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"Gosh Sora i didn't think you allowed black ppl to be our allies heeyuk"

he looks black to you

can you see that nose?

Why did they get a nigger to be the genie

Isn't everyone in Aladdin, I don't know, MIDDLE EASTERN

Every single one of these Disney live-action remakes is a fucking mistake.

Why can't they take a risk for once and fund a new 2D animated film? It's not like Princess and the Frog was a total flop, it just didn't do Shrek numbers. And let's be honest the primarily black cast probably had an impact on its box office draw.

2d animation? Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! That's what old, icky movies used to do! Modern, more sophisticated movies use state of the art technology to deliver realistic, cg animals to your screen. You're welcome :)

hey don't call will smith an animal he's one of the good ones


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It's sad my cousin actually thinks like this

Dang you said nigger anonymously on a video game image board, how cool are you

Jihad Aladdin and nigga Genie.

arabs are black descendants.

Where da video games?


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The Will Smith version is so bad holy fuck.

Oh damn

I was forced to see this with my cousins, genuinely one of the worst films I have ever seen. Had one pf them not payed for my ticket I would have walked out.


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Lmfao I’ve heard this from multiple people now. What exactly were they thinking with this shit

you should beat him

I just saw Aladdin in theaters with some old boomer friends of mine, I actually... rather liked it? It's a bit different from the cartoon, but besides Jafar having more screentime than he should and generally being kind of unlikeable, and the two girl-power songs Jasmine sang, it was generally rather good. Like 10 minutes in I was really surprised that they were able to get lookalikes that also sounded-alike to the old Aladdin and Jasmine, and Will Smith can't ever top Robin's energetic Genie voicing, but Will Smith does come close for a live actor and I can't really name a more fitting actor with that kind of frenetic energy.

Nigger Nig Nog Niggaboo Nigger

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You think this is bad, just wait for the upcoming Cruella movie where they go full Maleficent giving her a sad sympathetic backstory.

The arab countries are literally near Africa. It's not that much of a stretch that there might be blacks in Agraba.


A genie is just a slave with magic.

Disney is too scared to try anything new, they just keep shitting out these live action remakes.

I haven't seen any of the other ones beside the jungle book one, which was okay at least, but aladin was just fucking dreadful. There was so much wrong with it that I couldn't believe anyone at dusney allowed this garbage to be released.
Really? All of the actors were pretty shit, none of them could sing and they weren't entertainining in termsof either voice or body movement. I will say that Will Smith wasn't as awful as I expected to be but this still was weak for him.

Disney doesn’t make anything for any sort of artistic reasons. They rape their IPs to dust in order to get as much money as possible. Occasionally they’ll release some formulaic shit like Moana or frozen which makes a gorillion dollars, but then everyone forgets about. They, quite literally, do not give a single fuck about making a good movie. They know that slapping some garbage Disney logo on something is enough to convince monkeys that it’s fun for the whole family.

It’s why I liked the somewhat-recent Florida Project, which is basically a movie about some white trash mom raising her kid in a motel right outside Disney world, in all its seedy, repulsiveness. Disney is, without a doubt, killing movies and reforming our expectations of what they can or should be. I don’t even care because there are tons of good movies that have been made in film’s history, but don’t expect anything ‘soulful’ to come out of that indifferent factory

What's with all the sjw anti-nigger spam lately? Go back to resetera you tranny fucks.

b-but they already made live-action adaptations of 101 Dalmatians, two of them in fact
how the fuck are they going to give a sympathetic backstory to someone who skins puppies? Cruella is one of the most unabashedly evil Disney villains

The fuck are you talking about? Do you have schizophrenia?

Reminder that Arabs, Turks, Indians, Gypsies and Finns are considered white in America.
Everyone who isn't pitch black, speaks Spanish or looks Chinese is part of the 52% """"white"""" part.

Jasmine could sing, also she's fucking hot

My biggest problem with the movie is Jafar's casting

Dumb retards became attracted to Yea Forums after they thought people here say nigger because they're actually racist. They failed to realize people only say nigger here because its funny, no one here gave a fuck about what it meant. All that mattered was that people found it shocking so its funny to say, like faggot or retard.

nigger get out

Her songs were awful. That new song they gave her near the end about "muh empowerment" felt like the most hollywood fucking bullshit. Its made even worse since the song itself wasn't even good, all the new songs were shit.

Hey if they can turn a dark Fae sorceress with all the powers of Hell like Maleficent into a sympathetic character, Disney can work miracles.

dead thread move on guys

Maybe the songwriting isn't there, but her voice is

Post Jasmine pics

Yeah but the things Maleficent does are mostly typical villain shit. Cursing a baby is a dick move but that's not kidnapping and attempting to skin 99 puppies.

Fuck you nigger.

This is true. It’s like doing a sympathetic Ted Bundy biopic

>none of them could sing
Eh... Probably true, and I'm sure there was a lot of audiowork to try to make the songs sound better on post production, but given it's been like 25+ years since I saw Aladdin on VHS, I could somehow remember most of the lyrics to the songs and would sing-a-long if I weren't in a public theater.


It also seems like the general audience was generally pretty happy with it, while pro movie critics were mixed on it.

It's probably a lot better (in my viewpoint) than it really deserves to be because it's riding on the coattails of probably one of the top 3 animated films of the 90s (aka, my childhood), so I still ended up enjoying it overall, as did my friends.

That being said, I feel the movie was made with a mostly genuine attempt to try to capture that 90's Disney soul, unlike really shallow cashgrabs like the Michael Bay Transformer movies or the awful 2014/2016 TMNT movies where the turtles didn't even look like turtles

Since this was clearly supposed to be a KH thread, what are your most wanted never ever Worlds?
>The Muppets Show
>Black Cauldron

>I feel the movie was made with a mostly genuine attempt to try to capture that 90's Disney soul, unlike really shallow cashgrabs like the Michael Bay Transformer movies or the awful 2014/2016 TMNT movies where the turtles didn't even look like turtles
Honestly I see this movie as no different, more people are just willing to defend it since the source material is widely liked. Like all these live action versions they're ultimately unecessary since the animated versions tell the same stories in less time and do it better. Seriously, the film was nearly three hours and they still make the plot a mess and the conclusion unsatisfying.

What's the deal with Disney making these remakes longer than the originals? I don't think movie audiences care about getting more "bang for your buck" like some gamers do.

Emperor's New Groove

>Honestly I see this movie as no different, more people are just willing to defend it since the source material is widely liked. Like all these live action versions they're ultimately unecessary since the animated versions tell the same stories in less time and do it better.
Yeah, I can mostly agree, and I can see why you have that opinion.

I don't think most anyone is walking away from the movie thinking "wow, it's better than the cartoon!" I certainly didn't, but I think it's a lot better than any of the live-action plays (which some critics apparently like, such as the Lion King play) or any of the other live-action Disney movies of late which looked uninteresting even from the trailer. Does that still make Aladdin 2019 a great movie? Not really? I mean if Aladdin from the 90's is a 9/10 for me, this is like a weak 7/10, still enjoyable, and I generally felt pleased with the movie and the time I spent at the theater.

I did conscientiously try to walk in with no expectations, and the blue will smith genie memes did make it hard to not like it from the onset, but it did turn around in time. But given I rarely watch maybe ONE movie a year, I don't have a lot of cross reference against the quality of other movies either.

The ending's a bit different, but I kinda like the cyclical beginning-and-ending type plots, where it starts with something and ends back there. In the old cartoon, Genie is freed by Aladdin, and he just fucks off to travel the world after Aladdin and Jasmine marry, so while there is closure, it's done and over as soon as Jafar's dealt with. Here Genie does end up traveling the world, but as a regular person with a wife on a boat telling his own story to his kids. It's different, but there's still some closure there.

bump :)

Oh, and yeah, I don't argue that they should instead be spending that effort making classic animated movies, but the thing is all the talent that made those 90's animated films are possibly dead or gone. It's kind of a miracle Disney even had that 90's renaissance with hit after hit in animated movies, since most animated movies were just small time things at the time.

So while yes, I would prefer a return to form with animated hand-drawn movies, like the 90s, I also have to concede that the Disney of 2019 is not the Disney of 1990s, and I don't think they really have the same people that made those classic movies.

Spiderman, Enter the Spiderverse does prove animated movies CAN STILL BE GREAT, but that's Sony Interactive Pictures, not Disney. I mean, it's like wanting Camelot to make a Golden Sun game again, all the good people who made GS1 and GS2:TLA all left, and we saw that with Dark Dawn. Or even with shit like Pokemon. Unfortunately the talented people that were there aren't there anymore.

Indiana Jones.

Talent can be cultivated, they just don't cause it's not cost effective compared to pumping shit like this out. It's no longer about fulfilling Walt's dream and bringing magic to the masses, it's about making money.


in 50 years, every traditionally animated disney film will still look fantastic
in 50 years, every CG shitshow remake will be forgotten as a flash in the pan mistake
never forget that

>original character is a blue cartoon magical being voiced by robin williams
so yeah

I'm still mad that they skipped out the kino sand tower in the final fight scene between aladin and Jaffar. Instead we got a pointless scene of Jasmine saying no to sexism and it leading no where because the guard she convinced was put down instantly.

Non-Disney worlds and I don't mean Star Wars and Marvel.

>in 50 years, every traditionally animated disney film will still look fantastic
They looked fantastic now.

It's funny too, the cgi in Aladin was surprisngly terrible, I really feel like Disney had no faith in this.