'm still new.
I would play this if matches lasted 15-20min. 40 minutes is way too long.
Why would I spend 40 minutes playing a videogame when I can shitpost on Yea Forums instead?
this fad will die in 2 months
Well I said barely, as just stacking the same type of units for some buffs is not much strategy to me, placing tanks in front line and the rest behind doesn't add much depth either.
Especially when it is pretty much luck which units you get and if they do well in the combat and don't throw their strongest spells at the 1hp unit just to get slaughtered afterwards.
If the enemy you have to fight weren't random too, you could at least do some counterplay by changing your formation but if shit is random just do the standard formation and go afk.
The game plays itself most of the time though, perfect for shitposting bastards like yourself.
I tried Underlord.
I realized this was an RNG fest when there was like 3 opponents remaining(me included) nobody with the units I used and somehow after rerolling with all my gold I couldn't get the units i needed. ( i still won in the end somehow but this is stupid)
The Item RNG is massive too, there are insane passive you will never gets sometimes like the one that let Warrior survive a few second when at 0 hp or the one that makes Humans count as Undead.
as fun as a slot machine
They're popular for streamers because the long downtime (time spent doing nothing) allows them to interact with the viewers. It was the same case as PUBG.
Been playing the league one and its kinda fun until you start figuring it out. Then its just a race to get the most broken character
Also I swear I've gotten 4 rounds in a row where I immediately got fucked over by RNG no matter what I did, like getting no items, getting no duplicates etc. Its baffling that there are no failsafes for bad RNG aside from the annoying draft system that just breaks the games pace
Yep it is RNG
the fun in the game is simply managing that RNG, getting matches of different units and watching different builds play out with items that supplement it
it's not really overrated, it is what it is
its just full RNG.
can feel so bad when it so wrong. no control over it.