You made this exact thread a couple days ago, what do you want from us
have SEX
ah, quality is pretty fun
Sorceress's tits aren't nearly big enough. They're straight up her defining physical feature, and they're hardly bigger than the Amazon's.
Poor little DEX girl
Why not just fucking trip or throw him MGS style?
>if i get fat enough i cant lose fights
now i understand america
>dive into his legs
>he can't stand up without help
>throw him
good luck getting a proper grip on that monster
you could probably kick him in the legs till he falls over though.
Gravity and lack of proper leverage
>he falls on you
the guy is also like 7 feet tall and strong enough to manage his own weight (at least somewhat)
Use your superior SPD and dodge, manlet, stop trying to go with STR-based attacks and parrying with DEF
>getting crushed to death
>not doing a sick ass power slide, tripping him in the process
git gud
>put a leg behind him
>push him back while moving your foot to kick his foot forward
>push him back
Yeah, good luck with that
wasnt this the gay barafag art they made for schreier?
the guy just shrugged off someone throwing his entire weight into him.
while your method is pretty solid you're going to have to be pretty big yourself to pull it off.
Shouldn't it be easy if you lift his chin up while you push him back to throw him off balance?
Based fellow WORLD OF LUCKfag.
At that size? You will never be able to do both properly.
dex because she's the cutest and dresses the most purely
INT of course
Do people even care about stats anymore? They seem so arbitrary and pointless. Games like Monster Hunter completely did away wtih them and were better for it, while the only thing they accomplished in games like Bloodborne was gate the PvP to grinders only.
>Low INT with high LCK
god i wish i had int
>fallout new vegas
>1 int 10 lck 10 cha
>the loveable melee only retard who always ends up winning
>wanting to be crushed to death
Hard read motherfuckers all day.
>60kg dude slightly leaning backwards with no support put on his legs to hold his ground
>260kg dude leans forward putting all his weight on his foot
This webm is retarded, if the fat 260kg guy was standing straight up like the 60kg guy he would have staggered backwards
The fat guy pushes himself forward into the blows to counter the in coming force
fuck your shit game
mana jugs
The idea behind stats is still there in MH though. Different weapons have different attack speeds, motion values, super armor, etc. The core concept of being better at some things but worse at others is indispensable. I agree about gating specialization behind a level grind system though.
Why not all three?
Your going to need stronger legs than the fat guy to be able to do that user, and fat people have surprising strong legs. You would have to be a tank yourself.
Looks more like a CHA build.
Leveling Up is a cancer that adds nothing to a game but unnecessary time consumption and making parts of the game world irrelevant once you outlevel them.
The ideal is a flat level with a degree of customization and specialization, where versatility and viable tactics take precedence over how big your number gets.
>posts bogdanoffs
They're obviously INT with a perk to substitute INT for all CHA checks.
DEX because nothing beats small, flat girls
DEX , INTard will get stabbed before he decides what to do,STR nigger will get stabbed before he even moves,rogues,thieves and assassins are best classes in any game
only CHAds come close to DEX gods
Where's the part where 60kg guy does a kick to face?
>fat people have surprising strong legs
Their legs are usually fucked and standing/walking hurts them, they're only stable due to the weight
Level is the simplest and most intuitive way of expressing the growth of a character though. The only time it's a negative feature is when the leveling system is implemented lazily, and it forces grinding or levels are entirely arbitrary.
CHA, and i learn Charm person.
Source please
i wish i was a smol elf girl in the middle
i want my face betwix your thigh meat, my exquisite beauty.
Dex, Elf is best girl.
Well not really. Typical STR weapons like the GS is one of the fastest weapons in the game, since you usually keep it on your back to maximize movement and the draw attack is instant. Meanwhile DEXshit like the dual blades keep you locked in place for a slooooooooow combo.
Level does no such thing; whenever you level up, your enemies are either scaled to your level, or you conveniently move on to the next zone which has enemies equal to your new level. The very system of stats getting bigger is neutralized in every game by their very nature.
You can completely omit the numbers changing and just add new options, tools and skills as you progress.
You think an elementary school tactic would work when everyone knows about it? Hell, he's not going to stand there and let you hit him in an actual fight.
>large_insertion stomach_bulge size_difference
Dragon's cream
>monster shit
god damnit
massive mana milkers
Thighs and Ass > Tits > Abs
i got the ps4 pro enhanced edition for $20 Australian dollars today sealed. gonna be a good time.
Have fun user.
Got Dragon's Crown Pro for 25€ earlier this year and put in like 200 hours.
Had to uninstall or i would've failed my exams.
ive never played it before either so gonna be good
have fun, stoner
Now all these guys need is a Magneto, a Pyro and Mystique and they are all set for comicon.
Depends, i've heard some people say that they got bored with it quickly.
But there are also people who say it's only fun in multiplayer while i found the multiplayer to be too chaotic to be enjoyable. For the me true joy was in playing solo.
Strictly speaking the game only has 9 levels but the way they're reused maximizes content over little quantity of "assets" more than any other game i've ever played.
Hopefully you'll like it.
Note that once you clear Normal on a character you can create other characters and start with them directly at level 15 where all skills have been unlocked, so don't be like me and reroll 20000 times because of autism.
Isnt that the plot of forest gump?
Based Elf
i want amazons big sweaty ass resting on my face
Imagine her massive boobs squishing around the poor little elf's head
Elf has best thighs AND ass, therefore she wins.
that gave me a hearty kek
vit / endurance
>large_insertion stomach_bulge size_difference femdom
You got it very close.
tiddies>= thighs>ass>abs
Years ago, I took down a drunk 6'3" 350 lb guy by clothes-lining him and swirling around his neck like a monkey with inertia
should have took the W there but I fucked up and didn't get away he grabbed me and slammed me against the ground and i almost passed out from that
we weren't really fighting fighting, we were just drunk at a party and he was talking shit about me being short