Games with cute and dominant characters?
Games with cute and dominant characters?
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Cave story
Games with repulsive and shitty characters?
You won't get me this time, /trash/. I know what you're up to.
anything on a pee ess four
its a guy btw
that makes it better
I mean that's pretty obvious
Is that bad?
Well, what are you waiting for, post more pictures of him
Ikku is just a bunny shaped onahole.
whats he from, might draw some of him
post his peepee sneeze to prove it
Don't bother watching it. It's not good.
>his VA is shimura from gintama
>It's not good
What a shame
A shorty like that with a voice like that?
That's pretty hot.
That's cute, boy or girl?
i wanna fuck that thing
There are less than I expected
tfw took the bullypill and can't go back
Time to visit /trash/ again
god i wish that were me
This is a cut-throat pirate, smuggler and bounty hunter
And he's hot.
Don't sexualize Ikku.
I can't.
I sexualize all characters that are both cute and male.
>It's not good
Well shit, the last anime i watched because i wanted to fuck one of the character was Space Dandy and that turned out to be one of my all-time faves
Post more psychotic lagomoprhs!
Gender-bent, baby's first, piss easy, Sam & Max mobile game marketed towards young/old women when?
>It's not good.
why the fuck do you want nomries playing based Sam and Max?
let it die like god purcel intnded
>genderbent Max
That's kinda hot
Reminder, user: Never stick your dick in crazy
Stick it in the wholesome naive detective partner girl instead
>still wearing mens suit
Ehh, could have used more work, works much better with Max because no clothes.
Sam a cute
Gotchu senpai
Great improvement to Sam but Max looks the same in this one.
I think that Max looks like a goblin and I don't like the pink bow personally but w/e
I wish he were real
Is anyone else getting the Sam and Max figures? I'm only getting the Same one myself, too broke to get both.
Would be great to get a new fucking game. Isn't Telltale dead? Which means their IP's are public domain now?
It's always been Steve Purcell's IP I think, but he's too busy working at Pixar. But who knows, maybe he could get them to do a S&M short.
Don't we all :)
I just want a new S&M game made by Nordic. With all the remaster shit going on and all.
To be fair, the original three seasons could use a remaster
To hang out, be bros, maybe spoon.
Sounds nice :)
What was your favorite episode?
Season 3 still looks pretty good, along with Poker Night 2.
It sucks that people think TT really got started after the walking dead, we had 3 damn good seasons of S&M before that, even the puzzle agent games were nice.
Good taste, user.
Probably either the Zombie episode or the plant episode
Good taste. But not the Meow specific episode where they visit his home planet?
do dominant cuteboys exist anons or do they only exist in my faggot taiwanese porn comic strips
I wouldn't say going to soc for it is worth it
It's nice, but not really into timeloop stories.
cute + bunny = cunny?
I've fapped to that doujin more times than I care to admit.
>find hentai clip of cartoon rabbit getting fucked by transparent object on youtube years ago
>it was deleted and no source was given
That feeling is all so familiar.
i want a giant bunny to bully me
Sounds fluffy
Man, Robihachi was fucking awesome.
Likewise user
is this the cute thread?
what a whore
only if they're being dominant