ITT: Games you're not allowed to praise in any way, shape, or form

>ITT: Games you're not allowed to praise in any way, shape, or form

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you sound like a pussy

It's good but Anet is clueless and out of touch. Gw3 when?

I've praised this game plenty but despite all the good parts it's still a giant fucking turd.

>tfw I enjoy it and play it somewhat frequently

At least my friend still enjoys it too.

>he gets bullied by user

shit game though you're right, dont ever praise gw2
fuck off buttercup.

Civ VI manages to push back.

This honestly.

Didn't play GW1 but this was my most anticipated game for a while as WoW was busy killing itself. Bought on release and dropped within five hours because it had no sense of adventure or progression.
That being said, I heard that there are cool jumping puzzles; so, that's something I guess.

>inb4 someone posts one of those outdated and overly dramatic infographics.


If they're out of touch do you really think they'll suddenly get in touch for 3?
They should just keep working on 2, every expac they put out changes or fixes something I had a problem with in vanilla, maybe eventually it'll eventually become the best game ever or something.

>play with homie near launch
>go to, simply type “lf3m” in field for any dungeon
>near instant groups for any dungeon, instant fun, no fucks given about who’s who just ‘fight and don’t die’
I hear no one gives a shit about the dungeons these days. It’s real fun to map complete the first time around.

this game has one of the biggest defense forces on the internet. just below new vegas

I would play if I had the xpacs but they are too expensive. Waiting for them to go on sale or be bundled

GW2 would be perfect to me if they fixed the fucking combat.

Movement is fine, but the abilities feel extremely floaty, no impact to anything, and only 5 skills per weapon for the WHOLE game is fucking retarded. GW1 had a perfect system, why ruin it?

It's more like 5 skills + utilities, it's not like you don't fight without using them

I had fun with the game until one day i just did not feel like playing anymore. And one thing that always bugged me was how shitty dungeon loot was. Yeha you got the tokens to get neat looking armor but the loot itself was trash 99% of the time and really took some fun out of looting the boss. And most upgrades just did not feel like big upgrades. And i guess that no fucks given mindset is recent cause when i last played you had to have a full zerker set or they would kick you.

My Ele just for fun.

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Gw2 is has so much flaws, i dont think working on it will fix those. It actually really might be time for a reset with gw3

You obivously never played gw2, alone with my Viper condi thief i use 16 skills.
My firebrand uses about 30 in pvp

Is this a "games that lied about everything" thread?
>dude lmao no questing, no grocery lists, dynamic zones!
translation: grocery list public quests playing on loop
>dude real time, collision based combat, weapon movesets, no trinity!
translation: spam 5 cone attacks on a skillbar and self heal sometimes, still need optimal tank/support classes for endgame
>dude no gear grinding, just cosmetics!
translation: gear grinding, just much less rewarding, and a cosmetic shop that devours dev time
>dude story!
translation horrendous fucking story shoved down your throat

And the classic nu-MMO pitfall of content so fucking streamlined you don't even need to talk to anyone.

Nu-Yea Forums will never understand how much of a letdown this game was after the marketing campaign leading up to release.

I play WvW a bunch with a load of different classes but I've never stuck with it for long enough to get into shit like Fractals or Raids. Can never really find a guild that kindles a bond for the game.

>dude lmao no questing, no grocery lists, dynamic zones!
>translation: grocery list public quests playing on loop
the worst part about this was that it was true at first, they added hearts (quests) because the casuals didn't have a clue on what to do

doing LDOA/gw1. gw2 is a lost cause. it's what happens when your team is female.
>why is the game so un-optimized?
>banned from forums for asking

I hate the GW2 forums so fucking much.
>Guy acts like a passive-aggressive prick
>Tell him to shove his opinion down his own throat
>My post gets deleted and I get a warning

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You belong in a kiddy pool

i've been infracted or whatever those cunts call it so many times it's not even funny. all a cunt has to do is report your post, for any reason...boom infraction. there is one nigger on there that thinks he works for anet. he posts in every. fucking. thread. defending what was once anet, but is now NCSoft.

Post Asuras, faggots.

Man haven't played in such a long time. But WvWvW was so fucking fun to play.
Is it still fun for that or is it fucked now?
Main problem I ended up having with gw2 was it just felt so grindy zipping around to each event. No real sense of mmo or exploration.

so easy now with the vanguard quests

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Here's mine. Isn't she adorable?

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I wish other MMOs would take away GW2's update pipeline, though. They don't know what "server maintenance" means as patches just download when they're enabled and you can immediately go back to playing.

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Pretty much this.

It still can be fun to level a new class after a year break, especially if you have friends who also play, but that's nowhere near the length of playtime of another mmo.

just took a break from tate farming. was falling asleep. hit lvl 16. gonna cash in quests now.
after i get this done gonna do the afk survivor farm.

The leveling and pvp was fun, even if it was unbalanced as fuck.

Oh wait didn't the game studio also get taken over by mentally ill termites?

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delet this rando a55hat

you have the freedom to do so
just like how people can call out your shit taste

>she got fired
>but took an artist with her because he defended her without reading up why people were angry with her in the first place

>getting fired

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Warframe's patches literally download while you play in most cases, there's a warning that says it might get a bit choppy but that's it.

>defending anyone without doing your research first
Can't say it's undeserved

>Gear grinding

You can raid in exotics. Ascended gear is for high tier fractals and legendaries are solely for bragging rights. Ascended gear was also added a good while after launch, because players were complaining that there was "no progression"

At least they did the right thing.
Might dig out my necromancer

unfortunately, I still don't think he deserved getting fired, but if they DIDN'T fire him, Price would've had legal grounds to sue the company for sexism.
He did art for the original guild wars, so it's sad that he's gone.

It's alright, I guess.

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I always tend get back into this when new content or events come out. Then I go back to trudging around after that until I eventually get bored. Repeat process.

Still, I clearly don't consider it to be that bad. Spent enough hours in it.

>Ascended gear was also added a good while after launch, because players were complaining that there was "no progression"
Funny thing is as a Guild Wars 1 player ascended gear was really a spit in the face.

Stopped at level 40. I could literally FEEL when the sjws took over and fucked the story up. Was fun while it lasted.

you played so little of the game that whatever opinion you have on it is essentially irrelevant

I liked the PvP but when I realized that the customization is pretty fucking cookie cutter and without options unlike GW1; is when I dropped it.

As far as I know, GW2 is another phased turd so this is hardly a suprise. They can just phase players out of a server that needs maintenance.

He is just another beta bitchboy who thinks women can't do no wrong and it is always THOSE PESKY SEXIST GAMERS!

Hopefully he learnt his lesson.

>ditching expansions
>making more Netflix drama living world seasons
IM SO SAD :((((

This is the shittiest VA of the entire cast in the game.
It's the sole reason why I never made a Norn female. I would cringe every time she spoke. And the player characters speak a lot.

Fondly. 2 not so much.

>dragon dead
Playing those 2 episodes back to back was hilarious

>but if they DIDN'T fire him, Price would've had legal grounds to sue the company for sexism.
This is exactly why they fired him. Poor cuck never stood a chance.

>there's no way they're gonna bring her back
>there's NO WAY they're gonna backtrack on this fucking huge plot development
>there's ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING WAY they are going to revert this GIGANTIC PLOT TWIST
>lol it was just a prank bro :^)

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I'm way too late to have just got into the game recently, but it's alright. I want to marry and build a warband together with a Charr

Norn women are beautiful

Even as someone who didn't play GW1 it was still a slap in the face.
>hey look guys we're making an mmo and not copy-pasting everything from WoW
>no questing only dynamic events
>no vertical grind
>no trinity everyone's roles are flexible
>the whole game is endgame
>btw here's some quests, also we made a whole new game mode that's 100% vertical grind and we put trinity in so that we could have raids and we only bother to support instanced content now
Why do WoWbabbies have to go to every damn mmo and bitch that it's not the same as WoW? Why can't they just stay in their shitpile and let everyone else have good games for once?

I honestly didn't mind Trahearne.

>thinking it's consumers and not executives that ruined it
I can tell you straight up that NCSoft made them put it in because they thought it'd would make them more money.

>N/Me SS builds

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Me neither. We helped him with his wyld hunt because it directly coincided with the overall goal of defeating Zhaitan. And then he didn't even take part in the actual killing of the dragon.

Most people seem to have a problem with him "taking the credit" because he's the leader of the pact, but he and many of your companions point out multiple times that none of what the pact achieved would have been possible without the player, so I don't know what more they wanted.

Oh god user, he is written like a fan fiction character interacting with canon events. Go play through it or watch it again and approach it with this mindset, it is fucking awful, as well as his line delivery, its like they pulled someone from HR and got them to do a one take of the script, they massively over state his importance to everything and he is a complete nothing character, we are an NPC in this characters story about how they saved the world.

I guess you'd be even more pissed off about him if you play a sylvari.

How can anyone even still be complaining about the vanilla story content in 2019. There have been 2 entire expansions and 3 seasons of story content since then. Yes, the vanilla story is bland but complaining about it now is like harping about vanilla destiny 1 or something. Ya it was bad but dude it is so irrelevant now.

well most of the story is shit

Looks like shit

The foundation was shit, and set the ground for more shit that they honestly never recovered from or could elaborate on
>playing MMOs for the story
I know, the story serves to create the setting here, and the one they made was pretty damn bad. Guild Wars world is lame villian of the week shit, bring back the war with Charr or something and humans doing crazy shit to survive a dying world, GW2 story made for a boring world. Where is the fucking guild wars when everyone is all friends and getting along and the only enemy is the villain of each event.

i-it's free...

And if WoWbabbies weren't everywhere making it seem like copying WoW is the only way to make mmos NCshit wouldn't have that retarded idea.