Why were Gamecube Discs so small?

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To make it more difficult for people to get "surprise discounts" on their games.

And it worked.

Because Nintendo are kikes

So you don't put your penis in the hole

holy shit dude you're huge as fuck

Because Nintendo is autistic, just like their fanbase

Because the games were merely psp size

Anti-piracy and to avoid paying royalty fees for DVDs.

Because you're a fucking retard. kill yourself.

are you referring to ripping and burning, or piracy?

Anti-Piracy methods by Nintendo

But ironically some ports have better loading times and graphics than the PS2, considering that the disc have 1.5gb of space is impressive

I loved the console design and the mini disks, I don't care.

>t. le angry ugly neet


Attached: Pissed Off Video Gamer Archive - Nintendo Shitcube Review (Original) 3-9 screenshot.png (320x240, 119K)

They were too damn big if you ask me.

Attached: manly tears' gamecube collection.jpg (600x450, 46K)

there wasn't enough graphics to fit on a full disc and it'd just be a waste of plastic



based file name

is this happening to anyone here?

and how you can prevent it?

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Tiny discs for tiny dicks. Japanese know their Nintendo audience from personal experience.

Before downloads and streaming we thought small disks was the future

It was an attempt to make game discs that were small enough for manly tears to pick up but they failed

gamecube discs had SOUL

Small di*ks

Because Nintendo are faggots who support physical drm

I'm pretty sure only Sony thought that, especially since they tried to spread it for multiple purposes.

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I just got flashbacks to when my dad took me to the blockbuster in the ghetto and the ps2 discs looked like that.

This was an explicitly portable format though, so size is an issue

No reason for a home machine to use a shitty half size format

So people don't try to put them in their PS2 thinking it should work.

disc rot


>When the GC game includes multiple discs

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your disc looks infected user
I think you have to burn it

I don't think normal sized CDs would fit into a PSP

Why didn't they make the disc square to fit more graphics at the corners?

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Rotational velocidensity

only people who don't take care of their stuff

Based on the size of the size of the disk tray and reader on the original playstation, it seems Sony might have been considering a non-standard disc size (in this case, bigger rather than smaller) to prevent piracy.
If so, probably for the best they decided against it, as it would have been less convenient both for them to manufacture, and for the customer to store (no more using convenient standard jewel cases). And of course, we wouldn't have had the fun modding/swapping scene during that era.

Attached: psGameOpen.jpg (900x750, 73K)

Duh, the point was that they were trying to spread it (with MiniDisc before it) for multiple purposes and not just putting games on it.

Heck, there was even porn released on UMD.

But then you could get more data by adding some of these...

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don't do it

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Stop living in a fucking swamp, for one.

Was there a single game that did this?

They’re not?



For you ;^)

its just the label though... the disc is fine

Sony consoles always had multimedia players of some sort.
>PS1 = Audio CDs
>PS2 = DVDs
>PS3 = Bluerays

Tiger woods and RE:0

It was just comfier times.

time dilation

Enter the Matrix. One of my friends lost disc 1 and never bothered to throw out disc 2 or even try to get a new copy of the game. It just sat on his shelf.

They were trying to push the format to get used by other things but the PSP, like bluray. Except they failed and ended up removing it in favor of downloading for the psp go.

Which brings us back to

PS4=Bluer rays

baten kaitos
tales of symphonia
enter the matrix

these are the correct answer

>some ports have better loading times and graphics than the PS2
Name 2 games

Soul Caliber 2
Resident Evil 4

Bunch of RE games.
Tales of symphonia.
Some 007 games.
Some tiger woods games.
The baten kaitos games.
Lord of the Rings - The Third Age
MGS: Twin Snakes
Medal of Honor
Splinter Cell chaos theory
Splinter cell double agent

Literally every CD-ROM drive can read mini discs.

>tfw you bought this disk just to get the DLC on fire emblem 7

They weren't mini-DVDs, they were a proprietary format, same with the Wii's discs.

just like the dicks of that console owners

wrong its the perfect size

>manly teats
Now that's a name I haven't seen in years.

you're disk is cracking stop trying to fuck the hole user

To represent the size of the average Gamecube users brain

fuck i made a mistake its normal to fuck the hole user.

Fuckin' UMDs.
In 2008/2009 you could walk into any gamestore and find a stack of UMD movies gather dust in a corner. Usually Bad Boys, Bad Boys 2, and Doom.

Resident Evil 4 was initially a Gamecube game created just for the Gamecube, how the fuck is it a port

So that you didn't get your hopes up

Christ. When I was working in a video store, I never saw anything like this on our Gamecube discs, or any disc for that matter.
I've seen some weird shit come back from returned games and movies, but nothing like this.


I meant Spiderman 2 sorry

I remember buying a minidisc music player, thinking that shit was the future. But then Steve Jobs fucked that up.

based based poster

Pokemon Colosseum

>Can't find my original copy of TTYD

Attached: pain.gif (500x500, 573K)

Because Nintendo consoles all have memes

So you could make a perfectly good sandwich with them

>Look mom!

It was a big console.

for you

It has probably been stolen. I'm quite good with my games, never lost any, although my original copy of Bomberman tournament went missing after a visit from my scumbag of a cousin.

So you could snugly fit your microcock through the hole.

MOH: Rising Sun

also they were read from the outside in


How about you pop out those bad boys for me to take a look at

>tfw La Blue Girl was on UMD and I could buy it without issues as a young lad because the store thought it was just another one of those anime bubble trash movie

To avoid piracy. Too bad you could just use a dvd-r and cut it to fit in the system and play pirated games just fine.

nintendo had less graphics to fit on the disc.

>manly tears

It's been 1000 years since I've heard that name.

I remember minidisks getting a big push as a cd replacement late 90s and then vanishing like a bad dream.


>just how big is the country of gamecube discs really

DBZ Budokai 1