Why did the Wii U failed?
Why did the Wii U failed?
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we already have a wii sweety
The name itself pretty much killed any chance it had
ThisShould've just called it the U.
Name and marketing, most people probably saw it as a Wii revision and saw the GamePad as a confusing control method because it has a screen
Had two 9/10's, DKCTF and TW101
Had two 8/10's, Splatoon and Bayo2
Had two 7/10's, Pikmin 3 and 3D World
then it had the rest of its library.
What the fuck? I was told this console had no games
Because you grammar fail.
that's the Switch
the Wii U had plenty of games that nobody wanted to play
LMAO fuck off nintenfaggot. I bought this game and it has the worst control scheme, such a piece of shit. Dropped it really fast
Or call it the
Each game pad has eyes and the screen is the mouth
There called game brads and come with a game that makes the screen a true mouth
The wii motes are brads brothers named
Mayor McMelvin
Brad appears on screen in any game like bonzi buddy and brad is an ai that can program himself into any appliance
You,i mean brad chooses
Have fun with your PadLad
Have fun with b r a d
t.never played Xenoblade X
I personally think XCX was a 9/10.
Marketing. Unless there's a significant, damaging flaw in the product, such as the Virtual Boy causing headaches and eye strain, 99% of it all comes down to marketing. A shitty product with good marketing will sell better than a good product with shitty marketing.
People had been using smartphones and playing mobile games for years by the time the Wii U came out. The DS was a massive success. People understood the concept of a controller with a touchscreen.
Bad marketing/planning, everyone thought it was a wii extension and the next gen was running laps on Wii U hardware in terms of power, launch titles were shit besides Nintendo Land and Mario so no one cared, rest were last gen ports or not that great. By the time the Wii U was getting good games everyone had a PS4/Xbox One which led all 3rd party to go there.
>i-it only had 6 good games
that's about average for all consoles post the ps1 era
But I thought that Smash would sell Wii U like hotcakes.
I remember someone in my high school who was confused about which screen you were supposed to look at. It was less that people didn't undersrand the concept of a controller with a touch screen and more that they didn't really get the point and saw it as too gimmicky and inaccessible for a home console
such a neat concept
I feel like and Mario Kart tried to help it but came too little too late
Everyone just thought it was a Wii accessory.
or ouya
>Why did the Wii U failed?
Garbage name and marketing, simple as that.
They oped to double down the Wii unexpected success keeping the name and the shit marketing, but all the people who bought the Wii moved to smartphone and Nintendo didn't realized that at all.
They made and marketed a product for a non existent target audience. That was an easy predictable failure even for the dumber person, and Nintendo still pushed it out.
marketing. they confused the casual market with the name and just expected them to be loyal.
I still have people come into my workplace and ask "Do you guys have the tablet controller for the Wii?"
Because what you're posting is a total lifetime of the console. I remember it having insane droughts, hell even I skipped on it until WW HD came out. Nintendo gave up on it as much as the fans did. I don't really think the masses were stupid enough to think it was just a tablet for the wii, that's too simple of an excuse, it simply was a bad console.
>A shitty product with good marketing will sell better than a good product with shitty marketing.
Apple is the literal proof of this. they sell shit hardware at double the price of the competitions and people still buy them because of pure marketing while at half the price they can get a product 4 times better.
Everyone, i propose a challenge:
What name would you had given to the Wii U to make it appealing and not retarded?
Too much censorship, and the controller was even more trash than the Wii's.
>reveal trailer comes out
>guy is playing new super mario bros wii
>it then cuts to someone playing wii sports
>trailer ends
>"Wii U"
>ah okay so it's an accessory for the Wii then
The Nintendo Stream
I still can't believe the big launch game from Nintendo was New Super Mario Bros Wii HD. Could you imagine if Mario Maker was the launch title?
Nintendo Home
Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 and maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X
Wew lad there's only three exclusives that i'd play.
Marketing was terrible.
It sucks because it had a lot of good games, and Miiverse!
>shit library to start out with
>lol let's design our hardware where we value small size, quietness and low power consumption over speed and power!
>we should sell it at $350!
PS2 had way more than 6 good games, but you're right otherwise.
>The name
>The marketing, or lack thereof
>The specs were barely an improvement over the 360 and PS3
>It had nothing at launch
>What little games it had were spread all over its lifespan
>A lot of the later games were just plain mediocre, such as Starfox Zero or #FE
>Third parties jumped ship or outright burned bridges with Nintendo
>Made redundant by the Switch
They could've at least cut the prices if they wanted to salvage that whole mess.
Not even just the name but I remember a lot of casuals back at the time whose only experience had been the Wii were absolutely baffled at the idea of a new console generation. For some reason a lot of folks I dealt with just didn't get the concept of a system becoming outdated or replaced.
What about Breath of the Wild, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8?
>they were ported so they don't count as WiiU games anymore
So the N64 sold less than the PS1 because you could get Ocarina of Time on the Wii? Tropical freeze was a WiiU exclusive for years before it was on Switch. I mean, the flow of time doesn't flow backwards, you can't say it failed in 2013 because the switch ported all its games.
But maybe I'm talking to a wall and you hated Tropical Freeze and such.
>Nintendo Land’s concept will never be expanded upon
>Super Nintendo World is just Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong
>Being bad at games
Just because you couldn’t wrap your brain around it doesn’t mean it’s bad, user
>all these ports
>wonderful 101 is still not on Switch even though literally every wii u port sells like hotcakes
I am forever upset this unique IP is dead.
The name. People didn’t know if it was an add on or a new console and thus it basically sold the equivalent units of an add-on
Just call it the Nintendo U. Every advertisement for an exclusive can say that the game was made for U instead of “Made exclusively for the Wii U”
Damn, did the name really screw them over that badly? Why didn't they just change it to "Wii 2" or something?