When the game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you

>when the game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you

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derail time - this guy diddles kids, its confirmed


I see you put the web comic on easy mode as well.

>do well
>game ramps up the difficulty to unrealistic levels

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is this the dark souls of shitty webcomics

I believe you, no evidence is required

Yeah okay sure I may be a little miffed about that image
But it's alright because in 5 minutes I'll have forgotten about it and you still won't be white

>when white people start listing off ethnic crime statics

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I don't get this meme.
Last week I ate a ghost chilli chicken burger and thought it was great. Was pretty hot but I ate the burger in 10mins.
Maybe cos us aussies eat a lot of hot food in general, its the only reason we let Indians in the country.
Are American white guilt betas really as weak as the memes claim?

>Read premise.
Any good fishing games with bonus lewds out there these days?
I remember a Japanese Fishing MMO, but it's shut down now...

dragon ball got real fuckin weird after Z, huh


Pretty accurate.
Idk why people get so buttblasted over this comic

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white people are extremely insecure


Why are shitskins so terrible at banter?

It's just spic coping mechanics, don't think about it too hard.

wow this is way funnier than just straight up putting "LOL WYPIPO" on the bottle

I used to eat raw jalapenos as a snack especially when I had plenty of drink with me.

>Says every racial slur and stereotype to non whites
>Extreme rage over spicy food bantz
Whitetoids are fragile

I don't know what you mean

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Because originally the label was something like "extra mild for white people". This edit actually just makes the joke instead of explaining it in the punchline.

I don't know why ethnic people get so assblasted when you sight lower testing standards for darker skinned individuals. Really weird.

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I don't know, I'm a white burger and I like spicy food. I don't understand the meme either. Most of the anti-white memes fall flat in the face of reality other than this one for me. Also Australia is nice as fuck and I miss it.

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But it's not a dude who makes the comics. It's a chick, who just got married.
She's doing more and being productive more than any of you will ever be.

Based. Only insecured whites and mutts can get triggered by such a stupid joke

Loving spicy food is the food equivalent of putting expensive mags on your wheels.

Why do all spics think they are Goku?

I laugh because I'm white and can handle spice. My ass may not agree, but my stomach and tastes can.

>Also Australia is nice as fuck and I miss it.
How did you escape?

Wrangled a dropbear and sailed across the Pacific m8, had to feed him a couple hundred Chinamen but that family will be alright.

>White person says nigger
>Makes national news
Why are chimpoids so fragile?

When mutts and shitskins talk shit about white people just remind them of your higher education, imcome and social status. Makes them really pissy

The shill is desperate

Lower IQ and higher levels of estrogen.

Why would you leave Australia?
Though that said, I applied my family to that diversity lottery. Because the idea of living in Montana or Maine with lots of guns sounded great to my wife.
But it seems like America is getting overran with the 3rd world. Like every other nice place on earth.

Damn you got me those were all me


is this gonna be a pokemon go creatures thread?

just post the porn already

It was just a visit , also the U.S is extremely nice in many parts still, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but if I had to it would be Australia.

Mexicans and african americans have the highest rate of obesity due to high sugar, vegetable oil, high carbs and spice sauce consumption. So the white guy is technically more healthy by avoiding all that seasoning shit.

Perhaps it was a joke about how people always call rockthrow a pedo without any proofs?

So how can I as a hwite man get a spicy #7 from a spic?

Because blacks can’t into introspection. Everything is exterior for them because they truly believe their skin color defines them 1000% more than any other race. Show me one black dude in therapy or even one black dude who is a Buddhist. Anything that would help the race (that is outside the black culture) is actively avoided as if it will kill them.
Tldr; blacks define themselves by exteriors

What parts are still nice? Curious just incase we do it.

>Eat "authentic" Mexican food
>Its bland and flavorless

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Basically this.

>"W-we may essentially be third-world subhumans descended from rape babies, and we now essentially exist as a slave class, but at least we like spicy food!"

Can y’all imagine being so fragile, so emotionally unstable that a single word can send you into a rampage? Yea, that’s pretty much what being nonwhite is like.

Make sure you see what hot sauces they have. Just asking for hot sauce at any establishment will get you the shitty vinegar kind. Make sure you know your peppers. Say “I want the habenero” or “You have any scorpion peppers?” Etc.

what do you get out of spamming this shitty comic every single day

I mean you could find really nice parts in any state still I assume, it's a fucking huge country. I would think the Pacific Northwest or New England for myself personally. Utah interests me as well.

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reminder that niggers' experience in "spicy" is texas pete and paprika.

By marrying his daughter. I don't recommend divorcing her though, her dad knows hitmen and vendetta is their specialty.

If that Vegeta-looking bastard tried that Up North he'd get a smack in the gob for being a cheeky cunt.
Kashmiri curry is just about the spiciest food available and it's given all northerners an inhuman tolerance to Scoville numbers.

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It's not butthurt, it's incomprehension.

>It's a chick

How big is xis penis?

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yeah we’re pretty fucking lame

I like how you can cut out one panel of the pipe comic and as long as it isn't the last one it still makes sense.


Based Garfield poster

the 2nd layer joke is people that make statements like this:
>Perhaps it was a joke about how people always call rockthrow a pedo without any proofs?
might be pedos themselves

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But is the real spicy sauce, spicy? Or is it just every spice mixed together-spicy.
Is it habanero-sauce or piripiri-spicy?
Its most likely just all the spices mixed together.

Vegeta's such an asshole

I don't get it? Are you saying you diddle kiddies?

I’m portuguese and we have our own special hot sauce, I’ve been all over Europe and even slavs love spicy food. These spics and jigaboos don’t realize that not only hot sauce is popular all over Europe but we have strong mustard and horseradish.

Ayyy I made it out too. I had to marry a hapa American to do so. Too many black people here, I want to go back.

>European countries wage long, bloody wars over spice trade
>top-rated cuisine in most countries is either French or Italian
>top chefs and restaurants are universally white (with asians creeping in)
>meanwhile hispanic and black "cuisine" piles on simple condiments like mayo, cheap cheese, store-brand hot sauce, salt
>most black recipes are outright plagiarized
>said 2 groups are always the first to bring up the stereotype that white food is bland or simplistic

The joke preys on the fact that you need an IQ below 90 to find it funny, while annoying anyone with an IQ over 100 because it's several layers of complete nonsense.

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