Why do you play this game?

Why do you play this game?

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Because I have fun.
It's not fun, but I have fun.

For some reason, I enjoy it

It's fun and addicting to coordinate with your team and outplay enemies

It's the most fun I've ever had in an online game

>muh toxic community

Not really, no one is toxic to you if you don't suck

I played this game at seasons 0-2 after that game became shit.

as soon as they rework udyr, nasus, or volibear im out. already these dreaded reworks have taken nunu, warwick, morde, and urgot from me. i cant handle losing the rest of my boys

Nunu is an improvement in every way though unless you're an autistic lore faggot

he isnt though. old nunu was an ap mid lane pantheon with perma sustain. he also was a stat stick for duels and had unparalleled counter jungling. if you dont know shit about a champ, dont act like you played them

>I think this new one is better
>You don't know shit about the old champion
If your favorite characters are udyr, nasus, and volibear you're not very good at the game. Don't even pretend like old Urgot wasn't absolutely terrible even after they added aftershock

Only play it in moderation or it will turn you into a zombie.

>old nunu was an ap mid lane pantheon with perma sustain.
So you're upset that your champion is no longer cancer?

I don't

urgot top with deathfire touch, manamune, black cleaver, ibg, frozen heart got me all the way to gold I. fucking decimated every lane except maybe malphite or tryndamere

>Not really, no one is toxic to you if you don't suck
This is complete bullshit, even pro players get badmouthed and told they belong in bronze

The only way to play is mute everyone but your premades. It's not like you can banter either because you'll get perma banned for hurting some freak's feelings.

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It's free, that's about it. Also, it fills the "shit game that I like to play" slot.

>Talking as you want is "toxic"

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This is unironically one of the reasons the game has gone to shit
Addicts that want to play a team based game go in with a "it's me versus everyone" mindset and sit around on their own shitty island where they get upset at others but insist "I hate it when people get angry lol"
Fuck you

I enjoyed talking shit when I played league from season 1-4. Then their ridiculous moderation and banning for meany words started. You literally cannot interact with meme spewing leeg slimes like a normal human being. Best to just mute and ignore them now. It's better than being banned.

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Muting others shouldn't prevent you from continuing to talk shit though
You literally just admitted to only typing something that could get you penalised when you get asshurt at other peoples' comments

You've got no argument. I'll keep enjoying automuting leegfags.

Got sucked into it when it was fun, now it sucks but I have nothing else to play. Every patch it gets worse as the fresh out of college devs replace the good old game with their untested ideas.
>ywn play old gp again
>ywn play old shen again
>ywn play old graves again
>ywn play old darius again

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>perma sustain
>unparalleled counter jungling
None of these things offer any counter play.
Now he's a champion riot can actually balance without him being either garbage or broken and nothing in between.

>Now he's a champion riot can actually balance
He's unusable shit tier. At least the old one had a niche.

>None of these things offer any counter play.
Most things in the game don't. Not every part of every character needs to have direct counterplay. This isn't an argument.
Also loads of other characters do still have perma sustain, so even if it was an argument it'd be a moot one

I dont anymore

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he is unbalanceable now, hes been dogshit tier since he came out because that engage is way too strong to have on someone useful. he went from niche jungler and off meta laner to just bad

I don't but I think the yordles are cute

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why do you like such shitty champions

yikes a zoomer

I can't even justify it anymore, It has lost everything that made it fun.

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Hello again friend!

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>Nigga dont know about nasus

Good to see you!

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i've tried it, but its really shitty and shallow mobile-tier moba

If you ever feel like a laugh try Heroes of the Storm

I've played it and honestly I liked it more than LoL. It had some fun heroes instead of homogeneous bunch of hamsters, guys with swords and anime sluts which all had a gapcloser, shield, nuke and steroid and they tried to do something different with their maps and team objectives

Even before his rework he was mainly a jungler. He wasn't a laner at all. And he's been good since his rework what are you on about? He currently has a 53% winrate.

I play maybe one or two matches a year, because I say "Yeah, man, I'm gonna play for real this time and try to find a team" then 2 hours of retards in ranked chat constantly blaming one another because it could NEVER be their 0/15 ass that's ruining the game later, I realize the futility, and uninstall. It's been almost 6 years since I last played seriously.

It's unironically fun

I miss old Nunu gameplay.
He literally was for me unlike all these flashy carry assassin shit we have instead.
New Nunu is soulless.
>tfw only Ivern left
Someday he will get rework too, since unpopular champions have no protection.

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>He's unusable shit tier.
What the fuck are you talking about, he's one of the best junglers in the game right now
Also his visual design is miles above the old one

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League of Legends could be better if it had 9 bots instead of real players(without PvP mode at all, higher elo you are more advanced bots you play with and against).

But all they did is change his as/ms buff into a passive, his point and click snowball into an ability he actually has to aim now and give him a new slow/aoe root.
How is this not an improvement to his gameplay in every way both in terms of utility when playing him and options for counterplay?

they barely changed his kit i can understand that you prefred the old kit but no it's not soulless you just cant harass people anymore with your projectil.

Old W and old E were too good, i miss them.

it's not as bad as warwick

Different user?

barely changed? his passive is nuked, his q gutted and his E and W are completely new. ill give you his ult being strictly better and the visuals being great, but graphics dont equal gameplay

I tried to, but couldn't get into it. Should I give it another chance?

He's literally better in every way. He's op right now if you want to carry with him.

>no it's not soulless you just cant harass people anymore with your projectil.
>literally walk up to them
>W and E them for CC and dmg
>eat a minion with your Q

they took away players agency to activate the ms/as buff
turning everything into a skillshot is actually NOT a good thing
his W is the incarnation of soulless

>ywn play old olaf toplane
>ywn play wukong with old items toplane and rape renekton players

i dont care about how good something is, if i did old nunu wouldnt even have been in my top 3 mastered. i dont play ranked much, i enjoy having fun. this new nunu isnt fun and doesnt capture the gameplay spirit of what nunu used to be

Dota 2 dabbing on the mass grave that is League of Legends

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>It's not like you can banter either because you'll get perma banned for hurting some freak's feelings.
it's just that underaged fags like you can't understand what banter actually is

The community is toxic, and not in a good way. Everyone is more scared of swearing in chat then they are of inting and actively ruining the game. Riot insta-bans you for chat violations because it "hurts my feelings :(" but lets everyone int on smurf accounts, which gets worse and worse the higher your elo. They are the most cucked company on the planet.

Tried playing DotA 2 and it's way too mentally challenging and difficult
Went back to LoL to feel good about smooth brain wins

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I went from Dota to League and I had fun. The mechanics are great but I don't see how anyone can play such an imbalanced game seriously. Unless you meta slave, you won't get anywhere.

This. Past 2-3 years it's just unplayable, especially for junglers.
I'm jungler since Season 1 and thinking about dropping rankeds past d4 jungling since player expectations to junglers pretty much same as girl ones.
>if i lose 1v1 it means my jungler is bad
I'm just tired, i want old outsmart jungler gameplay, not new "flip a coin and pray" gameplay.

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imagine being so bad at the game you can't even PvE

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>old shen
Was boring shit.

yeah i mained jungle since s6, and it just gets worse each year. that toxic scuttle crab level 2 fight meta pushed out all of my favorites and left me with just udyr, since level 2 tiger stance and bear is retardedly hard to beat. plants were a mistake, taking the little creeps off of red and blue was a mistake, and the pace of the game is so fast that it is legit trolling for me to pick skarner even in a norm :(

>old olaf toplane
Wat? Olaf is same as he was in s1, they only juggling his numbers around.

He got some changes in S2 if i remember correctly, he had no passive on R, also his skills had different scalings or so.
Also, his Q mechanic was a bit different.

everytime i play i try to use one of the champs i used to play a lot because those are the few i know how to play. most of them got total reworks and dont play antyhting like they used to.
galio, shen, mord, trundle, taric, soraka
theyre all so boring to play now

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His old gameplay was running around fast throwing snowballs and never dying. The new nunu does pretty much the same thing except with an added root.

Okay, now that counts as being "new". You are retarded.

Having 3 skills that are literally point and click, can be activated at your command and cannot miss is not good design. Having more skills that enemies can dodge makes a champion less aggravating to play against and opens up counterplay. Why do you think Teemo is such a little shit to play against? He has no dodgeable attacks other than his shrooms which require a specific item to counter.

the old one was about resource denial, spent 15 minutes starving the enemy and taking dragons so that your lanes could fight 1v1s, and then transition into an AS buff for the adc. now hes just another engage tank

>Having 3 skills that are literally point and click, can be activated at your command and cannot miss is not good design
Imagine actually believing that.
You can't balance game with skillshots while autoattacks are point and click.
Nu-balance team literally killed LoL by flashy skillshots design.

ahhh, a fellow man of kyaandere taste

This shit killed all variety for junglers. You pretty much need a pick that can contest scuttles or else the other jungler leaves you in the dust.

ADCs being point and click is fine because their role basically means that they must be mini mobile turrets. They make up for this strength by being incredibly squishy. Tanks/off-tanks on the other hand must have dodgeable skills because they don't have the weakness of being easily killable. If this weakness isn't met you end up with broken shit like Tahm Kench just walking up, out damaging and killing you or the old Maokai who was just unbalancable. Udyr is also in this unbalanceable state because of this. He's either broken or so weak he's unplayable.

>be top and sup main
>kindred just came out and want to try her
>learn how to jungle, make experience until i got good
>i actually have fun as her kit requires you to actively think on how to counter your enemies as you can't waste a q or press ult and pray, i did some of the most fun matches with her
>a week later they rework the jungle and nerf her
Fuck you riot i don't even play your shit game anymore, every new champion is an overloaded mess and is no fun to play

I dont play this game much, but Elise is the coolest shit. How do I play her without my team flaming me though?

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please never post your opinion in an online forum ever again

Play full team or don't play at all

The key is learning to hit her stun. Once you do that it's just a case of doing your W - Q - R - W - Q combo and then disengaging.

Humans are shit, you can't deny that.
Most players in League don't really want to play anymore, yet they still queue, flame, etc. but don't play game.
Advanced bots actually better most time, since "meta" standardized player picks and strategy in most games.

She's weak as shit and she just doesn't hold up anymore, play normals with friends if you really want

Kindred is one of the most cancerous and broken junglers right now.

She's actually decent right now. Not the best but definitely playable and you can climb wit her

Sounds like bullshit. Current meta junglers shit on them.

you're a fucking retard, legitimately. if this game was pve it would be fucking pointless, the whole fucking point is player skill, that is the drive that keeps people playing. please never post your opinion again. people like you who dont think make me angry

Because Yuumi exists.

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52.5% winrate in diamond+.

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shes not even top tier, you just got bodied by a decent kindred

elise is top tier at the moment

whenever Yea Forums discusses league my mind is boggled at how small peoples game knowledge is vs their certainty of their own opinion

Yep, angry retards like you just prove why very advanced bots will be better than players(in any team activity) in future.

By statistic everything you said is wrong. Elise has worse winrate than Kindred, but somehow Elise is top-tier while Kindred is not.

That doesn't make his point any less valid. Thered be absolutely no point to the game or the genre if it was you vs bots

both get played in pro games , cant be that bad can they?

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>29 games Elise
>9 games Kindred
Winrate at d+ elo means a bit nothing, since you need to account playrate/banrate too(one tricks can inflate winrate a lot)
Kindred are good in some matchups, if your draft is good in general. If you fuck up draft, your jungler will be R bot, nothing more.

She's fun, and surprisingly not an afk champion. Having to use your W to move instead of simply right clicking actually makes the champion more skilled.
I don't actually recommend playing her right now as everyone with half a braincell is playing TFT, making the average IQ too low to play support. You need to be the carry, otherwise you'll lose against their fed top/mid/jungle.

While tryn jungle sits at 56%? Just because the game has a massive disparity between their highs and lows doesn’t mean that kindred is good at a 52% win rate, there’s like three other jugglers that currently out perform her and will pack her fudge in every situation imaginable

Also, 39 bans for Elise(28.1% pb presence)
17 bans for Kindred(10.7% pb presence)

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Well, should've sorted by pb%

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Meant for

The fact that it gets picked and banned in pro-play means it's a S-tier, you braindead faggot.

>tryn jungle sits at 56%

Overall win rate is the only thing that matters, what works in pro play is irrelevant to solo queue. So probably solo queue, or even overall.

Competitive and flavor of the month meta actively ruined the game, every month there's the same 20 champions being played and nothing else

Can confirm, saw one Nunu that BTFO a Zedfag on mid. Glorious to watch.

I haven't played this game in like a million years, Riot suckered me into downloading their client since I wanted to try TFT and now I'm tempted. Is my old main Heimerdinger any good these days? He was never popular at all even back then so I wouldn't be surprised if he fell behind the powercreep and no one even noticed, but I really liked playing him even if he wasn't good...

You can get to diamond with any champion if you play well enough

Your turrets will afk if you will go too far from them, but overall he is gud, but not popular.

Because I expect everybody to put in the same time and dedication to this game as i did if i ping something you better know what you should be doing without me having to type it in chat to you fuckin casuals

Ehm.... Sona.

>Tanks/off-tanks on the other hand must have dodgeable skills because they don't have the weakness of being easily killable
You know, back in S1-S2 tanks-offtanks were not that mobile, so they were easy to kite.
Later Riot decided to make more and more mobile champions, so you have to deal now with skillshots because dashes exists.
Point and click stuns were amazing to deal with shit like that.

I played from s2 until s6 and when the marksmen change hit live servers I was out
decided to recently try it again and it feels like a mobile game, games ending in 20 minutes and everything deals so much fucking damage now
runes remake was a mistake

I don't

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blog post
had 2 fags afk said u only get banned for saying nigger and i got banned afkers still probably afking

Get the blood pumping when everybody is like a Dragon ball Z character dashing and teleporting and one single mistake gets you one shotted

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Jesus Christ what has happened to this game ?


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"Why do you STILL playing this game?"

Riot's champ designers should be fucking fired. Every champ now needs infinite dashes with auto resets and healing. Every ability has to be re-activatable so it can do 20 things at once.

One thing I love about Dota is the simplicity in hero designs (yet somehow the game in infinitely more complex). This ability does damage, that one stuns and this one heals.

Normies like it, just look at CertainlyT. He could be fired like 6 times already, yet he still there and his champions are extremly popular.

i am good at it

who did he design ?

Yasuo, zed, zoe, thresh, akali rework, morde rework just to name a few. Literally the only reasonable champ he has designed was the warwick rework. The guy can't create a champion without giving it 20 different abilities.

Champion Design
>Zyra (partly with Steven 'Coronach' DeRose and Ryan 'Morello' Scott)
>Zed (partly with Joe 'Hephastopheles' Ziegler and Drew 'Samizul' Marlowe)
Champion Rework
Actually he did almost nothing, in interviews he said he got restricted a lot and he hates that time when he reworked WW
>Mordekaiser(Juggernout update one with Dragon ulti)

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>New Akali
>New Mordekaiser

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>his best rework was the one where he spend least time on it

so he's the king of over complicated trash ?

tho i like what they did to morde

Not new Mordekaiser, he did Juggernout rework.
New Mordekaiser did them:
>Reav3 - Production
>Xenogenic - Design
>EndlessPillows - Design

>Having 3 skills that are literally point and click, can be activated at your command and cannot miss is not good design.
You don't even realize why you're wrong don't you?
Just because you can't dodge the skills doesn't mean the entire champion is unbalanced. Go full AP and watch yourself explode into a million pieces before your first Snowball even connects to the champ. It's almost like old champions had clear telegraphed strengths and weaknesses that could be exploited!

>Why do you think Teemo is such a little shit to play against?
not for the reasons you think he is

He didn't do the new morde, he did the old juggernaut one that completely ruined him.

I'm specifically 4fun only.
I play full AP blitz and kidnap kench only

he is not in the meta because mid laners need to be helping junglers to contest scuttle crab