What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Letting anyone add whatever garbage they wanted without quality control.
tolerance of shitty writers due to them also being mentally ill and it being "progressive"
Game is good
Wait is this about the game or the website?
>literal fact of what happened
censorship of stuff they dont like, trannies ruining the lore and immersion. Its a shitshow now pic related
Defend this you fucking faggot
Go drink bleach freak
btw this is official wiki mod approved artwork
Discord unironically
Wow 1 article out of thousands about Tumblr TRIGGERED *HITS VAPE* HAIL TRUMP RRANNIES RUINED MY LIFE
How could I forget, it's about the manga.
>shits all over your wiki and floods it with low quality oc donut steel garbage
brainlet, here,i think i read something that scp began on Yea Forums was that true?
yes it originally spawned on /x/
Blame /x/ for not gatekeeping
How do you overcome this situation?
cross my eyes just slightly so I'm staring at the sides of Peanut's head instead of at the FAGGOT
People that weren't /x/ trying to claim /x/'s shit and then turning it into non-horror self-fulfillment fantasy starring their Original the Characters being invincible and able to do whatever with shit that's supposed to kill people just by existing.
christ, imagine having your creation be overtaken by trannies
How the fuck did /x/ even lose control of this
If its containment breach then you can just look at his feet
>SCP:SL, SCP in general, and the single-player game all met the same fate from the same group of people
Especially SL. God I fucking hate discord so much
Containment Breach showed a lot of promise and it was surprisingly good for a bit. People didn't know at what cost.
What happened to the game? The game was good.
Or are you talking about the site itself?
>not taking it as a containment breach of its own
I'd say it's a cognitive hazard, taking over weak willed people turning them into mindless drones, following a path of self destruction and spreading like a disease
I felt Secret Lab was even more haphazard and hacked together as some kid's hobby than Containment Breach, even. It was just an unofficial multiplayer asset flip of CB and then things started going in the wrong direction.
It was trannies.
It's always trannies, disgusting freaks that should adhere to the statistics.
>gender dysphoria is an scp
i would read it
Dios mio...
top kek
>go around shitting up literally everything you touch and making everything political because you're an autistic loser who cut his dick off for validation and attention
>play victim when anybody calls you out on it
hope a pack of niggers cave your skull in you fucking freak
>Secret Laboratory releases
>some user posts it in a jank thread
>everyone jumps in
>most fun online game of 2018 by a goddamn mile
>so much OC that it spiked traffic because of SL alone
>suddenly the whole SCP tranny shit happened
>everyone at SL servers making fun of the site
>eventually one of the moderators got butthurt and started deleting SCP threads in general, including SL
>even goes as far as to auto-filter it
>discussion moved to /vg/
>1 week later, the inevitable happened such as tripfags, discord groups, and drama from all of this
>few months later popularity dropped 90%
>in janurary 2019, there was literally only 5 people playing in the /vg/ server and all 5 are furries from the discord group
>no one was left
yikes and cringe pilled.
/vg/ kills games
Suck cock people
yeah thats how it goes
>fun game comes out
>play it with Yea Forums
>mods get assblasted and cast them into /vg/
>community slowly dies out
>congregates into shitty discord groups
every time
/x/ is a tragedy in itself. It only took one week for the entire board to fall apart into the shitstain that it is today. I miss it so much.
Besides, another organization could be made, one formed of people that hasn't been infected. There are some other orgs right? I don't see why people can't fight that crap with actual good nongay content.
Based and redpilled, we need more posting like this
The kid developing it didn't seem that competent or committed to the project, which is totally fine given it's a fun hobby, but you can't blame Secret Lab on tranny alone. It simply stagnated.
pretty sure that's what rpc is
Just read ruskie SCP
I was gonna write a tale about this stupid shit, like a report from an O-5 saying that even making a statement about this topic had needlessly caused members of some facilities to have nonstop screaming matches, almost had a middle eastern branch defect to the Iranian spooks, and possibly caused the death of a gay researcher in a Russian facility when an scp "accidentally" breached containment, and ended with a reminder that the foundation is there to protect normalcy, not create it.
Then I figured it was just gonna get deleted anyways so I gave up.
>Russo-Iranian based scp foundation
sounds very redpilled
>kills your promising game
Nothing personal kid
>TFW always liked groups of interest more than Foundation
Prometheus Labs all the way
Reminder that ABIB is confirmed newfag that was once a janitor of this site
One of the organizations opposed to the foundation is an Iranian based secret service, so I thought "gee, a facility in the middle east might defect to them if they thought the foundation wasn't in their best interest"
For the russian thing, I was thinking about the anti-gay laws there more than anything. I'm not really sure what the regular people there think about it, but I thought it'd be interesting that someone at a russian facility planted a deadly SCP somewhere a researcher they "didn't like" would likely interact with by accident
I remember a thread in the past few days where more transfags were injecting their special brand of illness into the thread (which wasn't even related to trans cancer) and some user reminding them that they "will never look like the cute girls in the anime they watch" or something like that.
>go check the top rated recent SCPs
>top one is kinda spooky and good actually
>read the discussion, see comment from author
>"this SCP is about genocide denial"
>go to second top rated recent SCP (scp-4670)
>literally a socialist pothead who turns cops into pigs and eats them for sexual pleasure (get it, cops, pigs, eh, eh?)
>author comment: "If it looks like a pig and enforces the will of the elite like a pig, you gotta check if it cooks like one too."
what the fuck happened to this site jesus fucking christ
>SCP is now just 'horror social commentary'
What happened to SL? Haven’t played in awhile.
trannies are the reason SCP-682 hates humanity
What the fuck am i staring at?
Should have done it anyway, watch the shit storm unfold.
We had Yea Forums thread yesterday with around 20 people playing. On weekdays we do pubcrawls with 2-7 anons.
The dev Hubert still makes 3k/month with donations. No updates since December and no future update announced
why do jannies kill scp threads constantly? excluding this one
Free, niche games that can't cover Yea Forums discussion fees
/x/ is full of children playing around their spooky stories. Go read their posts. Also roleplaying faglords.
The early days were the best. It's a damn shame what happened
>pubcrawl with anons
>bully pub kids and mods
>pubbers send friend requests
So this is what it would have been as a popular kid in high school.
i genuinely feel bad for this poor soul never had a chance
Thank fucking Christ lobotomy corporation exists
>not 4669, which is practically a better written 10101 whose premise is "akghtually communism is good and those who against it are the bad ones"
Talk about the fucking game in pic related you niggers.
The only real problem i feel is the engine that struggles to reach 60 FPS on fucking anything.
It got normie attention.
The dev of CB here. I just spent my this week grocery money to pay off Yea Forums jannies for this thread to be allowed in Yea Forums. I'm okay if you talk any SCP related stuff.
239 is just a touhou character, prove me wrong you can't
thanks bro
call SCP-049 and ask it to cure him
thanks b
They never made the site, some Tumblr fuckwits slapped one together and lifted the scps wholesale from /x/ threads. Now they didn't give a shit that some other entity was claiming their shit, and in fact liked that there was now a better way to archive the ideas they made, but they didn't like how it became a big RP session when really the original concept of an scps was to just shoot the shit and come up with scary stuff.
New update WHEN?
Is that you, Regalis?
So you want my update? You can have it! I left it in the trunk of SCP SL dev Hubert's car he bought all the patreon bucks he absolutely refuses to use on his game! Now you just have to find it!
It lacks an I.
>mtf beta-5 ("babysitters")
actual good quality SCIPs appear on russian branch of SCP wiki. and general popylace is not too high on onions compared to english branch. too bad you guys can't read them :)
also have a dog
I've seen the hidden repos, I know what's actually been done versus outside expectations. Sometimes being upfront with people is better than radio silence but that's just my opinion.
I'll keep the stuff to myself.
Can second that. When Yea Forumserminfags came to argue being moved to /vg/ he basically just muted them and proceeded to rant about muh board culture. Collossal faggot.
Oh hello neighbour!