you can now pay for raids in the new "order" system hiro implemented
it's summer
There's one dude who REALLY needs to have sex
Night time Yea Forums shitposting hours.
Why the fuck did you censor some images?
We can see it clear as fucking day by opening the catalog.
underage shitposters find this funny. and now that underage shitposters make up the majority of this place, you'll just have to deal with it or leave. you have no one to blame but yourself for allowing them to infest the board.
Can't they be a little more creative like the dude who screenshot his ringer volume
'Europeans' waking up and worshipping the Fifa box. simple as'
Jannies are niggers, that's why.
Because they're still against the rules. OP doesn't want to get in trouble for reposting NSFW images. At most he'll probably get warned for making a meta thread.
remember to use filters and you'll never have to deal with tourists
Euro hours.
>implying I know my time zones
>sonychads think they're winning
>nobody is even competing against them
Underage posters don't exist; they're a myth like Bigfoot or the female orgasm.
they have literally nothing to play so they shitpost
Ohhhh! I see I see.
>Underage posters don't exist
God I wish, sadly you meet them constantly if you play any sprt of video game with Yea Forums
Look at 4craft and intcraft for example, that's mostly underages
Winner at what? What exclusive or tidbit was announced? Nothing was being hyped.
>can't handle seeing images he doesn't like
>calls others 'tourists'
Did something happen or what?
Lol at faggots thinking 2011 is oldfag tier.
Yea Forums is going down, bro.
40% sonyfag/nintard shit
40% tranny talk
20% actual videogame discussions
Didn't used to be that way. Yea Forums after midnight used to be the chillest place ever. Now it's full of shitposting HUEs and zoomers who have shit parents that don't believe in giving their kids bedtimes.
Yeah, don't do that.
People who started browsing in 2011 have been here longer than the oldfags had been in 2011
Too high
real Australia hours
It's when the eurofaggot snoys wake up.
This is the most fucked up fact I've ever read.
>this useless sony spam will die soon and the spammer will be rangebanned
>meanwhile, all of my bait threads will reach bump limit without a single post being deleted
I own this board.
More like amerifats wanting to shitpost before bed.
yer breddy guud :DD
Every single wojak- pepe poster came after 2016.
Most worthless posts on the board.
Time for a purge.
sonyshills are just doing the usual thing
If you think that's bad you should see Yea Forums and Yea Forums
There is nothing wrong with Yea Forums right now. GoT ended and capeshit is on break for a while so all the Reddit scum is gone. This is prime Yea Forums time right now.
A yo what's Poppin white boy which one we playing
Mods really need to do something about this roach infestation.
what the fuck is that?
Some dudes youtube channel.
dunno, but looks pretty based to me
link dude seems based
I know it won't happen, but I wish mods would just make wojak/pepe banworthy offenses. They're virtually never used for anything other than shitposting or by blatant underageb&s/newfaggot redditors.
cringe and newpilled
based and oldpilled
Console war wojaks do get banned.
That isn't all of them.
>begging for janny to ban things you don't like
>thinks bans work
imagine WISHING you could do it for free. That's how pathetic you are.
it's just a bit of fun
>wants to ruin things for other people by being a tremendous faggot
Still not as pathetic as (you)
Sure the threads are annoying, but you are the cancer that's killing the site.
Anime porn and console wars are always up, and mods refuse to delete those. What makes those threads any different from what usually takes up 75% of the catalog? Oh, right, this time it's a meme that hurts your feelings. You don't care about quality.
Ironic considering you probably got here in 2016
>wants to ruin things for other people
lol reddit. only pre-cumbabies hate fun posting and want a safespace smash thread again and again. Only loser faggots want to talk about video games.
>That isn't all of them.
I've been here since the release of Pokemon Pearl, looking for friend codes.
They do get banned you retard, it still doesn't change the fact that Yea Forums is a shithole.
It's impossible to enforce now. They would've had to cut something like this off before it even started, like they did with ponies. There are hundreds of thousands of wojaks and pepes now and even more being made daily. It really isn't worth the shitstorm to actually try to ban every single one. The best they can do is just ban NSFW ones or extremely off-topic rule breaking ones.
only on Yea Forums will you find redditors shamelessly being centrists.
>can't read
>calls others retards
>Yea Forums is dying bro
>said the woke user for the 9th year in a row
People will give you various answers, but the real answer is smartphones.
I'm sure you have
>eceleb threads stay up
>twitter drama about literally who is allowed
But sure it's the pepes that are killing this board, nothing else, not the outrage culture, not the bait. It's the reddit frog whos the culprit behind every shitpost.
Reddit, that's why. It's precicely this kind of shitposting with no context or reason behind it that ruined the rage comics ten years ago, but now it's apparently fine to accept it with wojaks and whatnot despite it being equally as cringe, if not more.
>I said that they are the only problem
Sick strawman. Keep going, idiot.
Yea Forums isn't for video game it's for Yea Forumsshitposting.
Clearly we need a Barneyfag but one who spergs out at the sight of wojaks and goldfaces rather than ponies.
>the reddit frog is the culprit
You don't think that people who post a meme as gentrified as pepe aren't also going to be regularily browsing twitter, following ecelebs, and getting hooked on "le outrage culture" shit? Isn't that what the whole honk honk fad was about?
>The best they can do is just ban NSFW ones or extremely off-topic rule breaking ones
They don't even bother doing that. How many times a day does a mostly off-topic and/or NSFW thread get left up?
Reddit kids flooding in think Yea Forums is for shitposting, what's new
back to Yea Forums faggot
Real question here, do people watch this and actually think this is a genuine attack on Nintendo, and not just pure shitposting for fun? I'll gladly take over the top wojak shitposting over the terrible legitimate console war threads.
>flame wars ok
>Shitposts ok
>Bait threads ok
>Cunny threads ok
>Wdtmbt threads ok
>Rp threads ok
>Lewd threads ok
>General-lite threads ok
One single dead fanbase cartoon horse girl...?
Go to fucking if you want to shitpost. When I go to the video game board, I want fucking video games.
>can't even attempt at some sort of argument
Thank you for agreeing with me that the frog and feelsguy are part of the cancer.
>Go to fucking if you want to funpost
FTFY lole
Sonybois have no games to play so they spend entire day shitposting on Yea Forums
You didn't fix anything. He already said that. Swapping some letters when the meaning remains the same changes nothing.