Who played it? What did you think?

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Me, good

If I still own this is it worth any money?

It was a stupid walking sim that was only fawned over cause MUH NEW SILENT HILL that wouldve sucked anyway cause Kojima is a hack

Puzzles were too cryptic. It should had been its own IP, not that it mattered.

The last puzzle was actually impossible

So imposible it was solved by accident 2 hours after release

I got it, not knowing wtf it was.
I was scared shitless since i played it a 2am. It's the only time i've been scared playing a vidya game since alone in the dark when i was 7 or 8.

I'm so bummed they didn't make the full game.

I still wonder why Konami canned it. Even besides the fact that its another Kojima project to use for marketing they had a hollywood director and a well known actor on board which basically does all the work for them and it was hugely loved. I guess they wanted to shift to mobile and pachinko but they're slowly coming back to smaller scale console games anyways.

I got a group of friends together and linked all our headphones together, played it right after it came out, pulled and all nighter. Shit was pretty cash

Didn’t you need a microphone? I didn’t have one

Same. This was a quintessential play-through-the-night game. Finally beat it amidst a chorus of screams of people who had quite literally wandered in off the street to watch. Probably had like thirty people watching me play PT at 4am

Felt like SH was back after all these years and then it gets taken right from your hands

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it was pretty good even though I never finished it, by the way what happened to the devs?
I haven't seen anything from them since

story? that sounds bizarre

Be happy it happened. Now Book of Memories is no longer the last Silent Hill game ever made.

Now Pachinko Silent Hill 2 is

Well, almost. After walking through a recursive walking sim wondering what shitty game would have such so-called gameplya, you see a familiar title misspelled and immediately realize there's a Kojima at the wheel going to ruin something that you thought was already dead. Thank goodness they fired that hack and buried the project.

Puzzles? I don't recall any puzzles. Wasn't it just these completely arbitrary methods of walking through the same goddamn hallway 3d-scan that somehow changed something in consecutive iterations of the same place? You know, literal retard-tier game design as in not aimed at retards but produced by retards?

Not much of a story. I lived in a shitty barn in college that functioned as a revolving door, so my friends would just pop in and out whenever. That night we were playing PT with the windows down and our excitement brought in a weird amount of people off the street (friends of friends, strangers). But it was really funny to have my house filled with people I didn’t know cheering me on/screaming while I played a walking sim.

Nah some of the puzzles were like: look a the word “hello!”, look down the hall, look back: “hello”, repeat until “hell” and then something in the world changed/door unlocked. I still have no idea how the frantic clawing/eyeball level worked or how I sometimes was able to get out of it and sometimes not

ps4 came with the microphone, unless you stole one, jamal

Me, boring.
I hate those modern run-away-little-girl horror games

It came with a flimsy plastic piece of shit that nobody bothered using.

Lost it. Also it sucked

That is the definition of arbitrary mechanic execution. Nobody in their right mind looks at something clearly made to be static and assumes that it changes when they do something that definitely won't change it. "Solving" that was basically made to be astronomically improbable so that a large group of people would eventually accomplish it and jerk each other off publicly about it. Kojima once again hadn't made a game, just marketing wank material for his cult.

You aren’t wrong. Still, this game was ‘fun’ to play outside of the puzzles, simply because the slight alterations of each hallway iteration actually made me feel afraid/hesitant. I genuinely think the use of space in this game was really well-done. The ‘game’ would have been disappointing, but as an atmospheric piece, PT really succeeded.

>Finally hear the fucking phone ring after hours of trying all kinds of different shit
>That ending cutscene
>The fucking hype
and then it was gone

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sounds like an amazing experience user. good for you!

Overrated shit with dumb puzzles and was padded out

The RE7 demo was amazing, though (too bad the full game went typical shooter).

I thought it was stupid. It wasn't scary, just trash trying to be "weird". Like basically it's typical Koima trash. I was pretty made that it was what silent hill was going to become.

I did.
I will never not be mad that it got shitcanned.

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I still have this game. Once in awhile I'll make someone who's never heard of Silent Hills play it and get their shit scared out of them.

Its even better when they ask if "video games can be scary?"

>Close your eyes.
>Let your ears listen, to the radio.
>Do you hear my voice?
>Can you hear your own soul's scream?
>Let us choose
>My voice that tells the future
>Or your tortured-
>Well, what do you choose?
>You can choose.
>Your life, your future.
>Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
>Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was true.
>'They' are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
>Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
>They are already controlled by 'them'.
>That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
>Only our best will prevail
>You have a right. A right to become one of us.
>So, welcome to our world. Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.


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