The Doomslayer™ is so BADASS! RIP AND TEAR™!

The Doomslayer™ is so BADASS! RIP AND TEAR™!

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>I like the qtes in Doom 2016

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It's so fucking METAL and BADASS when you press F to watch a TOTALLY BRUTAL mini cutscene.

Quality thread OP

Really based

agreed fellow chad!

Filthy dumb samefagging wojack scum

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Did you want to talk about the game? Did you want to make fun of it? Why couldn't you just say "I think Doomslayer as a name is stupid, and I dislike the glory kills" or whatever it is the fuck that's actually bothering you. Instead, you'd rather fish for internet points and get sick (you)s. If I'm wrong and you're just being ironic fuck you. Just say something without your 90 irony shields and have a decent conversation and actually learn something new about your perspective on the game.

Lmao everyone look at the retard that can only use buzzwords hahaha

Are you that same fag that wrote a fucking novel about how Doom 4 and Doom Eternal are "reddit" a couple weeks ago that effectively boiled down to you just not liking it? And yet now here you are posting wojak shit, which definitively actually IS reddit shit.