What games will you spend your 1000 dollars on each month Yea Forums?

What games will you spend your 1000 dollars on each month Yea Forums?

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Not video games...

Probably pay my rent.

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I won't have money for games after my mandatory health insurance plan goes up $1000/mo.

Did he ever say how he would reconcile the fact that his plan costs 10 times the US's entire annual budget?

It'd be more like
Rent increases 200 a month
Groceries increase 100 per month
Gas increases 50 a month
And so on until the sum is equal to 1000 per month

>commie libtards astroturfing on v
I'm gonna say the n-word so even the communist jannies delete your disgusting thread debbie

Kick the can when my rent inflates due to free give and I end up homeless.

we tax Amazon and that pays for most of it and the rest is paid for by economic growth. doesn't cause inflation because no new money is being printed.

What happens when Amazon just moves to Canada or something?

Don't let megacorps pay zero federal tax.

>"Mr. President, how can we implement your impossibly expensive plan?"
>"uhh duhh durr duhh tax da rich more"

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Why not just cut tax by $1000 a month instead
Or better yet, cut taxes entirely

Tax corporations so they actually do something with their money. They're not even using the fucking money as of right now, hording money is shit for the economy.

>mandatory health insurance
jesus fuck why not just make health insurance a government standard if it's mandatory

Why would they do that when Canada and most other countries have the exact same taxes, and US still has the largest consumer base?

lol what are you retarded, no the obvious solution here is to make people pay a fee to the government if they don't pay for health insurance

fake news

Why not? It's not like they can go anywhere other than 3rd world countries.

Democrats have no possibility of winning.

well the reasoning behind that, Bob, is that some (most) Americans pay less than $1000 in taxes / month

We could vastly increase how much we tax the rich and still be the country the rich flee to to get low taxes.

Make America great again by skyrocketing taxes back to were they were when America was doing its best.

ah yes surly taxing amazon will magically make
three hundred twenty-seven billion two hundred million a month appear, not counting the non documented population which YANG said would also give this 1000 a month to

Why wouldn't they? The economy is still shit and the US is still falling apart socially.

>dude hes asian so he well definitely turn us into china

yikes, burger media is so awful

it's a VAT not a capital gains or corporate income tax, so the possibility of a corporate inversion isn't really a problem here. go look up how it works if that doesn't make sense to you

Nazis should be sent to the gulags

Just my WoW sub. Thanks inflation!

>doesn't cause inflation because no new money is being printed
You failed introduction to macroeconomics. Go directly to class. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $1000.

>not counting the non documented population which YANG said would also give this 1000 a month to
source on that? i've only ever seen him say he would make them become citizens first. although he did offer blanket amnesty and an 18 year path to citizenship afterwards which kind of burns my buns

did you even watch the Dems debate

Why is it okay for corporations to pay people an unlivable wage and keep said people on welfare which come from taxes?

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cayman islands or luxembourg, more like
anyway it doesn't matter who the president is, the US government will find a way to bend over backwards to suck the dick of a big company, and there's nothing yang or anyone can do about it. the power is too entrenched already.

which democrat candidate will get the nomination and defeat trump?

he was peer pressued into raising his hand because he knew he would of been targeted for being against the liberal hivemind

no mon frere, i did not

The economy is always falling apart society is always on the verge of collapse. Giving free money to niggers and spics isn't going to change that. Also liberals/college kids don't vote.

Every single rent in America will go up exactly and mysteriously $1000.

Just give money to everybody!
Admit it, you wish you thought of it first.

>he was peer pressured
So you think that a guy who was peer pressured is somehow going to make three hundred twenty-seven billion two hundred million dollars a month Appear, and not also be peer pressured into give this 1000 a month to the undocumented

Lol Hi /pol/!

It won't matter who gets the nomination, Trump hasn't done anything of significance since he got into office other than tariff countries and make the people who voted for him rely on government handouts.

was that WRT: medical insurance, or 1000/month

I'll fund adult games and make a boom in the industry

But taxes were lower in the 50s

>The economy is always falling apart society is always on the verge of collapse
No it isn't. The US sucks dick because nobody wants to invest in improving it.

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what will compel people who voted for trump the first time to switch to the democratic nominee?
Who do you hope gets the nomination? Do you not think that an overly far-left candidate will alienate moderates and centrists, while galvanising established republicans?

And, you know, drop unemployment down to the lowest it's ever been in fifty years.

The p2w whales need a nerf

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>I'm supposed to pay loads of taxes so Yea Forums neets and illegals can get free money
No thanks.

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Are you a mega corporation?

>draw an obvious girl character with grossly exaggerated feminine features
>Add a dick hehhehehe no gay btw
Futafaggots are the worst cancer.

nayrt but I'm Exxon Mobil

They won't defeat him. Democratic base is too divided. Young people pushing Yang and Bernie don't want Biden or Warren and will most likely dropout if either wins considering their votes to be "enabling a corrupt system" which is retard logic but I digress. Feminists apparently hate Biden because of that one minor inappropriate thing he was accused of doing that one time. They share ridiculous articles like this which divide retards to stupid to realize all the sources are shit:
Old dems don't really want Yang or Bernie. The level of change they are proposing is too radical for them and could impact their lives significantly which might be hard for them to adapt to as they age.

So you have a democratic base divided three ways and it's unlikely that everyone will rally behind whoever wins the primary in order to beat Trump. Given that assessment I'd go so far as to predict, with 100% odds, that Trump will win in 2020. I don't really want it. But it's gonna happen.

>think he is making billions and trillions

Unless you are the overfed spoiled 1% corporats you WILL benefit from Yang.

The investment in improving it is done at gunpoint and goes into paying bureaucrats before anyone else.

Yang is my only choice. Everyone else is too establishment. Bernie could have been a pick but he already showed during the last election he will pussy out for the whims of the party.

>what will compel people who voted for trump the first time to switch to the democratic nominee?
If Trump doesn't sort out trade with Chinese they're going to flip Democrat regardless of nominee

Unemployment numbers are worthless if the jobs are low skilled minimum wage. There's a drug epidemic within the country with suicide rates continuing to rise, the nations infustrucure is falling apart, the border is a disaster, and parts of the US continue to be 3rd world tier

>thinking tax increase will only be on billionaires

iirc the cutoff is more like $135,000, at least for personal income. and with inflation that number goes a little lower, projected to be like $110,000 or $120,000... I think

I would argue though, that unless you have private security forces and make millions per year you'll be pretty happy about the lack of social unrest that will come from UBI. things are about to get very, very weird in western civilization

Assuming Yang doesn't win the primary, what will you do then?

>Thinking the corps won't also benefit

It'll go like this: Mega corp actually pays taxes now, government gets the taxes, Government gives it the the citizens, Citizens buy stuff from the mega corps, mega corps pay taxes, government gives that to the citizens who give it back to the mega corps, and so on.

Billionaires have a supermajority of the wealth. US is going to Saudi Arabia tier if the way things are going continues.

Choosing to live on welfare in a booming country while they get federal taxes paid for them.
Not surprising.

Yes, sir

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what if he lowered it to 500 bucks?

it won't be to start with, but then the billionaires will cheat on taxes like they always do, and it'll eventually fall on everyone else.
there's no solution other than literal revolution. unfortunately the kinds of people who'd take over after that (unironic communists and/or anarchists, or straight-up despots) would make things worse long-term

use it to cobble together enough for a plane ticket because I'm now having to spend an extra $2000 a month in providing healthcare to all the no longer illegal immigrants flooding the country, but hey at least there's no robots making cars any more.

Unemployment is significant no matter the demographic. Every 1% of unemployment results in tens of thousands of deaths on a national level. You're always better off with a job, even if you're scrubbing pots and pans.

The purpose of increasing taxes on corporations is to get wealth circulating, corporations that don't put their wealth back into the economy are a detriment to it.

In 1 month if yang all my debts would be paid off.

What if I'm in the middle class and don't want to pay just below minimum wage for neets to subsist.

>Billionaires have a supermajority of the wealth
Not in America.

if you're in the middle class you'll end up with more cash in pocket after UBI + VAT

There's a cutoff?
I thought it was universal basic income.

>economics is a zero-sum game
I think I have the perfect solution. We should reduce everyone's salaries to 1 cent an hour. Logically speaking everything should be free right?

How can you claim this if Yang hasn't published explicit policy and numbers?

it's not a cutoff for qualification, just the equilibrium point where, despite receiving $12k a year, you'll have the same disposable income due to increased tax expenditure

Middle class in America is shrinking, how do people think things are going fine?

>uuuhhhu like, you can't make the rich pay taxes. That's unthinkable
They're laughing at you right now user.

Not him but i feel similarly and it's either yang or trump for me

Where did you get that figure from, it would cost like 3 trillion which is the same amount we already pay for boomer gibs

I'm middle class and according to I'll have less cash in pocket with Yang's plan.

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That's a better idea than making Mexico pay for it

here's some numbers he has published:

$12k a year
10% VAT

can you figure that math out yourself?

When will we abolish the voting system? It'a useless when the voters are fucking too dumb. It always a cycle of politicians promising good things and failing to meet them. Most of the time it's an outright lie too but the voters will still fall for them everytime.

Okay so if we gave everyone over 18 $1000/month, how much do you think that would impact COLA? It's most certainly more than 0 and less than $1000. I mean, I was replying to a guy who said health insurance would be the only thing that made up the $1000, for crying out loud.

Why shouldn't the rich be taxed more if they aren't using their wealth? The economy depends on money being circulated.

No because it's not clear how VAT + UBI will impact the specific things I consume and my wages.

>more than $120k personal income
>middle class

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Muh megacorps

I think limiting voting rights to only net taxpayers is a great idea.

>rich aren't using their wealth
Do you understand how savings or investments work?
Do you think rich people just keep all their money in a Scrooge McDuck vault or some shit?

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upper middle is 250k/y (were i am}
upper class is 300k+
America is odd

there have been studies published which he has referred to on his website iirc
>inflation: nominal due to redistribution, 5-10%, take your pick within that range
>extra tax expenditure: [your spending*0.10]
>additional income: $12,000 / year

it's some algebra I level math, i believe in u

Then do we base the voting power on the next taxes paid, or is a $1 net taxpayer the same vote as a $1billion?

mandatory voting might be a good start. sure, you'll get lots of clueless people who don't care voting, but maybe you'll inspire a few to do some reading

Americans think that rich people have the money in the bank like they do and not invested in buildings and other things

two party system needs to be tossed

Because Americans are scared shitless. Despite the fact that they've been moving everything oversead even when Republicans are in charge, they think making them pay zero taxes will somehow stem the tide of the business model that favors cheap labor from third worlders.

It's an old way of thinking.

I make 150k, and I'm definitely middle class.

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I can't wait for the election to finally kill Yea Forums and I'll be free at last

>$135k+ a year
>middle class

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>vote for yang for $1k a month
>social credit program scours your browsing history
>get slapped with a $2k a month "incel tax" for browsing Yea Forums

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Nobody on Yea Forums is making 6 figures. You are LARPing.

>upper middle is 250k/y (were i am}
according to some stupid metric, I'm sure it is

$120k is ~90th percentile
$250k is ~95th

median is $32k-ish

everybody pays sales tax though

The rich are using their money overseas instead of within America how the fuck is that good for the economy

that's what middle class means though. which is why when people complain about "the middle class being squeezed" or whatever, it's pretty fucking hard to have sympathy. they're talking about people who make $80k+ generally

assuming you actually do have a personal income of $150k, no, you would not be middle class

desu voter turnout is already too high. we should do it like jury duty -- every year we select around 10,000 people and force them to vote, but also inundate them with info

>rich people engage in international trade
Did you just wake up from 7,000 B.C. or some shit? This is some Basic Economics tier shit.


I'd prefer the latter. The biggest plus would be welfare babies and most women not voting. Those two groups always vote for more welfare and authoritarian government.

What if we nuked Cayman Islands? Honestly, I wish some communist seized power, only to watch the rich fucks SEETHE. Don't even give a shit about starvation desu.

That's totally a middle class income and middle class lifestyle.
Six figures is not that much anymore due to inflation.
I'm not some rich fag, I just have a good job.

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a net tax payer is someone who pays more into the system than they take out, or maybe they don't take any money out at all. They're a net gain for their country.

I don't know, I'm not an economist. But everyone keeps saying if we raise wages, and give people more money, a gallon of gas will cost 30 dollars, and we'll all be in the poor house. So why aren't we implementing policies mandating a maximum wage? No one can make more than a dollar or something, and products will all be cheaper.

I'm just trying to figure out how this all works. Why are third world countries in such shit condition? They all make like, 50 cents an hour. Shouldn't they be doing better than us?

>i am nowhere near the middle of the income bracket, in fact i am in the top 5%
>but i'm definitely in the middle because that way I can complain about how VAT + UBI will make me lose 2% of my disposable income

Does this take geography into account?
If you're living in a major coastal city in the US then the median is stupidly high.

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Then the communists become the rich assholes in charge you retard

Holy shit dude stop. You're not making over 300 thousand and posting on Yea Forums. You're a wannabe richfag. They're pissing on your head and calling it rain.

The accumulated negative karma of current rich fucks with the sins of their ancestors would make it worth it still.

>Does this take geography into account?
why would it do such a thing when we're discussing the country as a whole? if San Francisco wants to implement its own tax + UBI system then they can feel free to use their own numbers

Notch used to post here, commie-sama.

>send jobs overseas to produce cheap product
>sell product at home
>take profit and continue to invest overseas
It's an active drain on the economy. An economy cannot be sustained by service alone. Any company that relies on a product needs consumers with buying power but sending shit overseas doesn't help that at all.

Just 1 poor person pays a billion dollars in state sales taxes every year.

t. Born after 1989

That's why he said he doesn't give a shit about starvation dense fuck. He essentially wants to do what you retards did, vote someone in as a way to raise a middle finger to the rest of the world.

Why would you use income when wealthy don't make most of their money that way?
I am in top 10% by income by not even close by net wealth.

My regional manager, Mr Noseberg, said if Amazon have to pay taxes then they won't be able to afford to pay us our $20 christmas bonus this year.

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>in fact i am in the top 5%
Means jack shit when it spikes exponentially past a certain point. The 5% has more in common with the lower 94% than the 4% above them. Also
>Pew Research defines middle-income Americans as those whose annual household income is two-thirds to double the national median. For a family of three, that ranges from $42,000 to $126,000 in 2014 dollars.
>The lowest-income group earned $31,000 or less for a family of three while the lower-middle group earned between $31,000 and $42,000 in 2014, according to Pew Research. At the most affluent levels, upper-middle-income, three-person households earned between $126,000 and $188,000, with the highest-income households topping $188,000 in 2014 earnings. Pew has developed a calculator to determine income class, into which you can plug relevant financial, geographic and household information for a take on where you rank.

Key word being used to. He's not hanging out with you losers anymore. Neither is Christopher Poole or anyone else who made it.

Im not sure man, net taxpayer would already stops welfare queens. Doing it based on a dollar per vote basis would allow people like Bezos to almost do whatever they want.
>should people who pay more than $1 million in taxes a year be allowed to shit in the mouths of those who pay less than $1 million?
>Overwhelming support of this bill

I don't disagree that multinationals suck dick but there's still a lot they provide to the economy, I mean shit Apple does a lot of their production overseas but they're still a huge net benefit for the US economy.

I fully support the tariffs levied on China though, fuck them.

Social credit is a mistake but not wanting to tax the rich is worse. You're the salt of the earth user.

nigger are you a family of three?

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dont worry user, youll get your freedom bux

my only problem with yang is how he goes on about amazon like it's the only corporation in existence

>I mean shit Apple does a lot of their production overseas but they're still a huge net benefit for the US economy.
how so?

Because the median can fluctuate wildly depending on the state. Lower, middle and upper classes means jack shit on a national level when 32k will let you live like a prince in bumfuck nowhere.

Yeah, incels don't count as a family of three. Unless you mean your fatass equals 3 people. Which is entirely possible. I can see some of you weighing 500 lbs or so.

that's cool and all - but why would that be relevant for a policy that covers the entire country all at once

well its the biggest company in the world and pays $0 in taxes so not really hard to see why he goes after them

>just tax the rich bro!
>by rich I mean anyone making over 100k
Why can't you go after the real wealthy instead of innocent engineers and dentists?

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I make $140K and would gladly welcome UBI

PS in order to offset UBI youd have to SPEND $120K in technological goods, which probably doesnt even apply to many millionaires, much less the middle class.

Anyone who's asking how we pay for it is missing the point. We pay trillions to keep up a military industrial complex and just as much for government programs with shitty red tape.

Alaska already has UBI implemented by a Republican governor and they love it.

do the real wealthy not make over $100k?

>implying it matters
You weren't bitching about the size of user's family before. First you've shown concern about more than just raw income when arguing about his class. Why?
pic related tranny

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Do the real wealthy not make over 40k?
Let's have that be the line...

>like woah man just stop spending money on stuff and give it to us big dumb stupid government

>I make $140K and would gladly welcome UBI
your effective income would go from like $140k to $138 or something even if you spent every cent on goods

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Refer to

>tfw democrats here just raised taxes again
>tfw going to have to pay an extra 19 cents per gallon on gas to go towards road projects that will never actually be finished
Thanks again champions of the people

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I'll support basic income but only if we cap how many kids welfare leeches can have.

i'm not bitching about the size of his family (implying it isn't you you stupid faggot), I'm bitching about his dumb ass conflating "personal income" stats with "household income" stats

>pay an extra 19 cents per gallon on gas
the agony, this is truly 1984

>Trillions on defense
>Muh MIC maymay
Based retard
>Bitching about shitty government programs while wiching more more
Based and redpilled retard
>Alaska already has UBI
And the entire thing is funded by oil revenue. My sandy shithole of a state couldn't afford it and neither could most of the continental US.

Very well crafted response, user. I cannot see how this point could possibly be refuted.

Maybe my post wasn't clear because I'm tired. If you're a net taxpayer, you get one vote. Giving people multiple votes, based on the taxes they pay, would be hell on earth.

What do you guys think of ranked choice voting? I think it would be a good way to solve the problem of people voting for who they think would win instead of who they actually want.

>We pay trillions to keep up a military industrial complex and just as much for government programs with shitty red tape.
lets also not forget the trillions that boomers get

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>(implying it isn't you you stupid faggot)
I'm a fucking college freshman working on a meme degree. I WISH I was making 150,000 a year. Keep assuming everyone who thinks your retarded is one guy though, its almost endearing in some twisted way.
>I'm bitching about his dumb ass conflating "personal income" stats with "household income" stats
They're effectively interchangeable unless you made the mistake of marrying a working woman.

Lego star wars, whitout a doubt

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objectively better than fptp retardation but i would prefer proportional representation

>social security's solvency predicated on growing population
What a dumb policy.

Based bootlicker
Go back to Cali you faggot, quit getting my taxes hiked up further.

Who do you think is voting for yang? He wouldnt dare put in that tax

Most families have like 1.5x income earners, unless you marry some high power career lady.*
*not true for lower class where both parents work min wage jobs

>They're effectively interchangeable unless you made the mistake of marrying a working woman.
they're not interchangeable because the mode family of 3 is exactly this set-up

not to mention families of 3 which consist of 3 adults (1 or 2 parents + 1 or 2 adult children)

l2stats, congrats on being so stupid you tricked me into thinking you were the other retard btw

The whole point is to streamline government programs. Instead of case workers, paperwork, and all other sorts of bullshit rife with fraud, we send you a check. That's it. Kind of hard to have another kid and cry for welfare when you can get $1k a month instead and not deal with the beauracracy.

And yeah, the point is that tech is the oil of the 21st century. These companies pilfer our private data, and what do we get in return? Fucking nothing. We should stop trying to regulate or break them up and instead implement taxes that benefit each US citizen.

The democrats would be pretty based if they didnt want open borders and turning america into a spic shithole t b h

that's my point. if we assume the average family of 3 has 1.5 income earner (that's a spitball and I imagine it's a bit too low actually but we'll just move past it because it doesn't matter) then the highest average income earner within that definition of 'middle class' earns 80k, not 120k, and thus user's 150k is well outside of the study's definition of 'middle class'

So in other words if they weren't democrats.
They had their shot and blew it for social justice points, the party deserves to die.

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God I wish I had a party that represented my interest. God I wish the most powerful country in the history of human society wasn't ruled by fake 2party political theater bullshit

I'd just buy a new PC every month and continue to pirate.

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Middle class should use wealth not income, like I said here .
I didn't post the pew thing.

>exactly this set-up
Interesting. So why are we assuming that user fits your imaginary mode American family?
>Living with your working-age parents or your adult children
Fucking disgusting.
kek the irony

If Dems were more hard on immigration and pro 2nd amendment they'd be based as fuck.
I don't know why they're so pro southern border migrant shit, do most latino americans even support that?
The cringey spanish speaking pandering is retarded as well.


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too bad he did so bad in the debate

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Man it feels like picking the lesser of two evils more than ever now, instead of "abortion yes or no" it's now
>abortion no
>abortion yes and they're all "free" and your tax dollars are now paying for a planned parenthood on every streetcorner
can't you people make something legal without making me pay for it fucking christ

it has nothing to do with user's life situation and everything and everything to do with the (in)applicability of stats for "the average family of three" to a single person's income and their location along the bell curve
last reply for you, brainlet, feel free to greentext and declare victory

>where are we going to get tax money from? and dont say "the people who have money"

I'm so ready for everything to end

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that's how insurance works user

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>moderators ask him two questions
>cut off his mic when he tries to interject
let's face it, he's too high IQ for america

>mic turned off

>adopt those policies
Okay great that should perfectly in the inner cities like every other Great Society plan.

>in other news, twelve people died of heart disease today

I dont understand how anyone thats not a corporation even supports immigration when all it does is lower your wages and raise your cost of living, even communists and leftist socialists who are supposed to be for the working class support open borders for some reason