What would you do if Daisy was bound and gagged at your mercy?

What would you do if Daisy was bound and gagged at your mercy?

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untie her and let her go

Ungag her and feed her some Yoshi eggs,

We saw this thread the first time op

call 999, muslims kidnapped her

I bet you'd make her eat all of them, haha

Also like I said in the last thread bandanas don't muffle or silence people motherfucking OP.

Let her go. What good is a tomboy who isn't out being athletic?

A tomboy who's frustrated that she can't break from her bonds and furious that she's being treated like an average damsel in distress.

Feed her all my eggs.

>not stuffing cloth in their mouth and using the bandana or tape to keep it in
you’re either a god damn AMATEUR or a saturday morning cartoon villain, user. Get outta here and LEARN.

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kiss her on her forehead and her face cheeks
make her tea
Then ask her that if she calms down we can have tea time together and later do handholding.

Daisy will probably get free anyways. She's not weak shit like Peach. You're gonna get your asskicked either way.

Fuck Rosalina in front of her

Tickle torture her!

peenus in vagoo

In order to do that you'd literally have to bend the chair over and find some way for insertion when her legs are tied together to the chair.
You'd probably end up getting your balls obliterated by her feet before you even get close.

Besides seeing if mushrooms have the effect so many comics imply, use one of the doubling cherries and ransom off the clone. She's a princess right? Someone will pay for that.

Eventually Stockholm syndrome would kick in, we'd find commonalities, and eventually we'd play doubles tennis until one of us died from lava. Standard stuff for the Mushroom Kingdom.

let her sit nice and fine on that chair for a few hours then let her go. then i'd have the biggest seat sniffing session of my entire life

worth the effort

let her piss herself

>Eventually stockholm syndrome would kick in
In a normal kidnapping situation, probably. But when you've basically got her bound and gagged, you can't really gradually try to get her to warm up to you.


Untie her and tell her to tie me up instead.

Dye her hair blonde and dress her in peach's clothes

>Shoves her panties in your mouth and ties the
gag cloth over it.

>she stuffs her gloves in there too

help her out, make sure she's not injured, call the police/an ambulance

>Stuffs her panties, gloves, and dirty stockings all in to create a horrible flavor but you'll do it for based Daisy.
>Ties crotch rope around you to tease you for the night and you sleep together in a bed while still bound, Daisy sometimes pulls on your crotch rope in her sleep sometimes.


Imagine having a cute tomboy princess tied up and gagged right in front of you and just letting her go.

Imagine being such an incel that you would rape a defenseless woman.


>Implying that even if she weren't defenseless, this changes anything
Still fucked.

She's not defenseless in that pic.

If you fantasize about raping people, please go roleplay frogger on the closest high traffic motorway.

Assuming her hands are tied (they appear to be judging by the fact she has her hands behind her back) the only thing she would be able to do here is kick with both of her legs. That's essentially defenseless, plus if you brandished a knife/gun she wouldn't dare fight back.
>t. know someone close to me that was raped

Being bound, she is considered helpless and there for you are able use a Coup de Grace action against her. As this is considered an automatic and critical hit with a fort save to avoid instant death, it would indeed imply she is defenseless.

>go roleplay frogger
I've done this. I don't recommend it.

Imagine fantasizing about raping women while being afraid to even talk to one in real life

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You say that as if rapists are usually chads or something.

More human (female) interaction than virgin incels desu

slit her throat

Slash her neck and then fuck her corpse.

Then cut off her limbs and feed them to dogs

I eat her flowers before smashing her offscreen.

I hope he has fun

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