Attached: SOUL.png (2674x1198, 2.09M)

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It's not a matter of hating new graphics. You can tell alot of heart was put into the left while right looks like it was made on an assembly line.

this but unironically

no it just shows your a contrarian fucking faggot. the right is a heavily modded version of skyrim. every part of that image is a mod made by one person for no other reason other then they enjoy modding and want to make the game they love look nice. the opposite of Assembly line. just be honest and say you dont like realist looking graphics.

Hard agree. Sometimes shit just looks worse when trying to make it look cleaner.

what game is left?


If bad graphics good then why do so many people hate the switch

Skyrim's gay as shit. That's a shit game even with the best graphics.

because it combines the worst aspects of old graphics (low fps, low res) with new (soulless)

because normies love it.

Attached: le template.jpg (1024x1195, 294K)

it doesn't change the fact other people liked it enough to mod.

neither ds 3 or witcher were exclusives I thought? Also you have quite the camera control in ds3, only when you stand still like that can you make it look like a camera restricted 3rd person game.



Attached: 1548387086669.png (645x729, 56K)

If you've been playing video games for this long and still can't recognize a passion project when you see one, you might be a broken person.

Bad graphics good only if its a sony product

>thread about graphics
>n-no I totally wasnt talking about graphics i meant gameplay

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epic samefag

the joke is that most modern AAA games look the same. not just sony games.

Old shit = soul.
New shit = soulless.

Just dumb nostalgiafags getting uppity and not wanting to be called out on it.

But they all look different

Eh, it's just that 3rd person action is "in" right now, just like everything on NES was a sidescroller. We'll eventually move on to something new.

Fourth person RPGs

Text adventures in virtual reality

Tenth dimension platformers

>muh art style
>muh charm

Retro flight simulators in 5D with added pizza add on to put controllers in and get immersed

the divison looked great what a shame that it was shit

>shifting the goalpost
I wish you would shift a bullet into you left temple

This, but unironically. Realistic graphics haven't been impressive for a long time now that it's plateaud with their only saving grace being the occassional setpiece or vista. Ten or twenty years from now, they'll look dated in some way anyway. Good hand-drawn is always impressive and timeless.

It's funny but the whole "Soul vs Soulless" meme really got me thinking about what it means, and I think it boils down to polish. Often a piece of shit that was made by a small team trying their best outshines a clinically produced product made by a team of elite professionals. I can sense in games like LISA, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid this human energy that isn't present in stuff like EA and Ubisoft games. Or how Nintendo games don't feel like "Game Product for 2019 Quarter 2" even when that's what they blatantly are.

Attached: 1502070548592.gif (514x510, 94K)

It's sort of an intangible quality, and polish is a good word to use to describe it. But more than that, the polish comes from a game that feels like it was made with loving care by a group of inspired developers. The soulless part is when a game feels like a game designed by committee, or a game made on an assembly line to get it out as quick as possible. Like the original DOOM has all kinds of soul, because that was made by a group of like-minded peers that all were into heavy metal music, and horror movies, and sci-fi books and movies. All of their passion is in the game and you can see it.

in three channels of audio


it boils down to human creation vs machine creation. procedual generation and mocap/facecap is soulless. hand sculpted models and handcrafted environments is soul. like compare any of the new games with models capped from real actors to something like MGS2. both strive for realism while the latter has more human element to it.

Video game enthusiasts like polished indie games with a clear direction and inspiration over mega-corporation games produced by thousands of people who don't even ever see each other for the same reason movie buffs don't consider Avatar and Transformers to be better than their favorite small art films and why audiophiles don't just listen to pop music.

The big budget stuff in a capitalist society is always going to be the most bland and generic garbage possible to appeal to as many mindless consumers as possible, preferably with some recognizable mascots and brand to slap on it so the pigs know that it's time to come to the troth.

>the game that came out when i was an innocent child with tons of potential
>the remake of said game that's released when i'm currently a fucking friendless loser who hates their life

every time

Skyrim will always look half baked because it's a piece of shit game.

game of the decade bro HAHAHAHAHAH stay mad fagitt

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And I'm sure the mod maker knew how to design environments and assets and didn't just slap 4K TEXTURES on everything while recommending an overturned ENB config. Graphics modders are retards.

This but not to mention kids/teenagers are easily impressable. They sort of think these games they played in their childhood were masterpieces.
There are of course those which are really great and stood the test of time but the meme where they consider almost every old game=good is kinda true in that sense.



Attached: fortnite.webm (720x720, 2.57M)

Automatically disqualifies it of any soul except in rare exceptions. Your point?

Based zoom zooms

i like both versions, but why did they raise the tempo and cut the piano?

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Somewhats butthurt the bait didnt get taken

soul/soulless threads came about because of remakes

It can be labelled game of the fucking millenia for all I care, it won't make playing it an enjoyable experience.

Jesus everloving christ is this an autism therapy center?

And remakes are more often than not made because a company is grasping at straws trying to turn a profit while the original passion that made the original is no longer in play. This is fact. What age the person is is only part of the soul/soulless meme

>it won't make playing it an enjoyable experience

40 million and counting say otherwise you fucking LOSER

Here's your (You) bro

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Yeah I'll play some shitty flash game over Skyrimjob any day

It boils down to passion and what best conveys that passion, nothing more.

I finally see, a more simple design allows for the user to project themselves on to the work, when there’s more detail, there is more design put into the look. The more detail has someone else put their own selves, their own souls into it. When there more of someone else in it, it’s harder to project your own soul, so the game feels less appealing.

He said
for a reason. As in it looks like it was made on an assembly line instead of being passionately worked on by multiple people. It doesn't matter how much soul is put in an individual thing if the finished product looks extra soul less.



Attached: sheeeeit.gif (726x537, 21K)

i never understood how any third person game became "the playstation template".

this never made any sense to me. did shitposters suddenly forget that third person viewed games were a thing?


Attached: age2.jpg (1920x1080, 824K)

>Cherrypicked scenes
>Non exclusive games
>Trees aren't allowed in games

literal soul, holy shit

You mean the over the shoulder camera, cover shooter formula that was pioneered by Koei in WinBack, a game originally made for the Nintendo 64?

Attached: winback.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

search for water

Actually looks comfy.

soul as fuck

Did anyone ever play that joke game "Adventures of Lenny" or something like that. I remember one of the jokes was that the author can't draw horses.