How the FUCK is this fair

how the FUCK is this fair

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life ain't fair bitch

It doesn't matter who wins anyways, there's no real prize

qq moar and git gud faggot

it's fair because valve cripples corgi before the deadline anyway so it doesn't matter
none of this fucking matters
literally the worst summer event

Victory is its own prize.
Your brain releases specific chemicals to reward you winning.

who cares

Just move to corgi, dumbfuck.

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You can also get those from chocolate. Way cheaper.

But first I need to care about it a little bit, I don't

Here is how to fix the event

People can only generate attacks if they keep boosting. So what if you give everyone attacks they can use to slow the other teams down for mundane shit?

fuck reddit desu

you sound like joe rogan

Corgi chads got their dopamine dose the rest of you faggots missed out

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What if the next event was a Tic-tac-toe tournament?
For every consecutive win you gain x ammount of Steambucks
And the last 1000 to get eliminated gain a bunch of free shit.

what is this consumerist garbage? I pirate everything so I don't give a fuck about steam sales. Why are people mad?

>event starts
>everyone can pick the team they like the most
>reddit decide to collectively jump on Corgi and abuse SAM to get a million of points
>most people see that Corgi is leading and so jump on it as well in hope to win like that
>Now 70% of Steam are on team Corgi who keep winning though sheer number advantage alone even after Valve finished the SAM glitch from the first day
>add attack option so other teams have a chance to steal some points from Corgi
>only works for one day thanks to everyone being out of points
>now Corgi will win every single day of the race unless Valve decide to fuck with the system again which will probably make things even worse

It's fair because you could've picked the obvious winner team, but didn't. Get fucked.

Points don’t matter. Capacity is the only thing that boosts you.

Everyone would figure out how to not lose and we'd be stuck in a perpetual stalemate.

what do you win?

Not on the first day.
For some reason it was possible to use SAM to keep boosing the capacity.

Some people got Level 100000+ badges as the result but they removed those scripters from the pool.
Important is that the first day was fucked and those corgi spammers are the reason why over half of Steam are on Corgi

Steam should've assigned people teams instead of letting them choose: everyone's going to choose the popular one.

Highest ranked game from your wishlist if your team ends up 1st, 2nd or 3rd. And randomly get selected out of those teams pools.

I chose Corgi because it seemed like the best meme team. It's like if one of the teams was Goatse, I would definitely pick that team. I don't even understand how this race thing works but I saw Corgi and Turtle and couldn't decide between the two but then I saw Corgi was in the lead by a huge amount so I figured fuck it I'll just go with them.

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people are winning free games like Cyberpunk though

It's lottery tier chances you'll win anything

Even if non-corgis got it which I doubt, the thing automatically moves you to a team with fewer people like pig or hare.

gay r*ddit dog

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Should have let players keep abusing SAM to gain boost cap

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I will see it through to the end

>hares are dead last not only in the actual race but in terms of wins
Just cut my life into pieces

why does this dog make you angry user?

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but this didn't cost me a cent

I am just pissed about Reddit thinking Corgi is the DOGE breed

I'm fine with my tortoise gang

I'm not sure about reddit, but I know people on here are confusing Corgis for Shibas.

No it's not, you fucking retard.

>people slowing down Cockatiel


What is it then?

For it to be lottery tier chance there would have to be 13.5 billion people on team corgi

Same color as team peanut butter. Should’ve paid more attention to synchronicity.

Are you for real? He didn't mean the literal national lottery. He meant the chance for you winning is extremely low (just like in a lottery) because there are thousands of others besides you on the winning team, even more on the corgi team.

The rules specifically state that you can't win games that aren't currently released.

Okay then.

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Is there a strategy to how to upgrade your badge the quickest? Has it been severely nerfed now? I can only manage 20 levels a day but I don't know what I'm doing

glad to see peanut butter still winning

They're cheating by using a starbound exploit

>Its okay when the other teams cheat



>Starbound so broken that it actually broke the storefront it's on.
You can't make this shit up.

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Yeah, and the team's racer isn't short or stocky like actual corgis. Probably doesn't help.

I was hare, used team switch and now I'm tortoise.
Pretty decent, I wanted to switch to either tortoise or cockatiel, only for their badges though.

redditors are delusional.

user you might be prone to gambling addiction.