Risk of Rain

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Other urls found in this thread:


ded game go home

no u

this desu

I want to pat a lolificier

Does Risk of Rain 2 let you reconnect to games you disconnect from? My internet is kind of shit and I'm finding it hard to complete games in RoR1.

OK, here's my idea for a full sniper moveset
fire bullets, 4 per magazine, fourth bullet bounces near instantly between a good number of enemies, but with decaying damage (unlike glaive, only hits an enemy once), small delay after firing fourth for "reload". Everything will be sped up with attack speed
zoom in while held, could be scoped or not depending on how well it plays. Increases damage and accuracy, decreases move speed while scoped. Also grants sniper slowfall if scoping while in the air.
Sniper jumps backwards with some airtime, can slow your momentum significantly by holding m2.
Drone essentially the same as ror1, but instead of giving crit, adds a damage amp and additional chance to proc on-hits on the targeted enemy. This buff works for everyone!
possible additional effect for drone target: if target is hit by a bouncing bullet, refresh the bullet's damage and hit capacity (i.e. can hit enemies that were already hit once)

Essentially Sniper will do extremely well with items that give jumps and jump height because they'll allow him to stay in the teleporter charging area while keeping distance from enemies.
Not sure about a charge shot mechanic yet

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tfw ror2 is only playable with mods

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I fixed up the model a bit, but I'll hold off on posting a link for it since there's likely going to be an update to fix some of the bugs in the game. Also, Kanna-Rex is going to take a bit longer than I initially thought. Maybe a week or two.

Does he get the active reload gimmick on m1?

nah, I felt like that would vary way too much with attack speed and slow the game down unnecessarily.

I mean that sounds cool and all but imagine the time it'd take to hotpoo to implement this? they are too dumb to do it

waiting until 2021

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>since there's likely going to be an update to fix some of the bugs in the game
Probably not for a few months, at least. Only half memeing.

>Kanna-Rex is going to take a bit longer than I initially thought. Maybe a week or two.
It did seem pretty ambitious

The thrusters really are a cockblock though

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threadly reminder that Artificer is FAT

Fit And Thick!

Yes, but you need to have the person on your steam friends, OR you need to have the room code in your clipboard.


No; that's Huntress

>stage 50
>use sequence shrine
>300 goats hooves
>200 sprite cans
>accidentally kill myself by out of bounding before i realize what happened
i am speed

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Where do you do you guys find all the fan art for this game. Specifically the lewd shit


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>two white items

I'm retart and meant red whips. Hooves, red whips and meathooks which would have been interesting i guess.

plant is really good but hard for casuls who cant manage health

planet is really bad but easy for casuls who dont play monsoon

ded again

Where the fuck is the environmental log for acres?

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I want a fucking ending
playing until you feel like you can't die feels stupid

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It's the last thing that's going to be added, spring next year if they stick to schedule.

plante is decent for casuls and vets alike

>spring next year if they stick to schedule
If it's anything like the current schedule, that means July of next year.

See "summer" suddenly becoming fucking "September", fucking Hopoo. When's the Fall update going to be then, fucking Dec 31st?

>september isnt summer

it moved back because hopoo realized his QA team is trash and aren't reliable or quick enough to release updates in a timely manner.

>being a lying faggot

>release game in early access
>don't let your playerbase hunt for bugs
>get fucking Gearbox QA team
>while BL3 is coming out soon

What the fuck is Hopoo doing?

>being summer
You do realize the average person considers it fall the moment it hits Sept 1st, right?

well from the look of things, hopoo's pushing dates back

>wait for this update for months
>already unlocked everything on 2 days

their updates are so fucking tiny to all the gap they have between every update

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Hermit crabs can suck my dick.

probably need to find one of those randomly generated radar stations

Dev team is literally two people.

with all the money should i feel bad for them or something?

not an excuse for this
even a single person can do better

Don't buy early access next time then.

I stand by my previous statement that the QA team is shit and holding everyone back

>complain about updates gap
>huur duuur don't buy EA gaems

what does a game being on be on EA state have to do with the gap between their updates?

Involving themselves with Gearbox was a mistake for sure. They're as much of a boil on the ass of gaming as EA is.

modanon, i tried remodelling merc with blender a month ago, and somewhere along the line, i messed up and the game kept crashing on startup.

is it possible to mess up in the blender? or is it when i was importing

It has to do with the game being unfinished. If you're not going to be patient for updates, then don't buy early access. They gave you the roadmap ahead of time so you only have yourself to blame.

What the average person thinks means jack shit. Summer goes all the way till september 20th.

It's importing. You need to go through a lot in order to get your model into the game, and the only reason I'm getting somewhat quicker getting models in now than a month ago is because I've been developing a workflow.

if the game was finished it wouldn't need updates

it's not finished
hence it's early access
wait until it is finished
thankfully, the developers were thoughtful enough to make a roadmap for you

stop sucking dick discord tranny
EA is to push lots of updates so the playerbase can find bugs and issues, which they then report and the dev can fix it swiftly, accelerating the development process

stop complaining and open a goddamn lobby already you fucks.

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tell me your steps sensei

>waaaah the game's not finished and i don't like it
wait until it's finished
>waaaah the game's not being finished fast enough for me and i don't like it
you know what you can do?
here's a tip - you can't do anything else
you gotta wait until it's finished


Different devs have different workflows. Not everyone is going to use early access the same way, just like any other development tool.


2/4 get in here you fucks

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normally I'd agree but with how shit and buggy this last patch has been I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to him. FUCKING GEARBOX

It consists of ripping a usable animation rig from the game with a tool, then adjusting and polishing the slightly broken model I get. After that I unpack the entire resources.assets file with Utiny ripper to get all of the assets in a Unity usable format. Then I start a unity project and drag in relevant files I may need (lets say mercenary in this case). I then create a rigged set of numbers, one number for each bone (First bone with an object "01", child bone to that "02", child bone to that "03", etc). I then take that mesh and slap it on merc's prefab in unity. I then manually count by hand which bone number aligns with which bone in the prefab instance (this is an important step, ask me about it if you really need to know why). After that I take the specific bone order that Unity uses and parent each bone in order to their specific number counterpart. After that is the hard part which takes about 2 days of work, but I am getting faster at this part.

No, EA is just as the name says, anearly acces to a game. Meaning the game is still not finished and many things are subject to change along the way. Usually this also goes with a lowered pricetag to compensate but I'm not sure it's even mandatory.
Besides that, literally everything you said isn't stated anywhere and doesn't need to be followed. Some devs stay years in EA with update that jsut keep breacking the game over and over, some like to do big updates every few months, others push small weekly ones. The method depends on the dev, and while you can complain it is more or less effective, the only thing they stated was "this game ain't fucking finished, champ. And we don't know exactly when or how it will be".

The only issue I see here is a retard that bought an incomplete early acces game from literally 3 guys expecting the same content drop as a Games as a Service from an AAA company.
Next time think twice before making a move, bucko.

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The hard part consists of me manually finding out the rotational offset of each individual bone Most of the rotations I do are completely random rotations since Unity doesn't interpret directions the same as blender does. I don't know if that sounds easy or hard, but it is extremely time consuming. I've gotten better at figuring out how to rotate bones on the main body and arms, but the hands are always killer for me. They take at least an entire day of figuring out to get the hands somewhat right. Note that these bones aren't connected to each other anymore since they've been parented so that Unity will interpret the skeleton correctly. This skeleton is not to be used at all when rigging a model and checking if it would deform right. This skeleton is strictly for making Unity interpret the model I'm importing correctly. After that I finally get started on the model.

After modeling I import what I have into the Unity project and then make final checks by slapping it onto relevant prefabs that I got from Utiny ripper. Then I build the project into a game and open Unity Asset Bundle Extractor to rip out the raw unity files and save them wherever. Then I take those raw unity files and import them into Risk of Rain. Textures are kind of different in that you'll have to use a plugin that will appropriately convert your png file into a unity readable texture. Also you'll have to remember that some models have normal maps and you will have to make those correctly or else your model will come out weird.

I've never seen a Shrine of the Woods in any of my runs.

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loop 2 distant roost and scorched have tons of them, saw lots today

where is the rain

i actually just followed the steps from here (pastebin.com/4rFthVXC). i've gotten the "Importable_Mercenary_Skeleton.blend" from a modanon (don't know if its you)

i thought i just needed to model and weight paint the model as long as i got the proper skeleton, i guess not?

Oh, then all you need to do is get it in a unity project, build it, then take the raw asset from the game and import it into risk of rain. If you're using the same texture, then you should be good to go. If you're using a custom texture, make sure to also edit Mercenary's normal map as well, or else you'll be getting random bumps everywhere.

EU 2/4

stop shitposting, start playing

thats what i did. well, i guess i gotta try again and see if it works. thanks anyway

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Huh, that's weird. Have you tried what I suggested with testing your model on prefabs? You might be grabbing the wrong asset when youre making the raw unity file.

Then go make your own game

grovetenders should be able to spawn on aqueduckt like clay templars, it's such a cool enemy that you barely ever see

>Play with a Huntress
>Gets clover, behemoth, and hook by third stage
>Don't even get to kill anything anymore
Least I got to jump around swinging my sword with 7 quails.

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If i didn't need to go to sleep for work tomorrow, I would have kept going. I was unkillable and everything was dieing within 3 seconds

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the new map is too large

does anyone know which sharedassets the models are in, or should I just use utinyripper?

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"mercmesh" for mercenary
"swordmesh" for his sword
If you're using your own project it should be the same, but it might be better to use a level since it should be less cluttered. You have to drag the asset onto the level editor for it to be there.


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Wrong Kanna

not the merc user actually, trying to get Rex out, but thank you user

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Rex is "treebot"

God damn it, I heard that noise when the text displays. I always hear it.

thank you again

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Sniper would be inherently busted in RoR2. The playspace is much larger than in 1 and the only reason you're not camping on a mountain and popping enemies from a mile away is because no character has the range to viably accomodate that

>having a tonic + gesture + fuel cell run
>1k health when tonic is active, 100 hp when it's not
>stand next to an imp shooting it after the level is over
>die in one swipe
quite stupid now that i think about it

You making a new model for rex? He's got 4 if I remember right.

Mul-T's rebar shot has infinite range w/ no damage decay. Commando's m2 has infinite range and goes through terrain and his m1 works from a looong way away. Rex can mortar and R from infinite range, reliably too.
The reason the game is focused more around short range is because enemies are persistently spawning around you, as well as closing distance quickly. Also the teleporter mechanics. I think sniper would work fine

the clay dune strider that killed me was friendly and your items don't proc on friendly fire

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Mask is like the old wake of vultures. Never take that shit.

nah, I was gonna try and do some shenanigans to get him working in vrchat

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oh so its bugged to fuck you too huh?

corpseblossom on Engineer? that shit isnt really good for Nigguhana's Opinion

risky 2, but people are actually having fun
EU monsoon

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i still don't really understand how it works

Aegis is fucking garbage. What's even the point when topaz exists?
Also, is the grovetender boss item any good?

its fucking AWESOME on Huntress.
but not too much on everyone else

1 ticket to funland left

Artificer does a ton of sprinting so it would probably be good on her actually
yeah I have absolutely no clue what they were thinking with that item when in the same patch they added a white that not only outvalues it but every other defensive item by a long shot

Corpsebloom is the absolute worst item in the game, it's in a tier of its own. Never pick it up, especially on Engineer. You destroy your healing over time for no reason.

its fine but dont contest it with a Huntress in your team

but why tho?? how does it work? does it just cut your hp shit in half because it's broken or what?

It doubles your healing, but limits it to 10% of your total health per second. It's essentially the rejuvenation rack with a horrid drawback.

In the late-game where everything has the potential to one-shot your ass, you need your health back at max ASAP. With Engineer in particular, it gimps your fungi and makes standing next to your turrets is no longer viable.

lunar items seem mostly awful for something that takes a rare currency

>rare currency
>not cheating it in because artifacts aren't coming for a long ass time

>cheatin it in when you never buy anything with it because all the lunar items are fucking dogshit run ruiners

Glass, Transcendence, Gesture and now Spinel Tonic are all pretty good.

Rex didn't do it for me desu
He's fun but not fun enough for me to keep playing the game
If they release Bandit, change Commando a bit so playing him is not so much of a chore in early game or release fun new shit I may come back

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In case you wanted to see BugBot with Ifrit's Distinction.

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commando is now bad mid and late game too lol

The new map is shit desu

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Oh yeah I forgot about the crazy sticky nerf
That sucks

more than that, it's so hard to find any damage up items now thanks to category chests and commando's attacks are light hitters in the new damage equations.
If you ever see a malachite, you're going to be shooting it for 10 minutes straight.


That's the sound of your run being over unless you've had RNG on your side.

I like it aesthetically, but if you don't have movitily you're a bit fucked thanks to its structure

Mov it ily?

I hate having to look for chests and shit behind every corner. It feels much more like a linear journey from one end to the other rather than rallypoint's neat loop which is good for loot efficiency.
Also difficult to find the teleporter quickly.

Sorry senpai

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What's up with the teleporter spawning inside the cave very frequently?
I know they've increased the area of which items can spawn, but more than half I've had the tp spawn in the caves.
It's both good and bad since the trashmobs spawns outside for some reason, so they never get to the fight.

rushing the teleporter in multiplayer is borderline necessary in the later levels since people will die and you'll be stuck with a massively buffed boss alone
stop being slow

The game is not dead! It's just barely alive!
EU monsoon

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It's not 3/4, it's whole 3 people ready and waiting!

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this is why I don't play online. barely anyone realize how important time is in this game

I waste so much time being team mommy and making sure people are getting the right items and that everyone's ready for tp that I'm item starved and we fall behind on time
Hopoo needs to add a chat wheel for common commands or something

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>zoom in while held
Wow, great idea, user. You made a skill only useful on first couple of stages.

read the whole thing again

I would make it so you could charge your shots and zoom in by holding M1, and then use M2 for any other actual skill

>got a merc run going
>woodsprite + horn, infinite attack speed buff
>found crit and syringe printers
>got too cocky because of how powerful I am
>R into two Imp Overlords
>3 stacks of bleeding
>die in a second
W-Well, I didn't expect this.

You can't have this idea work in 3D. In 2D not only there's only one dimension for you to keep away from enemies but you also see the whole screen. In RoR2 at any moment a malachite wisp can teleport behind you. Having sonic speed is current meta and sadly it won't change probably.

That's why jumps are important--you can control your momentum with slowfall, scope quickly to high priority targets while in the air, and unscope to fall quickly and avoid attacks. You also don't NEED to scope all of the time. Obviously I'm not a game designer but I think it could work.
Might be good, but I don't know what I would add on m2.

it's that time of the day, gamers
EU monsoon 2/4

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still open, 3/4

Hopoo bullshit occured, but it's fine now
Same ID

can't seem to join that ID

They got worse with this update. They still aren’t a real threat but they’re so much more annoying bow

any EU fren wanna host?

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days without hopoo bullshit: 0
EU monsoon

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2 more big boys for BIG game

still open,1 more



They need to bring back han-d and loader for the game to be truly fun again. The melee based characters are always the most fun.
Another thing that would make the game extremely fun again is artifacts. Dunno why they didn't introduce at least one in this update.

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>Beat a Malachite Stone Titanon drizzle

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what I don't fucking understand is that the roadmap talks about artifacts 2.0 when we don't even have 1.0


game needs a dedicated cave map

1.0 Were the ones in ror you fucking spaz

but that's a different game you mongoloid. do we also get items 2.0? survivors 2.0 etc?

Stage 4?

>Skills 2.0
>Following this logic we already have Skills 2.0
also gentle reminder the gearbox representative was in charge of discord moderator applications and picked a brony and a tranny
what a load of shit

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too big

>gearbox representative was in charge of discord moderator applications

someone explain to me what the fuck does gearbox have to do with this game

Quality assurance.

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isn't that what early access is for?

delaying with bs """QA"""

Yes, but Gearbox needs to pay QA to do something.

someone post Ghar retardation on this subject

i was bored as hell last night and brought some arguments from here to the tranny mod. it was interesting to watch someone defend gearbox

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wtf I thought hopoo were good guys

yes. hotpoop is retarded

Always bait their melee attack and get behind them to eviscerate.

What the fuck.

>Put all your eggs into a new venture
>Decide to get a publisher so you don't starve in case it fails
>Project does well beyond your wildest dreams
>Ball and chained to publisher

I fucking hate tranny mods, how the fuck do they always gain power in discord servers or anything else I like.

Anyone want some risk of rain 1 host? Can host RIGHT NOW!

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Why is Randy such a control freak?
Why did Hopoo agree to all this bullshit?

Possibility of getting jetpackless artificier + queens gland working in this patch, user?

>hunteranon with glasses and 6 will oh whips, already a machine of world destroution
>another user find 3d printer glasses and printed all his whites
>he dies
>me and another user grab them and became destroyers of the galaxy
>all bosses wrecked into nothing within 5 seconds flat, faster if they were elite.
We will not miss your sacrifice, plantman.

please yes, my body is ready

every run i've played today has ended with me picking an up an item once the teleporter has charged and being instagibbed by something that slipped through the cracks
not very satisfying

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Why do people not pick up their items immediately upon printing? See it too often. Fucking retards.

Git gud

Who Disposable Missile Launcher here?
>3 gestures
>5 fuel cells
Can a drawfag who knows what I mean please draw this?

that's definitely one of the best endgame equipment items because of procs. stuff like Fireworks plays the game entirely once you get to ultra late

>fireworks was one of my favorite items in ror1
>only seen it once or twice in ror2
it hurts

>only seen it once or twice in ror2
RNG is not kind to you. It's maybe every fifth item for me.

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>still no merc hotfix
I just want to have fun playing merc, hotpoo plis.

Fucking killing me with this shit. He is right on the edge of being perfect for fuck's sake.

Attached: Merc3.jpg (630x432, 112K)

what happened

How it's supposed to work:
>Dash, miss, cooldown of 7 seconds
How it is right now:
>Dash, miss, cool down of 7 seconds, additional cooldown of 7 seconds

come on EU hosts, where are you

he said hes gonna wait for the hotfix that should happen soon

ooooh, that explains why I couldn't dash again in the end of my last run

after experiencing the new tele spawn in the tunnels of abyssal depths, I would actually despise a dedicated cave map. Also I like how hopoo just said fuck all reason when it came to rex's mortar working 100% of the time in all environments

>Also I like how hopoo just said fuck all reason when it came to rex's mortar working 100% of the time in all environments

>find good printer
>necessary to kite and kill while simultaneously trying to print and grab items
Sometimes you cant just sit at the printer

late game and early game feel way too bullet spongey now. Especially after the crit nerf. The good thing is hoppo is going to change it later. Bad news is we have to wait 3 fucking months.

Late game feels almost impossible with rex unless you have Tonic. It feels like you need tonic to survive late game now. I really wish hoppo would patch shit sooner.

If you have atg or disposable missile launcher go off and you dont have the headspace for them they get blocked. Its more of a consideration for the player so I get why they did it for the plant I just think its funny that his mortar has zero collision when firing upwards through structures and shit

>Corpsebloom is the absolute worst item in the game
It's good on Rex. Ensures you stay topped up no matter how much you spam shit.

Don't be a Glasslet.

Its good for one character and one character only, though
I don't think there's an item that is limited as that right now


Protip: RoR1 had items that were good for only one character too. That happens in these kinds of games, because everyone has a radically different tool kit most of the time.

but fungus still has some utility early game on other characters that aren't engineer, like using blood shrines and topping your health when you hide in a pinch (pre/first loop). Corpsebloom isn't worthwhile even on those occasions

>acquire 5x guillotine, 1 uke, couple of whisps and gas
>late game is now chillin
crit glass and bands definitely help but the aoe chain reactions carry my late games. As long as you have a good base line meat hook and ceremonial dagger is insta win

fair enough

U.S. host in a minute.

>Old guillotine
>Topaz brooch
what was hotpoo thinking? One is a white that is a better artificer shift (at 5 stacks you're killing every elite at 50%, at 13 75% or so) making her shift even worse as old guillotine works on elite bosses too, but they also made a white item leagues more powerful than its red counterpart
I genuinely don't know what they were trying to do here, this shit is so broken it's not even funny. Topaz should be at least a green and so should guillotine, bordering red territory at minimum

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they'll balance them "soon" enough, Ill enjoy them until then

Imagine if guillotoine stacked with ice wall, making it 100%. So she becomes dedicated elite killer.
Once you reach that level most things instadie anyway.

U.S. west, Monsoon
East welcome.

I'd bet a lot of money you don't play much 3 or 4 player multiplayer where the enemy counts are so high you'll wish you had guillotines.

You say that, but malachite enemies are ridicously easy when you have 4 guillotines, and since its a white you find that shit in droves even before the first loop if you're lucky enough. She would be a nice dedicated elite killer if snapfreeze wasn't so gimped in both hitbox and usability, considering that elite wisps aren't affected by it if they're not ground level and that normal mobs (even if quite rare on late game) will tank part of the wall randomly. Snapfreeze needs to be a sphere to be semi good, as of now a white item is a better utility skill for arti then her actual utility skill

Then you just lost all that money because I exclusively play 3 or 4 player monsoon games
Old guillotine trivializes mid to late game especially when you have a fuck huge amount of chests in which it can spawn, and it will spawn at some point

Rarity is not a determining factor in item quality, you retards need to get this through your thick cro magnon skulls. It's a roguelike, some items are supposed to be great for their tier, some are supposed to be shit. Congrats, you have successfully identified two that are great for their tier.

>Then you just lost all that money because I exclusively play 3 or 4 player monsoon games
Doubtful because then you'd agree with me, full stop. Every single time I play 3 or four Monsoon, we lost out by 60 minutes because of malachites. Every time, I find myself going
>Why do people want it to be a green?
It is absolutely a necessity. If you disagree, I'd love to see you post 3 or 4 Monsoon at 90 minutes or higher. I'll gladly shut my mouth if you can.

what if snap freeze was cast in a conical shape away from artificer? think friede if you played das3

I found a printer the other day. Just having capacitor and a few guillotoines made the elites, even malachite, very trivial.

I'd love for her ice to target a circular area, aimed like arrow rain, then every enemy in the area gets anally spiked by icicles. Raised up in the air, also able to target wasps at a limited height.

Hire me, hopoo.

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did hoppo really make the damage cap at 9999? that's retarded whats the point of items like crowbar and glass then if you cant get stupid high damage numbers

>implying they wouldnt be trivialized with that much damage anyway
They would have survived about 3-4 seconds longer if you didnt have the guillotines

only cosmetic, damage has no cap

This is what I'm talking about. A singleplayer guy talking about the game being trivial lmao.

Suppose it's a workaround for some damage bug.

I didn't record any of the previous stages. I only got that far because of stacking guillotoines.

They aren't just great you dipshit, they actively trivialize the game
They either nerf drop rates by making them rarer or nerf the items themselves which will make everyone upset
Because they are too good to be whites. Its one thing to have a lucky run where you get 10 glasses or a soldier syringe printer, but when you can trade banners and useless fungi for a delete button for every type of elite under the sun the game's over. i'll agree with you in the fact that unless you're running a blessed build malachites are awful to go against because they tank everything but that is a problem of their health being inflated to shit and using guillotine to counter it makes the overall difficulty suffer instead of patching a problem or offering a solution to facing high end enemies

It was a 4 player run, chinks and drizlets died and left way back. Singleplayer is boring as fuck.

>Its good for one character and one character only, though
Can be also good on Artificer because she can't heal well from crits.

Found a new red!

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So you don't have a record of a four man Monsoon game going beyond 90 minutes? Okay.
m8 you got the benefit of potentially 8 greens per level if you hit the mountain shrines. Good on you for saying fuck off to singleplayer, though.

>up to 20% of your health
>meanwhile white brooch adds to full 100%

Attached: 1542048790918.png (736x673, 466K)

The problem is the way it stacks on overhealing. If it wasn't capped then engineer with fungus would be immortal. It needs to function differently to be worthwhile.

>They aren't just great you dipshit, they actively trivialize the game
Welcome to roguelikes. Surprise, getting good items makes them easy. Fuck, who let all of the retards out of the pen today?

I think you are hopoo

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I wish I were Hopoo. God knows if I had the skill and time I'd mod him into the game myself

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People want to make ROR2 into a souls game instead of going and playing a souls game. When I got to a point where pve games weren't providing sufficient challenge for me I moved to PvP games. No PvE will ever deliver the challenge of playing against a red blooded human. I don't care how perfectly you balance the game or how you try to make new levels of elites. They will be figured out, they will be cheesed and if you try to fix it you just end up with World of Warcraft, a sanitized sandbox where the devs watch close to make sure there are no unintended item interactions


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>If it wasn't capped then engineer with fungus would be immortal
>implying he isn't

Yeah, and that shit is getting old already. Fully balanced games fucking suck. You WANT god items and god setups because they're fun. You WANT shit items in the pool. You want there to be a reasonable baseline of items yes, because you want people to struggle a bit, but you should have the potential to get that one lucky item streak and dominate.

Shit, if people wanna bitch about fucking balance, when the fuck is red whip getting removed from the game for being worse than every item in the entire fucking game, including whites, and when are red items in general being rebalanced because there are clearly great ones and clearly shit ones, and if rarity is a factor, all of them should be as retard strong as Tesla or the dagger.

>up to 20%
>of just health
pretty shit red


Up the chains.

I knew I wasn't crazy. Even hopoo acknowledged that wisps are spawning more.

>You do realize the average person considers it fall the moment it hits Sept 1st, right?
That doesn't magically mean September isn't 60% summer.

>I dunno why there's so many wisps everywhere now lmao

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where are you guys getting all these character mods and stuff... i want the THICCNESS

That explains the delay in the Merc hotfix. Trying to hunt down what's causing more wisps to spawn.

the modder posts them here

I wonder if it's something in the director's AI making it want to spend more credits on a ton of wisps rather than elite or large units.

I don't understand the point about barriers/one shot protection. I saw a video of someone taking a hit to his barrier, then getting one shot despite having full health and about 30 barriers leftover. Is Hopoo's bullet point here saying that this is intended behavior? Doesn't seem very sensible, makes barriers pretty shit for glass builds.

oh i mustve missed him, i guess ill wait for the next one!

just look in the archive for mega links lol

any US servers up????????

>Thinking they won't release it late in the month like last time

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>overloading horde of elder lemurians
>can't do enough damage before their shield regenerates
>try anyway

Attached: 1532484503296.jpg (720x720, 132K)

Summer ends on the 23rd, so they could release it on the 22nd and technically make the summer cutoff. The 22nd and the 25th aren't far off, so if the 25th is "late in the month" then so is the 22nd.

So, yes, you're right in that they'll probably release it late in the month. But that's still summer.

Reminder that if you're going to pick up Glass, don't pick up any Personal Shield Generators. Fucks with the one shot protection.

>>I dunno why there's so many wisps everywhere now lmao
This shit is why I love hopoo.

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Just had Overloading Brass Contraptions on Wetland Aspect, only the second stage. Fucking spiked to death within seconds. Love this game.

this actually explains a lot

I read that they changed it so that shields are halved as well as health. Still fucks with it a bit, but not as severely.

Attack can't deal more damage than 90% of your health. So if you have full barrier you will be left with full HP no matter what even if you stack glass.
Whole one shot protection is pure fucking bullshit and needs to be removed. It breaks the balance and is a crutch by its nature anyway.

Anyone else think baby beetles and baby lemurians are really stupid and lame in their current state? Nobody ever gets hurt by beetles, and lemurians run around in circles like fucking retards and blow fireballs out the backs of their heads. They should behave like they did in Risk of Rain 1: constantly seeking the player. Being aggressive as hell. The imps in RoR2 are how lemurians should behave, sans teleporting.
People make too much of a fuss about one shot protection. If you get fucked out of 90% of your health by an overloading foe, you're dead because of the overloading procs. Same for blazing, same for malachites and their disabling of healing.

>Attack can't deal more damage than 90% of your health. So if you have full barrier you will be left with full HP no matter what even if you stack glass.
Right. So, he's saying that you'll always be left with full HP and 10% barriers no matter how big the hit is, but then you're susceptible to being one shot despite being at full health?

That seems a little weird, but I guess it makes sense. Hopoo said in that tweet that he's not stoked on how one shot protection is working rn, and it was just a bandaid thing to begin with, so hopefully he just removes it. It's starting to get clunky now that we have barriers.

Would you really rather get a shitty product on-time than a good product behind schedule? Do you have ADHD?

Beetles are okay, they're basically RoR2's version of RoR1's lemurians (slow, melee-only range = cannon fodder), but lemurians should be a little more aggressive since it seems like hopoo intends for them to be more threatening in this game.

How about a good product on time? Because they made retarded amounts of money off the game and should therefore have the cash to make it so at this point? If they're so slow, hire more fucking coders and get that shit done. We've got characters in the fucking code so fucking finished people are modding them to be playable already. Where are they?

>but then you're susceptible to being one shot despite being at full health?
user, attack can't do more than 90% of your max HP. You can't die at full health.


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I still get hit occasionally by lemurians in RoR1. I haven't gotten hit by a beetle since launch. They're too slow I figure.

Like I said, though, I found a video of someone dying with full health + 30 barriers in one shot. They took one shot which tanked their barriers from ~370 to ~37, then they died in one shot right after.

That tells me that barriers either count towards OSP, or there's a bug with that interaction.

I think the change from 2d to 3d has a lot to do with that. It's a lot easier to avoid slow melee dudes in 3d than it is in 2d. But yeah, a speed boost wouldn't hurt honestly. It's easy to kite them even at the base speed.

Love the guillotine but find it dangerous at times when a fuckton of glacial elites explode at once

I just died to my first beetle because of a combination of a dying vagrant and exploding glacials

>productivity increases if you throw bodies at it
>just because something was datamined means it will eventually be completed and released
You are fucking retarded.

tonic gesture is the biggest risk reward bullshit there is
if you get a few fuel cells you're golden, if you don't you slowly die of cancer

I hope they go back over the launch bosses before full release. Grovetender is so animated and feels alive compared to the complete stiffness of beetle queens, titans, vagrants, and especially the fucking worms.

Thats why you don't grab that shit unless you already have some cells and gestures. You replace your thunder or launcher bullshit with it, you don't grab it and then hope you just luck into the rest of the build, thats retarded.

>productivity increases if you throw bodies at it
yes, put one person on survivors, one on maps, one on items, one on enemies, one on artifacts and you could pump out updates weekly instead of quarterly.

>just because something was datamined means it will eventually be completed and released
having them literally complete sans one ability pretty much guarantees that they'll get in
not giving them the last ability and enabling them would be an insane waste of resources

fucking retard

it's retarded but fun

>buy an early access game
>complain it's not finished
don't buy early access games
there's plenty of other stuff to play

If dying like a retard is fun, you can do that already without tonic gambling.

>hopoo gets a ton of success with ror2 launch
>continue developing it just as they would have without it anyway
Honestly glad they havent gone full retard

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>yes, put one person on survivors, one on maps, one on items, one on enemies, one on artifacts and you could pump out updates weekly instead of quarterly.
This is definitely how game development works.

Jesus fuck, are you retarded? Multiple people working on multiple different assets means that they need to spend a shitload of time communicating to ensure nobody steps on anybody's toes by fucking up the stability of the build. If anything, splitting up who works on what could INCREASE development time. I'd ask if you've ever collaborated on a coding project before in your life, but the answer is clearly "no".

>having them literally complete sans one ability pretty much guarantees that they'll get in
Except for the part where they literally said that datamined content ≠ content that will inevitably be completed and shipped, you stupid nigger.

Content gets scrapped all of the time in video games. If every incomplete feature in a game was eventually finished and shipped, every game you've ever played would be bulky and bloated. Devs cut content for a reason. Hopoo might decide that Sniper is unfit for a 3d environment, so they cut him. It's not your decision as some no name faggot on Yea Forums to tell them that this is a bad idea and that they HAVE to finish and ship Sniper or else they're a lazy, incompetent dev.

Fuck off retard.

That isn't how this works. You don't just pump a team full of people to crank a product out faster. The game we currently have is the result of a dedicated small team that fully understands the vision. You don't just throw more pajeets on the team and have it done out faster magically.

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the fuck is this goalpost moving

>havent gone full retard
>the whole gearbox thing
>everything concerning their discord
>quarterly update schedule

>This is definitely how game development works.
yes it is? do you think they just all work on the same one thing?
splitting up the workload to finish faster is literally what happens in basically every field

>Except for the part where they literally said that datamined content ≠ content that will inevitably be completed and shipped, you stupid nigger.
who the fuck was talking about sniper, who doesn't even have a complete model? Bandit is literally complete and them just leaving him out would be utterly retarded

At least you can reasonably avoid their attacks, overloading clay templars just blast you with a hitscan death ray from halfway across the map that also turns every surface into sticky bombs.


risky 1 host pls when pls

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>>the whole gearbox thing
You're looking for shit to get mad about.
>>everything concerning their discord
Discord drama ≠ actual problems.
>>quarterly update schedule
Literally nothing wrong with this. It's three people.

I hope this update was rushed because they wanted to focus more on September update.

>released five days before the deadline

shut the fuck up and host

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>yes it is?
Right, dev studios routinely improve turnout by simply hiring a bunch of people IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME'S DEVELOPMENT. This is absolutely and unquestionably true.

No, you fucking retard. At this stage, there are literally three people working on the game, primarily Hopoo. Bringing on a bunch of foreign assets who have no familiarity with the game's structure or intended balance/design philosophy will slow development down tremendously.

No game dev has ever brought on a bunch of brand new employees who are totally unfamiliar with an existing project and had a positive turnout as a result of it, all that does is slow shit down because you have to catch up the new guys on how the game works and how you want it to be balanced *and* you put the game's stability at enormous risk since you're expecting totally unfamiliar parties to acclimate themselves to a project that's been in progress for 3 years now.

You legit have no idea how games are made, let alone how any collaborative coding project works. Stop talking out of your ass, retard.

>Bandit is literally complete and them just leaving him out would be utterly retarded
Unless, you know, the devs think that he isn't balanced or doesn't fit their idea of how the game should play. But nah, you definitely know better than them and your no-name ass should have the final say in whether or not an incomplete asset should be finalized and shipped, right?

>You're looking for shit to get mad about.
lol, yeah the single worst publisher in the industry that will fuck you over and steal your money isnt an issue
>Discord drama ≠ actual problems.
Lol, yeah, not like its the only place where devs are active and all the problems coming from there are actually related to the development
>Literally nothing wrong with this. It's three people.
LOL the game is literally dead with not a single host not even a week after each update

i truly wish you discord trannies would stop delaying the inevitable

RIP bandit

Attached: eoe.jpg (650x673, 114K)

desu the bandit in the game currently is quite boring in comparison to what they did with REX
they could throw him in with a slight bit of polish, but it makes sense that they want some baseline of quality

i can't be fucked to read that first paragraph, the first sentence was enough to show me that you're retarded and have no idea how anything works

>Unless, you know, the devs think that he isn't balanced or doesn't fit their idea of how the game should play.
they should have realized that he's not a good fit long before they even made a model for him, let alone animations. furthermore he's way more of a good fit even without an R than launch artificer
if what you're saying is true then that only shows utter incompetence and should make you seriously worry about the future of the product

I've never once seen the devs active on the discord. The real place they are active is twitter. Can you give an example of some drama related to the game's development that is from discord?

>bandirts blown the absolute fuck out
BASED hopoo

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you have some issues, user. go see a doctor. not a single sane person would work himself up over literally nothing.

get some fresh air and have some sex

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Hoping this means HAN-D still has a chance once they work out the challenges of a slow melee character. I definitely get why they would out him on hold and work on other characters first though.

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clearly you've not been paying attention and should thus shut the fuck up

nice ad hominem coupled with a subtle "u mad", that'll make you win any argument

>all of these points starting with "lol"
I get it user, you're totally not shaking with rage right now and you feel super smart and capable of dissecting my arguments because you spend four hours a day in RoR2 threads being a doomsayer. Well done.

>yeah the single worst publisher in the industry
Fucking hell user, calm the hell down. Gearbox is shit, but they aren't literal criminals. Plus, the only reason RoR2 got so much attention and money is because Gearbox promoted it at their conference. If you wanna DM Hopoo and tell him that his game is doomed because Gearbox helped him net several million dollars, then be my guest.
>the only place where devs are active
Hopoo's twitter and tumblr are both plenty active.
>all the problems coming from there are actually related to the development
The suggestions channel is literally the only one that matters in terms of game development, and it's fine.
>the game is literally dead with not a single host not even a week after each update
You mean like RoR1? Was that a bad game that was cucked by Gearbox too? Or do you just have rose tinted goggles, and you seem to misremember how risky threads used to go before RoR2 came out? I'll give you a hint: not every thread yielded hours and hours worth of hosts, and hosts would frequently crash.

RoR has always been a game to play alone or with friends. RoR2 is no more dead than RoR1. More content won't change this.

>i can't be fucked to read that first paragraph
That's a shame because it blew you the fuck out and you choosing not to read it invalidates your post. Darn.

Oh, look, you got BTFO'd retard. Hopoo doesn't like Bandit, so they aren't wasting time completing and shipping him. Get fucked, retard.

So, just to be clear, you CAN'T give an example, is that correct?

Nothing of value was lost.
Fuck bandit and FUCK JEWS.
i hope han-d is gonna make it tho

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Press F for this lonely little user who died of ass cancer over nothing at all


any EU hosts?

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>lol yeah
>lol yeah
jesus mate, you should play some videogames to let all that anger out, I can host if you want to

mods when

HAN-D got some updates in Scorched Acres. They're still trying to make him work.

I'm gonna be fucking fuming if the next character isn't melee based

i don't trust my internet to do a good job

>I get it user, you're totally not shaking with rage right now
maybe get your definitions right, lol is used for ridicule
>Gearbox is shit, but they aren't literal criminals
...yes they are
>Hopoo's twitter and tumblr are both plenty active.
not at all compared to discord
>The suggestions channel is literally the only one that matters in terms of game development, and it's fine.
who was talking about the suggestions channel?
>You mean like RoR1?
RoR1 gets hosts in every RoR thread. you can't say the same for RoR2. not even close
>That's a shame because it blew you the fuck out and you choosing not to read it invalidates your post.
no, it was as retarded and clueless as i thought itd be
>Oh, look, you got BTFO'd retard. Hopoo doesn't like Bandit, so they aren't wasting time completing and shipping him. Get fucked, retard.
once again, that bandit got that far before they realized it should absolutely terrify you

here's an example, it was the only place where they announced what was going on with the update and the QA team


actually getting a bit mad because captcha keeps fucking me and makes me solve countless puzzles

no you won't

I didn't realize until now, but hopoo has already delayed and lied about an update. That didn't take long at all, jesus christ.
If anyone is confused: the "summer" update has been pushed back to the start of autumn.

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last time i hosted my PC shat itself
t.FX8350 user
give ryzen 3950X

>>You mean like RoR1?
>RoR1 gets hosts in every RoR thread. you can't say the same for RoR2. not even close
oh I fucking wish that was true, man.

yes I fucking will you faggot

>the "summer" update has been pushed back to the start of autumn.
where did they state that? i dont follow them anywhere

they didn't "lie" retard, they set up a deadline and now they are delaying it, it's their first time working like this and I'd say they are doing an okay job at best but at least they have some transparency.

>hurr durr am gonna be mad
imagine being this much of a seething retard

Attached: muhammed laughs at you.png (605x381, 187K)

September is still a part of the summer retarded burger.

>lol is used for ridicule
Yes, we all get it. You're definitely not using "lol" as a mask to cover up your anger. It's quite clear that you're condescendingly using it to look down on everyone else for being so wrong, because you alone are so right.
>...yes they are
>th-they did a bad thing 6 years ago so that means randy will personally break into hopoo's house and steal his bank account info!
Re-fucking-lax. This is literally conjecture, you're a prime example of outrage culture. A company does ONE bad thing and suddenly having them publish your game is the single biggest mistake you could ever make no matter what the upsides of it are.

I don't like that Hopoo went with Gearbox, don't get me wrong. But it's not "going full retard" and it's not going to doom the future of the game. Chill out.
>not at all compared to discord
They gave, like, one update on discord but not twitter on one occasion. Meanwhile, you're ignoring the times they've said shit on twitter/tumblr but not discord.

They split communications across all platforms.
>who was talking about the suggestions channel?
You said the discord influences game development. I said only the suggestions channel influence game development, which is correct. There's no drama on that channel, so your argument is invalid. The discord drama is not connected to the game.
>RoR1 gets hosts in every RoR thread.
fucking lol
>no, it was as retarded and clueless as i thought itd be
Nice argument.
>once again, that bandit got that far before they realized it should absolutely terrify you
Why would that "terrify" me, you fearmongering retard? Do you realize that literally every game you've ever touched has had some cut content, some bright idea someone had that got canned at the last minute? It happens all of the fucking time. If that was the sign of a bad game/bad dev then there wouldn't BE any good games/good devs. Fuck's sake, dude.

they released an updated version that says "September"
they set a deadline and didn't keep their word, same as lying in my eyes
no it fucking isn't lmao

September is part of summer you retard, summer ends sept 23rd.

How stupid are you naysayers? Like how hard are you niggas gonna try to bring everyone down? Just uninstall the game and move the fuck on, you retards have been doing this shit for weeks now. Have you considered that RoR threads are cancer and depressing because you come and post in every single one solely to shit on the dev/game?

>they set a deadline
its a guideline, mutt.

>no it fucking isn't lmao
Only a burger can be this retarded.

You don't understand user, I like being mad about videogames and things that are out of my control.

>no it fucking isn't lmao
Please stop posting, I'm getting secondhand embarrassment.

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I was wrong, I thought each month started the first. I admit it was a kneejerk reaction
also not american lol

that's very low t of you


>they released an updated version that says "September"
Post it please, can't find it.
September is still summer btw, it makes sense for them to properly update it with an actual month rather than just "summer", even if said month is the last one.

malakikes, user.

first time hosting so tell me if I'm doing it right

NA room 1/4

It's in their most recent "development thoughts" post on the steam community page.

yeah I realized I was wrong, sorry about that

Attached: RoR_Roadmap_UPDATE1_600x338.png (600x338, 211K)

>>th-they did a bad thing 6 years ago so that means randy will personally break into hopoo's house and steal his bank account info!
ok I'm convinced you're a Gearbox employee
fuck off and stop shilling
actually before you fuck off tell me how much hopoo had to pay for your services, or was it just included in the publishing deal?

2/4 get in here bois

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what about a very fast lizard character with a lazer on its back

Attached: beepapaparapo.png (1360x768, 627K)

This level of paranoia and outrage is legitimately unhealthy and you're posting here every single day. I recognize the way you post, I recognize your word choice. Just because this is an anonymous imageboard doesn't mean people lack pattern recognition.

No fuckin joke dude, uninstall this game and move on. It's not healthy to dwell this much on something that upsets you. You've been doing this for weeks now.

Don't you think that all "rare" stuff in this game is actually too rare? Like random blue portals, legendary chests, aspect drops, special events, red printers, golden shrines. I mean, it's cool to get something special but when you get it like a couple of times in 40 hours you start to feel a little bored.

I want a slower, heavier melee character or something DoT based next desu

3/4 git in hear

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i wish gold shrines were guaranteed to spawn at some point in a run since an achievement is based around it, but the others are fine to be rare

so HAN-D?
I agree, I'm tired of middleground characters with average mobility and average damage, we need tanks, heavy hitters and fast acrobatic boys


I'm fine with this. He's not very distinct from Commando anyway. And Hopoo already told you 'tards that just because it appears in the game files doesn't mean it's going to get in. Now I just hope they ban people modding in unfinished work.


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>I just hope they ban people modding in unfinished work.
why? stop being a pink name tranny, they don't harm the game in any way

Based based haha melee is BASED is that all you can say?

That would be nice, I had a godly run that I want to test on that golden fucker but never found a shrine. I got through enough loops to cause my framerate to go down to 5fps.

>get impatient
>join NA host despite being in EU
>too laggy to play
sorry for wasting a slot

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If it's a slow melee character, he needs to absorb damage into skill charges or some shit.

Being slow means you die.

There's only one character in ror2 with a shield. Which means Enforcer would be a viable character.

You fucking neanderthal, he meant a character who is Based around melee.

Your brain has rotten from all the shitposting, take a break for yourself, before you actually turn retarded if it isn't all ready too late

For the same reason I don't want 15 fucking person lobbies: Because it's shit and retarded, and the game is better off without it. Your shit taste should be outlawed by our based VAC Gods.

I don't even care if this is ironic, you're still a retard for managing to make this post

Our time will come

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I meant slow as in slow attacks, opposite of speedy merc

is he gonna make a return?

Attached: the pale one.gif (139x62, 22K)

the fuck are you on about now? is this gonna be a next level ad hominem and projecting combo?
you're in literally every thread, making the same posts, every thread, responding to every post you think you can bait

thats a violent ass lizard

w-was that a cut or was it just that fast

The plant is stupid powerful. I was stacking healing items and proc items. The ukulele, wisp, and dagger stacking was stupid. Throw down your R and everything on screen dies

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lizards are fast niggas when they want to be

Attached: 1553977756734.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Doubt it. Its moveset in RoR1 (although incomplete) is identical to the Imp's.
I haven't posted in a RoR thread for a week, I just lurk them usually, and I see your posts all of the time. The red flags are 1) starting discord drama within the first 50 posts of any given thread, 2) saying "tranny" more than literally anyone else (6 uses itt and 4 of them are you), and 3) whining about gearbox. Lowercase typing is a blatant giveaway as well.

Look m8, if you don't want to get called out, don't be so fucking obvious. Or just stop being autistic as fuck and stop playing the game if you sincerely think it's going downhill and will crash and burn. Why the hell do you care so much about this crusade that you pop into these threads pretty much daily so that you can try to rile up other people?

bullshit i saw you post yesterday, and the day before, and every day

I kind of just happened to stack like 10 med kits on a run yesterday, and im not saying its something you should invest in as a priority, but shit was great

>6 red items including n'kuhana on a character with healing skills
>this character is stupidly powerful

>mfw watching that
Sorry, retard, typing like a normal person and calling out your autism isn't behavior that's strictly exclusive to me. If it was, I would have given up on even reading these threads, but I get a lot of pleasure out of seeing you get routinely btfo every single time you try to stir up discord drama or whine about how bandit isn't in the game yet.

Attached: sweat.gif (272x204, 2.89M)

im not talking about responding to me, im talking about responding to literally everyone that you disagree with
as you yourself said before in your bluff, pattern recognition isn't hard when you post in every single thread

why the fuck does all the unfinished content look so good

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actually hold the fuck up, do you think I'm the guy who posts discord screenshots here? because id take offense to the implication that i use discord

>still no EU host

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N'Kuhana isn't that great on Rex, desu. It's nice, but not much better than it would be on any other character if they get Leeching Seeds/Harvester's Scythes.

He did get great drops though. Dagger, teddy, wisps, mags, uke, and owsk all on the first loop. Probably got clover from the legendary chest on stage 4. Lucky dude. That being said, I've gotten good Rex runs on monsoon without god rng like that, he's a good character. He's no mul-t/engie but he's on par with huntress/merc.

>im talking about responding to literally everyone that you disagree with
I'm talking about that too. To reiterate, I lurk most of the time. I don't post more than a couple times a week.
>pattern recognition isn't hard when you post in every single thread
Please, tell me what patterns you've noticed in my posting that clearly and explicitly link me to previous posters. I'd like to see your list of completely generic behavior like typing with proper punctuation, or posting funny reaction images, or maybe even suggesting that maybe Hopoo isn't the devil himself and maybe the future of RoR2 looks pretty okay. Surely I'm the only one who does that.

big providence (without legs)

your posts really arent as generic as you think
were talking in circles here, lets stop

>Slower heavier melee character
Hmmmm but who?

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how did rex and the plant reach this understanding

So, only modders will ever be able to access bandit? Seems kind of silly, but if its what Hopoo wants.

Where's enforcer?

i dont think this one works
both me and my friend has had it and it didnt give us any barrier

from what I can see the lower half is a spider-bot enemy from the first game. It was probably buried in the crash and ended up with plant seeds growing on top, which were integrated into its systems by the time you reactivate rex with the fuel cell

I've only had it work while standing in a fungus circle. the health you get has to come constantly without any other logic impacting it (medkit, for example, you have to get hit to get the heal, so you probably won't have full health at the time anyway)
fungus just shits out health to you regardless if you need it or not, allowing your total to go past maximum into barrier.

he didn't make it nearly as far as Bandit
and Bandit got officially BTFO
it's time to accept it

>bandit was just not very cool
Absolute shit taste.

>revolver goes pewpew
>revolver goes POW
>I go *poof*
>dynamite goes kaboom
You have no right of talking about "taste"

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Hey guys, Hopoo here! Since we started here we all wanted to give you an update on how the future updates. Our plans are to turn this into a MOBA inspired looter shooter, inspired by Teamfight Tactics and the Borderlands series. We'll start this process with the introduction of skills 2.0!

Thanks for all the support and I hope your next run is blessed with a few H3AD-5T's ;)

awesome, thanks

where's' the fucking host's'

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Pretty based, can you include a Battle Royale mode too?

>Battle Royale
just imagine all the royal capacitors sniping people and the giant fungus health farms

i just want a character with headshot
thats it i dont care if its not bandit

based and thank you

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We have heard tons of comments requesting this feature, but right now we're focused on finishing what we have and adding new content. After 1.0 we'll definitely look into this feature! Until then I hope you're looking forward to September! It's going to be loaded with content!


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That's alright I'm really looking forward to trying the new and improved Risk of Rain 2!
It was a bit boring before but these changes are sure to make it fun.

>moba inspired
>teamfight tactics
i, uh..

Then stand by for the Bandit replacement survivor, Bandette

when are artifacts being added

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>get in a match
>two guys decide to mod their money to infinite
Wow thats fun

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They tested weak-points with extra damage (stuff like the golems' eyes) and confirmed they didn't like the way it changed the game.

Honestly i hate the genre but with a slightly larger map this might be genuinely fun.

Wonder if hopoo thought about that. I know I would at least think about it if it were me.

>ask brony janny the philosophical question of "would you let a make a wish kid fuck your mother if it was their last wish"
>get permabanned
Is it really this easy to anger jannies?

We have no plans on adding artifacts to the game, however we DO have lunar items in the works that are functionally the same. Shaped glass was a test for this functionality and what we're aiming to achieve.

Anyways, I have to go. Games don't develop themselves! Again, thanks for the overwhelming support.

And remember to keep your hanDs to yourselves. No one likes item thiefs ;)

I’ve literally experienced zero bugs with the new patch

Open NOW

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Arti is slim

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Have you not played Merc at all?

>5 fungi
why tho

Those thighs aren't


There's a mercenary bug that's pretty prominent if you ever play mercenary

No, Arti is FAT

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Fuck off already

she is SLIM

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>break rules
>get banned
Please leave, this is a risky thread, not an autism receptacle.

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2/10 get in

Which rule did he break?

She got buffed. She's buff now.

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no meanie rule

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No I mostly play huntress just so I can watch her ass to be honest

Then from your perspective and probably the QA's perspective there are no noteworthy bugs

Where was the disrespect?

dead game pls get in I just wanna slay wurms

Now you're just being deliberately obtuse. It's clearly a rude question.

To reiterate: this is not a receptacle for your autistic anti discord brigade. Fuck off with your attempted drama.


when he made the mod think about his mother having sex. fuckin violation right there

He was just funnin' around, there was 0 disrespect anywhere
Why are you so aggressive?

So the game isn’t super buggy, just one character. Got it.

Also artificer has a bug where her hover stops working when she gets certain items. I think one of them is alien head

>he doesn't main paladin

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The mod isn't your friend, retard. Don't DM mods stupid questions with the intent of annoying them.

Lmao Artificer is the shittiest character anyways



Risky rain 1 open, join now.

That's not how you spell "Commando".

So yeah, the game isn't a completely broken buggy mess, but the bugs that do exist are very annoying

I've only noticed her hover not working when she gets headstompers, since the ground pound overrides the hover.

So there was no rule broken, then?

Fair enough. Won’t argue that. Just saying user’s original claim is probably BS

You were disrespectful to a moderator. You asked a rude question with the intent of bothering them, and you got banned for it.

Get this discord bullshit out of here, we're talking about the fucking game right now.

Thank you for reminding me that moderators are not human.
I don't know how I could forget that.

bro im the original banned guy. you replied to the wrong user fool

>Thank you for reminding me that moderators are not human.
What does that have to do with anything? If there's a rule that says "don't be rude to mods", then don't be rude to mods unless you feel like getting banned. It's that simple.
You fuck off with your drama too then. This shit isn't vidya. Post about the fuckin' game you discord retard.

Risk of Rain 1 is kind of a slog on Rainstorm base game. Is this intended or should I unlock everything in config and play Yea Forums rules only ?

Join We're open!

in this faggot's defense, user, the discord is literally the only place they update with tidbits. twitter usually gets fuck all and they post the patch notes to discord before the steam news page. it's hard to NOT bring it up

play Yea Forums rules with us

No human would see a simple joke question as disrespect or even annoyance.

Bro you should stop responding to them. You're the only one in this thread enabling their discord drama.

No one who is even minimally socially calibrated would joke about fucking someone's mom with someone they don't know. The fact that you're acting all indignant about being banned is telling lol get it together man

there are plenty of people that would.

You have a point.

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There's a reason no one invites you to parties

I get invited to parties all the time actually


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k but WOULD YOU let the make a wish kid fuck your mom.

my mom is a grown woman she can make her own decisions

I'm not hearing a no!


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would you?

Yeah but then I'd beat the kid to death right afterwards.

I mean he's not missing much at that point anyway


ouch the edge, this post reeks of virgin incel

Man I'm getting madder and madder at this.

With the exception of Merc, only new characters have passives, and Huntress kinda cheats because being able to use her 1 while sprinting is basically an unstated passive. Commando's boring because he lacks an interesting passive that helps him out and his skill set is largely the same as it was in RoR1. Except his invulnerability with Dodge Roll, fuck you Hopoo. So telling me that Bandit won't make it in for all the faults that Commando suffers is extra bullshit, especially when his explanation is
>We play favorites with designs and he's too simple, lol

Unless Skills 2.0. is a full on revamp and every character gets passives, Commando's going to remain uninteresting, and I main that fucker in RoR1 and 2. Watch them give him some Bandit's skills if it is the switch 'n' swap idea some Anons came up with. Also I hate half-implemented concepts like only some characters getting passives.

risky 2, but every user who joins will have a good sleep and a wonderful day tomorrow
EU monsoon

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Man all this half-implemented incomplete shit. It's almost like they released an unfinished game. So unprofessional.

Why are you so rustled over this philosophical question? Are you the janny? Or are you just upset over the fact that you wouldn't even let the kid fuck your mother, leaving the child's final wish unfulfilled?

You discordfags are still shilling your dead game after killing yet another general?
risk of rain 2 is trash

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If he's not fun, why would you main him?

I think he's the first character they implemented in RoR2, and he's there as the most basic character with no complicated mechanics. He's the baseline for everything else. I don't like him but I feel like he fills a critical niche, he allows the player to get acquainted with the game's mechanics without any special gimmicks to confuse them.

Hopefully skills 2.0 will give the player alternate skills to swap in or something like that, then they could have unlockable alternate commando skills for experienced players to use to make him less boring.

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>tfw you actively use the Preon just to deal with wisps now

>even though its because Rex is so fucking wide that you can't dodge golem lasers and spikeballs just by moving like with all the other survivors

what changed?

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I suspect skills 2.0 will be a customize your character thing

So kill them before they hit you dumbass.
If you're playing Rex you can more than reliably do that with glass.

speaking of customizing your character outside of skills, I wonder if we'll ever have some basic palette choices to recolor characters just for the hell of it

hopefully not, this game has brought enough faggottry to the fanbase already, imagine the trannies requesting a tranny flag huntress recolor

you say that like you dont want an obvious indicator of who to grief and steal items from

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Who the hell keeps making fortnite animations for every 3d model that ever existed?

now that you mention it

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So what does the escape pod's fuel cell do? Are there benefits or downsides to grabbing it? What does using it do? I haven't had the chance to play since the update dropped.

Thanks for hostin frien.

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maybe a red commando isnt worth the can of worms after all

Get to stage 4 without it blowing up for a reward

"Without blowing up" as in "don't use it", or as in "don't get butchered"?

"don't go below 50% health or you'll get a really friendly surprise"

Hopoo has expressed an interest in the idea before but it never got as far as custom recolors. Just to distinguish people when there's two (or more) of the same survivor in play.

the latter

Sweet. Trying this shit ASAP. Does it still have a Use function, or is it just there for the surprise at Stage 4?

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Exactly 50% also triggers it. I know because I tried to use a health shrine

There is no use function. Think of it as the bomb from csgo, but if you get shot you blow up and it instakills you

Fucking hardcore. I was complaining a few days ago about how unlocking the other characters felt really easy, and that they should be more of a challenge to get. Glad Hotpoo agrees.

>everyone talks about how hard this is
>mfw i unlocked it on my first try in 10 minutes

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It's not hard at all desu

>everyone talks about how hard this is
Really? What can be so hard about it, just pick engi and play on drizzle.

Yeah I literally unlocked it on my first try. While my friend who always taps blood shrines killed himself stage 2 while we were all going for it. We also had a bug where my other friend has his dissapear when we got to stage 4 somehow.

To be fair I haven't tried it yet. I'm still interested in having that little extra bit of challenge to my run.

Real men pick up the fuel array even after they unlocked rex

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But I can't grab it when I play as rex...

Host when

what game

Is Deadbolt worth it? It looks like a shitton of other games I've already played.

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>have no interest in playing until there is a win state aka final boss since im an autist who craves finality
>absolute last update adds final stage and boss
anyone else stuck in this limbo?

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That's a pretty good description. Give it a pirate to see if you like it.

I play only on monsoon but I don't find unlocking stuff any fun. After update I want to play with new toys not doing some gimmicky challenges based on RNG.

Guys, in the five hours I've played the new update I've yet to see a Gold Shrine. I can't get the Aurelionite achievement because I just can't find the fucker.

Any tips on when it'd spawn, or is it TOTALLY random?