Grown ass men look at character designs like this and unironically think there's nothing wrong with it
Grown ass men look at character designs like this and unironically think there's nothing wrong with it
>think there's nothing wrong with it
Tits too big, Etna is best girl.
rebooblicans are a menace, yes.
This is some serious self-awareness
Sure let's talk about flawed designs
There is nothing wrong with it. Unless you're a faggot.
Of course there is something wrong with it, it doesn't rattle up moralcucks enough
All god tier designs.
I can't wait for the future where we only reproduce by extracting semen and decapitating the men right after that because he dared to be stimulated sexually.
Her laugh is the most obnoxious shit I've ever heard.
Damn Abe including propaganda in games.
now this is political activism I can get behind
>*See a hot girl in ultra revealing clothing*
>Man she's hot. Look at those legs.
The government enticing people to fuck is a fetish i never knew i had.
Grown ass women look at character designs like this and unironically get so jealous they campaign to have her either removed or redesigned into something ugly and flat
I got Disgaea 5 for 15 euro, is it good? Do I really need to spend 100 hours in order for it to become fun?
It's simple. kill off the old people above 50.
I've played every Disgaea entry only for the story and have a huge blast every time.
it's good from the get go
>Logan's Run
Harada art is great and all but some of his designs go from "okay" to amazing as soon as they get a more supple lower half.
I had Disgaea 1 for the DS and I remember getting absolutely devastated during and after Midboss because I didn't grind enough. I like the characters in 5 except for the MC, so that's good at least.
Quick; which Disgaea character do you want in the next game, ASSUMING it's not mobile shit and assuming there even is a next game? Asagi not allowed since she's a shoe in.
>Disgaea character
Bad user
She's been in so many games that she's basically a disgaea character.
If Asagi counts then does Marona count?
>he hasn't played it already when they accidentally gave it out for free prerelease
Asagi is literally in every NIS game minus one or two. She's NIS' tertiary mascot and is entirely her own thing.
>tfw there's barely any Seraphina porn
>the little that exists isn't very good
it's not fair, Yea Forums.
baguette limbs are part of Harada art's charm
Yes, and not just in Japan. The old are aware that their time is limited, so they desperately hog as much money for themselves at any unethical cost, regardless of future consequences since they won’t be alive for that.
Sounds pretty based.
This would certainly relieve a lot of stress off the economy, but it would be pretty unfair, wouldn't it? Those old people lived fair and square and paid their taxes just you like and me are doing right now.
So what is wrong?
If it is so obvious please tell me.
I mean shit like this I can understand since I hate "lets just make everything out of belts" shit.
>Yea Forums
>working for a living
>paying taxes other than VAT
You type like you're on twitter. If this is bait, it's pretty good.
We call those people "people with shit taste." Everyone knows this is what female character designs should be.
I thought the US didn't have VAT?
Name a more perfect character.
Protip: You can't.
I think it works in some cases but not in others.
Seraphina works well when she's more meaty, but Metallia being a sticc with a pair of gigantic fucking tits is amazing.
Can we not just let people write their own stories and design their own characters?
If you have an agenda, write your own stories. Don't censor other artists.
How hard is Disgaea to get into? is the PS4 one a good entry point?
Asagi shouldn't just get her own game, she needs her own series!
tbf old people above 50 can still fuck, and if they have children those kids would benefit greatly from inheriting everything at adulthood, but that would only happen if that 50 year old is a loser who struck gold
>How hard is Disgaea to get into?
You can start with any numbered title as they all have individual stories so it's not too difficult to find an entry point.
Actually starting your first one can be a little overwhelming as later games drop a fair amount of mechanics on you, but be aware that you don't have to use ALL of them and that the appeal of the series is in how many options it gives you for character building. For the duration of the main story, you can just explore the mechanics at entirely your own pace. Once you get into that mentality it's quite interesting.
>is the PS4 one a good entry point?
The ones on PS4 currently are 1 and 5, and those are generally also considered the best entry points. 1 is the original game and the PS4 port is basically mechanically almost identical, just prettier. Obviously being the first game it has the least superfluous mechanics so is the least overwhelming.
5 is the latest game and is pretty great, all the mechanics have really started to meld together well and ones like Evilities and Overloads make it a more dynamic game than 1. For the record, the Switch and PC versions have identical content to the PS4 + Season Pass. If you're new to Disgaea you won't care too much about the season pass anyway as it's mostly cameos.
Just go with whichever is your preference from that and from what you've seen of the characters.
The whole point of the game is to get huge, right? How hard is the grind?
Desco is so fucking cute holy shit. If I ever had to pick an anime daughter it would be her.
And her magichange was cool as fuck.
That's how Mandrakes are made. Eventually we'll get right back at them if one they see a pretty rose and pluck it, only for our future selves to scream and kill people within 1000 paces. Maybe the future is not so bad.
The main story is actually a pretty straight forward TRPG for the first 30 hours or so. Once you finish the main story it then becomes about finding ways to hyper level and to break the games systems. For example, I beat the post-games final boss with Metallia by giving her passives that let her attack multiple times and then just shitting out maids that give her multiple turns, resulting in her attacking like 20 times a turn.
The grind isn't "hard" though the actual amount of grinding you need to do at each step will increase and by late post-game may be a bit too much for some.
5 is probably the least grindy and it's like 40 hours main story with no grind, then 60+ hours post-game with a fair portion being grind.
Desco legitimately makes me so happy. I love her so much. So glad that we're getting 4 on PS4/Switch.
Neat, I'll think I'm getting 5 then. Anything I should keep in mind like units I should/shouldn't invest in?
Source on the image?
Her design is based off of a nightclubber.
Naturally you wouldn't know that because you've never left your home before.
It's a Cave Story bot. Specifically the one you talk to before fighting the first version of The Core.
It's just a generic character used to sorta warn you, since it does say "OPERATION FAILED" before the fight begins. Save it if you want, I only edited the red eye thing to be on the right socket instead of the left, since the left has a big slash on it and it looked weird.
Thanks, user. I should really get around to finally playing Cave Story.
Get Cave Story+ since it's mostly just a graphical upgrade with a few bug fixes. Shit's fun, but way too short and no sequel planned, not even baited.
>Stubby tail
>The middle of the black and white bits
The fuck is she doing? Trying to shit out a tentacle or something?
Not really, especially in 5 since there's a lot of crossover between units and what they can do. I would say I recommend going out of your way to unlock new units when the option is available though as the later unlocks are the more interesting ones mechanically.
artist? image is from mobile game called Cinderella Nine
Do the right thing Japan, import millions of muslim migrants. Not doing so would be problematic.
Not just as DLC but actually integrated into the plot
Is it worth getting the first Disgaea on the switch? I could get it for like 5 bucks on Steam.Granted I managed to get a coupon code that'll knock it down to like 20 USD but still it's a lot cheaper on Steam.
I assume her tail and back thing are growing.
She isn't naked.
I'm starting to think this series has silly clothing.
it just works
anime is so fucking retarded oh my fuck
My nips hurt just thinking about the chafing.
...What's wrong with it?
That top one with the pants suspenders is rad as fuck
>wooow I wanted angry bald men and tranny queens of the universe!
She looks like a playboy bunny. If you're not a 15 year old boy with raging hormones or a faggot weeb incel you should demand more interesting character designs in your video games.
Idk user, I remember playboy bunnies looking more like this rather than what was posted in OP
you dont have to pretend youre attacking a game just to create a thread about it and have discussion, just say you want to talk about it and try to engage, dont try and "fit in" by thinking you cant enjoy a certain game series its really stupid and shows you dont have a backbone at all even when youre anonymous on the internet
Why are you afraid of what other people think of you, lighten up and enjoy the design user.
Post your idea of a more interesting character design, then
t. incel
Is 5 PC worth the money
yes, it is little children who lose their shit over things they do not agree with for any reason.
and thats a good thing.
Playboy bunnies are 18+.
she's a bitch, i hate her
Is the mobile game alive yet?
man i love beast tamer
>have birth rate issues because people are too shy or some gay shit
>come up with the plan to allow animation and game companies to make lewd content
>use it as propaganda to encourage people to have sex
>end up instead making them cling onto 2D and replace actual women with the near-unlimited fap material you created
Japan is doomed
I'm more interested in who that chick is.
>being a demoflat
Grown ass-men don't like Disgaea though.
Or most anime, for that matter.
Nothing wrong here.
There's nothing wrong with it. Seraphine is an absolute dogshit character with one gimmick though.
Uhhh, Abe?
First Disgaea is where the series peaked.
Never even played the non generic guys except for usalia what does christo's overload even do? The skits make it sound like he predicts the future
>grrrr, incel! incel! incel! I SAID INCEL OBEY ME OR ELSE
who let the dog inside again?
What is the appeal of disgaea? I like the dumb setting and the character design, but the strategy has so far seemed quite limited, with very few interesting abilities in combat. Anons also sometimes mention that skill is displayed through grind mitigation, bit that still seems off. It is as if being good at the game allows you to not play it.
It's a series built around getting HUGE numbers. Like, so huge that the damage counter can't keep up. That appeals to a good amount of people.
I can't believe Disgaea's dead
Care to explain OP, seems like your just a fag
Lewd rabbit
I am tempted to call it autism, but I guess I just don't get it.
Yes, actually. She creates the tentacles through something of a "birthing" process. Pic related is Harada art of it.
Also the stubby tail can grow to theoretically infinite length at will. The stubby tail you see on her basic body is the one she stands on too.
There isn't. Fuck off back to resetera, you faggot
It was a joke about Disgaea having no ass, user.
What a madman.
don't even need to be that harsh, above 65 will do the job nicely
I love it. It's so fucking weird, something the games story never touches on, and adds a slight bit of eldritch horror flavour to her.
>Left: Meh she's alright, I don't see why men get hot and bothered over her
>Right: OK now I see why she's a succubus....
O want to enjoy Disgaea but I don't. How do I trick myself into liking the series?
Do it for Etna
She's so pretty!
Etna's gonna need to suck a lot of ugly fat bald bastards to save her company at this point
It's okay to not like a game user. Do what half of the people here do and just jack it to the characters.
But it ticks all my boxes
>Character customization
>Retarded but lovable universe
>Cute Girls
>Occationally good music
It's like some dream game I would wish for but when I finally get to play them I just don't see any depth and get bored.
I want to be wrong and somehow see the light since it should be something I want.
It takes a while for you to get everything in the game. Disgaea is all about reaching a goal.
Perhaps. There are many things I didn't understand the purpose of, like the interrogation or the planet exploration thingie.
And can you play through the entire game using generics or is that gimping youself for no reason? If so, how inportsnt is those increased base stats you can pay for, and at what point should you reincarnate?
And how many should you have in a team to prevent them from gaining too little exp? Dropped D1 at the end because my party was bloated and underpowered.
having the little crown and the hairclip on the same side makes it too cluttered, either remove one or move it to the other side
How much is it?
The worst thing about her are her VAs, they are shit in english AND jap, somehow.
MAkai Wars finally came out and it was a shitty mobile gatcha game.
I am beyond mad and will forever be mad.
cringe, dilate