What would Yea Forums do if Totori asked you to join her party?

What would Yea Forums do if Totori asked you to join her party?

Attached: 13 year old Totooria.png (700x979, 984K)

Probably join her party.


Ditch her for Ryza's

how could I decline an offer from a little girl that cute?


Why would she want me in her party? This looks like trap.

Drink her pee

I'd agree, but only if my bepis joins her cunny

Fuck her to death, then fuck the corpse some more.

Lick her feet

Attached: totori feet.jpg (596x842, 147K)

Decline because I'm joining Ryza's party

Attached: 1559675386276.jpg (776x1080, 286K)

I want to slide my dick between that cleavage.

refuse because i know that if i join, i'd just end up doing lewd things to her

She's like 12

we know user, you don't have to tell us


Attached: 1561159553209.png (1078x1500, 1.17M)

Ignore her because I specifically said I'm looking for a tank

Join and try to get close to Mimi so I can attempt to get into the aristrocatic society. If that doesn't work, I'll just ask Totori to make me a sick weapon that heals me and does all elements of damage.

Attached: Mimi.jpg (2000x2873, 1.47M)

I reported you.

Attached: __reisalin_stout_atelier_series_and_etc_drawn_by_asanagi__2a0aedf4ef352e01de62809f1e3028c9.jpg (2500x3478, 2.41M)

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Why is October 29th so far away?

Attached: 1559675386272.jpg (1200x1200, 222K)

What if Mimi falls in love with you?

But that's impossible. Mimi doesn't like men

Attached: 19193867.png (694x1000, 477K)

If it's 13 year old Mimi, she can easily be convinced. Little girls are very easy to manipulate.

I suppose so.

Attached: 25731841.jpg (573x837, 370K)

You shouldn't take advantage of little girls' hearts.

this, they should be cuddling and gentle loving

And forcing them to adventure while naked.