

please add me. I'm very lonely and probably want to kms soon and would like to make friends to talk to and play with

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP is a faggot

What are the chances this is someone else’s account and it’s just you trying to troll him?

kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit

Personally I'm in this thread just to see what sort of replies pop up.


why dont you go find existing communities and join them and make friends like a normal fucking person instead of making pathetic threads on Yea Forums just to subconsciously warn anyone who contacts you to prepare for your catastrophic emotional babyfits every month

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>these replies
What happened to Yea Forums?

>What happened to Yea Forums?
I farted on it

>existing communities
I hate normal people and even with the huge amount of them on Yea Forums I still find more people I would want to play with here than anywhere else. I don't make threads with my ID though.

>1 VAC ban

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>I hate normal people
Then you're just a faggot and don't deserve friends

please stop being mean to me i just want to make friends

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Are you Finn?
If so i'll add you, i like Finns.
t. ruski

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Who would wanna be friends with someone caught cheating?


I was bullied into doing it

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There may be different reasons for cheating and some of them is ok.

How do you get bullied into doing something like cheating? That's pretty pathetic user...

I would get picked on and made fun of if i didnt cheat with those people. I don't talk to them anymore though

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Not gonna copy paste it yet but if I know how this thread goes imma copy paste it soon.

Maybe it's someone else's account and he's just trying to get him some friends
Maybe it's my account

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Why didn't you just stop talking to them when they tried making you cheat? Surely you knew you'd be caught

>He's a pedo
Nah, I'd prefer it if you killed yourself instead.

Fuck off normalfag, no one wants you here.

I wish I were that cat.

what's wrong with being a pedo?

I thought they were my friends and liked me.. I dont know user i am not very smart!

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And yet

>This entire thread
It's like I'm five years in the past.
I love it.

Yeah, you dont sound very smart if you can get tricked into thinking bullies will be your friends if you cheat

>fuck off normalfag
Where do you think we are, assburger? Yea Forums is normie central now.
And we're here forever too.

Friendly reminder that if anyone makes these sorts of threads with anime girl images they're most likely incredibly ugly ERP-homos

You're not one of those gay sex finns, are you?

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You have a whole lot of growing to do as a person. Not even talking about your past, your attitude in this thread alone somewhat sickens me. Maybe you should focus on that first if you wish to be liked.

I love this image
Do you think she is stinky like a real gamer haha

You normalfags can right back to Facebook or Reddit or whatever site you came from.

Not killing yourself is what's wrong. You should fix that.

I hope he is

He has the attitude to post cute girls, so he's a better person than you in that regard.

Nice non-answer.

It's just a drawing, how can he be a pedophile?


I don't understand
I don't think so
I try my best user... I'm sorry for not being smart

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>20 hours in 2 weeks
>all these sport games
What a fucking retard.

But won't. The seething from you subhumans on the spectrum is too good.

>what's wrong with being a pedo?
If you believe that adult women are capable of informed consent, then it violates informed consent.
If you believe that age of consent is irrelevant because women cannot consent at ANY age, and consent must be made on their behalf, then there's no issue.
Thus it's a dogwhistle and indicates that you don't fall for the RESPEC WAHMEN mainstream media bullshit.
People who've drunk the RESPEC WAHMEN kool-aid, such as reddit, screech about this.

Also it could mean that you wish to harm children for the sake of sexual gratification but that's relatively uncommon. The real issue is that you think you can consent on a woman's behalf (and you can), and that makes NPCs mad.

>almost four thousand hours in DotA 2
>VAC ban
>37 friends
Those are some serious red flags.

You'd be a lot more successful in this sort of endeavor if you just came out and admitted that you wanted an e-bf/ERP buddy

I'm not even trying to be a dick to him. He is defeatist and that isn't healthy. You erping with him won't change that.

Take. Action. And. Work. On. Yourself.
Self improvement, got it?

Jesus it's worse than I thought. How does someone become that way. Awful.

makes sense when it was jewish feminists who raised the age of consent

Are finnish people really like this?

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>Member of a Yea Forums Steam group
It's even worse.

>Take. Action. And. Work. On. Yourself.
Since when do faggots EVER do this?
They get a boner from being useless weak little faggots who can be easily dominated by anyone in a 5 mile radius.
If they stood up for themselves and got some strength, that'd conflict with their sexual addiction. And as you've established, these people are weak and their sex drive will overpower their willpower, every single time.

The 37 friends might be scrim partners. I know I add people to my friends list if they were skilled teammates.

Good god.

>vac ban on record

Sorry I don't play with cheaters or fags and you look like both.


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>scrim partners
Never heard that term before.

I joined a Yea Forums group once to see what the fuss was about and see just how bad they were. They banned me before I said a single thing. Never got to see what was going on, but I assume it's bad.

I went ahead and sent you a request since you're fun to bully

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you type like one and keep posting pictures of anime girls.

If you want to be my e-boyfriend you just have to say so user. but you better put out.

Your online aura and you're a pedo. Most pedos are gays of some type

Because that's exactly what you are doing in this thread.

>VAC ban
>"cute" poster
>shit taste in games
>spams his steam on Yea Forums
>obvious mental issues
Any other red flags I missed?

Do kids not call pick-up practice matches scrims anymore?

You're pseudo-avatarfagging exclusively with anime girls. That's pretty much the hallmark of being a gay ERPfag. If you're not smart enough to have figured this out on your own maybe you're too dumb to be going online without adult supervision.


Accept my friend request loser

I don't know, I've never really done competitive games.

eat shit

Which is why he should probably kill himself. What's the point of living as that type of person?


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if you want friends then accept the request I sent you, loser

You are posting pictures of anime women who are overcome by The Feelz, i.e. they are shy, flustered, sad, or otherwise not happy with life.
Representing yourself with these images shows that you yourself are shy, flustered, sad, and not happy with life. That is red flag #1.
Red flag #2 is that you are posting young anime characters to represent yourself. You either believe yourself to be "cute", or wish to be "cute". That is another common trait among homosexuals.
Finally, you mention wanting friends and being lonely. This indicates that you are seeking external validation for your feelz instead of confronting them internally Red flag #3.

Combine these red flags.
You get someone who's unhappy with themself, wants other people's approval as a surrogate, and thinks of themself as cute. You are damn near guaranteed to turn prison gay as a way of getting sexual attention.

Just kill yourself you useless waste of shit.

This. Every single one of them is mentally ill. No better than trannies

guess you dont want to be friend then, oh well

Not accepting outstanding friend requests is another red flag.

I'm not, I'm just seeing you as a self defeated retard. Either change your ways or kill yourself.

>What's the point of living as that type of person
Steamy hot ERP, of course.

>All these retards getting played by OP

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Dumb anime faggot.


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What this user said.


Willingly self-defeated retard.

Please, the ERP is fucking basement tier. Needy anxious submissives are the most annoying type of partners because they NEVER clearly communicate what they want, they're overwhelmingly prone to flaking, they're one-trick ponies that never deviate from their one specific fetish, and they have an incredibly hard time describing the emotions associated with sex, thus completely killing the immersion.
You could make a chatbot that replies "Uwu please harder senpai" to anything you type, and it'd be a better partner than one of the needy anxious submissives, because the chatbot will never bitch at you for ignoring it or not paying it proper attention.
Even at ERP, they are trash.

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i am just lonely and a shy person normally why do u think so much into my request for friends!?

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a lot of people on Yea Forums all started off as weird as kids who happened come across a site that was seen as taboo but decided to regularly frequent the site nonetheless. some of the weird kids who frequented the site got older and as life a hold of them, they went about their days and fell into the routine that some people would deem as a normie routine. these now dubbed normies also come to this site every now and then.

as for the outliers, they kept their role as that weird kid and decided to live the rest of their days as the way it shouldn't be. succumbing to all of their vices and running away from obstacles set for their edification. as a result, these involuntarily celibate individuals are prone to sluggish browsing this site and other forums willingly killing themselves.

Because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
Your loneliness is self-caused. You won't feel better with other people's company, you'll bring other people down. That is why they avoid you.

you say you want friends, yet ignore the ones who send you requests faggot

Imagine having faggots like OP in your friend list. LOL

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okay i may have done erp once before buts its not my thing anymore, i just want friends so please stop this!
Havent you been lonely before?

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there is too mcuh wrong to fix

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You forget belligerent autists like myself who are proud of rejecting normalfaggotry and happy with ourselves for having done so.


You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to escape into your fantasies, but you imagine yourself as a weak anxious screwup. Even in your own fantasies, you're still a failure.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.

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>Havent you been lonely before?
Never ever. It's unironically an entirely alien emotion to me. Besides the people ITT obviously hate you, you're really better off begging for friends on discord or some shit.

Thread should have ended here.

Look internally and realize you will never have friends with the way you are now and you will remain lonely (rightfully so). Based of you to ignore those requests from those other ERP fags though kek

Along with OP's life.

>Havent you been lonely before?
lol no

I have Yea Forums for all my social needs.

vape a can of zyklon B and jump down the incinerator shaft fucking human waste trash garbage

be my gf and you'll never be lonely again

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I have utmost disgust for incels.
You are less than 5 clicks away from a waifu at all times. Get one. It's easy. But no, they for some reason think a 3dpd is necessary.
And they all have abysmal emotional hygiene. Emotional hygiene is when you evaluate what you're feeling, check why you feel it, make a decision on whether feeling it is justified or not, and then practice feeling or not feeling the emotion.
Most incels have no fucking idea that they even can do this, and carry emotional baggage that they have no need to carry.

>nearly 4k dota2 hours
wew, reminds me when i was at my worst

i have about 4220 hours clocked up before i gave up the vidya completely

The fuck is this reply? Are you implying I'm an incel or what?
I couldn't care less about all of this.

Huh, so you're not so much a belligerent autist, you're more of an indifferent autist.
I was hoping you'd also hate failed normalfags and we could bond over our mutual hatred of failed normalfags.

Oh, I see. Sadly I am pretty much indifferent in this regard, yeah. Not that I can't make fun of any madlads, good old Elliot is hilarious.
If anything, I feel sad for those who keep trying like that instead of finding happiness by themselves or some other way.

>OP hasn't responded in over 15 minutes despite babysitting the thread for the past hour
WE DID IT REDDIT!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!11!

I hope so

he accepted my friend request and sent a message before disappearing

How old are you, OP?
Rather or not your brain is fully developed is a game changer.

>id is "thebigbraingamer"
>"i am not very smart"

You already have friends, you fake ass piece of shit.

Add me.

>Almost 0 hours played
You guys never fail to let down


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you'll never get a bf

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

I'll be your boyfriend

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Probably jacking it to the reply count at the bottom of the page.

You already stood me up once, I'll pass.

I'd feel bad for you if you didn't post anime so you're probably closet tranny


Fat ate their brains

>the comments

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What's wrong with California?
I did?

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Like 2 months ago we were supposed to get Pho together. You did not show up.


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Only if you don't mind me being incredibly boring, and only taking this somewhat seriously because you struck me as cute

your loss