this is a serious problem Yea Forums
This is a serious problem Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>We make 0 money if you buy through G2A
Where did the key come from then? Surely they don't just give them out to G2A for free.
allegedly stolen credit cards
You're assuming they acquired them through entirely legal means
yeah i don't get this either. at least they went from losing money to just making no money
I couldn't give less of a fuck. I'm not a dev so it's not my problem if devs don't make money. Someone else will keep making video games.
I guess that sucks but can I get a show of hands of who actually wants to buy Descenders through any means?
I don't understand people who buy games through shady key sites.
Why not pirate the game and save even more money?
if none of the money goes to the devs, you might as well pirate the game
no reason to give g2a any money
Can't do that for online games. Even for single player stuff you get automatic patching, cloud saves, the workshop etc.
Online multiplayer I guess.
It's been like 20 years since I last bought a game, so I have no idea either.
they don't make money because they already sold to whatever G2A is reselling.
>posts an image of a video
well, what happens?
who the fuck is this guy and why should I care?
So what? Corporate espionage for Peggle 2?
They get the money either way, stolen credit cards pay for it.
Ubisoft or EA multiplayer releases
I will not give either of them money but I did have a good time fucking around with a friend in far cry 5 and titanfall was one of the best shooters in recent years
And then chargebacks happen and they lose the money and have to pay for chargeback fees (depending on platform)
>benfit from G2A
Yeah yeah, good westerner, smart westerner very very smart westerner *ilegally stealth charges you 5$ per month for nothing after you set up a G2A account*
Based. Fuck retarded devs.
the slider for turning off the ads turns itself right back on
I don't care anymore.
Maybe they should operate through a dedicated storefront if they don't have the security to deal with stolen credit cards.
Usually chargeback fraud and getting refunded.
People also ask indie devs for "review" copies in exchange for publicity, they could setup multiple false accounts and get a ton of keys out of them.
>be game dev
>sell keys to random shmucks instead of verified key resellers such as GMG, humble, etc
>get scammed to infinity and beyond
It's not G2A's fault tinybuild is full of idiots
I bought my windows and office through a shade key site. Went down due to getting hit by ransomware like a month later too. Both still work tho.
Maybe they're giving money to G2A so G2A can troll these crybabies more.
>Google takes money to show sponsored ads
>is the problem that Google does this and can be manipulated by anyone?
>should I tell people to use instead, as it immediately had places to buy my game above the fold?
>nah, I'll just bitch about resale sites instead
Great logic here
>Twitter screencap thread
I wish mods would give permabans for this shit
Wait, so if I buy the game though these companies the developers get nothing?
This is a way to say fuck you to developers adding crap to games you hate and not risk the issues with piracy.
reminder that the stolen credit card shit it mostly bullshit, they are just mad that they they don't get 100% of the shekels
Based G2A niggers
Google is literally so shit now. It never gives me what I'm searching for anymore. Almost as bad as yotube "related videos" now.
A ton of those are bought with stolen credit cards. Then the original seller is hit with a chargeback.
user, you don't know what globalism means. Stop parroting words you don't understand.
Devs prefer you pirate the game instead of buying through G2A
Piracy atleast is victimless crime, G2A costs devs money
I get patches just fine from that counter strike website. Also cloud saves are a retarded meme that serves no purpose.
>shame piracy for 2 decades
>those too dumb to pirate start paying, but someone else
Just because it makes you feel better, it doesn't mean it's true.
lose weight
but you can't buy EGS games from G2A
If it was such a huge issue you'd see those keys banned way more often. What's more likely is people buying it in poorfag countries and reselling it.
I buy most of the games at G2A and none of my games ever got banned.
Does this really happen od is this "banning" just a rumor?
yandex is straight up better for images these days
its on par and sometimes better than saucenao
>Does this really happen od is this "banning" just a rumor?
it does happen but not nearly as often as you'd expect since credit card companies are next level in spotting fraudulent charges
still happens as pointed out by factorio devs who I would trust never to tell a lie
all the benefits of purchasing the game
>on your steam account
>DLC purchasing (if you're into that)
>no bitcoin miner .exe
>scumbag dev gets none of the money
yeah im thinking g2a is based
Got my Dustforce copy removed from Steam because it was stolen, paid it 0.50 cents, other than that, never had any problem, even if CDKeys is more worth it 99% of the time, but not every game is on there.
back in the day i got it for 1 cent on humble bundle back when they were not shit
pick one
Is there anything more Reddit than hating keysites? I remember when the usual suspects riled Reddit up against G2A using their faggot "influencers", didn't quite work, did it? I barely even buy games on normal stores anymore, I get everything but at half the price on keysites, AND I don't give money to bay area basedboy developers who will spend it on "why we need Marxism in games" TEDX talks.
>having ads
>expecting google to turn them off
What year is this.jpg
Is there anything more Yea Forums than bitching about reddit?
Desperation is a hell of a drug when you are an indie.
Most g2a keys are bundle spares and regional price fixed keys without region restriction
Cut the crap with the stolen cards shit
Journos and Indies are pushing that joke of a story to create bad rep to this type of websites, because their shit games end up for cents in this places
Tbf, as a keysite G2A is absolute garbage. The fact you actually have to pay extra to get a refund and actual customer support on a purchase is pretty fucked. Also there was the time where they actually started taking money out of people's accounts. Those same accounts are notoriously difficult to delete from their site.
G2A shield is history since months ago
Another fact that shows the people ITT only parrot lerddit lies and don't use the service regularly
At least put some effort when you lie on the internet, fuck
Who cares, fuck game devs.
I hope G2A keeps running this fag into the ground.
>unironically using mobile browser
>searching for your games in fucking google
So what, it's standard now?
>who carez fug devz guyz
Pure seething.
I bet your IQ is slightly higher than 100 and you think you're smart.
It's literally gone
If the key is used, you talk to the seller (NOT G2A) using the platform and you either get a refund or another key
If the key gets revoked months later it's another story, and your only hope is the seller not wanting a bad review
Either way, I've been refunded 2 months later for a 2e key, by the seller, and ive been ignored by other in the same manner
If you buy from big resellers, it's always good
If you buy from Jamal you get jamaled
It's not a g2a issue
Get bankrupt.
Hm. Sounds shitty, but I'm eyeing a game that doesn't go on sale anymore.
One of the main sources of the key is eastern europe. Slavs don't like to download games and they still have CDs actually working for the installation. But the thing is that these boxes have also steam keys for the game so you can have your game on steam.
The people there just have to get the codes in the boxes and no one will complain because there's still the game in the box.
go on
Well, it is if you go there to buy sekiro for 5€ and then you get surprised for getting scammed
But not the case if you buy bundle spares and old stuff
The people that complain about key sites are the one buying AAA games from Scammer6969YOLO for ridiculous prices
Google is just shit. I can't even turn off safe search no more.
>Is there anything more Reddit than hating keysites?
Using keysites. Genuinely falling for the idea that you need to "buy" games for any reason beyond supporting the dev. If you don't pirate most bullshit and buy indie shit in the niches you like then you are through and through reddit.
Unbelievably based.
Alright enjoy playing that coop game with your friends with your pirated copy.
>modern games without LAN support
That was my point, you can't play coop with a pirated copy, with a few exceptions here and there with SSE.
And my point was that there was nothing with coop worth playing that isn't old enough to have LAN support or some other way for pirated coop to work.
dont sell through g2a then?
And that's your opinion, old man.
>haha I paid money to say fuck you
It's like those retards who donate on streams to say that streamer is stupid.
They don't have a choice, G2A buys keys at a discount (gift card schemes, exchange rate differences) then sells them at below retail.
steamworks fix
Try making a non shit game next time
I know you think you're "patrician" for holding this opinion, but more realistically you're just too much of a pleb to find games that don't have ads plastered all over gaming websites and a few thousand upvotes on r/gaming.
Name a coop game worth playing then.
>anything more reddit than hating keysites?
yes, wojakposting. now fuck off.
oh yes, the auteur behind such classics as Not Tonight
>In an alternative Britain where Brexit talks have collapsed, an extreme far-right government has taken power. Citizens of European heritage have been rounded up and exiled. Forced out of your previous life, you find yourself in the midst of a booming gig economy, fighting to scrape by and return to the city you call home.
Resident Evil 5.
Here's the reason. Why does the entire eurozone pay more than say, Norway? In this the price differences aren't so egregious as in the average case but usually Swiss Francs and GBP have a substantially lower price as well. Before you say it's the publisher, that guy works for the publisher.
I only buy games that are good. Most western AAA are not good. A lot of indie games are ok. Those indie games that are actually good are somehow always made by devs who do not whine on twitter all day... I guess besides Steam reviews, a short look at the twitter accounts are a way better method to check if a game is good. Most review sites are trash, they gave absolute dog shit non games like gone homo good reviews. Metascore is useless these days.
Not him but Dominions 4/5. Well, you can play with it pirated if you somehow find the newest version (it's not cracked) and everyone but you has bought it.
Because fuck the EU.
I tried searching descenders and I didn't get google ads but there is a link to the igggames pirate download on page 1. Is this a mobileshit thing?
>w-w-w-w-what do you mean we have german prices now...
Based EUtard
>it's real
Every single time.
name 1 reason to not buy dominions legitimately in a way that it supports the developers. its a niche game 0 modern AAA garbage.
Gotta love it.
Which the devs can trace to the keys and ban them. How is this difficult?
It's because the reblit narrative of stolen credit cards isn't true and the publishers just don't want a global aftermarket ruining their regional pricing schemes.
consumers have a pretty weak lobby so eventually the corporations get it their way
convenience. sometimes you value those 5 bucks lower than you value the time you'd have to invest into looking for a new crack every time you want to patch the game.
how do they make no money from g2a
I'm always wondering if google intentionally ruins their results or if yandex simply has the better algorithms. it's not even that I'd have to scroll through 10 pages of ads before I get the result I want, when it's images google often straight up does not find them, especially crops.
no, it just means you buy them on the Eastern European market via proxy and the companies get less money because they simply makes less profit in those areas to begin with.
Has there been any proof of keys bring stolen through fraud????
I don't mind tattoos in general, but I wish this trend of mismatched tattoos with no artistic cohesion would stop.
Yes, but not all keys on G2A are acquired through fraud
Publishers/Devs are mostly mad over G2A as it allows people to buy/sell codes intended from poorer areas like Eastern Europe to people in Western Europe etc so they make less money per sale
G2A the business are fucking dicks and I'll never buy from them though after they cheated me out of €100+ of credit I earned through their partner program. They claimed my account was hacked (it wasn't) and I emailed them weekly for 2 months and they kept telling me a "specialist" would get back to me and they never did. Eventually they told me to just make a new account, which obviously means I wont get access to any of the credit I earned
If you want to buy cheap games get them from or cjs-cdkeys fuck G2A
>artistic cohesion
Are you high.
in the sense that the tattoos at least have a similar style. but I see so many people who have some slogan on their shoulder blade, then a star on their ankle and a fully colored picture on their forearm. it just looks incoherent as fuck, as if they chose that stuff completely at random (which is probably exactly what happened)
You're putting more thought into shitty perma body scribbles than the retards who have them.
And that's exactly what's bothering me.
first result for me is the steam page
>stolen credit cards
the game would be removed from your steam account when the chargeback hits
>keys are from Slav countires
no, slav keys are region locked and can't be activated on non slav steam accounts
>no, slav keys are region locked and can't be activated on non slav steam accounts
Only Russian keys, EU law prohibits them region locking keys within it. So Polish ones etc work
all EU countries have almost the same price, -3% chepaer maybe
whats your next excuse?
Using keysites is like a stupidity tax for people who are too cheap or poor to buy legit, but too stupid to figure out torrents.
Why the fuck are people still releasing their games on Steam?
Based. I got a subnautica key for dirt cheap.
So glad I didn't support these devs,
so let me guess this guy makes some shitty indie game that sells 500 copies anyways, and isnt available on console or he would be screaming about used copied
>all EU countries have almost the same price
They don't? There are 2 tiers in Europe and its up to the publishers how they set those prices
Eastern Euro countries also usually have physical copies too which is where a lot of the codes come from. Generally you can discount physical copies more too which is why they go cheap when digital stuff stays full price for years
Remember when digital was taking off we were told it would lead to lower prices because even with that 30% cut publishers make more money per sale vs retail?
That's simply not true. The fuck you on about? Depending on the game you can get it easily 20-30% cheaper from eastern countries that still have a local currency then from the rest who has the €.
name an example then?
oh wait you can't
G2A and the sorts are basically Amazon/Ebay/whatever nowadays. You have multiple sellers, each making a different offer for the keys. Obviously, if you're not retarded, you should buy from a bigger seller with good ratings. If you're buying something that is suspiciously dirt cheap from someone who hasn't sold much, shit's on you if it's a stolen key.
half of the time the menu for those key sites is so shit that setting up your torrent client is simpler
Retail nigger, slavs know that no one will buy games at full price if their average wage is half or less of what people get on average in western countries.
i live in a Slav EU country and prices of new PC retail games are literally the same as Steam.
Some sort of psychological thing.
>piracy is bad
>buying (not matter how or when) is good
I've bought easily 100 keys between g2a, kinguin, hrk, and even some rando as fuck stores
ZERO ISSUES except a key that turned out to be the chink version of the game
Not only I got refunded, but g2a removed the game banner from the store because the seller was giving away chink editions thinking they were global
They come from Eastern Europe because they sell the games far cheaper in those countries, not because slav gamers purchase the games legally from a store, and resell the steam code. Fucking mong.
Now tell me how they can sell multiple ten thousands of carded keys and still be in business?
Majority of the keys sold in g2a and other sites like that are legit keys that are:
1. Bought from a region that has significantly lower prices (Russia etc).
2. Free review keys that especially indie devs throw around like candy.
3. Keys from sales/bundles.
Naturally devs/publishers are pissed that instead of paying $60 for their game like a good boy you are paying $15 for the same game but from a different region.
Its on xbox gamepass and is actually quite fun. The devs later tweet tells people to pirate the game over buying from g2a. The nuclear throne dev tweeted the same thing
On one hand fuck them and their fraudulent thieving practices.
On the other hand fuck pussyfied indie devs and their perpetual leftist shit churning shovelware machine.
I'm thoroughly torn on the issue.
>The nuclear throne dev tweeted the same thing
Valmbeer can fuck off, they sell their games on GoG but NEVER fucking update the GoG versions
Luftrausers still has a bug that renders it impossible to complete that was fixed in the Steam version shortly after launch
Isn't this the devs fault for putting his game into Steam?
Because the majority aren't stolen, tinyBuild has a hard on for G2A and this guy used to work there.
Short summary is, tinyBuild claimed G2A had somewhere around $400,000 in stolen keys for their game, G2A asked tinyBuild for the list of these stolen keys so they could cross match them with their database of keys and tinyBuild refused to do so despite claiming that those keys were stolen. Why refuse? Because they're full of shit.
>never used yandex
>search what it is
>about 5 different articles about how its users got cyberattacked yesterday pop up
No thanks. Still, it's hard to disagree that google search engine is fucked up.
Yeah it took them over a year to fix the ps4 version and i think the vita is still fucked. A shame because nuclear throne is a goid game. Still you dont see devs telling you to pirate their game too often.
>hand out your game for pocket change
>game gets resold for pocket change
>bitch and cry all day long
They shouldn't have thrown it away for pennies to begin with then.
I'd rather some one stole something I made than pay some one else for it desu
They can still get fucked until they actually fix their games on every platform. Pretty sure Nuclear Throne is fucked on GoG too
This is a good point tho
>I'm thoroughly torn on the issue.
Why? Just do what's in your own best interest. It's the dev's problem if that interest doesn't match theirs, not yours.
I unironically use bing for microsoft rewards
>>about 5 different articles about how its users got cyberattacked yesterday pop up
probably half of them sponsored by google.
I still default to google most of the time but whenever google doesn't find something I switch over to yandex and usually get my result fairly quickly.
Any game would sell 0 copies in Russia etc if it would cost equivalent of $60 in there.
Russian games are region locked on Steam anyway (or well, at least some are so clearly that's a possibility) and the other two points are entirely on the company being retarded and devaluing their own product by giving i away for pocket change or even free.
It takes five minutes to jailbreak your phone and eliminate all ads forever.
>offer your game for a 75% discount, or even worse, some bundle
>act surprised when people aren't willing to pay more than that for it afterwards anymore
games aren't a necessity, and there's shitloads of games coming out. if you already put it at a large discount before, I know for certain you will do it again eventually. so I'll just play some other stuff until you do.
if you don't want your games to be sold for cheap, just don't put them on discount. the factorio devs for example made it pretty clear they will not be discounting their game any time soon when they first released the OA and their game never lost much value. it went on sale at humble bundle like once I think and even that was only a 25% discount and you'll have a hard time finding it for less than that.
because those super cheap copies aren't actually bought with stolen CCs, it's just legal keys obtained during sales.
where does g2a get keys to sell? I thought only the publisher/dev could create them to distribute to third party stores
Literally here you fucking retard.
>create a fake scam of local pricing
>bitch when people ignore your fake internet borders
Fuck them
>stolen credit cards
Then they still paid with stolen cards and devs still get paid.
And if charge back happens they can just block those keys.
So that claim is clearly a lie.
It was a joke. I don't give a fuck about thieving cunts nor indie trash. Fuck them all, they'd all kill me if it meant a couple of zeros more on their bank accounts.
I hear you senpai
Octopath still isn't cracked.
>probably half of them sponsored by google.
Suprisingly none of them was, they were just normal/clickbait articles. I won't really believe them until some of my trusted sources also write articles about the subject, but even so I rather be cautious.
>google sponsoring bad articles about the competition
I wonder how many companies do something like this. I remember how Microsoft Edge was trying to make users not install different web browsers.
Also captcha broke like 15 times for me now, I guess google is onto me now.
You can buy keys on steam as gifts
People steal credit cards and buy the games with the stolen cards, the charges get removed by the owner of the card but the key does not go away.
>wondering if google intentionally ruins their results
It's more of a side effect of google trying to make the results more "equal" rather than more accurate. There were leaked videos of google insiders talking about having to fight against their algorithms to do so.
>tfw we avoid an AI crisis by everyone lobotomizing their artificial intelligences because their results offend them
skynet can get cucked
>fuck devs
>play Yea Forumsidya
>spends his days on Yea Forumsidya games
You people are less than animals, kek
How about you just lower the price? Pirating is illegal and I might be punished for it. G2A $1 purchase is legal and I can play with my friends on my legit copy.
>fight against their algorithms
Nu-/pol/ in charge of understanding AI.
Designing algorithms to accurately represent their internal information instead of just being a probability distribution over a dictionary is not "fighting against algorithms".
Purchasing stolen goods is a crime though.
>not using Brave with built-in superior adblocker that blocks absolutely everything
>not joining based Brendan Eich in his war against Google
>not earning free money for shitposting on Yea Forums
Who the fuck is still not using Brave as a mobile browser at this point? Never gonna make it.
considering that google became worse at finding the shit you want for anything that's a bit less trivial I'd say they are certainly not improving their algorithms when it comes to finding stuff
He used it correctly, you are just too stupid to understand.
Adblock is theft.
>google became worse at finding the shit you want
Nah, it's just that back then you searched for
>big dick porn
and nowadays you're trying to find
>futanari tamazuri ahegao
Not in my country it isn't, surprised if it is in the States. It's illegal if you clearly know that the goods were stolen. I don't think G2A keys are stolen to begin with, not that the sellers state their origin. I'm sure they also sell a great amount of perfectly legit keys anyway
And then you have this idiot pretending to be smart. Graduate your senior year of high school before you try to talk with adults
No one's getting arrested, user, nor is the FBI out to bring them to justice.
Good lord that is a delicious gook ass
Legally speaking it is not.
Now installing malware on computers of others, that's a serious crime committed MANY times by the ad networks.
holy fuck you burgers are retarded
Remember back when G2A was shilled daily on Yea Forums?
Why would you even buy though keyselling sites, buy shit to support developer or pirate it, don't pay to not support devs, thats just retarded.
>A ton of those are bought with stolen credit cards.
and a ton of people are being banned on steam or the police visits them because they've bought something stolen, right?
Bullshit. EU has the same prices everywhere and sovietfags which pay peanuts for vidya are region locked
>not earning free money for shitposting on
so you are a paid shill
convenience. having a legal copy skips all the steps of
>searching for some place where it's uploaded
>finding out if it's virus infected or not
>following some terribly written README on where to apply the crack
>going through the whole process again every time you want to install a patch, dlc or whatever
I used to do that when I was a teenager because back then I valued my time less than the bit of spending money I had. nowadays I wouldn't fucking bother unless the game is full price
(granted it's been a while since I pirated games so I don't know if it might have become less annoying)
Isn't that an iPhone screen? Why would someone be trying to buy a PC game on a fucking iPhone? Don't people just use AdBlock on PC?
Am I taking crazy pills?
>this is a serious problem
No, blacks are a serious problem. You fucking nerds need to wake up to the real threat right in front of you
I don't know what this deal is about. I haven't seen a single ad in a decade. I almost wondered how people financed their sites and what ever happened to viruses
nah we just pirate shit,I've never paid for a game or a movie in my life
ads dindu nuffin
>lower the prices
>people stop buying from g2a and you get money instead
FUCK developers and FUCK publishers. i will buy the game where it's the cheapest, or just straight up pirate it if it doesn't have multiplayer and there's NOTHING you can do about it expect seethe. get fucked
Anyone else think he kinda looks like Assad
Is that the user or the malware posting?
No idea what's going on in this Twitter screencap, but that Mike dude looks like a kid diddler
No it's really not. Most people aren't going to want to deal with G2A. It really just boils down to these people being angry that an impoverished person dare try to make money or enjoy entertainment without giving the devs or publisher more money. They should honestly just be happy that people are playing their games and generating exposure.
Wrong meme user, you mean """""allegedly"""""
Putting things in brackets means Jews.
>Is there anything more Yea Forums than bitching about reddit?
Bitching about Gaia.
>sell key
>someone resells it for higher price
>wtf why don't i get money second time
>All that bitching from Aussies when they pay less than a percent more.
What a bunch of fucking pussies
I got a key for slay the spire that was bought with a stolen credit card and they revoked the fucking key, then when i complained to G2A they told me I had to prosecute and call the police, and after the case theyd refund the money
If developers never discounted digital copies of their games or went to platforms that allowed keys and gifts there wouldn't be a competing second-hand market to take sales from them.
And logistically they aren't losing the full amount the game costs, but the slight markup from when the seller initially got it on discount. There's also no loss in customer base because there's only one key being passed on from the seller who didn't intend on playing it to the buyer that does.
blow it out your ass you worthless hipster nu-male indie dev shitter. I hope you lose your job and end up on the street sucking hobo dicks.
you are fucking cancer to this industry.
>not having surprise discount in this age of surprise mechanics
>0 modern AAA garbage
It doesn't even have a single A on it. The dev has been selling the same game with mod-like improvements for years and people like you lap it up.
t. seething publisher
Should I also not buy used games because you're not getting a cut?
Bought monthly for 11€
Sold Warhammer whatever boogaloo for 14€ instantly ate the very moment I put the key up (probably a bot)
Trade keys I don't want on barter
Bought whatever I wanted with that money on g2a
I did this type of shit about 4 months, and I stopped just because it got boring and they started charging me for putting the keys there
It's called free market, and it should be respected in this medium,too
It's a fundamental right
Buy EA games from g2a. You get a cheap game and EA gains nothing at best.
is this legit
all the /g/ shilling makes me suspect
because its cheaper you dumb fuck
>cheaper than pirating
>The company has proposed adopting a pay-to-surf business model in a future version of the browser.
why pay with real money if I can just pay them with my information
People who use this sites still want to see those games on their launchers but dont want to pay full price if devs are really desperate for people to not use this sites and are ok with piracy they should just sell their games with pay what you what value
This desu, just pirate if you're going to buy it on a keysite.
>costa rican colon
You know 15 years ago this probably would've made me angry, but we're at the point where game devs are such consumerist passionless sellout fucks that I have no sympathy anymore, I just want to see the industry burn to the ground and rebuild itself again.
I wish it was like before, just a bunch of geeks who got together and made a fun video game they've always wanted to play, and even if people pirated it they were still stoked people were enjoying it as much as they were.
>try Brave
>first website I go have intrusive ads that were blocked by uBlock Origin on Firefox
>go back to Firefox instead
Kill yourself, block chain shill.