I'm afraid it's been... 4 years
I'm afraid it's been... 4 years
When I get choked don't...save me
>cue most tedious hour of 'gameplay' EVER seen in video gaming
>Final version of the game looks better than the E3 demos sans the 80s filter and color grading they dropped
Thanks Fox Engine
Still playing it
I'm gonna start playing it again.
Custom side-ops creator and now a (still extremely early) fan created level editing kit.
I just wonder if they'll ever come up with exe injections or something for AI modification. If people could ever get multiple factions into the game and even friendly DD soldiers into the field, I'd probably never play anything else.
Cheating isn't a concern necessarily if they just force the game into offline mode while the game's being hooked.
5 more years then we get the peace chapter.
also DS is a alternate universe of MG, just like how snatcher is an alternate future. DS will link all the splintered timelines into one which caused the black goo and all sorts of weird shit in DS.
Its pretty impressive what the modding community is doing. Imagine if Konami put in level editor and supported mods from the start, what could have been.
Seems some people are worried about tampering with TPP's exe and getting flagged for cheating, but they could always just make a copy and if extremely paranoid, sandbox it, or something...
If the people on modder's heaven were willing to dedicate more time to reversing the exe and made massive headway, I'd throw some bucks their way. They need to look into donations.
There's A LOT of information to take in and internalize concerning Fox Engine if you want to get serious about modding the game yourself, so I feel the barrier to entry is still extremely high even with all the relevant information and plugins neatly compiled.
Foxkit would alleviate that by having it all in one program; If they could just mature that and keep at the .exe in the meantime...
All the middleware involved doesn't make it any easier.
Anyone who actually played MGS4 and Peace Walker knew what they were getting themselves into
>Decent gameplay
>Peace Walker
>Grind-y mission structure
I guess you're right
>fan created level editing kit
So is it possible to create that final island chapter?
I dropped the game because I thought the entire thing would be that fucking slog of a first hour (not including the movie). Should I try again?
Do you Anons have some OC made in 2014/2015 mgg threads ?
you are a fucking retard
Dammnit I just want to hold off enemied with suppressing fire while waiting for my helicopter to come in blaring ride of the valkyries and then toss down smokes while I load up my rescued prisoners and spray the enemy down with the minigun on our exfil.
Just kys at that point
The first hour was intentionally made that way on purpose, don't ask why.
Starting from the third mission onwards, the game is an open sandbox.
I hope you rike it because you have to do it all over again at the end
Are you fucking retarded. Not only you dropped the game for such a dumb reason but you ask if the new game in a series of games that go super slow is slow? Fucking hell
The actual gamey game part of it is the fastest its been, you can finish some of the missions in a minute, tops.
This is the last pic I saved from /mgg/ before the general died a pathetic death.
God, the pre-release threads were so fun.
.god i would love to wake up from a 4 year coma right about now
>Dumb reason
Game being boring to play is the top reason to drop it but he was hasty.
the intro is a fucking blast, cant imagine anyone dropping the game there
>when people thought this was an hint to the head-transplant doctor from real life
since you looked at me
You shouldn't drop a mission game in the first one either way. And all MGS are "a fucking slog" to play through.
i just played and beat this over a weekend for 5 bucks, was pretty fucking lit
only complaint is the research system with online feature is kind of faggy
That's so cute I can't bear it.
I'm honestly surprised it wasn't.
The doctor looekd the fucking same.
>mgsv getting new levels
>botw getting new dungeons
Imagine not playing those games on PC lmao
>mgsv getting new levels
>>mgsv getting new levels