Behold the peak of the souls series
Behold the peak of the souls series
kek I get it
I don't get it
we got a wiseguy here
Why didn't the elevator just go down?
But who was elevator?
am i supposed to know what this is?
>Miyazaki centered the final content of the series around the most controversial area
Sometimes, not giving a fuck is the best decision.
What is the appeal of 2?
>inb4 much PvP
Shitty hit boxes, soul memory and garbage movement/animations ruin it
Because then it would just be lost izalith again
Having a floating lava fortress subverts your expectations
I like the variety of locations and enemies more than 1 and 3. It gets a lot of shit for dumb high fantasy locations like Iron Keep but I prefer it to another fucking swamp.
For me it's just another Souls game. It's easily the most flawed but the formula is still fairly enjoyable. The DLC is also a significant improvement on the base game (outside of the obligatory PREPARE2DIE bits).
I agree, and would also like to add the potential for build variety. 2 honestly has the most replay value of the entire series
>The DLC is also a significant improvement on the base game
its actually worse
Powerstancing two Ultra Greatswords and slamming enemies into the ground.
Also vanquisher's seal and stone ring for punching stunlock shenanigans.
Are you all this fucking stupid ? In DS seriesyou literally travel in time (a lot of times), animals speak, you fight people who has been dead for a long time, find dragons in caves (twice), you set yourself on fire (or rot) and this seems weird ? Something that has a simple explanation as the world being convoluted due to the end of the age of the Gods ? Don’t you understand this is intentional ?
The level design, environments, and bosses are way better for the most part. Pretty much every boss in the base game ranges from mediocre to garbage.
I think the original DaS2 version was better than the SotFS version, as far as item and enemy placement
>I am very intelligent!
It's called suspension of disbelief. All of those things are justified by it being a fantasy setting. There's nothing in the game that justifies a nonsensical elevator. If there was an NPC somewhere that commented on it, it would be much easier to accept, but as it exists now it's a blatant oversight.
Except they repeat over and over that time and place make no sense, it could literally be the elevator in other times, where there was a tower, no need for someone to repeat the phrase each time time or place variate
>wah, I don’t like your argument
That's how suspension of disbelief works, your brain accepts that stuff easily because it's so outlandish that you automatically assume that it's just part of the fantasy setting. But random little details that sort of seem right but actually make no sense and have no given explanation are a lot harder to reconcile.
>elevator goes down, make the skybox black/dark; now its underground
>put the base of the mountain behind earthen peak, put the elevator in there
>when all else fails, just teleport the fucking player
There's a million easy solutions and they still chose none of them
It's a fun Souls, a customizable Souls - but easy as fuck to hate, easily the most rushed, with overblown and misunderstood difficulty
You like the ember being in Iron Keep? Heide's Tower of Flame being a spamfest of Old Knights? Undead Crypt having tower shield guards on the stairs? Dragon Shrine being a Drakekeeper spamfest?
>You like the ember being in Iron Keep?
>you kill basement giant
>you kill persuer
>bam, ember
That's kind of insane imo, like TOO early
Deeper user, Dark Souls 3 was a huge middle finger dressed up like a love letter. Kojima tier trolling.
Miyazaki knew what he was doing, he hates what the series and its fanbase became.
Agreed and fuck Aldia
Yeah it feels like SotFS just added enemies and moved shit around at random because they had to change something or people would have been more random
>uhhhhh the word dragon shows up a lot in this area so lets just put a dragon on this platform here
There's doing it right and doing it wrong. In DS1, there's a bunch of bullshit you have to travel downwards through to find Ash Lake. It may have been harder to accept if there was just some elevator that threw you down there or if you just took a minute to walk down there.