Can you boomerfags even come up with legitimate reasons as to why pic related is a bad game...

Can you boomerfags even come up with legitimate reasons as to why pic related is a bad game? Notice how I said "bad GAME" not bad FANBASE so "muh autism community" is not a valid criticism. That's like saying watermelons and KFC are disgusting because a lot of monkeys eat them. Actually fucking play the game and critique the game design and shit.

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Lack of direction and clear goals leads to a boring experience. Give me something to work for.
>Bro just set your own goal
My own goal is to play something else

Too grindy.

It's not. The Minecraft hate thing was a giant fucking meme; a big joke. A meme I participated in while playing and thoroughly enjoying the game.

Its a sand box game and guess what;the ender dragon exists too
So do raids and the wither
Just go in creative or do stuff in the game thats not grindy like villager enslavement

But there is nothing wrong with Minecraft. Very good game for solo play and Lan play where you actually do some awesome stuff, like great buildings or working redstone electronic devices.

But playing online is shit because every server is either already filled with full diamond gear kids attacking literally anyone and destroying every building or limitations on server don't allow you to fully release your creativity

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Nome of those things give any closure or progress to any ending. You might as well have told me to fill a chest with wood

I'm 32, I loved Minecraft from 2010 to 2012 or so. Even co-ran a server that peaked around 70 dedicated players. Lost interest at some point, but I still think it's a good game considering I played it fairly regularly for 2 years.

It's extremely hard to argue against Minecraft's quality, so people who hate the game rely on low hanging fruit like "muh fanbase" and "muh zoomers" instead of properly criticizing the game.

>Doesn't spend hours laying blueprints for new crop fields or castle expansions
Sorry kid, this games for the big boys

As someone who played from early beta until shortly after full release, and recently came back, I feel like a flaw is that they overblow the game with new blocks and items that more or less just over saturate the world, when they should be perfecting the structures and exploration of the game. I cant stand the design and functionality of the villages and dungeons that haven't changed since like 2012

They just released a village update and it suspected caves are next
Source:The lord toycat

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What's the point if it's all going to die one day

I tried making a server but couldn't get a single fucking person to come play on it, but every popular server I find is some kind of pay for shit. Why in the absolute fuck would I pay to build on someones minecraft server? Do people do this?

Well personally I just like to design and redesign structures, and make different artsy buildings, usually I get better when I start from scratch again. But thats just me, I know people who have played a single world for years

it's a good game with a weird fanbase

Slay the dragon, kill the wither, collect villagers with every enchantment at low praices, slowly automate literally everything with various machines, build if you're creative. Vanilla has a decent amount of stuff to do even if you're awful at building.

toycat's alright,but he's got the same problem I have with every other MC youtuber in that I only care to watch about a quarter of the videos they post so it's never worth subbing.

Quality>quantity as always.The game plays like trash and its boring.

And after that?
There's no ending or closure, no insight into the world you're in.
It's just an endless set of menial tasks.

It plays good and is entertaining

Minecraft is unironically the best game ever made. Many attempt to refute this, none succeed.

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>There's no ending or closure, no insight into the world you're in.
Beat the Ender Dragon, that's the ending. You don't need insight, you just build bricks. There's no insight to Mario

Dq builders is more fun

No, it doesnt.
>combat:click click click until something dies with no enemy reaction or ai
>exploration:held back by the combat and how stale the procedurally generated world is
>building:its all right with good selectino of materials
>crafting:its unique but very grindy
>mining:same as crafting
>mobs:they are all badly executed and serve no purpose other than the illusion of having more content since they are all badly programmed and designed

Hypixel will blow this shit out of water

hy what?
sorry, I've been playing Minecraft a real game


Then find a server and have some 9 year old boss you around.

Vanilla Bedrock>Vanilla java

Pretty incredible game that rewarded exploration for its own sake. I’m always a fan of games that reward exploration beyond some meaningless collectible that does nothing

All games you just click click, that's what buttons are used for

That can be said for all things we do.

>you just build bricks
Over and over and over and over and over and over
Menial. Tasks.
In Mario saving the princess is the closure. Whereas nothing changes after beating the dragon.

maybe with the games you play.

I played the game back in beta and when it was released. It was not my thing. I just didn't enjoy it. I remember not liking the graphics and the general lack of direction. I do not think it's a bad game, but it's not for me. For some reason though, I absolutely loved Dragon Quest Builders. I think it was the story, characters, and the constant missions or tasks that game gives you is what got me hooked.

The EnderDragon can be beaten in less than two hours if you’re mediocre at the game.

I guess but the endless nature of minecraft and other games enforces that fact for me and I'd rather play a game with and actual ending to work for to distract me from this fact

jesus christ some people are literally incapable of creating their own fun. minecraft hands you a platform in the most barebones 8-bit format, and here you are, bitching because you lack initiative and creativity to actually play the game.

what a sad person, you are.

>not making Autistic redstone engineering

you get the elytra if you put in the extra work of exploring the end islands, which makes exploration a lot more fun + easier.

Minecraft is the White Man's game.

Menial. Tasks.
Another case of collecting items only to collect more items. Zzzzz

Honestly, this. I've booted up Minecraft so many times and I inevitably get bored and put it down. I can't put my figure on what it is, it just feels so pointless. I think its the lack of a little bit of structure. Other fun sandbox games have at least some structure that ties you into being in the world, even if you kind of ignore that structure. Minecraft really has nothing to push back on. I start thinking about learning about redstone or some shit and then I go "why don't I learn how to build circuits instead? At least that would be useful knowledge". I feel like a fucking boomer playing this goddamn game. I wish I could enjoy it.

OP asked and I delivered, if you see this as bitching then it is you who is the sad one

>that's like saying watermelons and KFC are disgusting because a lot of monkeys eat them
Based autist.

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>he doesn't like trapping villagers and draging them to your base then using them as slave labor or putting them in tiny cages and naming them jewish slurs

you don't have to collect items though, just looking at world gen + biomes is neat, or you could make a neat place to fly through/from. youre basically arguing that "endless" (notice the quotation marks) games are bad. good on you for having your own opinion though, even if it is just contrarian.

You can list of as many menial tasks as you like, doesn't change the fact that they are menial tasks.

What are you even talking about? If you mean people on Yea Forums then you must be a fucking retard, people here love minecraft

Everybody likes Minecraft, what's your deal

Once I get a house and a sustainable source of food, I don't know what else to do. Just like real life.

My opinion isn't contrarian it's just forged by my own taste and preferences. I'm saying that I don't like endless games because of the effect they have on me and possibly other people
Crying contrarianism is an attempt to discredit criticism and I'm sad that you resorted to it

I'm 30 and I like this game, I lack the drive to play it for long periods of time but I understand why kids like it

I cannot enjoy this game for more than ten minutes without mods. I was actually a newfag to Minecraft getting into 1.3/4. So yeah, hunger isn't a factor (but it does suck sometimes). It's because when Tekkit was a phenomenon, I could never go back to vanilla no matter how much I tried. Even when I tried to make my worlds interesting by making redstone machines, my autism isn't strong enough to make something work that great past passable, so mods just does what I want from Minecraft to keep me motivated. It just sucks most of the times that end up killing it be do to pc shitting the bed at times.

The only other issue with mods is how it ultimately kill the charm of Minecraft, being medieval themed. Otherwise, modded Minecraft is the only way Minecraft is considerable being called "good".