There isn't a single good video game

there isn't a single good video game

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that's nice, retard

but there are great games


This decade has been fun

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You're right, there's multiple good video games

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actually there is
the name of the game is your mom
and lets just say I'm already playing it

Don't let video games distract you from the fact you're being brainwashed

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Every other decade was better.


Why do this board even exist then?


>unemployed but lives off meme frogs


to argue about a game character's boobs being not big enough

Is there a single good nigger?

nobody cares boomer. Anyways back to rough passionate anal sex with my twink femboy boyfriend.

Fucking dumb frogposter

yup that's about right, fags don't care about their futue, only hedonistic pleasures

>blocks your path

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Have fun

You're absolutely right, and you wanna know what the best part is? There is absolutely nothing you can do about it!

>only play Civ and Smash
>argue on other threads about games I literally know nothing about of by pulling shit outta my ass and reading other posts

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Support shariah law. For only 50% tax rate for being a nonmuslim, we get to watch free beheadings of the faggots who let them in the country in the first place.