So apparently I’m near the end of Part 1, and I’m still rocking Cloud/Barret/Tifa. Am I supposed to be leveling all my characters? I feel kinda bad just using these three.
So apparently I’m near the end of Part 1, and I’m still rocking Cloud/Barret/Tifa...
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level 2 others for when cloud and tifa leave the party
Don't level Aerith. Barret and his wife are all you need.
Try to steal some items from shinra's doges so u coupé ve able to kill llegar zolom and learn betamax,It is dread waste
Yeah, I didn’t bother with Aerith at the beginning because she was so underpowered. And I know the spoiler.
Also, does materia ever really become necessary? I find that beside from summons and cure, I’m better off just using attack most of the time.
Llamo based nigger, at the staart It doesnt, but It Will make the Game Easier for you
Good, I feel so far it’s so useless it’s almost a one button game.
Keep in mind that your stats will change according to what materia you're using.
>does materia ever really become necessary?
Materia ends up obliterating whatever difficulty this game has. Certain materia combos destroy this game
Just pick the characters you like and stick with them. Outside of the limits/weapons/base stats the characters are effectively blank slates, you can slap whatever materia you want on them.
Cloud/Yuffie/Cid best team.
I'm playinng it for the first time and i use Tifa & Aeris/Aerith cause i like them, i get the feeling that is going to be a massive mistake but i just love the love triangle
I just found Yuffie and I've started using her a lot, she seems pretty good and her combat victory dance is cute.
In boss fights I'm almost exclusively using materia because it just does more damage than my autoattacks and nobody has ever come close to running out of MP.
That’s good to hear. Right now my basic attacks do like 450 and materia does like 400.
Any materia you recommend?
It's "Aeris", you cock gobbling retards.
>but hurrdurr devs said blah blah
If you want to swallow their cocks then you better start with Bullets BBC, as this is Barrets actual name.
Get the Enemy Skill Materia and learn Big Guard with it. You can get it really early and it's easily the best spell in the game.
Casts Shell,Protect, and Haste on your entire party and only costs like 5MP.
Well it sounds like you're farther than me because I'm hitting for more like 100-150 on attacks, but I've mostly been using bolt/fire/ice/bio, depending on what the enemy is weak against. I just got to that coastal city after going through a cave. I forget what it's named, but it's the place where the local girl is friends with Mr. Dolphin.
Didn't they change her name to Aerith in the remake?
Have sex
It doesn't really matter, everyone can be broken if you want them to be. The ones with multihit limit breaks generally have the best overall potential, but its largely irrelevant. So basically, cloud, Tifa and Cid are probably the best overall, but everyone is viable.
There isn't one materia that you recommend above all others. There's combinations of Materia that put you over the top. For example Added Effect+Contain makes every hit have the added effect of Petrify meaning you can instakill near any regular enemy. Or do Added Effect + Hades and make every hit do Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Mini, and Toad. Throw in Mega All and this will effect all enemies on screen.
You are like one of those kids who only levels one Pokemon. Its a mentality I've never really understood.
>Enemy Skill Materia
How do i use it? I have one on Cloud and other on Tifa but i still can't do anything with them
You learn spells with it by being attacked by enemies. Only certain enemy attacks will teach you that attack/spell however.
Matra Magic is one, another is one of the Zolem's abilities. (That big snake you had to avoid)
There are a lot of spells to learn but it can be hard to find all of them.
That some can only be learned by taking over an enemy so they cast a buff on your party is part of that reason.
Only select skills from enemies can be learned, but if an enemy uses one of those skills on a someone that has the Enemy Skill materia equipped, then that materia "learns" that skill and you can start using it. As far as I can tell, there is no way to know which enemy skills you can learn and which you can't other than trial-and-error or looking it up in a guide. It's a pretty shit system since an enemy might not even use the skill you can learn, or they might use it on someone that doesn't have the materia equipped, and you just have to keep waiting for them to use it on the right person.
shit, i must have really bad luck if i still don't have any skill
Or how final attack+Phoenix basically makes it impossible to lose ever.
>he didn't get beta
Not really. I think that until late in the game I usually only had a few skills. You really have to hunt for them or look them up.
Don't forget about Claude and Sephiros
Is there any way to know which materia can link together and which can't other than autistically testing every possible combination?
Its usually pretty obvious. Whats confusing you?
I see, i just got to the Gold Saucer, i really liked the Mog ''minigame'' so i'm gonna try to get some skills from now
Blue materia can only pair with green. Literally the only use for the double slots.
Nothing yet, I'm not that far do I have limited options to consider. It seems like All and Elemental are the only materia I have so far that will link with anything. I just wanted to know how much tedius testing I'm going to have to go through as I get more.
Interesting. So does that mean that blue+green is the only color combination that does anything special?
>I’m better off just using attack most of the time.
This has got to be a bait.
In case it isn't, materia are a crucial part of the game.
How far into the game are you?
Elemental kinda confuses me, if i paired it with fire on the slots of my sword them my sword will have that element and if i put it on armor i will take less damage from that element, right?
Yes. For example, when you get the blue materia that allows you to double/quadruple cast spells, it will only pair with a green materia. It will not work with summons (red materia).
No. It depends on the Materia. For example Added Effect will also pair with any Red materia with a secondary effect. Like how Chocobo/Mog has Stop as a secondary effect. That will be applied to your weapon every hit or grant immunity to it if applied to your armor. Blue Counter can be applied to Yellow Command materia. So you can counter with Mug if you so choose.
Yes, also the level of the elemental materia affects how powerful the effect is. On armor, at level 1, elemental will reduce damage from the associated element by half. At level 2, it will nullify all damage. At level 3, it will heal you instead.
You’re missing out on fun character stuff. Levels almost never actually matter anyway
Do you know how rows work? Aerith’s melee damage (not her forte) is actually pretty standard.
This. I do it at end game. I shift people around to keep t
So it sounds like blue+green is the most straightforward combo, but other combinations can work for certain materia. I guess that means I'll have to do a lot of swapping around whenever I get a new materia.
Oh fuck the turks got user
That's the idea. It's mostly experimentation. Eventually you realize how it works and it becomes a question of how much can you break it
Awesome, do materias level up faster if you use them more? Or only the weapons with special effects help?
Thought of this
I try to use everybody about equally. I do this in all games. I shift characters around in Final Fantasy, I use all my team in Pokemon, and in Mass Effect I use every squadmate at least twice.
Enemies with more AP will be a thing
AP directly affects it. You can get equipment that boost growth rates by double and triple and whatnot.
In this game in particular, there aren’t many party members and the dialogue does change quite a bit with them.
And also levels don’t matter much
It's Aerith deal with it faggot
There are like 3 triples?
Elemental+choco/mog weapon is one of the best combos early
It really comes down to what the blue materia is.
Like there's a blue materia that makes you cast the linked spell on character's death - be it magic or summon.
It's usually linked to Phoenix summon, which rezzes and heals your whole party, so bascially, if you die, you cast Phoenix, it does some damage and rezzes your whole party so you keep fighting.
Check what the weapon stats say - if it's normal, the AP growth is normal. Double is double, triple is triple (duh), but keep in mind that there are also weapons that have "nothing", meaning the materias won't level at all.
2 weapons only. But they exist.
What the fuck does that do? Wind damage?
Scimitar and Apocalypse. Thought maybe I forgot one
It gives your weapon the ability to inflict the Stop effect on an enemy.
The RTS minigame at Fort Condor is pretty cool, i wonder how many fights do i have to do until it hatches, so far i have done it twice. Also does giving money to the guys at the fort do anything?
Shouldn’t Added Effect be the combo materia then?
Why trivialize an already easy game?
Wind damage which no enemy resists.
I get beta later. Trine is good enough.
>It's "Aerisu"
Fort Condor actually has a mandatory minigame toward the latter part of the game, and thats when the egg thing happens. The earlier attempts just give some unique gear.
Also I can't believe nobody's suggested this yet - one of the most OP things you can get is the phys/magic armor + speed buff on your party via Enemy Skill from the turtles that are on beaches near Costa del Sol and Golden Saucer.
Cast Manip and then cast the buf on the patry member with Enemy skill materia.
That shit will make every boss fight (bar the very endgame ones) so easy.
Its great but I never liked how expensive it was.
My bad, for some reason I read that as 'Added Effect' instead of 'Elemental'. This user has it right.
Do you also call Sephiroth "Sephiros"?
Elemental does the same as Added Effect?
And yea Mighty Guard destroys the game more than beta ever could
I usually call him "Sefirosu"
Oh fuck I forgot the Ribbon can cheese the fuck out of the arena.
White Wind is pretty useful early on, too - basically a combination of Cure and Esuna rolled into one. But yes, Big Guard is pretty much a must-have.
I always go into the arena somewhat poorly prepared the first time. Like I forget something restorative or what not
Just get a Ribbon and you are set for the most part. The roulette effects won't work on you.
That arena makes me so buttmad sometimes. Whenever I decide to go in without a ribbon I always get fucked, but when I use it then everything is too easy.
by the time I get them I’ve usually done the arena, had no idea it stopped them. Wow.
Oh yeah, that's from the weird cactus birds around Junon, right?
I remember using that instead of regular heals, but it drained mana like crazy.
I usually give Tifa ES because sheMs fast and has no ise for mana anyway. And give Aerith red and green stuff to at least level or do more sustained nuking