What am I in for, Yea Forums?
What am I in for, Yea Forums?
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Jap jank
just play the damn games, it's not like you have to read a 200 page manual just to create a character.
Artificial difficulty
a decent game with not a lot of replayability
a decent game with lots of replayability if you're into shitty unfun diablo grinding
Two equally different/good experiences. You're more of a samurai in Nioh so it's more grounded and combat focused, Sekiro you're more of a ninja so you're crazy mobile and flexible with some stealth moves.
Sekiro also is no way as customizable as Nioh but makes up for it with better bosses and refined fights. Meanwhile Nioh has shitloads of fashion and weapon appearances choices and a bunch of grind for endgame if you want. You'll get a solid playthrough out of both at the very least.
left is good but has no replayability, right is kinda shitty but has loads of it if you end up liking it
You should probably play Nioh first. It really feels like a janky as fuck mess after the smooth combat and movement in Sekiro.
nioh has fun combat. but you can't jump and that's annoying. also it has shitty music, and the loot management can get crazy. sometimes i just end up saying fuck it and disassembling everything that i'm not wearing, just to give me a fresh start.
sekiro is just another "plot" game which has zero replayability. but the combat is really damn good, and you can jump. not my kinda game, i really crave the loot hunt, i just need it...
Sekiro: Buddhist Kino
Nioh: Shinto Kino
Very fun combat, little enemy variety, uninspired level design. If you like look, it's a game that can be replayed in higher difficulties over and over again just for the sake of building up your perfect character (diablo style). Combat plays somehow like an evolution of the clunky Dark Souls formula (you are faster ,have more moves and can even do some fancy combos if you so desires).
Pretty to look at, mediocre stealth segments with a bizarre combat system where options don't really exist, you stand still in front of enemies and either parry, jump, or counter the incoming attacks. While it can feel exhilarating to hear the steel clashing against steel sounds, the reality is that it is at best a glorified rhythm game
Everything else you'll have to decide for yourself.
A garbage game to the left, and a very good one to the right.
Haven't played Nioh but Sekiro is kind of like a Souls game with all the fun stuff sucked out of it. No real sense of timing or unique playstyles to the combat and they even added easy stealth kills to trivialise everything that isn't a boss fight.
>no character creation
both are shit game
Good bad times
Hot take, but I didnt like DMC5 that much. V is shit character which is not fun to play as and whole second game in tree was just horrible and lazy design. Castles and towns ftw. Sekiro is good, but I think it lacks something. Bloodborne is still fromsofts best title
Two excellent video games.
>little enemy variety
i will never get this meme
In Nioh you actually have enemies that you have to approach differently, meanwhile Souls which supposedly has "enemy variety" you can literally fight all of them with the same old roll+attack method.
>i will never get this meme
Man, I love Nioh, but we can't really defend it.
>Normal skeleton / Skeleton archer
>Big skeleton
>Big oni with sword (reskinned into elemental variants that explode)
>Big ninja oni with double swords
>Big oni with kusarigama
>Wheel oni
>Flying head
>Shamisen dudes that summon flying heads
And that's it. You see all of these enemies within the first two hours of the game.
>meanwhile Souls which supposedly has "enemy variety" you can literally fight all of them with the same old roll+attack method
Different movesets and stagger resistances? I mean, the same logic you are using here to criticize Souls apply to NiOh as well: everything is dealt by moving in, baiting attack, dodging back and then countering, it's not like they have amazing gimmicks that require you to develop some strategy around. While I like NiOh combat much better than basic Souls, the basic core concept is the same.
Not sure on Sekiro, but Nioh is fucking amazing if you live for that RPG number crunching loot Agrind and ARPG combat.
I went full autist and played it for 800+ hours and made a 30 page, 8000+ word character building guide. A++++ Experience.
>8000+ word
no need bro just 1 word
Best post ITT
A damn good time. It may just be because I'm a samurai weeb, but I love both of these games to death. Have fun, OP.
you only need 2 pc Tatenashi tho. The other 8998 are arguments for the rest. Fuck the gearing in this game was satisfying.
...And then you realize gearing was only like, a fifth of the configuration options
where was the public alpha?
a waste of time
Sekiro is a solid 4-5 hour game with absolutely no reason to ever replay it. Maybe when DLC comes out I guess, if they make NG+ worth doing. Even fucking dks2 got that right.
nioh is pretty replayable but it's a lot more arcade styled gameplay,
a bunch of yooooooooooooooooooo's
Nioh has far more enemies than that without even bringing in the DLC, and enemies on average have larger movesets as well as more potential variety in theirr actions with the Ki system. That system and the much wider level of options means there's more to dealing with enemies as well. The issue with Nioh's enemy placement however is that it's functional but doesn't make as good use of it's variety as it could, and has too little enemies and multiple enemy encounters in the areas to change it up further.
Sekiro = DS2 in Japan
Nioh = wow this shit is good quickly melts into fuck RNG weapon upgrades.
ninja soulslike game and soulslike ninja game
who is this semen demon?