UNIST Thread

Around a month left boyos

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Pass is vee
French Bread stream just had an in-house tournament. We only got a couple weeks before our tourney and just around a month before EVO

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Ah shit, kept the Ft10 settings on

kw: pclobby

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I was thinking after that first match I should go reset my router/modem. Looks like now's the time.

Room remade

Managed to beat one of the top dogs of the RIP leaderboard in a game today before joining up so I'm feeling pretty lucky.

Goes by the name of Itz_BigBlack and has nearly 2.3 million RIP. It felt especially good because Byak is a tough beast to fell.

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Congrats on the win. I usually always lose to him.

Jesus that filled up quick

Thanks. Also forgot to mention I've been practicing 2 combos so we'll see how well things go if I can get them (though one of them is just an easier confirm for the wiff cancel combo haha).

Also, the lobby just jumped up in seconds in business.

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Surprisingly busy for a Sunday.

I'm making a second lobby on psn

I'll hop in after my turn in lobby 1.

Cool beans. I'll give Lobby 1 one more go before switching over as well.

Dumb question for the Unist crew, do I buy Central Fiction? It's 18 bucks on PSN, and 10 on steam. Keep in mind I'm mostly doing it for attractive anime stomachs.

>attractive anime stomachs.
I mean you already seem to have made your decision.

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Well it's got a fair amount of SP content in case you don't want to use discord or /afgg/ to find games.

Was playing that earlier today actually. The variety of characters is pretty large.


You got so lucky the lag saved you from that meaty setup

Samsho PC when? i had fun playing it

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Elaborate, you're my only dissenter.
Who's fun, I've head Bullet is shit which limits me to Noel or the squirrel.

bro ill go fix my windows partition to go play cf with you

In like 6 months or something. I wouldn't get your hope's up considering just how ass the psn netcode is.

Winter. Hopefully early instead of late.

All your choices aside from Squirrel are garbage. Even then, Makoto isn't all that great anyway

It's not a fun game and almost every character has some cancer setup that you can't block in that games shit netcode. Besides, waifu faggotry isn't a reason to buy games, just fap to this shit for free.

Damn, that last second.
I feel like I'm getting better against Hilda though. She used to destroy me utterly.

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Yes, I was looking to buy the PC version since it's cheaper. Realize I'm trash though. The kinda guy who pays for animated midriff is never worth much.
I wish I could just figure out how to rip sprites.

would help if you didn't have 1 bar connection with everyone

Lag had nothing to do with it, it was all skill.

I was trying out Tsubaki today and had alot of fun with her.

Her install meter that you use for EX speicals is pretty neat and her inputs are all pretty simple stuff too. Lots of cool normals too.

Sorry, needed to restart,second lobby is back up

Noel and Bullet are like D tier characters. At least stick to playing a big dick damage character like Kagura if you're going to do that

Mashes tk divekick on wakeup

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That was alot of clashing in that round 2. Definitely didn't expect that haha.

GGs Lobby 1!

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>dude you suck you only won because of the lag i couldn't block

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I was trying to make one appearance in the 1st lobby, but damn this does take an eternity.

Damn, how can such a fag have good taste in women?

> talks about blocking
> mashes on wakeup
yeah okay dude. you sure showed me

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play the best character nine. or terumi for fun ez mode

Not much I can do about it. I can skip you if its too much.

drink bleach, shit smear

Those fingernails need clippings and I need to not panic jump so much, hah.

Go fight it out in another room, settle the matter that way

> t.YuzuIsWaifu

The other guy your replying to wasn't me but even when I play Merk I'm a little over zealous with my divekicks.

g-guys pls this isnt /afgg/ no bulli

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this but unironically

I don't think you're helping

Of course it isn't. People play on ps4 here.

Gah and I did it again hahaha. Also, I can roll with other characters too if you'd like. Playing the Aka mirror with Huo was fun.

I wonder if there's a single general that hasn't just turned to shit. Are all groups of like minded people eventually going to tear themselves apart?
I can't even keep up anymore, everyone's Akatsuki game got so good.

>I wonder if there's a single general that hasn't just turned to shit. Are all groups of like minded people eventually going to tear themselves apart?
They do when they run out of things to talk about and career shitposters take nesting

I'm feeling pretty lucky tonight so I think that game might've just been part of it honestly haha.

Damn, I wish I could make a career out of that. Can you imagine getting paid 40 hours a week just to write oh no no's and talk about the dust setling?

I'm gonna run that luck out, just you wait.

I'll sell you my "smug anime girls" reaction image folder for $420.

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Wow, now that was a game for Lobby 2. Those comebacks in R1 and R2 were crazy.

How were you two able to maintain focus to bring it back each time?

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Why does the under night community call itself / it's game "UNIST" when that's the part that changes with new versions? You'll all have to change to UNICLR before long and that'll be pretty awkward with how hard UNIST had been established in peoples minds.

It wouldn't be a problem if they played games and had legitimate things to discuss.
But you'd need to play the game first and not be out just to bait people

So that people know which version of the game you're talking about.

Well nobody calls Street Fighter 2 Turbo SF2T.

They call it ST right? I think it works like that.

> 1 gig larger than my entire fighting game image folder
Damn I really gotta step it up.

>Thought I had vorpal and stuttered a bit when CS didn't pop out
Dammit. Saw you charging up there too.

My home general is pretty good aside from random burst of autism.

Literally just like BlazeBlue with CF or GuiltyGear with Rev 2.

Are you daft?
People called this series uniel for the longest time too

Never give up until you're dead. I like to think to myself "I'm going to make this asshole regret leaving me alive"

Unlike many other genres of video games, fighting games tend to be largely made irrelevant by new releases. I don't see these threads running any UNIEL rooms.

But those communities just say "blazblue" and "guilty gear" for every new release, everyone knows you mean the most recent one unless said otherwise. Not rev 2 and central fiction.

ggs pc lobby I gotta get to bed now. one day ill find a character i like and also find the time to play video games as well

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I can never beat those round 2 second winds. How does everyone reverse sweep so perfectly? Just give in to my momentum, take the L, it'd be so easy.

That's a mighty fine fixed asset.

I don't know who you've been hanging out with but that's how most games do it. Japan prefers to call it UNI too while some people call it Under Night.

Actually, I've seen BB always called as CF since BBTAG exists now and they're way different games.

>Gord's command grab has anti-air ability

Sounds like something I should run in my thoughts for clutch situations like that. Thanks for this.

It beats assaults because he's invuln and he just grabs you during your landing animation

Just play it out like you normally would. Just be aware of what can potentially kill you and figure out whether your opponent will get greedy going for it or not.

Well yeah no duh, that IS a completely different game. UNI updates are just new versions typically with 2 new characters and some general system changes, not new games entirely.

gg pc bros

Ah I see. That's pretty cool.

It's the classic never over til it's over mindset

That's his B version.

Welcome to hell Huo

Point being people still refer it to CF because they don't wanna just say BB since there are now 2 BBs. I always see it referred to as CF.

So read the scenario (meters, positioning on screen, etc) and don't throw out stuff willy nilly, got it!

This video is amazing.



What is with all these poser-ass greens? Neither this guy or mike was as bad as me. Fuckin' vats man.

Gordeau and Merkava's range always make me hesitate.

I set myself up for that one hahaha.

How do you guys deal with grief?

I don't.

How do I live, knowing I'll never set foot in the yellow-square promised land again?

I was stuck at blue for a while but played against a whole lot of people. The color squares don't mean much at all
You'll eventually find someone and you'll climb again

Who are the top 5 regulars? Is it like other communities where there's a clear top group with a huge powergap between everyone else?

Laugh. It can be good for the soul when it's feeling down.

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Tell myself I'm just having a shit day and need some rest, come back stronger tomorrow.

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Meant for

>Ancient Dragon
Jesus fuck, the nightmares.

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I can't choose between that MGSV Nuclear and some Enya, somebody help me pick a weaping song.

enya all day

I found my next pick too.

Surround yourself with purpose instead of wallowing in despair

Fuuuck that's the only Ace Combat I played, and I did it for that song. I'm no Galm team 1 man. I'm not even a Pixie.

poorly, involving much smoking. i visit /doomer/ for a reason

Then at least shoot for a PJ

Distract myself with escapist media like video games, anime and youtube.

>shoot for a PJ

Depends on the intensity of it.
Usually either by baking / cooking or going out rock hounding by myself.

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For those needing some motivation for their practice.


Whispers in the aaaiiiirr tell the tales, of the green squares gone~~~

>Actually getting the crystal laser combo at the literal last second
Motherfucker finally did it

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Any keyboard warriors here? Does it control better like a hitbox? Is it worth relearning all your muscle memory?

If this is Huo, I saw some pretty nice plays in the combo game department in that last one. Keep it up!

Who else but Huo is being depressed again

I think it was this Ace Combat song.
All I see is dropped air slashes to slash orb combos, though.

Thanks Hippie, I've been labbing a lot of Vat lately.

Whew, that was quite slippery slope of mistakes on my part in that mirror match haha. I was on the edge of my seat for that R1 ending too. Fun times!

Well IIRC Icy is also down in Green/Blue and also posts some depressing stuff when he's not in a good mood (though it's usually self harm stuff).

Damn, I hate that a rank change actually does make me feel like such a bitch. I genuinely considered not playing lobby 2 because there was a green and I feared. How can a 15x15 pixel color drive a man to madness?

I'll probably close lobby 2 in about 15 minutes

ggs. Catch all of you later.
I felt the same way. I tend not to block in our mirror matches even though I should, so things go from perfectly in control to complete panic real quick.

His brand of depression is easy to spot since he posts images to tell it's him.

Don't beat yourself up over it bruddah. You'll make your comeback sooner than I have for sure.

I was stuck in Blue for many months until I came across a Blue player in these threads (who happened to also be named Blues). We had a shodown that lasted what felt like 2 hours of back and forth until I finally got the green square.

I have faith you'll be up there again soon!

GGs. See ya later! Glad I wasn't the only one in that one haha.

And Lamp's special blend of 15 types of steel and death is NOT making this wound sting any less.

I stopped caring about color soon after getting the game. If possible, I'd just remove it entirely since it's more of a measure of how long someone's played the game than actual skill level.

Speaking of blue whatever happened to him, I haven't seen him in these lobbies for quite some time.


He went on Summer vacation to visit his dad for a few months I believe is what he said before he took off and that he wouldn't be back for a few months.

My dad said he was leaving to visit his dad for a few weeks, that was 15 years ago.
Still waiting.

He did this last summer too, he doesn't take this machine with him to play over the vacation time.

That explains it. I thought he dropped the game.

D'ya think God could love a blue square?

>2 Vats in Lobby 2 now
What a treat. Time for some projectile battles.

Somebody please, make lobby 3, get me out of here

I'll close lobby 2 after it gets back to me

Blue squares definitely go to hell.

Right on, thanks for hosting!

I'm glad Bastadon picked up Chaos, I have no idea how to fight this character.

Whew lad. I almost had a basic Carmine Combo going there.

Damn it, that's what I'm going there for?
I didn't even realize 2 Carmines just becomes Splatoon.

Anyone tryna 3rd lobby, or should I just go?

I'll roll one up if you'd like. Just give me a few minutes to take a small break for restroom and water.

Summer truly has arrived in the West. Not sure how it is for the rest of you out there.

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Parrying probably isn't the best idea in 5 frames

Aw dude, I haven't worn pants in days it's so hot. Gotta choose between sweltering or letting these gnats swarm my light sources, too.

He's really fun to use. I'm a little annoyed I've been only doing one real combo this entire night though; I've practiced several BnBs to consistency these last few days but can't seem to recognize them right now.

>landed half-screen donkey kick against merkava on round start
Okay I'm happy no matter what happens the rest of the night even if I haven't been practicing the combo off of it.

Just parry earlier lol

Be warned PC dudes. I'm leaving the PC lobby at the top of the hour and I'll leave it myself on autopass so whoever is left can keep playing.
Texas is death as always. Hot as shit even at night.

After playing fighting games for about 3 years and being pretty sub-par, you learn to stay humble and admit defeat
I mean I still won’t like it, but you’ll get used to it

Low hundreds of pure dry heat.

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Alright and it's up! Anyone else is also invited to come along too!

Yeah, it's definitely not the most pleasant night anywhere it seems.

That round 1 you had on me was pretty dope Huo. Also, nice work cleaning my clock with that 214C in the middle of all that blocking.

Fucking CS.
I had that shit in the bag

I hope you're taking notes though clawz. Icekin is like one of two noteworthy Nanases in the west.

Who the WC people?

I'm sorry, I think it was meant to be some other input. I never sword orb right, forgive me.
The midwest doesn't count, right?

Already on it, I'm saving the replays too.

>can finally play Razzy
>have almost zero Elt experience

I knew that Canada and EU connection wasn't going to last

Part of the fun is learning how to feel out how your opponent plays the character in my opinion.

Also, that was an odd laggy start haha.

Of course they forgot to pay the fucking internet this month, right in the middle of a match.
Can't play anymore. Have a good night.

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Yeah, those laggy matches were probably on my end. Gonna wait a few minutes for it fix itself.

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Sounds good hah.

GGs m8. Have a good night. Hope your fortune turns around soon!

is unclr gonna come out like a year after PS4 on PC

that depends entirely on if it's even a new game

GGs pcbros. I’m sick rn but somehow focusing really hard in these matches distracted me from it. Thanks again boys

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We don't know jack shit about it aside from lond being the most blatant addition to the roster

GGs PC lobby. Good matches and fun times. Thanks to everyone that showed up.
I hope unicl-r shakes things up a bit and comes with some netplay improvements soon. Pretty burnt out on uni

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More importantly, will it reset ranks?!

>netplay improvements

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You're going to stay burnt out then

I don't know what it is about nanase players being wagner players on the side. This seems to happen a lot

Oh, nevermind

Wagner is just a better Nanase.
Also I can play like 10 characters so I'm not sure if that's the reason for me.

Ah shoot, didn't throw it out fast enough hahaha.

Why you gotta take a dump on my dreams.

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Forgot the appropriate image.

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Because that shit ain't happening

Fighting icekin just reminds me I've hardly improved

I wish I could've fought his Nanase. She gives me serious trouble with her floaty moves.

I know the feeling. I think I only won 1 or 2 matches against him before, I always get bodied by him.

>Elt jumps and hangs in air
>"Damn, I gotta do something"
>do nothing like an idiot
One day...

GGs all.

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Your feeling is a feeling I can feel deeply.

>3 Frames
>Feels more like 6 Frames
Wait a little longer, maybe reset my router.

Ggs thanks for stopping by my dude.


>360C comes out as 214C

It's her dangerous leg lock that I definitely don't want Eltnum to do to me every day.

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>1 game passes
>Sairoux now anally devestates me.
I'm out. Gonna go drown myself in moe and chesty onee-sans. They're all I've got left. For being there for me during, and causing my despair, thank you Unist thread.

Final addendum, if anybody wants to play this in the daytime, add me or something. I get lonely on Saturdays.

Come again so I can never fear any other nanase again

Keep making lobbies on Friday night so I have something to look forward to after coming home from the gym.
Also, GGs.

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Fug, why'd I hold it?

I was feeling a groove in that one. I wouldn't downplay your better play since it's forcing me to make better decisions about my play and also step it up. I'll add you and see if my Saturdays open up!

Also, I'd say consider picking up a sub to change up some habits / gain some new perspectives of the game but you're already making quite the steady progress with Yuzu and I don't know if that might hinder it.

The range on this whip-thing...

Yeah, that thing can be pretty nuts can't it hahaha.

Dang I got steamrolled there hahaha. Look like I gotta put in more work there.

I don't think it helps that we're in 6-7 frames with each other, but I guess I should've expected this after finally not d/cing from each other.

Everyone with more range than Wag is nuts. Buffs when?

Is it bad that I'm used to 6frame lag?

>Is it bad that I'm used to 6frame lag?

Who's streaming the tourney, Hippie? Icy?

Ggs everyone, I was hoping to get a game with Sha but I suppose there is always another night.


Shove that 5A up your ass, spiderman

>the CVO drop
darn shame

I forgot that Elt can roll through like Linne.

Only expect clean gameplay from me. If it looks like something went wrong, then you don't understand my plan.

Icey is streaming it

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A version of reverse DP right? That juke seems like it has its uses for sure.

I can't react to the overhead...


Failing a game-winning 360a was painful but the good connection was nice. Hopefully I get better soon at confirming off of stray hits and recognizing openings so I don't spend most of my time blocking.

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GGs everyone

So many things to work on with so little time, Wished certain SOMEBODIES showed up more frequently
I'm garbage

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>that IWEX
Hahaha. Also nice catch at the end there too.

I might as well just pick seth against you

I'm streaming it (on YouTube since it makes my life easier) Hippie and RB35 are the entertainment.

Sounds fun, can't wait for them to bully my Eltnum.

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You'll be needing to fight your way up to fight the higher ranked players. It's a 10 vs. 10, first to 1, round robin sort of thing on advancing up the ladder.

you can but you better bring the heat cause remember, sploogie is my homie and I seen all the seth tricks playing him for hours

speaking of tricks, im really fond of that new corner web thing i do

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Maybe if you showed up 10 minutes before closing we'd have more chances to fight

Darn, another close win taken in a flash haha. I'll get it one of these matches!

Not what I meant, but now I know how the tourney is gonna be.

shit game

By the way Hippie, let's test your mic and shit tomorrow. We can fuck with the gain to make sure you sound good and hear nothing in the background.

Yeah sure

I'm tryin my best out here bro, but its all closing shifts all the time

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Elt's too much for me bromigos.

Is this game worth getting into now? Only reason I wanna play it is for the katana chick but I’ve heard she’s tricky.
Around a month left till what?

>Is this game worth getting into now?
>Around a month left till what?

Gonna have to do a bonafide set between you and me sooner or later.
Month left til EVO and in lesser news, two year anniversary tournament
>beginner wanting to start yuzu again
>worth getting into
It was always worth getting into

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Someone needs to make a Yuzu version of this.

That is the Yuzu version.

I just need to go commission art of Yuzu laughing at the viewer

You can't block punish FF if I do it before you even wake up!

ping ping ping ping! love that sound effect hahaha

I don't really get the Baiken meme. Don't get me wrong, I've barely played Xrd but Baiken didn't seem as hard as Yuzu. The worst thing is the IAD tatami. Though tk-ing her dp off of a jab was/is pretty hard for me too.
t.person who has never played GG before

Well that felt satisfying to catch, hahaha.

Baiken is one of the easiest characters in the game, the joke is that even that's too hard for waifufags who just bought the game for her big anime tiddies.

It's just the regular case of average Yea Forums shitter who dickpicks a character who needs to put in more work than others and is generally low tier. Baiken was fucking awful until Rev 2 helped her out to not be as shit as she was before.
It's just mocking those who play characters who are too difficult for them to grasp or not have the will to put in the work to play them at a decent level.

Isnt she considered low tier so the waifu fags just inevitably drop her.

kire tatami and tk yozansen can be hard to learn, dustloop timing can be hard to learn, the character is made of paper mache and doesnt have guard cancels anymore just a really good parry so you have to actually know the game to make the most of her parry counters

t. retired gg player

Goshdangit haha. All I needed was sweep but I got greedy and wanted to finish in style resulting in the failed input.

Fun times here in Lobby 2.

>that throw combo
Nice stuff Raz!

Shame, she was the most fun for me when I tried it. Not like I'm not used to a liking a low-tier character though. Wished they would actually fix Taki instead of giving her useless tools.

>you can cancel PO B
>and end up in the worst possible situation if the opponent does anything but stay still
And then there's distorted breeze...

>Linne got grabbed out of her fake-out hien low
Holy fug

Crazy times.

Also, that comeback was also nuts in that round!

GGs, see ya later.

GGs m8! Til next time!

GGs everyone from lobby 2. Get some good sleep.

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Nice pizza explosion at the end there Raz. Great way to end the night on.

GGs everybody who hopped in Lobby 2/3 or whatever you wanna call it!

Will do!

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