Why do youtubers take so long to get the hang of the power slide?I saw a reviewer give a bad score to CTR cause he refuse to understand it and constantly said"muh Mario Kart better drift" and i also still see youtubers that do gameplay at it and are just awful and they have it on basically easy mode.It literally took me less than an hour to fully understand it and are fairly decent at it.I still haven't fully master it but compare to some youtubers and beginners that take a long time t adapt to it.I look like a fucking pro.I also barely got the game and let me tell you my hands were sweating when i first play classic mode while also understanding the power slide and getting first place and dealing with NPC that spam items.How long did it took you to be decent at power sliding?
Crash team racing nitro fueled
>Mario Kart
>Better drift
lmao, what a pleb
Different people learn at different speeds user
you CAN do the thunderstruck exploit, right Yea Forums? you're not some kind of... casual?
Begginer stuff man.Wtf is this? Grade school?Kek.
Im trying to look for that review but the guy might have deleted it.Kek
27k saved womb coins
I'm ready for trophi girls
Same here.
Just did all platinum relics on adventure mode lads, N-Gin labs finally conquered, 47seconds no less
any maps with floating boxes tilts me
countless retries in regards to floating boxes
>47seconds no less
Fucking hell, user. I only managed to get a couple milliseconds off 53. Did you manage to maintain USF for most of the run?
I had USF for a lot of the final lap when all boxes were hit, but still had to force it off for some boxes towards the end.
This game is a lot of fun even without the online.
Shit game
>get lead early on
>win race 100% of the time, because the remaining 7 racers keep fucking themselves over with items while first place is literally untouchable by anything but blueshell, which hits everyone behind first place just as well
Please fix this shit, because the driving itself is very enjoyable.
?whats the problem you are just good at the game besides making the blue orb faster.Theres nothing else they can do.
>how many resets to that one fucking box in dragon mines
I'm not even good, that's the problem.
I am driving literally like shit 80% of the time, and yet I get into situations where I finish races 20 seconds ahead of people, and if it's not me who finishes 20 seconds early, it's always somebody else. Because apparently that is how the game works, close races are not possible in an 8 player environment, given the item selection of this particular game.
A lot when I was after the gold relic a week back but trying platinum I had no trouble
what lobbies are you getting into? i'm either far ahead in first or i got fucked by a clock off a ramp and will never catch up
honestly if anything they just need to make the warp orbs faster, less punishing to everyone but first and just make them rarer.
I'm just annoyed that I don't know stuff like this.
I had my first match on a track I haven't played yet since having the game for 6 days now. (wtf is up with this shitty map rotation?) and I lost to a coco who knew a trick I did not. I saw them do it once right at the start but then couldn't catch up to them to see them do it again so i just took the normal route, for matches i was 2nd place to this same player becuse they knew tricks i did not.
The biggest gate in this game is the knowledge gate.
Better than being punished for being good
then just play more and learn the tricks, this isn't a fault of the game, its a fault on you for not learning the tracks. retard.
how can i learn the tricks if i dont see people do them? retard
Well.blame the players.Its a new game and i can assure you that 40 to 50 percent are at a below average level.Idk why they rush to online tho.The adventure should be finish first to fully understand the mechanics and get decent at it.It literally is made so people can get better at the game.Its fun.Atleast for me.Just finish the first part.
Just google
the time trials in the base game literally show you every shortcut in the track, but your autistic ass went straight to online and didn't even try them. they honestly should lock the fuckin online from retards like you until you beat the tropy ghosts
>win race 100% of the time
2 days
I'd rather not, I wanna learn the game by playing not googling, the problem is when people use these shortcuts, even just hitting it once can get htem so far ahead that you'll never catch up to them again to see what route they are taking. I know all the original ones from the first ctr but that's it. Until I can watch what others do and copy it I won't want to youtube or google for an easy way out.
Oh yeah? Retard. Well unlike you I have been taking my time with the adventure mode etc and enjoying it instead of rushing through it doing everything for 101% completion like some kind of man-child autist.
Honestly I cant relate to your problems at all
>win race 100% of the time if you are the lucky one who doesn't get demolished in the clusterfuck of items at the start of each race
>worst girl has worst dance
nice touch
>its a track with a jump with three boxes over them each, placed at the perfect height that if you're going even moderately fast you soar right over them, but too slow and you pathetically hop underneath them
goddamn roos tubes
Yeah, Megumi shouldn't even exist
>no dab at the end
what even is the point
I literally have the platinum trophy, all platinum relics and all oxide ghosts, sounds like you're just a shitter who is trying to find literally anything else to blame for being a retard.
Play through adventure mode and do the time trials. Time trials teach you 99% of the shortcuts. This is not an online only game
Sadly, relatable
god damn what a race, us 3 N-trophies going ham at each other with warp orbs and clocks going off every few seconds
>I hate it when people play the game the way I can't!
I think he means the glitch shortcuts?
I don't typically like to point out typos, but think you mean Ami____
was this in NK or was the game not fast enough to be able to do this?
>digital N-trophy player messaging me some respect
I found a good lobby for once
In NK that portion of the track was an anti grav spiral and impossible to get to.
Sewer speedway, papus pyramid, cortex castle and n.gin labs plat relics to go
FUCK floating crates, they werent this hard to hit in the original
you can do it user! you only saved the worst for last!
wrong game buddy, this is ctr not wahoo kart
kek you left all the hard ones for last, I probably spend double the time on these compared to the rest, expect maybe hot air skyway, fuck that level.
hitboxes of crates feel weird, I wish they'd fix this because in the original I barely had to touch them
Serious question; Is Mario Kart turning people into retards?
For Papu's Pyramid remember, the plants will only eat you if they are crouched. This knowledge can come in handy for the two boxes being guarded by plants under the overpass.
>Drive anywhere near TNT/Nitro box or vial
>Not even barely get the edge of the tire flick the faintest corner of it
>Get hit
>Relic challenge
>Have to get the box front-on with perfect aim otherwise it doesn't count
baka desu senpai
You looked lonely.
I don't understand how people can play mk8d let alone say it's better than ctr
My friend pursued me into buying mk8d and it was boring as fuck, sold it after like 4 hours of total playtime
And I'm not biased in the slightest since I have a switch and played both on it
the fucked up thing is that mk8d isn't even that new, the game is five years old at this point. but casuals with half a brain don't give a shit, i guess
Yes. It's amazing how much people think that they are entitled to easy, low-effort catch-up mechanics due to how much MK has babied them over the years. If you want 1st place that badly, you can't just fire off three red shells and let them auto-pilot for you. You have to actually haul ass, get close enough to actually be in range and then, unload your payload right on top of them to steal 1st. If they really are worse driver, then they'll eventually make enough mistakes for you to overtake them anyways. Nothing is more satisfying than clawing your way to where 1st place is and stealing their victory at the last second through sheer will-power and superior driving.
Yeah. I can turn my brain off and win at Mario Kart.
To be fair, CTR is 20 years old, but at least the remake adds plenty of new to counter-act it I suppose.
because you rushed through it because you're a man-child. I'll take my time and do it and have more fun. You have no content left to play except online after one week into the release. Sad.
>have more fun
But you were just crying about shortcuts and your retarded honor system.
>"you only have a significant bulk of the game left to play a week after release"
>"you're only perfectly ready to move onto the limited time content and finished all from the base game before focusing on new-limited release stuff"
seething shitter
Why is the ctr fanbase so insufferable? The game is chill as fuck but half the people who play it are raging assholes
CTR is much better than Mario Kart 8
What the fuck is wrong with these people
I've kinda noticed that's just a crash thing in general. At least the games are still good so I don't mind terribly.
soullessly rushing through the story-mode and 101%'ing it in under a week can not possibly be fun, he can't even go back and re-do it because what's the point? there will be no fun left to have when all has already been done, not only does it point out his gaming hobby as his biggest draw but that he is in fact a man-child or a jobless neet. This """man""" is not having more fun than me and you are defending such a faggot? Pathetic. Have sex. Have fun.
you're seething because i'm right.
Agreed, people that rush through the adventure mode are raging assholes and insufferable faggots. They have no fun left to have now must be assholes both in online races and on Yea Forums.
I keep seeing people on videos not even learn how to drift properly and then cry because they lose
I mean, I have played MK8 for like 3 hours but from what I saw it's simplistic and boring as fuck. How can anyone say it's better than CTR is beyond me.
>literally has done nothing but whinge through the entire thread
who is the real man child here, i had fun playing a video game and it didn't even take me long to do, but keep projecting there buddy.
You're both wrong. Stop acting like it's wrong to either not have enough time to max the game right after release, or that it's wrong to spend all your free time grinding the game if you've got nothing else occupying you. Jesus
In what fucking world is racing the braindead AI in any way, shape or form fun? Especially since most people already completed adventure mode before you were even born.
Yeah,CTR is a really multy tasking game.The Dark Souls of kart games.
but it's literally the least chill kart racer twice as hard as MK8 and more technical
I redboxed it on Ps4 and liked it. I got it on Switch cause I already have multiplae controls. Should its still sealed. Should I keep it? Is it still good?
>had fun
>rushed through it using full 'tism
>literally done nothing but whinge
yikes all I did was say some people know shortcuts that I don't. You must have a low tollerance for conversation and discussion if this is the max threshold of your capacity to accept what is and what is not considered arguing. xD
1990 you faggot
>lobby filled with digital N-trophies, platinum and gold relic kart racers
>still beat them all but barley
I love competitive play
>Get in 4 player Yea Forums lobby and join randoms
>Get fucked over early by an item
>Still able to catch up because 2nd and 3rd are good enough at the game to keep 1st place in weapon range and jostle for that position
>Pressure on 1st place from decent competition causes some fuck ups which allow further position jostling
>Hype as fuck parts of the track where 4 dudes who are good at the game are drifting around corners and over jumps simultaneously and every milisecond counts
>Able to win in the end despite being fucked early because everyone else is good at the game meaning early 1st place couldn't run away with it
>Everyone places miles ahead of the other shitters in the lobby
Play with better competition. The game is fine.
Why are crying like a little bitch then?
There's that word again. See
>soullessly rushing through the story-mode and 101%'ing it in under a week
I've beaten adventure in 3 days (all coins and all gold relics) without even tryharding, it's short as fuck so I have no idea what the fuck are you on about
I can play CTR for hours but with Mario Kart I'd get bored after maybe 30 mins. Not to say the latter is a bad game, but there's more a sense of gaining skill in CTR and no busted set-ups like Wario on wiggler bike with azure wheels. The boost mechanics are addictive.
It takes like 5 hours. What the fuck?
>29 years old
>crying like a baby because they don't know shortcuts in a videogame
>crying about how others spend there time here
fucking this, only thing that actually took me time to do was the relics, you can actually beat adventure mode in under three hours if you aren't a retard
PS4 or switch bros?
whichever you have friends on
ps4 looks slightly better and maybe slightly faster loading
>>crying like a baby because they don't know shortcuts in a videogame
>>crying about how others spend there time here
you're fucking retarded man. show me the posts that are "crying"??? brainlet
Whichever you can play online. PS4 if both.
Its fucking amazing is kind of addicting desu.Just when you play online don't expect the top places.Im use to getting 5th to 8th place.
I have played every Mario Kart game there is (not including the GBA one) and I can safely say CTR is better
CTR feels less floaty and actually requires some amount of skill
Why are pura mains either completely terrible or literal gods at the game?
ps4 for graphics and switch for portability
Do the time trials and relic challenges before going online, those will improve your skill.
Exactly. ONE post. WOW so much crying!
If complaining about a knowledge gate for 1-2 posts is "crying" to you then you must be unhappy a lot in life with your inability to COPE.
Go back to whatever shithole you came from already.
but you're still trying to defend yourself here bud, who's having trouble coping?
At least try to pretend you're really 29 dude.
>knowledge gate
You sound like a californian
>knowledge gate
the absolute state of this board
all you have to do is to play the fucking game
>tfw had a real life CTR: NF tournament and dominated everyone
Well almost everyone. There was a CNK autist that knew those tracks like the back of his hand. If I didn't keep my boosts up I wouldn't have made it.
post your mains
Nigger have you ever just slowed down and tried racing without drifting? Shit's comfy as fuck, Its legitimately just as enjoyable as going 2fast5u. Back in the day my mom used to just zoom around tracks hopping instead of drifting and she had hundreds of hours racked into it.
Yeah.Im guilty.I barely finish the first part,Haven't done the trials,Just testing my skills and I honestly did pretty good.Going to start doing the time trials.
I'm a filthy Penta main, no bully
okay, let's say we did slow down, can you guarantee that the 2nd placed guy would do the same?
*gets 3rd place*
nothing personnel
lmao I think we're done here if you think posting = going on the defense.
nash main reporting in
well Penta is now fair to use, so you shouldnt get bullied
>pass N. Trance
>I'll fry you's
Too far Dingo. Too far.
thats cortex castle down and just beat sewer speedway (fuck the shortcut and the jump from half-pipe section into the piped section btw) by whopping 0.07 seconds
onward to papu's pyramid
can someone post the webm of all their stats
>pass Coco
>"get the slow lane faggot"
why is she so mean
I cant
Digital n. Tropy with platinum paint six-pipe. I don't need to post it, you already know how gaudy it is.
My good friend for 22 years
Do you like how they changed Electron Avenue and OST?
I think removing those 90 curves did a great job.
Thats not the point, im saying the game at it's core is inherently fun at all skill levels but you have speedrunning autists calling people out for not being able to beat coco park in 22 seconds.
Why are the penta players the biggest tryhard faggots? I will admi is entertaining to see them ragequit if I pass them as a beginner class character though.
Seriously can't stop.Help me.This game is too addicting
Coco is Trump supporter and /pol/ user, might be even incel
What do you expect when you have people that have been playing the same game for 20+ years
I'm racing so many of you lot now and I've done the plat relics but I'm too scared to time trails after having my last save currupted
If you've been playing the same game for 20 years you have autism, and autists are usually insufferable faggot, but i didnt know there was a 20 year old autism community surrounding the game until this year
>bandicoot power
how can one girl be so based
just wait 2 more days
Best Kart racing game ever
Just use a usb to back up your saves every few races. My saves corrupted 4 times.
We might be onto something
Aww geez Rick it's almost as if nobody actually needs to know how to play video games to be a games journalist.
It's almost as if the primary job description is advancing a depopulation Zionist agenda which involves pushing nintendo products completely void of sex appeal to create an aging population of transvestite bugmen whereas a contrarian game like CTR raises blood pressures, challenges people to do better and makes pee pees hard with bandicunny. Aww geez.
I know that feel
I think you've got autism too.
Well I'm not that user and I tested negative for autism. Grow a fucking pair and watch some Time Trials. See what the fuss is about upfront.
It takes absolutely one attempt to pull off everything you see the best players do it is so fucking ridiculous that people still complain. It's actually quite an easy game to reach the top 3% in compared to other racing games or evens shooters, because the boost system eventually puts everyone at the same speed.
Used to play a lot of MK8, and I think overall I put around 100 hours into it. I think it's certainly a very gorgeous looking game, and the 60 fps helps make it look very crisp. I consider myself someone who's fairly competent at most of the games and different genres he plays, although I would not call myself the best in any regard. I'm good, but there'll always be someone better than me. Now, I haven't gone back to MK8D after having played CTRNF, but I would say that without a doubt in my mind, that it's overall the better game. The overall faster pace and "easy to learn, hard to master" drifting mechanics are some of the best aspects about this game. With Mario Kart, you don't really need to think about what you're doing, your main goal is to just collect coins and have an item you can use to defend yourself by just holding a button and setting it behind you. Mario Kart is in no way bad or a worse game, but it promotes itself as more of a fun party game than being highly competitive. CTR on the other hand will chew you up and spit you out if you refuse to use its main mechanics to maintain speed throughout the race, and it even punishes you if you hold your drift for far too long. It's a perfect balance between having a casual environment, while letting the more skilled players strut their stuff and flex on others. While I do believe there to be problems, such with overall hitboxes of certain items (especially when it feels like I'm getting sniped and what I'm throwing down is never effective), I would still put this game above Mario Kart, and consider anyone that complains about unfairness watch tutorials online and learn how to play better, or just stick with the former. Overall CTR is a very rewarding game with a high skill ceiling, and earning my Platinum paint job was an incredibly good feeling. I've been going through the game again on Hard, and I haven't lost a race yet.
I know I'm late but
>I want to learn shortcuts by watching other players do them
>but it doesn't count if I'm not in the race
Guys. If they plan to add baby Crash and Coco, then that means it would be before Cortex used the evolve ray on them. They would be literal bandicoots. Unless Beenox fuck up the lore.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I hate die-hard Nintendo fans so much because they ruin everything for the rest of us. They favor and defend Nintendo in every situation, blindy, especially those where Nintendo is objectively wrong (liking CTR is subjective but these fucks could try forming an argument instead of blindlessly bashing it for not being mario).
Switch's online service is a joke when it comes to first party games, since they use p2p. Yet Nintendofags defend it.
Switch has at least five major problems in its design (dock can scratch the screen, joy-cons are of poor quality, the audacious price of the pro controller, no ethernet port and charging being difficult while the console is undocked, if you use the kickstand). Yet Nintendofags defend it.
Nintendo has gone after Let's Players and streamers in the past and is most likely going to do it again. Yet Nintendofags defend it.
I can't believe I'm unironically going to say this but THANK GOD for people like Jim Sterling, who are fans of Nintendo but aren't afraid to shine some light into their bullshit.
You don't know how hard it is to find information on third party controllers for the Switch when all discussion ends in "tl;dr just buy a pro controller goy". No explanation, no nothing.
I wish i had them on my phone but i made webms of each ass of character doing sewer speedway short at SF speeds even.
Posted them in a thread yesterday but luckily you only need to do the short cut once for plat relic
N Gin Labs, there are three ways to get the boxes at the end which are 4 columns of 3s ones
One way is to reverse at the start getting one row going forward to get another then get the last two columns on lap 1 and 2
Second way is to do similiar but at the end of lap 1 driving through onw colum then turning around to get another and then turn around to get a third getting the fourth one at the end of lap 2
The last way is what i do, is slow down so you can clear them row by row at the end of lap instead of column by column and using air brake turns to turn into the other row.
If need be ill make webms when i get home
they're Crash jr and Coco jr
I have but I don't want it to happen at all despite that, just in case I fuck up and overwrite something.
It is beautiful watching Coco and Penta players squirm because contrary to what they think, playing harder and sweatier does not give consistent times.
>if you enjoy something for a long time you have autism
what? did they got married and pop out some babies? Holy fuck
I just love this game too much.Last one and time to sleep.Im getting put with some decent players and even if im in last place.I still enjoy just driving,Its satisfying,and besides what many fags say its still possible to recover from last places even by a big gap.atleast it is for me.I like this game.This and tetris 99 and smash all day.Funny webm.
that's some good fucking driving
As a Pentanigger myself, seeing other pentaniggers suffer is one of the best feelings.
I've never seen that many Crashes in top 4, let alone in a lobby together.
Penta and Pinstripe players are the biggest tryhards and I don't know why.
It might be GOTY once all the DLC is out. Hopefully they can reduce load times in future too.
top fucking kek I DNFd a digital trophy player
Penta I assume because he is the "cheat" character. Pinstripe because... he is a mafia stereotype and has "class"? I dunno.
This game is non-canon btw.
>just want to play as my bro Tropy
>so close to beating all oxide times as well for the skin
>too afraid to get them before the 3rd incase he tropy's me
I have always like N Tropy, and he will be my speed main, Tropy and Dingodile are best speed boys
Fake crash just used n tropy staff on them after stealing it
Penta is the only 'speed' character I like, and I feel an internal conflict having to share the character with a bunch of shitters
anyone figured out how coins work? sometimes i get around 200-400 coins per match and other times, i get 70-100 even if i get first place.
Pinstripe because they think they're cucking Crash players because they still believe in some made up non-canon shit
lol what a cunt
Enjoying repetition is legitimately a major symptom of autism
the coins are awarded based on track tier, online players or not, and if its the weekend you get a bonus as well
on top of that the first 30 minutes of online you do per day as a bonus coin multiplier as well
Oh that makes sense actually. I still think feral crash and coco would be more interesting though.
I really like that track.
Back up your save files, don't save too much ghosts, and avoid retro stadium.
a week has passed and you're still venting about this shit? If someone loves NTR then that's their problem holy fuck
Creates aren't too bad but fuck the crystals
How do you try hard in a racing?
The thing is, retro stadium was the first TT i did, because i wanted to get it out of the way.
FUCK just lost at pyramid by 1,75s because i fucking choked at the end shortcut and failed the jump on the last lap
this is actually not that hard, i would have won with almost 10 seconds if i didnt fail that one
Welp, have fun in two days.
Penta has the smallest model of speed class and is the only character you can unlock from minute 1, so all the tryhards who flock to online and dont touch anything else flock to him
I was dying of keks when I first saw it
Power slide from the mural thing in the bottom left corner of it into the ramp
You should hit it
i see. will i keep this in mind.
Replayability is a major symptom of good game design.
wait for the green trophy bandigirl?
Hey more power to you i dont have anything against autistic people, my nephew is autistic
I'm a purist snob, sorry.
There was that one youtuber at the time of insane trilogy release that could not get past the stone steps in CB1 first level.
He literally could not figure out that the longer you hold the jump button the higher you will jump.
>Worst of all, that drifting mechanic sounds absolutely unbearable!
This fucking cunt, this sheer waste of semen, is complaining about a mechanic in a game he hasn't even played, not even the original game it seems. If killing myself would cause this piece of shit to retroactively be removed from ever having existed, I'd shove my face through my computer screen in a nanosecond.
must run in the family for you, user
>Not liking Dingodile
>tfw MK8 is probably my favorite Kart Racer I've played.
I see I'm part of the problem. I assume you faggots wholeheartedly would recommend I give CTR a second look - it has been at least a decade since I played it.
It doesn't make the game shit but it's a valid point. There are two kinds of weapons: ones that can't affect you if you're more than one turn ahead, or ones that affect everyone equally.
>stop enjoying video games
Where do you people even come from?
Can you post some they bring me great pleasure
I thought i had grown out of video games and had barely touched on in months, mario kart 8 and odyssey were ok but after an hour I put it down.
CTR i've been glued to all day every day for a week.
Who are your most used characters?
For me, it's Pinstripe and Coco
Penta and n. Tropy. Not even a tryhard
N.Gin and Tiny
Screw you homos, N. Gin is the best character in the game until they add Brio.
>enjoy anything
retarded logic
Did you ever consider that maybe other people have their own opinions and like doing things that you don't?
Did you know that being unable to understand another person's motives or emotions is a strong indicator of autism?
I only play as 'good' characters, sorry. I have nothing against Dingodile as a character though.
Ripper Roo the Skipper Roo
Crash and Pura
Coco, N.Tropy, Crunch occasionally Penta and Pura
Why does his icon look like he's trying to seduce me?
Just asking but why did no one ever picks polar? If they really had to use handling class, they'd rather go Pura for some reason
Pura is cuter
I never thought I'd have a folder filled with furry girls but here we are. Thanks CTR.
Pinstripe, Trance, and Dingo
pura is the tryhard character, for people who think they can diss on others online for winning as.
Don't forget Ripper Roo also exists.
Ripper Roo is my go-to Handling character. I dunno, I never cared about Polar, and I think overall Pura's skins are way better.
>aviator crash
>six pipes
Going for that old timey racer look
For real, I don't get this.
I am not very good at videogames, I would place myself perfectly at the "average" line. All you gotta know is that you need to boost all the time and in 15 minutes of practice in time trial mode you have this game down. I RARELY had to retry races in adventure mode to get 1st, like 2-3 times over the whole thing.
TINY and Dingodile
Three more gold relics to 101% anons, I'm almost there!
and here i thought everyone agreed dogs(bear) are cuter
shouldn't that apply to all handlings?
well i mean someone might skip adventure mode...
Handling sucks but I have to main my boy
Ripper Roo
Spyro will replace one of them depending on his class
any scrub can beat the game
getting all the extras like the crystals, CTR tokens, and especially the platinum relics is where the real meat of the game is
>No Brio
>3 fat aliens
>2 mimes
>4 Bandicoot slags
>2 fucking babies soon
only plat matters actually, i can get crystal and tokens with a mere smartphone emulator
OP was referring to the people who seem incapable of doing that for some reason.
The normies.
God,I got100%completion on the first crash game ,from the N sane trilogy, it was so satisfying for me to get.Sadly my brother deleted the file.One of this days ill go back to it and 115%It since they added the dlc,can't remember if it was that exact percentage.
i really hate the hovercraft, it messes up my perception of jumps and drifts
Sort of, but people are just retarded. They see a game that shares the same genre and immediatly think there has to be a better one and the other one's worthless. That's just not how it works. Games have niches, the best games are often created out of a will to satisfy niches, or turning out to do so unintentionally. In certain ways, it's kind of comparable to the different kinds of fighting games. CTR's in depth drifting system & the many subtleties to maintain Blue Fire over widely different tracks that may require a different approach and use of certain techniques, as well as Items that, quite frankly, aren't all that efficient at stopping frontrunning. This makes it a more consistent experience for players seeking it out to reap the rewards off of having mastered the game. While I can't confirm this for sure too over the later months, I believe most tracks have room for fuck ups which can be thrilling in shaking up the race ( Because it is a race, not just Time Trial ). MK8D's approach in particular ( since other MKs have had their own little tricks that have made the gap between good players & others more significant ) is more reliant on fundamentals: These fundamentals and the mastery of them can give the better player the edge to be able to consistently get good spots & destroy anyone just passing by and playing MK once in a while, but if the skill gap is thinner than that, then there's a chance from the various items that the better player could drop 1st a couple of times. Less players get discouraged that way & the lack of huge commitment to compete in the game helps in various situations, such as coming back to the game after a while.
Tl;dr Both games coexist smoothly through the different amount of commitment needed to enjoy competing against others. How much you intend on making out of the game and the ways you'll be playing it should define which game is for you.
I used to main polar but I've moved on to balance characters. When I'm a little better I'll start using acceleration characters more.
I'm still too intimidated by speed to use them outside of beginner tracks.
based aesthetics
Here's mine
>I don't need another kart racer. I want a decent arcade racer.
Nothing wrong with not wanting to resort to google/youtube. People actually didn't have these devices to easily learn short-cuts / hidden content / cheats back in the day.
Here leaked Coco Jr.
I use him slightly less than Pura. It's just that I mained Pura back in the day, but I do like to use Polar often.
>wtf I wanted an open world fps why the fuck did they make a kart racer
Pinstripe and Roo
>in any way perfect
Find me a flaw. And don't say rat face because it's cute.
I wonder how this happened
Her eyes need to be taller. She has really big eyes. Otherwise it looks pretty good
Does anyone else keep calling it draygon mines because of that one interview?
>Your are now imagining an unorthodox dual boss encounter in a Japanese temple with the two norms dressed in formal wear and face paint.
I felt the same way but I forced myself to get used to it for the sake of what said.
>have to mess up jumps on hot air to get boxes for plat relic
can't you just USF yourself through that whole track and get the platinum relic?
>all the speedniggers keep picking fast tracks in the lobby
what can we do about the shitters that GOTTA GO FAST and can't handle tight turns?
sadly I'm not that good
Vote Tiny Arena and dab on them
> These fundamentals and the mastery of them can give the better player the edge to be able to consistently get good spots & destroy anyone just passing by and playing MK once in a while, but if the skill gap is thinner than that, then there's a chance from the various items that the better player could drop 1st a couple of times. Less players get discouraged that way & the lack of huge commitment to compete in the game helps in various situations, such as coming back to the game after a while.
Jesus christ just say its a casual game for casual people and that its easy to master which makes it more casual,and by easy,I mean it takes lap to understand it which is good.With all the items and variations. it makes it a fair game and since it offers a easy non commitment s
Gameplay and easy to understand and fairness while making so the player can try hard easily with very little learning curve.It makes for a very attractive game plus the 60 fps and graphics.I can make my mom play MK8D and she will understand it in one race and in the next race she can improve and maintain a level of normal intensity not to hard not to soft.
Well, for starters, no textures
Because most of those people that stream games aren't actually good at them or even particularly into them at all, they simply do it as a job because it's ez money and they can inject whatever they want into their videos to an audience. It is exactly the same bullshit that consumes game journalism.
>Why do youtubers take so long to get the hang of the power slide?
Probably because nitro fuelled is designed around using the d-pad rather than the stick like in MK. This makes initiating a drift incredibly awkward because you need to hold the direction when you land from the hop rather than just inputting the direction soon as you press hop since MK has no air brake tech (because it has actual track design instead) it's not too bad once you get the hang of it but it does feel very clunky.
I always vote for Tiny Arena, Cortex Castle, etc, but I'm always outvoted for Coco Park or Sewer Speedway or something.
As a SpeedChad, I loathe people that vote for gay shit like Crash Cove or Coco Park.
>"Oh no, the mime getup was bad enough. You ain't makin' wear that."
>"exasperated whistling"
Those tracks get so tiresome online
Klansmen KoKo art when?
I think they are quite chill to play at times.
dingo canyon and dragon mines are worst.
Reasons why you should be stocking up on as many coins as possible before GP starts:
1.Limited time content(We dont know when they will come back) so they WILL be inflating the fuck out of the price likely
2.Nitro boost items will be a thing
3.When activision inevitably nerfs coins income you wont be able to just farm jungle boogie anymore.
I am waiting for them to say "Whoah whoops jungle boogie is suppose to be a 40 coins stage but some of our more skilled players are abusing that :) it is now 20"
Yeah,some streamers reaction just seem so fake and i thought the commentary was suppose to be funny or somewhat entertaining not just boring commentary.
This guy just seems like hes faking it and not even trying.
People who vote for Dingo Canyon need to go fuck themselves. It's seriously one of the worst maps. The middle part with the water is so terrible.
Skyway fucking sucks. It was the last one I needed for Platinum when I got mine.
fake crash and crunch for sure
default is the only way, they don't look right otherwise
So the best way to farm coins is to just beat jungle boogie and not play online? Should I play online for the multiplier then go to jungle boogie after?
I have about 14k coins how much more should I farm? How many coins do other anons have??
Atleast Dingo-Dango-Dongo doesn't have a fucking spiral room
Was that tonight against a Retro Coco? Because I totally did that exploit to a full lobby earlier and DNF'd everyone
I remember seeing DSP. He managed to sound both fake and unfunny at the same time.
Also he gets stuck at the helix in Dragon Mines every single time.
unless its the weekend, yeah online basically isn't worth it once your daily bonus is over, should just farm Jungle Boogie offline, or Thunder Struck if you can do the trick consistently. I personally couldn't get it to work every time and I'd rather take the consistency.
If I could find the fucking model I'd give her some
>got all plats (again)
>nothing to do until they fix the fucking time trials
what the shit am I supposed to do now
I get stuck on it too unless if I am playing a turn character. I still can't U-turn so that's probably my problem as well.
real talk, how did this retard even get to oxide? Isn't he playing on Medium?
how long did that take him? he on easy mode?
Keep in mind DSP just wants to rush through games ASAP so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even want to learn mechanics
Thanks user I'll do that later tonight when I'm home.
I'm not gonna say rat face, because she looks like a retarded chimp. Those teeth are also just two flat fucking squares rather than actual modeled teeth. It's fucking terrible.
Can anyone who is a noob explain your hopping strategy to me please, I see them doing it all the time and it makes me laugh my ass off seeing people trying to hop around the track, if there isn't anyone skilled in the lobby I'll even join them
I had no issue with Pinstrip on that map. But the actual race before it I did struggle.
I can't remember how long but it took him about 50 attempts.
Jungle boogie can be done in 1:15 but the fastest I have is around 1:25. Its the fastest 40 coin track in the game and one of the easiest to just boost through once you learn it. Its why so many people vote for it online because everyone knows the tech for it by this point. I personally want 20k coins but I will just farm non stop until the GP comes out to be safe. Its really sketchy that we dont have any Microtransactions but they are making coins this hard to get. Just load up single race and set AI to easy, laps to 3 then grind jungle boogie if you want a quick way to grind them.
Literally just wait two days
that's too much
Do online in the meantime so you rack up coins for the new characters.
online is garbage though
Online is not worth playing without the x5 bonus during weekdays.
Get all the skins for every character
huh good idea, guess I can just spam arcades for that
>got fucked by a clock off a ramp and will never catch up
Happened at least a few times in my last few races, at that point my goal is just to finish and I am glad to be in 4th place after that bullshit.
Is online broken or am I just having shit luck.
>8th place on last lap of Crash Cove
>Going over the bridge, get mask then clock
>Boosting like crazy round last corner
>Pass everyone except 1st place
>Manage to squeeze past him just before finish line
>Cheer out of pure autism
>Results show 2nd place with .1 seconds behind
Wasn't even a photo finish even after reviewing footage. Utter bullshit.
it's horribly desynced
>Throw a bomb at 1st place
>Finish 0.01 seconds faster than him
I bet he was pissed lol
I'd be happy just because it was a close race
Some of these falling animations are fantastic
i've had this happen too, zoomed past 1st place at the last second and been absolutely certain i'd taken it, but shows me as being in 2nd by like half a second.
frustrating part is, it'll actually play the victory music and my character will do their winning voice line, confetti falling on-screen and everything too, but it says i'm 2nd
Are you me?
Fuck you Penta!
This. Even though I personally don't care all that much, it still doesn't make sense why they censored stuff from the original game.
The original Thunderstruck is 95% antigrav, your kart is glued to the ground, doing any sort of jump is impossible.
New Thunderstruck is one of my favorite levels. It's just so fun
Right has shit hair but left has shit everything
Why do people keep posting the skins like that is what they actually look like?
That's her alt skin though
>trying to prove a point with the non-default hijab skin, electron wheels and a vomit kart selection
can't believe I was so excited about online and now it turns out it's irredeemable garbage
>usb stick I used to back up my saves just corrupted at the same time as my global save file
Uhhh guys...
It's exactly like the original though, down to first player getting a massive gap and the rest of the players duking out for 2nd 3rd
The blue orb only hits everybody if whoever fired it had 10 wumpas, otherwise it only hits people that don't get out of it's way and 1st place
yea I sure remember there being a shitton of clock glitches, shitton of desync, overall shitton of clock drops, waiting for over half a minute to load a map and waiting for like a minute before playing each map
You're on his time now, user.
I wish we could have the nitro kart adventure mode.
Will we see more legendary skins added besides that crunch and crash skin?
agreed, my favorite is still ripper roo where he just puts his feet together in a prayer
Cute! I love Polar
>steamrolled everyone for 4 races straight
>was barely trying, kept USF up for maybe half a lap max
>they all bail
Fake Crash styling on these guys who can't git gud. Where's all the people that were buttfucking me yesterday?
>Struggle for an hour
>Turns out you can powerslide round that uphill turn no problem and keep SF easily
Fuck me why did I just assume the turn was too tight
thanks doc
This game is turning me into a furry, please advise how I can stop this.
literally the same, I got penta shitting all over me for the past week and recently I have to wait at the finish line to not be the only one to pass it
Thank Brio, he invented furries.
>Where's all the people that were buttfucking me yesterday?
It's Monday. Not everyone is a NEET like you.
Masturbate. You'll change your mind when you finish.
Furrism for Coco in a wholesome way is acceptable; everything else is degenerate trash.
I used to hate hyper spaceway but holy fuck when you can keep hold of your USF on it
he is right this image proves it
aand clocked
Joke's on you, I just got home from work.
>tiny temple
>shitton of tnt crates at the start of lap 2, can't get around them with USF, have to hop, lose USF
>third lap coming up, two warp orbs on my ass
>alright, time to use that USF finally
>clocked a second after the ramp
>buttfucked by the warp orbs
>still win by a mile
But this might be the best one
learned from this video
Always a hollow victory.
Nice trips.
I miss the cnk antigravity sections, desu, senpai.
>that feeling when you wanna do more than hug
got one of fake crash?
Because the people who are gods at the game switch characters to get more coins. The literal gods can destroy you with every character.
>Crash Cove
>Cocoa Park
>Deep Sea Driving
>everyone picks Deep Sea Driving
Faith in players slightly restored.
>this game is trash, five at most
>if they patch the issues (make it easier to win) it could go up to a nine
I'm unreasonably mad
deep sea is perfect for some mindless USF speed, and for most it's the only time they're gonna have USF active for any decent length of time
this is better than crash's
>switch characters to get more coins
wasn't that just a rumor ?
perfect, thanks user
It’s over...
It is.
how does it work ? when and why ?
I need numbers
I'm more upset that two of them are turning.
>being French
Would you even understand numbers?
I wish they were all turning.
For what purpose?
probably not.
but it would be a start
Tips for maintaining USF through the tunnel in Electron Avenue? It's the only part that I keep fucking up on a regular basis. I can get through it without hitting a wall like maybe every fifth time but it just seems to be pure luck to me. How the fuck do I do it consistently? I can mid-air turn through the later parts pretty well but this tunnel is ruining my day.
For me the bonus starts after the first online race, not the second.
guys how much wumpa coins should I keep until the grand prix? also, is there a confirmation on how much the trophy girls will cost?
way to ruin the coolest map in the game
I main turning, I also need waifus
I'm holding onto 13000 ish if I can. I do t have exact numbers but new characters are currently 1.5k, skins 2.5k, and karts 4k. So 1 kart, biker crash, and all 4 girls should be a little under 13k. (I still need 5 of the vanilla pit stop karts send help)
Well each character is 1500 and the skins are 2500.
6000 for the trophy girls and 9000 for their skins.
+ 2500 for crash biker skin.
Damn that's gonna get patched so hard
>fucking Coco flying into first place with absolutely zero opposition
>I can't do shit because everyone behind me destroys all my attempts to build reserves
I can't believe I'm saying this but the items in this game enrage me more than Mario Kart. Hell, I don't even care about MK items. But at least there I know what hit me.
I thought you got their skins with nitro? How long will they be in the shop?
>tfw lobby with two digital Tropys
It's so much fun to actually play against good players.
Based and, dare I say it, redpilled.
It takes a very quick u-turn to make that bend, almost .5 a second of jump + right+down+ brake is enough to get you around it.
well karts are usually 3800-4800 and there will be a few new ones, and I'm guessing that biker crash will be 2500. As for the girls themselves, they could be 1500 like other character, so that's 6000 there. There may also be additional skins and paint jobs etc. So honestly you'll want 20k or more, but the items will probably be around for a bit.
They are forever in the pit stop
The multiplier is about using different character types, right? What's the threshold before it dries down and you need to switch?
Where should I position myself in the tunnel if I'm playing as an acceleration character? Should I be near the right or left wall when I go for the u-turn?
>I can mid-air turn through the later parts pretty well
It's exactly the same but you have to do it faster. Just tap the air brake buttons, don't hold them.
Where did you get this information from?
>*The multiplier takes effect...
How did you miss that?
Characters have nothing to do with it.
It's all time based. That's it.
So the shit people have been talking about since launch has been bullshit? Good to know.
only tawna is a nitro character, the 4 others will be pitt shop
Not true. They will go away for a while and come back at a later date.
Have they said how much the trophy girls will cost in the pit stop? Surely no more than any other character?
>It's exactly the same but you have to do it faster
In theory I guess, but in reality it's just so much more unforgiving. The final turns in the level have a lot of room to move sideways so they're easy to maneuver through. In this tunnel I either hit a wall every single time or I hit the fucking bump that kills my jump and therefore my reserves too because I'm pressing square. I just can't understand how you're supposed to do it in such a tight space.
Yes, just a rumor from the time when we were trying to figure it out. You can keep using your main all day.
I think this is how I do it with balanced characters, I tend to take tight bends wider at the entrance so I can cut across. You can also use the way it slopes upwards to your advantage. youtu.be
>multiplier takes effect after the 2nd online match
So I have to play online to get this? Just got the game yesterday. Time for 8th place participation trophies
Thank god. Not that I don't like using other characters but I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use my favorite a lot before coins start to decrease.
Who here /Jungle boogie king/? I can smash 40 coins out like clockwork on that course.
>"Why yes, for me, its Digital N. Tropy with Relic Platinum Hovercraft on Gasmoxian Style decal, how did you know?"
They ought to restore Hyper Spaceway to its original state, I can't get over how they butchered it. Also, CNK adventure mode when? They can do the cutscenes in-engine.
I think it does take effect immediately but the coin reward shows too little after the first race but you actually do get full boosted coins in to the bank.
if you use the shortcut, the boss becomes a joke. same with papu papu.
imagine playing with the aircraft
Im gonna save doing the plat shit until after the first GP. That way I have enough coins to not worry about.the farm so much and we will have an idea of future pricing.
They enrage you because in MK it's "less noticeable" because the skill ceiling is literally on the floor, there is no skilled vs noobie players, its like a mid level field where everybody can join in, but because the skill ceiling is so high in CTR, you know that in your mind, you're the only one who can take on that first place right now, and the other shitters behind you have NO chance, but because they've been given an item that is a blue eltric ball and a clock which stops time and triggers as soon as you go over a ramp and you fall to your death, it sticks out more and makes you angrier, just the way it is lad.
The first 20 seconds are the most important part of every online CTR match, remember that.
Thunder Struck is the new farm track
I exclusively play with the hovercraft, I'm absolutely in love with it. At first I thought it "felt" kind of weird but then I got used to it and now I like its feeling more than that of the other karts.
Well now I know. I'll be saving that image now, it'll come in handy later.
Don't you get banned for using illegal shortcuts online?
Got you covered.
Why are zoomers voting for CNK maps? You do realize that everyone is just going to leave the lobby and start a new one.
>keep getting into new lobbies
>keep fucking dropping
>but it's an easy win and maximizes my coin winnings
I don't know how to feel about this.
Because they're fun
Zoomers only play Noob's Cove, Baby Park and Lame Stadium.
This meme needs to end, they should have a separate online mode for CNK zoomers.
Electron Avenue and the Fenomena tracks are all 10/10
CNK tracks are fun as hell, if Deep Sea Driving and Electron Avenue aren't in your must-play list you're a moron.
I'm not so sure it is.
I'm worried bros, how long will the Grand Prix be? Will the Nitro Squad be available forever?
I grind on Skull Rock every day while I'm at work since it's mostly AFK, I get about 7000 coins a day. Will that be enough? I still play offline quite a bit in my spare time. Are challenges playable offline?
Imagine if there actually existed people with such awful taste that they disliked Electron Avenue, Tiny Temple, Clockwork Wumpa, Out of Time, Assembly Lane and Android Alley. Good lord.
Nice. I cleared in 1:15 thanks to this. It's pretty easy too, even on the first lap.
Favorite tracks?
>Electron Avenue
>Cortex Castle
>N. Gin Labs
>Deep Sea Driving
>Hyper Spaceway
>Will the Nitro Squad be available forever?
Yes, everything will be available in the pit stop at a alter date too, including rewards from nitro. This has been said MANY times, even by the developers themselves.
>7000 coins a day
Yeah I think you're fine. You need to at least be connected for the challenges, but I don't know if you can do them in offline races.
Someone in this thread said the Nitro Squad characters will be removed from the Pit Stop for a while after the Grand Prix.
Maybe I'm a little sure.
>can't tell the difference between low and high framerates.
My god, how fucked does your eye to brain connections have to be to not notice? It's a world of difference, even hitting 144fps over 60 is a big improvement. No way that wasn't a troll post or a shill.
>Twinsanity Grand Prix
>Evil Twins as one racer
>Rusty Walrus
>10th Dimension track
>Crash / Cortex skins for the Evil Twins
>Victor drives, Moritz throws items
That's as far as the artist went.
>Android Alley
>Assembly Lane
>N. Gin Labs
>Polar Pass
Not sure what the last one would be for a top 5. It could be Electron Avenue after I've practiced it properly but at the moment it's pissing me off. That track is stupid hard and I can't master that tunnel part to save my life. I've practiced this shit like two hours now and I've gotten nowhere.
>can annihilate tropy in tight turning slow technical winding tracks
>he reks me in the faster speed tracks
One day...
fuck my thumbs skin is starting to splinter playing this too much
Removed, but come back later on another date. So they are limited in a sense but not gone forever.
Shit, I hope I can get them all in time. I wonder how hard it'll be to get Tawna?
They will probably be easy enough to get. They're giving 2500 free coins as well I think. Tawna I can see taking a bit longer since you have to actually earn her. Still, I have faith that Beenox will be generous with the availability.
Depends on mood and track.
Really the only thing that'd be fucked is if nitro challenges are online-multiplayer-only as opposed to just being-online which basically fucks anyone who doesn't want to pay the console tax for online and double-fucks switch users that play undocked.
Haven't settled on a kart for him.
Finally sub 2:30 in Hot Air Skyway
Aiming for Sub 2:20 next
I use Team Oxide, tri-color decal, with that deep blue-grey paint job. Fits him real nice, makes part of the kart a dark blue to match his hat. Try it, user.
How do people feel if they brought Crash's bike from 3? Will it ruin the game to bring bikes in. What kart will suite his skin the most?
Also if they do a jetpack crash why not a rocket shaped kart?
Anyone else got kart ideas they'd like to see?
>yeah bro just reanimate all of the racers in all of their various poses and animations so that they sit properly in a bike
best you'll get is a bike-themed kart
Why is blue fake crash so aesthetic?
being able to save "loadouts" when
>blue fake crash is love
>blue fake crash is life
goes real good with orange too, because of the pants.
Single player experience: CTR
Multiplayer experience: Mario Kart
Just tried it out. That looks really nice actually. Thanks user
Did anybody get this? How's the quality?
wonder what's under the skirt
Rate. I would replace Coco with Pinstripe but I honestly see more Pinstripes than Cocos when I play.
I didn't but just from the picture you can see it's a 5 cm dollarstore leftover
Displaying that would be embarrassing
go outside
The online still just doesn't feel right.
Doesn't help that the wait between races feels like it takes forever.
Most of them are mad that MK8 is more popular, and are being petty spiteful assholes about it
pentas are faggots
Octobers 4th Grand Prix is Halloween themed, what better way than introducing twinsanities academy of evil? Which would introduce Nina to the game
Bobbles decent and the paint is alright
Not worth that much but I like it
his beach shorts
I got it sitting on my dashboard, it's fun when going through twisties, and I tap his snout when I'm stuck in traffic to make him jump around
Would love this, although I think beenox is just making environments inspired by existing ones rather than straight up using them.
pretty much.
>Way too long wait times, and they're going to be larger thanks to podium animations coming in the next update.
>item rates are imbalanced as fuck.
>1st place is way too fucking easy to defend. get ahead and you're virtually unstoppable.
>orbs way too fucking slow.
>way too many fucking clocks.
>missile tracking is absolute garbage.
>1st place gets masks. MASKS. as well as OP bubble shields. and boosters.
>buggy as all hell.
>insane amount of latency. you get hit by stuff you didnt even touch, or you see yourself win, yet come second by 20ms.
And they want to add ranking to it already? lol
U turns are much easier on the d-pad. Unless you have blue flames don't sweat over making sure you don't have the brakes on between hops either.
>that feel when even if this game does come to PC it's community would be dead on arrival because nobody on PC cares about racing games
Your nephew may be diagnosed autistic but YOU are HERE
I hate this gay new world
So is all the anti grav stuff in cnk gone?
>Tfw you are ISP range banned to post pics thanks to some retard in my country
>Tfw no one notices posts without pics unless they are cancer bait
Can't wait for October
Are you Finnish, by any chance?
>tiny arena
>assembly lane
>clockwork wumpa
i wanna say sewer speedway but that's probably just because i pretty much perfected my time as much as i can without taking the shortcut, beating oxide by about 3 seconds. if the shortcut is made easier it'll prob be a favorite
Sadness is big
Yes, all anti-grav sections in tracks were either converted to flat sections or removed.
Cortex Castle
Tiny Arena
Tiger Temple
N-Gin Labs
Oxide Station
Most tracks are genuinely enjoyable. Aside from dragon mines, I really don't mind playing any track
What ISP?
Another Finn here and able to post shit.
I use DNA
Unsay that user
I'm going to be waiting this whole time for the PC release ;_;
is the /vg/ general worth bothering with? has it just turned into another namefag circlejerk or do they actually play the game?
Teach me, sensei. With what character?
I know that feel bro. I'd love to post screenshots and CTR fashion and other stuff but I can't. Can I complain about this somewhere? It seems really unreasonable to keep a huge part of an entire country banned for many weeks straight because of one (1) spammer (apparently). It's literally been like a month now with no image posting and there seems to be no end in sight. I'm actually mad.
Vittu kun vituttaa.
God I wish I was you
>Tfw she's probably gonna be handling so I have to get good at that and the game in general
The things I do for love
Elisa Desu
>Coco Park
We had fun PS4 lobbies yesterday
>finns can't post images
They played the game yesterday. Just filter and ignore the underage tripfag
do you get coins in private lobbies? how do they work exactly?
how good are they usually there? i assume better than the typical driftless clueless crash or cortex that quits lap 1
are there many australians?
Just some unfortunate individuals.
tripfags are a staple of /vg/ threads though, it's funny seeing them be retards
Is it banned for the whole site or can you post images in image dump boards?
Coins work the same as in online matchmaking
Level was definitely higher than on normal lobby, maybe 2-3 actually good players
The host was australian and everyone was lagging like hell
>mfw if the internet went down 40% of the population of Finland would commit suicide within one week
well damn finally someone else in this shithole
i'll prob check it out tomorrow, do i have to add everyone i want in the lobby? that's a real killer on whether i'd host or not
Unfortunately yes, host has to add everyone