Miscellaneous vidya images you never get to post

miscellaneous vidya images you never get to post

Attached: tupac crystal.gif (499x373, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: l.png (384x400, 42K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Attached: 1385233136521.jpg (498x300, 38K)

Attached: -kWWR0tUTMAW0uYD-VLSbTNQ-Qc63BuBkexnx-f-PsY.jpg (768x768, 213K)

Attached: ancient clown.png (858x919, 854K)

Attached: heavy disgust.gif (465x271, 958K)

Attached: 1551276530033.jpg (585x675, 93K)

Attached: 1560910405019.png (367x318, 115K)

Attached: 1511446228114.png (858x548, 673K)

Attached: 1560884214674.jpg (1600x806, 124K)

and does it come with clowns?

Attached: 1511445851604.jpg (869x583, 296K)

Attached: halo3_61715401_Medium.jpg (658x494, 44K)

Also found in the same file share with the title "jackie chan"

Attached: halo3_76082826_Medium.jpg (658x494, 33K)

Attached: 1559422214108.png (1200x1200, 724K)

Attached: zUQZ6XCo_400x400.png (809x775, 162K)

Dominions. And no, it's a mod, but an extraordinarily well-written one.

Attached: transcendental clown.png (622x613, 422K)

Attached: 1313575659967.jpg (640x480, 36K)

It's been ages since I touched a mobile phone for vidya purposes since all the games I liked either shut down or randomly stopped letting me play. Pic related hurt the most since I was loving the shit out of this game.
>Anime airs, Yea Forums joins to play it
>I make a guild for us, we rise in the ranks fairly quickly like Yea Forumsutists do in vidya
>Slows down, but we're in a stable upper-class level
>New update rolls around one day and locks me out of my account
>No clue what the error message said, couldn't get anyone to translate it for me
>Threads on Yea Forums have disappeared long before this happened, /vg/ mobage thread is useless as always
I checked for weeks to see if it would just work again, but it never did. I still have it installed just in case, but it hasn't been opened for months. This is why I quit mobile games. I still remember my strong ass team, too. Especially the big tittied plant girl who lost her clothes when you won.

Attached: DVKUOokVwAA40ql.jpg large.jpg (562x800, 169K)

Attached: 20190618002947.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Attached: imaginary clown.png (618x564, 382K)

Attached: I never asked for this.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

Attached: 1433876125484.png (900x300, 349K)

Attached: axel.png (250x251, 52K)

*waits for sublime clown with baited breath*

Attached: Mass Effect.png (531x500, 63K)

Attached: nigga legit.png (500x522, 132K)

Attached: nothingatall.gif (800x600, 205K)

Attached: 1494821960377.png (512x312, 143K)

Attached: 3525324.jpg (1179x663, 51K)

I love that image

Me on my way to fetch the daily pail.

Sword Art Online before it was cool

Attached: when you die and meet god you are judged not by your sins but by what you did to him.jpg (269x259, 5K)

this one's been one of my favorites for years now

>Mom can we stop and get SAO?
>We have SAO at home
>SOA at home:

Attached: 1493649588560.png (309x544, 227K)

Lmao, isn't dis just like that SOA shit? But like from 2003 or some shit?

Sword Art Online!

Wow holy shit, never noticed how similar Sword Art Online was to this. Hard to say which was better desu, both were pretty shit

I don't have a screenshot of them, unfortunately.

Attached: big hat.png (619x607, 423K)

>SOA: Hey lemme copy your homework
>Spy Kids: go ahead, just make sure you change it a little so you don't get caught

Attached: 1188838296636.jpg (391x500, 41K)

Why does this seem so familiar?

Attached: 1499751511876.jpg (268x549, 28K)

oh fuck, duh, Sword Art Online!

Attached: fug.png (750x759, 513K)

does this remind anyone else of Sword Art Online kinda?

EDIT: oh holy shit didn't notice all the other replies, lol

Attached: Udyrr.jpg (261x230, 33K)

Damn wtf, Sword Art Online totally ripped this off

SOA, lmao

post to ur file share for recon

Attached: e4jiktsrg1731.jpg (731x731, 74K)

Sword Art Online! I can't be the only one who's seeing this

I've seen this movie over a dozen times.

Samefag gtfo.

but also damn, that was basically SOA huh

I am absolutely in awe of this clown lore

Attached: 1559541795668.png (546x432, 161K)

(cont.) So believe me when I say, it's basically Sword Art Online

I love dominons 5
Please be a 3 parter

Attached: 00802726-27D6-4401-88A5-72A6C21F9337.png (2304x3744, 1.49M)

Attached: 1556567045078.jpg (1005x674, 108K)

Attached: 9E624053-0035-4449-AACD-0D066A4319DD.jpg (720x720, 295K)

rip /arena/

Attached: 1526520592028.png (1560x1670, 1M)

The same guy also made a nation based around glitches with some pretty fun lore, too.

Attached: sideshow.png (615x447, 347K)

Believe it or not this thing actually manages to be fairly balanced despite having attacks that do more damage than all the instant death spells in the game combined.

Attached: missing god.png (599x752, 644K)

Attached: unnumbered.png (616x486, 318K)

Attached: SSS.png (1195x1144, 874K)

Attached: 1185830967429.jpg (600x300, 37K)

Attached: stackbreaker.png (619x609, 387K)

Attached: 1186282062431.jpg (550x388, 54K)

Attached: 1321775169040.jpg (725x269, 52K)

Attached: 1165247687380.jpg (700x532, 95K)

Attached: 1534484239380.jpg (259x567, 72K)

Attached: 1194298072275.jpg (400x163, 12K)

Attached: 1208815653449.jpg (622x800, 405K)

Attached: How to play Melia.png (640x400, 268K)

I should have watched this show with Yea Forums

This has all been incredibly neat to read thank you

Attached: 1560280375347.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Anytime, user.
I'll take any chance I can get to post Dominions stuff.

Attached: dominions diplomacy.jpg (1800x6000, 1.84M)

any game in particular user? or will the first do?

Attached: 1561367659007.jpg (900x675, 64K)

Attached: lighter.jpg (1600x900, 251K)

So how hard is the latest dominions if you wanna go in blind and only play against AI?Is it fun singleplayer only?

Attached: 1554396684994.png (519x512, 345K)

Attached: 20160315023139_1.jpg (1920x1080, 418K)

Attached: 1552999930919.jpg (480x265, 18K)

Attached: press jump to jump.jpg (800x600, 80K)

I never pass up an opportunity to throw shade at room temperature IQ retards that actually sided with Jane in The Walking Dead.

Attached: 1423284465479.png (1290x1346, 1.06M)

Attached: 145096784098.jpg (540x225, 22K)

I took screenshots of all the CLOWNS.DM units, gimme a minute to crop them.

Like can you even imagine what going through life is like for people that thought Jane was the right choice? Literally every little thing must be a challenge.

>putting on pants in the morning
>"Oh shit I almost accidently strangled myself
>driving a car
>"What are all these people doing the in ro- OH SHIT THIS IS THE SIDEWALK"
>shopping for groceries
>"How did I end up with a cart full of nothing but broken bottles of vodka?"

Attached: jane is a dumb bitch.png (464x1704, 99K)

Attached: 1446533516887.png (1034x925, 68K)

It's best played in multiplayer, really. You want the latest one for that reason, as well as the fact that it has the most content and overall improvements. The AI is serviceable but basic, and not nearly as fun to fight as other humans. It's mostly useful for learning to fight the AI-controlled neutral territories as well as anybody that decides to drop out of the game. Humans will do crazy shit and meme strategies on the other hand, and humans introduce the elements of diplomacy, backstabbing, and banter. /domg/ is generally pretty nice apart from the tripfags so don't be afraid to ask around there.
Pirate and try the singleplayer before you buy, though, it's not the type of game that's for everyone.

Attached: ermor bot.png (890x802, 198K)

high cursed energy

Based, thanks for doing what I was too lazy to.
Did you get the pretender chassis too? I remember some of them being hilarious.

Attached: dominions mgr.jpg (984x1516, 294K)

thanks user!

This game is actually wierd as fuck, even if there are no druids in it. It's also unbelievably glitchy.

Attached: TheGloriousTaleOfBayeux.png (900x675, 1.14M)

Attached: armageddon.png (1353x1920, 662K)

is that the sacred armor of antiriad comic?

Attached: Unicyclist.png (843x627, 812K)

Attached: Acrobat.png (837x586, 726K)

Attached: Armless Woman.png (836x838, 1023K)

Attached: Bearded Lady.png (847x658, 782K)

It's from a heartwarming yuri impregnation doujin, believe it or not.

Attached: Buffoon.png (837x662, 837K)

Attached: Clown College.png (656x283, 215K)

Attached: Clown Paramount.png (843x781, 1012K)

Attached: Clown.png (834x854, 1.08M)

Attached: Contortionist.png (834x610, 743K)

>unicyclist kayfabe
Fucking incredible. I want an entire game written by this guy.

Attached: dark Clown.png (828x798, 1.04M)

Attached: Enormous Clown.png (826x690, 870K)

Attached: Fire Eater.png (835x705, 844K)

Attached: First Clown.png (833x859, 1.11M)

Attached: Gigantic Clown Head.png (844x730, 877K)

Attached: Idiot.png (835x632, 831K)

Attached: Impossible Clown.png (833x672, 838K)

Attached: Kirkostaculis.png (1196x395, 626K)

Attached: Knife Thrower.png (835x683, 886K)

Attached: 1557333089394.png (417x500, 528K)

Attached: Lion Tamer.png (829x702, 872K)

Attached: Magician.png (831x669, 804K)

what game is it
the clowns
what the fuck

Attached: Master of Custard.png (833x905, 1.1M)

Attached: Master of Seltzer.png (837x943, 1.13M)

>Show Card does stun damage
It's the little things.
Dominions. But it's a mod.

Attached: Yahoooosccchhhhhhhhhh.png (954x718, 747K)

Attached: Mime.png (832x653, 782K)

Greg Sestero for Tails.

Attached: CFAE6A76-A523-4D02-817F-949BC5DE9B2B.png (550x484, 351K)

Attached: Mystery Performance.png (849x413, 476K)

Attached: Pie Factory.png (645x306, 242K)

Attached: Ringmaster.png (832x598, 695K)

Attached: Shiny Red Nose.png (833x916, 1.14M)

Attached: Stilt Walker.png (833x607, 764K)

Attached: Strongman.png (830x664, 806K)


Attached: Sublime Clown.png (838x972, 1.28M)

Attached: The Greatest Show.png (657x278, 215K)

Attached: Screenshot (3593).png (1824x1026, 3.35M)

Attached: Thirteenth Clown.png (832x936, 1.21M)

And that's all I got.

Attached: Twirler.png (838x679, 818K)

what a masterpiece that was

Attached: teleports behind you.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Yoooooooo I remember this lil nigga

Bless your heart, user. Thanks for dumping.

Attached: forester bob.png (600x825, 396K)

>still no VN where you lovingly but also accidentally impregnate Natsuki

Attached: 1460875038802.jpg (968x988, 192K)

That was fucking weird. They both deleted the tweets right after too. I think Greg was just doing it for the joke, but Tommy was probably serious.

>bound and gagged Zelda is for ____

Attached: who is he.jpg (876x876, 68K)

Attached: Bungee simulator.jpg (540x720, 64K)

Attached: 1551118820354.jpg (990x1109, 174K)

Attached: 1556499272469.jpg (640x459, 127K)

Attached: 1551120074846.png (1200x675, 688K)

Attached: robocop brother.jpg (400x277, 47K)

>it's been 5 years since some random user with a projector made a thread on Yea Forums asking to project things outside

Attached: 1405891990430.jpg (3264x2448, 2.06M)

Cursed image right here

Attached: SnĂ­mek obrazovky (157).png (1920x1080, 3.05M)

God, I thought I was the only one who remembered that thread.

Attached: cameraman brutally mauled by wildcat.webm (852x480, 2.48M)

Attached: Leon PNG.png (1888x553, 77K)

Ow my heart


>that little meow
Aww, too cute!

Attached: 111111111.gif (1024x768, 1.14M)

based, ty

is that man still alive?

Attached: 1217886119852.jpg (799x550, 79K)

Hey hey people

good meme

No, you can see it tearing his heart out in one of the frames if you look very carefully.

Attached: Big Boss memorial.jpg (1200x901, 128K)

Attached: 1525997500061.png (992x744, 407K)

Attached: images (28).jpg (255x577, 28K)

Attached: 1234303931937.gif (352x207, 20K)

Attached: 1428358876137.jpg (716x960, 101K)

I've never played dominions but now i have a clown folder. thanks

die teen

fuck off grandpa

Is there a context behind this?
Why a fridge?

Attached: hmmmm.png (314x190, 125K)


Attached: 1559747372717.gif (485x290, 209K)

Too new.

>he doesn't keep his games in the fridge

it was good while it lasted
maybe diabotical will revive it?

Attached: tier list.png (1442x2068, 1.44M)

>when your game is so shit it kills the existing fanbase

Attached: retard.jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

Attached: 1443152319048.jpg (500x612, 59K)

The remake is going to be utterly soulless edgy nu-SE shit

Attached: 1448812666506.jpg (600x375, 57K)

Attached: me on the left again.png (800x400, 12K)

Attached: cmovqmatwsez.png (829x443, 596K)

Yeah. I completed it recently again and many things will just not be included.

Attached: car keys.png (557x555, 722K)

Attached: 1503935513076.png (753x836, 719K)

oh, it's a cringe thread I get it.

Attached: 1455665908948.jpg (500x616, 77K)

Attached: 1342386688870.jpg (1920x1148, 274K)

Attached: 6ng_rnK7Se8.jpg (900x740, 101K)

This is the last time I'm letting Kaz choose the codenames

Attached: 1561928819612.jpg (562x677, 76K)