Hands up, this is the gacha police! Post the last gacha you played and no one gets hurt.
Hands up, this is the gacha police! Post the last gacha you played and no one gets hurt
Youre mom
What is kamihime project about, bros?
I don't play that garbage
Fuck the police!
I tried Destiny Child but deleted it after a couple weeks.
Ebin 7... why is lilbutt shit?
I couldnt stand the humanized Shadow the Hedgehog MC
Dragalia lost.
Rerun event tho so meh. Waiting on summer banner.
missus out of town for the next week so i can play this "unethical" game as much as I want while i'm not working 12 hr days.
DC is all I play until Sino Alice. Its alright.
fun game
For me, it's Honolulu.
Waiting for that pokemon game.
Still playing epic 7, bit annoyin that unobtainable ML units dominate the pvp but I don't get tired of farming for equipment for my heroes and the story is fun.
She's nice
>wasting your life on gacha
Then again, it's probably for the best that you do
it's your punishment for ruining the general for 8 months straight
Cant wait for this handome dude to get his 5* and become core again
I want a lawyer
The Switch version of The Battle Cats.
My perfect not so tsun but very dere wife.
She's very cute user.
I don't get it.
she isnt following the pen with her eyes
Really new to mobage, I've been playing Star Ocean and Girls Band Dream Party. They're pretty fun but I like Star Ocean more.
How do you determine if a mobage is good or not? The Langrisser one looks cool too
Girls Frontline.
Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
afk arena. It's ok. I like the art style.
I like Dragalia.
Wat game??
>still no mass or janbaru
I noticed that much but why not?
Drunk test
I played that Final Fantasy gacha from Square Enix, brave exius? for like a week a few weeks ago while my PC had power problems. Fucking garbage game, didn't pay a cent. Gacha is trash.
One Piece Treasure Cruise
laias from king's raid.
SMT SJ for me
Yeah right now half the playerbase cant even play the game and they dont seem to even give a fuck.
That company needs to get nuked.
Playing mostly Duel Links which doesnt really count i think and occasionally OPTC but bored or both so waiting for Pokemon Masters to release already. What are some gud games to play while i wait bros? I heard FGO, Epic 7 and Azur Lane were pretty much the top ones but is there any more that are fun and dont require p2w to catch up? I dont mind doing grind unless it gets too slow/impossible
Otogi Spirit Agents
Literally auto'd the current event for this gal, but I mostly play to keep up with the art
the only other gacha i play is Housamo
I play Love Live and Bandori. I just like the music.
Play Dragalia Lost.
>going through Grand Orders story extremely slowly while waiting for the next Nightingale or Jack rate up, or for when Semiramis is added because I like women that make me fear for my very life (out of love)
>currently near the end of Orleans
I'll be honest, the gameplay really isn't that interesting. Is it interesting later on?
Gundam Wars
this but unironically
Jokes on you im playing like 10 gacha at once
I have a lot of time to kill between classes and dont want to waste gas driving back home
>playing gacha
Does anyone actually ENJOY playing mobile games? Would you still want to if it wasn't a spin-off of your favorite series or didn't involve gratuitous amounts of fan service?
>the console games ARE the spinoffs
its a good time to be a granbluefag
>playing gatcha when you could be playing King's Raid
what's hilarious is that there are unironic "communities" for these kusoge. people who play mobage are room temperature IQ subhumans
Venus Vacation is the only gacha I play. I'm not likely to get Honoka's overalls outfit (I got Marie Rose's dress at least), so now I'm saving up stones for the next event.
you mean like /vg/ and Yea Forums
>Yuyushiki poster
How do they do it every time
Girls' Frontline, haven't missed a single login day since the EN release.
Hell no. Same shit as always. Only during events when it gets sort of challenging. The only challenge is if you gimp yourself or do interesting/historic battles like Kojirou only vs musashi
whats a gatcha
>waiting for Magia Record EN to release since lolnomoon
>check on it yesterday
>been out for almost a week now
>hory shet time to download
Turns out it's only available in the US and Canada. Kill me pete
Another Eden. It's pretty bad.
Just as well, it's an Aniplex USA affair.
The last gacha I played is dead. DEAD. RIP Digimon Links.
still azur lane
trying to get the DD gun on D2 without falling asleep
I enjoy it a lot.
I play gacha because there are the most autistic and vulnerable perma virgins ever.
I pretend to be a cute girl and turn on my voice changer then go to discord and whales buy me everything I want. Literally anything. I recently tricked a pedo pervert whale into buying me a monthly package in Epic Seven and that wierdo fell for it. He buys me most expensive monthly package multiple times now and in return I call him generous, awesome and trick him into licking him while moaning and wish I had a bf like him while other spergs listen to my convo laugh like retards in the background and envy me.
When he asks for more I tell him I send you something special with a smiley like this ;-) and that fucking pedo whale just donates me multiple thousand into my paypal then I send him a pic of my shaved pussy peaking out of my panties (not mine, just random one on the internet but he doesn't know). If he gets intrusive I just tell him to stop harassing me and tell other pervert whales in discord to save me from him and they just start to white knight me hard. I giggle and seduce them into buying me more things and the upset whale tries to get my attention back but I only reply when he sends me even more money or buys more hot deals and packages for my gacha games.
I have more stories like this but yeah that's why I play gacha in the first place.
Azur Lane.
For me, it's Nelson.
for me it's Mutsuki
She cant keep her eyes off the guy
I'm hoping I find sino fun. The last getcha I enjoyed was tb2 but it died horribly and wars looks like a dumpster fire.
play her game
I'm gonna marry Refithea!!!
I play my wife's game of course, Kings Raid.
There's an English version?
Wat game??
Trying to clear Challenge Mode on EN Magia Record, AP in this game is shit.
says in the post my friend
Brown Dust
How to ruin a character in one easy step.
People still play Flop Frontline?
The Lead Designer pretty much left the company .
Even the desperate shilling by /vg/ couldn't save the game
play bandori
Seething lolifag
Does anyone have a full cg set or album of all the Last Orgin assets? People say it exist but I've yet to see it.
sometimes i really want to get into something grindy, and I end up installing a gacha game, but then I only end up playing for 10 minutes and feel like my time is wasted so I uninstall. fuck, I just want to get into a game again
>leveling up a character downgrades her
alchemist code
we just had a attack on titan crossover
>More like the based unethical police to spit on Snoy
>vagina litelally has one million STDs
It's anniversary time.
GBF but I also play FGO. I prefer FGO's stance of "play 3 times, twice a day" over GBF's "the grind never ends" because it's better to allow time for other shit as well as FGO actually having downtime while GBF NEVER FUCKING STOPS. I also like that all of FGO's servants feel like actual people and every servant feels special regardless of rarity while a lot of GBF's characters can feel throwaway even with the stories they have because lolnotSSR. That said, GBF feels more fun in the gameplay department, has voiced dialouge and is a bit more generous with premium currency (even if its harder to get a specfic unit) so I can't really drop it.
Nah but the story quality picks up a bit around America and finally gets good at Camelot. Events are usually alright too.
>try to get into rhythm gachashit
>they're all exclusively idolshit j-pop
>they all have the usual jap rhythm game problem where they devolve into autistic tapping with no semblance of rhythm at high enough difficulty levels because who cares about the rhythm in a rhythm game all that matters is that there are a million notes per second
You'd think that rhythm games would be a great way for mobile gachashit to actually have good gameplay instead of the usual gimped dumbed down p2w jrpg combat but the japs found a way to ruin that too
Soul > Soulless
>only have 5k stars since the last time I blew them on something
>do two 10 rolls since pasupare is my favorite group
>only get a fucking ran
I hate bandori so much.
So which one is the "best" to play? I need a new game to keep me busy
Nah it gets more boring. Am currently in North America chapter and nightingale is just awful. You're better off with Jack.
i dont play kusoge
Try either Girls Frontline or Azur Lane. Their gameplay is not p2w oriented unless you're dumb and buy renewable resources or something.
>>they all have the usual jap rhythm game problem where they devolve into autistic tapping with no semblance of rhythm at high enough difficulty levels because who cares about the rhythm in a rhythm game all that matters is that there are a million notes per second
this fucking shit makes me furious
How much spare time do you have/are willing to devote to said game?
FGO if you want to play it a few times a day max although you'll have a hectic start from level-up stamina refills. Also good if you have any interest in the Fate universe.
GBF if you have nothing else to do and want to go full autism on a game (it's played in a chrome browser on your phone, you can play it on computer too and share your progress between PC and mobile) Arguably the better game for the gameplay aspect but >opinions.
Can't comment on Girls Frontline or Azure Lane, all I can say is dodge Fire Emblem Heroes like the fucking plague.
How do I play Venus Vacation in English? I can't get it from steam because it's not available in my region.
Good girl
Monster Strike. I've played it for probably 6years now. They killed the English version a couple years ago so I had to switch to JP. I can't read Japanese so I have to screen shot and then use Google's translate service to read about new features. [Spoiler] please kill me [/spoiler]
Being an EOP is true suffering. tfw no english alice gear aegis
define guy.
cause titsmcgee in a onepiece swimsuit under a labcoat isn't the first thing that comes to my mind.
>short hair cleo
why would you do that?
For me it's Botan
Last I played was Dissidia OO.
Don't know why I stopped, not sure if it was the late game tediousness, shitty rates or the battery drainage. Probably all of the above.
i lost my acc with a 220k power team
Which gatcha has the absolute best wanking offer?
Motherfucking Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team, anime whores need not apply
Things that never happened
Taimanin Asagi -Battle Arena- and Last Origin. Last Origin is pretty much a porno without the sex though.
t. shut in gacha pedo
Magia record
it's my first gacha and it's netter than i expected it to be
what's happening tomorrow?Event?
I would if there was a PC client.
BlueStacks' latest version is not the bloatetd piece of shit it used to be, it's what I use at home.
magi record
GBF's downtime is what you decide it is. I find FGO annoying as fuck because I work all week and rarely have time to play games. FGO limits your time and the events assume you play them everyday all week so if you only have one day to finish an event you've already missed out on all the fun stuff and the missions proceed to fuck you in the ass. With GBF I can do all my farming in one day and then don't have to look at it again for a month.
FFRK is just a nostalgia bomb and the game is relaxing.
Might I suggest Groove Coaster?
Any one have the Ash Arms beta APK? I got an invite but used my western google account so I can't download it.
I tried granblue because of the porn and the gbv beta, shit sucks.
SRW X Omega
is it true an english version is coming next year
Girls Frontline and magia Record.
If only it was in english
wtf this isn't nice
I'm assuming no cause as far as I can tell, there's little to no information on this game in eng.
FGO, where this white cock slut resides
Not sure if this is it? Found it on plebbit. Not sure if it has everything though.
Thanks. This one doesn't seem to be updated but it's better than what I can find.
don't forget to hydrate yourself today gacha family:3!
you can't get your favourite cute girls if you die :3!
Thank you family poster
Rape laias
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Also FGO anniversary when? I'm sick of doing doors.
>enter gacha thread
>nothing but fan art posts
Wow I wonder how the games are!
*mostly fan art
rhere isn't a single gacha that has good gameplay but at least fgo has good waifus and story. camelot is where the story gets good.
Nobody pretends gacha are good for anything but fappin'
If you actually wanted to TALK about gameplay, you'd be in a gacha specific general instead of a thread where it's a collective of everything.
No one playing FEH? You all just missed out on the best got damn accessory to grace our medieval fantasy lords
FEH is actual garbage. Can't wait for Pokemon Masters to crush it.
Thats the official Name???
FEH is probably the worst offender for gatcha. The rolls are crap with IV's and bullshit like that and it doesn't even help that they like to re-release the same characters over and over again.
Currently playing Dokkan Battle and Destiny Child. Dokkan is my first and main game. Destiny Child is fun but it sucks I'm still not strong enough to do any ragna breaks like the one going on right now.
I also played AFK Arena a while ago. I like it and its pretty simple. Art style turned me off at first, but I got used to it.
I thought this game was awesome but I could only get so far without translations.
Where are my lilia bros?
>Never played a gacha in my life
>Never will
The ukrainian user from /gfg/ is probably gonna have sex with his mother again
based. never will play a gacha in my life
Life is a gacha.
Lilia a best.
never thought it'd come to this but I'm actually addicted to this shit because I've been rolling great units without paying a penny while whales end up spending thousands to get them
got her on saturday and been levelling her up while I grind tywin's event coins
i'd rather have her focus on the tip of my penis if you know what i mean
Do not bully the autistic nurse
FFRK! This fest has been pretty meh.
The girls are hot but do any of these games have good gameplay? Like if you took out the girls would any of these games still be worth playing?
Afk arena
some of them would still be worth playing, but most wouldn't, people are aware of that
the only gacha I played was dragalia and that was meh. I just dont get the appeal for these games
They kind of remind me of adventure quest or those sorts of games, in that they're fun to play around with
League of Legends
definetely not
epic seven has some eye candy skill cinematics and animations, but pretty shallow gameplay overall
hot girls are gacha's bedrock
Some gacha games are alright. I liked Shin Megami Tenseis Dx2s gameplay but if I learned anything, nothing will spare you from a gacha game grind. You should probably only pick one up if you want something you wanna do on the side when you got downtime. Like I play Azur Lane on the side when I'm playing other major video games.
>pasupare is my favorite group
lmaoing at your life
Had no idea this existed. Downloading the APK now
>after playing GBF since March I blow all of my summoning resources to try and get Summer Angels/Sandy
>end up with Ferry, Charlotta, Dante & his cat, and light Zooey
I just wanted bikini babes why is that so hard to ask for
How is Azure Lane? Is it censored?
i wish these games were on the switch or PC or something, i really want to try them out. i hate playing games on my phone, it's super uncomfortable.
Fuck off beggar lmao
Now that I've gotten best girl Nephenee and bikini FemRobin I'm not sinking any more money into it.
>Wants access to contacts and to make and manage phone calls
Nah these chinks can fuck off.
Is this user trolling? I cant tell anymore. This board broke me.
I don't get it
Its ok and yes
The game plays like a shmup but after enough management and boat girls, the game can autoplay itself as it's mostly plays as a boat girl collection game. It's EN localization is shitty at times but it's mostly fine. JP and EN are uncensored while CN version is. The main thing I'll warn you about though its that it will start you off with lolis and a lot of the weaker boats are lolis. If you want titty monsters, those show up mostly during events and on higher level roll drops/map drops
post tits
>that 1 user who will plays Dragalia Lost
>schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp
>a lot of the weaker boats are lolis
What a turn off. I wanted to try it precisely for the lolis.
I mean if it's cunny you want, there's tons of that too. Some are good though you should probably look at a list of boats.
What's the appeal of azur lane? You can get every waifu eventually so why does it draw people in when you are guaranteed to get everyone you want and thus they don't feel special anymore because everyone has them?
There's still the chance of rolling and most people play because of the gambling part. It's also casual enough. Dropped azl because it's just too shallow and boring
>Not in EN
I play on JP so I wouldn't know what EN has or doesn't
>do any of these games have good gameplay
Considering most of them can play themselves, I'd say not.
Venus Vacation, I only played it because I'm a fan of DOA fighting games and it's fun seeing the girls relax in an island resort again instead of trying to beat each other. Shame it doesn't have the complete female roster of the fighting game tho.
FGO is unironically the only gacha that you could play in public without coming off as a virgin turbo autist.
but we're family!
you shouldn't do bad things to family :3
Why that out of everything, its anime bullshit like the most of them
But it's not softcore porn like all the others.
Imagine going around in public thinking this is ok
I'd say its equally softcore porn as GBF.
Imagine letting your daughter wear her 4th ascension sprite in public.
Just use an asian VPN to download it.
I would let her
>he cares about being accepted by people he'll never see again in his life
beta as fuck
>i dont care what anyone thinks of me! Thats part of being an adult!
Literal toddler mentality
Been playing Skullgirls Mobile its fun i guess
Play Honkai Impact!
I managed to get orlandeau's 2 new 6 spilbreaks and I finally have the seifer 150 combo soul break for my shadow team alongside shadow's ultra soulbreak
I did but it feels too much like a real video game and I only play low maintenance gacha shit an hour before going to sleep.
>Dodge Fire Emblem Heroes
It's so sickening that a game that you could easily get through without paying if you weren't retarded is opting to shorten orb supply just to force you to start spending since you don't have enough anymore.
Couple that with a small amount of characters getting all the alts with shitty game modes and the game turned out to be wasted potential.
>finally get a gf
>big tiddy goth gf, just like god intended
>finally get to play with her big fat DD milkers
>literally dont know what to do with them
i fucking love her massive tits but when i actually get them out, thats about the end of things. theres nothing else i can really do to them. i can succ the tiddy but she doesn't get any pleasure from it and i cant suck/bite or anything very hard otherwise it hurts her. and a tiddyfuck is fun to watch, but in practise its awkward and pretty much 80% psychological. im getting off more to the idea of the situation that the actual physical simulation
i dont know what to do lads i love big tiddies so much but i cant physically express my love for them properly
A u t i s t i c turd
slap them knead them play with them nipples man maybe fuck her on the side between her armpit and her tits
theres infinite possibilities
dont give up on me titbro
I'm simple to please but apart from just messing with the titties, I just like to watch them bounce back and forth while fucking.
Just appreciate them in motion.
What happened to that platinum gacha game? Demon something
i used to play soccer spirits and got set up a pretty good f2p team, in galaxy league I started losing only once you started meeting the ultra whale teams. stopped playing when they did the censor patch.
I've been having fun with Girls Frontline
Yeah, the SEA version on Steam has english subs
World of Demons? Shit's either dead or developing like ass. It's been like a year since its announcement.
Remember to download Dragalia Lost
The current event is 12/10 for starting
I can't play that shit on steam, I've got my normalfag friends added there
Bandori is fun and Rinko is cute
im too bad to play on expert help
Play Dragalia
>Flopgalia Lost shills
I used to play pavilion until recently.
I like this girl in Dragalia, but I hear she's some event snowflake so I never picked it up.
It's getting a rerun anytime
She is coming back soon, they currently rerun all the previous snowflakes except the first two, probably July/August
Please play Grand Chase DC
It doesn't have naked anime girls or anything, but the gameplay is fun and you get to pick the characters you want with select tickets.
Strange Journey has gacha? I think you meant Dx2.
It's not the future I wanted for Fate but what can I do
Currently Fgo and E7. Fun time wasters but I can’t understand people who spend money or dedicate their lives to mobageshit.
Only playing EpicSeven.
Imo, All other gachas are trash quality in comparison.
Bro you know it's all nostalgia, don't call that gameplay good
for me, it's Roon.
I love Honolulu and her lewd body so much
>Ebin Seben
>gook game with PvP focused endgame and of course money will give you huge advantage and at a certain point you just cannot go higher without whaling hard
What is this expression meant to convey?
What is gacha?
What is that belt meant to convey
Mobile game with specific type of gambling in it.
I'd rather fuck her sisters
Gambling? Gambling what exactly?
Botan and Ieyasu
I dont play gacha """"""""games""""""""""
Usually its collecting characters that you use in the light gameplay the games have. You basically roll on a slot machine for the chance of getting a character you want. Cost to roll is usually bit of ingame currency, that you get very slowly by playing the game, or you fork up money and buy some of the currency like that.
>they all have the usual jap rhythm game problem where they devolve into autistic tapping with no semblance of rhythm at high enough difficulty levels because who cares about the rhythm in a rhythm game all that matters is that there are a million notes per second
More like you fucking suck dick and can't take a tap note on every beat, which would be max difficulty, cuck
what the fuck is a Ebin Seben,
btw I'm still F2P in E7, challenger 4 and doing fine. Cleared pretty much all PVE content too, no need to pay to have fun.
fetus great oral
post the webm
Sounds like something people do on their break when they work.
Ahahah, no
I'm glad dragalia isn't full of pedos like most gacha games
Depends on the game, some require you to play for longer periods per day, but some are speedy things you do while on a break or on the shitter.
But... there is literally no gameplay in this gacha, it has to be the most atrocious "game" in the world right now.
For me, Fate Grand Order
>nice art
>gameplay revolves around grinding hunts and PVP
Last time I ever play a gook mobage, already been burned by Soccer Spirits
Of course you don't
The game has literally 0(zero) waifubait girls and no players
There is no reason to play Dragalia over anything else
Almost everyone expect your end of service by the end of the year at this point
Granblue I guess. I play it, Summoner's war and FEH regularly. Granblue is my favorite thanks to the art and events. I just wish I had the energy to do more than my daily raids, my progress has grinded to a halt. Summoner's war is fine I guess but its so dreadfully boring with nothing going on. I've just played it for years so I'm stuck with it. I began playing FEH to get the characters from the series that I like but I cant find the energy to do anything seriously in it, since I dont have the autism to make actually viable teams.
What is the game on the left even?
>waaah the game is not full of titty monsters/sluty little girls that means nobody plays it and I hope it dies soon
lmao go back to your cage you insecure pedo
the game might not be extremely popular but still has a decent playerbase(over 300K people) and will live for at least 2 more years, making people like you mad about just by merely existing
Good taste but you probably shouldnt put money into these things.
a fateful wipeout clone for pc
>Lin You
>Xuan Zang
>no waifus
eat shit
The c word
I don't play DOA Xtreme games for the gameplay and that's not what their focus is anyway. I play to fap to official characters with the official voices doing cute things in skimpy bikinis.
i got some brown dust for ya *BRAAAAAAAAAAP*
Paizuri Lane
Boats literally made for it.
Well said.
I want to fuck Prinz Eugen's tits!
JoJo Candy Crush is p good desu
Is this fake or is this some copyright bs game?
if your game of choice has an automatic mode then your game is so boring that the programmers had to make it play itself
>this is what the average FGOcuck believes
maybe if they took out the battle system
there is literately nothing wrong with that attire. everyone should wear things like that. the world would be a better place
Did fat cosplayers slip off your mind by any chance?
Nah it's real, it's alright if you don't mind the most simplistic gacha gameplay
Though Pitter Patter Pop is JPN only so there's that
Thank you.
I stopped azure lane after finally getting akagi, I dont feel like grinding for 5+ days again
Valkyrie Crusade. I hardly bother any more, just 5-10 minutes a day to get whatever the daily thing is.
Kill yourselves subhumans
Damn that's a shame. Would DL that in a heartbeat if it had an ENG version.
FGO: I'm at a stage where I have all the characters I want. So I'm just piling up quartz which I'll blow if I see a rate up on one of those characters or a new one that catches my eye.
Girls Frontline: Similar to FGO really. I figure I've got good Gacha luck.
>Considering trying.
Idolmaster: Cindarella Girls, Azur Lane, SINoAlice and Princess Reconnect
Anyone else play these games? How are they?
you can change to the previous one in their profile.
i really like ecchi
King's raid
mostly meant for the artwork
unless thats in game, in which case
that's hot
What is the condom for?
Pixiv, but yes the game can be lewd as fuck
Azur Lane is pretty enjoyable. Unlike a lot of gacha games I've played, you only ever need one copy of a girl to eventually max them out, and it's fairly generous with its gacha currency.
currently playing stella maiden. cant really seem to get into it. played so many gacha but cant find one that sticks.
any weeb shit gacha games where its all about idleing or mostly idle gameplay?
Destiny Child is bretty good for auto farming. Although you'll probably need to play with some half decent childs until you get the better 5* ones.
You can idle your way through pretty much everything outside of the hardest fights in Azur Lane. Destiny Child is also pretty much entirely idle-friendly.
What gacha has the absolute biggest canonical titties?
where are her tits?
FGO. Passionlip
She is MASSIVE but I don't have any pics of her on me right now. Just look her up bro
Probably Passionlip from FGO, unless Devil Carnival counts as a gacha.
Kings raid auto is unrivaled honestly. The gear is the main grind and I play it on emulator in the background while doing something else until the inventory is full of gear.
She's a malnourished barbarian loli, pls understand.
>Played Revue Starlight Re Live because I liked the show
>It's enjoyable at least
But then I started a new job and have no time.
So rip more cute musical singing and dancing girls.
Damn near spilled my drink!
This is a character from Devil Carnival?
As far as I know, yeah. Devil Carnival doesn't fuck around when it comes to lewd.
What's the purpose of these games when you can beat off without having to play shovelware?
Because sometimes you want to do both. Multitasking is fun for some people.
>censored version
it's a garbage gbf clone with bad rates
just play granblue, kamihime is trash
You know exactly what it's for
Getting to know the characters and context makes the lewds even better sometimes. Either that or just playing the games as a time waster helps when there isn't a damn thing to do.
Whose that at the front right?
When I tried Azur Lane I mainly got a bunch of children, how many titty girls are there?
found it, thank you for pointing me in the right direction
wanna fuck that bunny in the middle
I posted the tiddy tier list up here. It's probably somewhat out of date, but there's plenty of big tiddy goodness.
I put a quarter in a gumball machine on my way home from getting groceries.
Friedrich der Grosse
There's plenty of titty. You just have to work towards getting them if you want something specific.
>TFW Global is still a year away
JUST end it all
Sdorica a best. Truly a hidden gem.
type android emulator
and try everything except blustacks
Make her start lactating through hormone treatment you autist
You'll get a real kick out of Camelot if you're familiar with FSN.
Where do you go to find new mobile games?
Specifically places that filter out all the complete garbage.
I feel like you have to be there day 1 for most of these games, otherwise you're severely handicapped.
havent tried destiny child yet. will do now
azur lane i stopped at around level 70. getting the dailies were taking its time and so many events to try and collect.
havent tried kings raid yet. thanks
I bet that wasn't the last time that guy spent hundreds of dollars on that shit. Whales are mentally ill
The Battle Cats
>saw some stream where some guy burned 800 to NP5 Arjuna Blanco
Stardust Shooters
If you don't wanna play complete garbage, word of mouth like this thread is generally good. If you want something that's like very new, I heard Arknight might be getting a global release teased soon. It's something that's very popular in China right now.
I know how you feel. The story mode is easy, but it took me forever to advance in X Omega's other modes without any guides. Now I'm stuck trying to kill Daitarn 3.
Arkknight is a tower defence, which might not be everyones cup of tea. It does however have a lot of the creative talent who jumped ship from Girls Frontline on it, so that's a plus.
What do people think of Evertale? That seems to be ranking high.
I'm sincerely torn between trying Idolmaster or Azur Lane. The former has fun music, the latter has more gameplay and both have girls that I can jerk myself off into a psychotic coma over.
RIP Barcode Kanojo. It's what got me started on gacha games.
any weeb shit idle games? doesn't have to be gacha
Never played but it's the only non-porn/ecchi game i know where they created a character to be a slut. Not "one who barely dresses", a slut.
Is dx2 any good? I hear it's got a ton of shit like rng equipment, types that are basically IVs like FEH, shit rates, shit ton of grinding for fusions, etc.
Never heard of evertale up until now. Game kinda looks like ass and would probably not survive very long. The publisher zigzagames or whatever is one I've never heard of and it doesn't exactly have any other known games under its belt.
Dx2 has good gameplay. It plays exactly like SMT but the grindings a bitch, event's are ass, fusion is nothing like in the console versions and requires a lot of mag and that shit takes fucking forever to get. Roll rates are super ass with IV's and its far from generous and the story takes forever to update. I'd pick it up for the demon 3d models.
redpill me gud game wit hot girls wit big tiddies, no p2w/p2p, not boring, not too grindy and some cool bros in there as well
i would get between those and just sleep forever
Granblue fantasy yes. The game actually requires tactics, planning, and studying the enemy. But the fucking grind is exhausting.
FGO I just wait for an event and plan a oneshot team that can destroy the event easy and just farm event for a week.
when is sin o alice coming out?
I know almost nothing about the OCs in this game. I usually see this chick whenever I see the game being talked about here.
Indeed she's the one i was talking about. I called her that before, but if you look up her latest official art on gelbooru or whatever you'll understand 100% why i would call her a slut.
Anyone play Overhit?
gachapill me on it
I got back into Aigis just last week. It seems they have REALLY decided to nerf best girl recently.
Tried a bunch of games but got bored pretty fast. Sorry titty police.
A ton of the characters look good and have big tits. Oh and the game play isn't the worst I guess. They seem mostly generous with the in-game currency but I've heard they lowered the pull rates for the global version.
Azur Lane or Girls Frontline?
What's the most sexual gacha?
Plus points if it applies to the characters themselves and not just the designs
Yeah no. I hate how the artwork and 3d model dont match.
Another Eden is God tier
It's alright. The 2D stuff looks great, but the 3D models look like completely different characters.
Try both
do you want bote sluts or do you want gunsluts?
one has voice acting and the other does not
really theres no difference
You can get actual porn gachas from dmm
Is Dragalia Lost dying like everyone says? I want to like it but I end up either just logging in each day or auto battling a little.
how so?
Yeah, she has a lot slutty alt art. The other OCs are pretty lewd too.
I hope all gachatrash players die painfully in their sleep tonight
Isn't this a korean gacha?
>published by Nexon
Don't fucking bother. Worse than Aniplex.
Just make another account.
>t. luckshitter
And dropped. Will be pay to win, lower drop rates than jp and censored.
At least you can justify that. It's a sexy swimsuit on a sexy girl. This one is made to entice in sex, period. No ifs or buts.
I am only looking forward for Pokemon Masters. I dropped so many gacha games this year. Its always the same thing. The game launches, its super generous at the start so you spread the word and when it has a huge playerbase they switch their focus towards whales.
Massie regen in the new story and damage nullification for any damage below a certain amount in events both make her useless for damage output.
I'm not saying she's bad of course. She can still buff the team like always but her wave-clearing potential is pretty badly impacted.
I don't think so.
Dragalia cuties > gatcha thots
Anyone still play puzzle and dragons?
Same. Bored tho so need somwthing to play until Masters releases.
Pls gachapill me somebody
where my gbfCHADS at?
yeah but like in English bro
You know Pokemon masters will be the same?
But that didnt happen with FE. Dena isnt jewish.
Who cares its Pokemon
use an android emulator or play gbf in browser
There was furry gacha for straight people? Damn I missed it.
My bad, its jp but has a kr server.
I played School Idol Festival religiously for several years but I haven't touched it since like January. Probably for the best but I miss my girls :(
Hanayo best u's, Kanan best Aqours
How the fuck does it do so much money in gookland?
Sounds like a pain in the ass. I don't want to have to keep logging in and out to switch accounts every time I want to play.
It's not strictly furry since it also had plenty of humans, but it's the game with most straight kemono content I played. You can check the art here if you want, they haven't taken it down yet:
Thanks for reminding me to give Joshua the fox mask again. He's had squirrels on his head for months now.
apparently this shit had a megaman crossover? can i still get him if i just start?
Any idea what her name is?
She makes you work work for like no one's business, but man is she worth it. Wish she had a bit more art, but I understand why.
It did like an year ago and no. Special collab units aren't in any of the current banners.
Not a clue, I'm afraid.
Though looking at the galleries for Devil Carnival, it seems like even she might not be the biggest in the game.
waiting for an event
Doesn't the new summer event start soon?
Fuck that looks great. No more games like this?
The re-run is first
>Doesn't the new summer event start soon?
Who knows but wouldn't we also get a re-run of last year's Summer Event?
Granblue is the only game I've been able to stick with. Gameplay is decent, can auto the trash and then not auto the harder stuff. Tons of events, somewhat generous, sparking, lots of classes and stuff to farm. Only problem is how fucking grindy it is.
Gimme the fucking summer sluts godDAMN
Aren't the lite versions only a week?
>Aren't the lite versions only a week?
Looking at:
the re-run is 15 days