*taps mic*

*taps mic*


Attached: Nines_Rodriguez.png (837x837, 513K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*is the de facto leader*
*hangs out exclusively with other brujah*

Not the Brujah's fault they're genetically engineered to have edgelords that rebel against the staus quo

It is their fault that Jack is the only good one though

Why does the lames Clan has the coolest powers (Celerity and Potence)?

Hello I am the worst girl in the entire game, FUCK YOU

Attached: Damsel.png (890x890, 529K)

Because the "me brujah me smash" disciplines are better than the miscellaneous disciplines used for outside combat like Auspex

Name one (1) girl that’s better

Hard mode: no Therese




Attached: IMG_7295.jpg (800x450, 30K)


gotta love that the new game gameplay video killed the daily threads


Celerity is rad, but potence is just a shittier protean. Also animalism is rad when you max it out.

actually the coolest clans (tremere, lasombra, and giovanni) have the coolest powers. the problem is 2 out of 3 of them aren't playable.

Dying with La Croix is the only true ending.

That's a lame excuse considering people shit also on LaCroix for doing what Ventrue does.

thems fightin words rookie

The new gameplay looked fine. Sure there were bugs and obvious signs the game is far from finished, it isn't due for an entire year. You can only make a new game look so bad with the journalists they had playing the game anyway.

Also we're (or at least I'm) still getting it because it's VtM and I just need a sequel

>tfw no clan with Protean+Celerity

Attached: vtmb___heather_poe_by_erstwhilesky-dchfbhq.png (900x1165, 1.04M)

I hope they give you a Ghoul in 2. Having a couple of different Ghouls could be cool.

anarchs are scum, the reality is that in the 21st century vampires do need to be kept in line

>Why yes, I do play as a Nosferatu, how could you tell?

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Based. Fuck Malkavian reddtiors

Ironically gigchad would be a Nossie in WoD.

Hopefully but I can see them pussing out because of addiction, consent/rape, slavery or some bullshit like that... again Hopefully that won't happen but I can definitely see it

ahh yes you anarchs need to understand
*backstabs to the top of the order*
what you need to understand is
*executes ten vampires for sleeping past their bedtime*
is that us camarilla
*smells the blood of a more powerful elder*
us camarilla keep kindred safe from themselves
*gets staked*

tremere is pretty chad as well

Reminder that the city's Camarilla is literally like 15 people, and there's less than 100 vampires total per major metropolis.

Attached: 1470259526489.jpg (900x1000, 318K)

Yo Nines. I run the anarchs now. And I suggest you wait your turn to speak.

Attached: 1552939900827.png (1430x804, 284K)

Is that a bad thing? When there's a bloodhutn on you random vampires come out to kill you so its a clear indicator there's a bunch of vampires that just do a good job at remaining hidden

I don't think you understand just how big those cities are.

Attached: 1554565190797.png (1347x822, 260K)

Treme are nerds who spend and spend a century cleaning the chantry and sucking their Regent's dick before they get to learn any cool magic.

Unironically Nossie, Gangrel and Toreador are probably the best clans to join. Nossie's are pretty chill if you don't mind being ugly and living in filth, Gangrel if you just want to be left alone and go innawoods, Toreadors obviously get to live the high life if you can handle being around pretentious faggots 24/7.

ABSOLUTELY poor taste

How ugly does a Nos have to be?

Attached: 1533672736761.jpg (600x849, 184K)

Well honestly speaking it's just a Gameplay limitation. Unless you're also talking about the rulebooks. In my opinion I like Kindred being really rare and thin spread.

In a city such as LA, I'd wager in every 1,000 people there's a vampire. So in a city that has 4 million people, there's 4,000 vampires. Then let's say that half or a bit less are either Thin-Bloods, Clanless and Ghouls. That leaves around 2,000 to divide between all the Vampire groups.

In VtR nos ugliness can be on the inside.

Not ugly at all, who told you that?

Attached: nos.png (972x1225, 1.19M)

They're rarer than that according to official material. Look to


Attached: 1419897981063.jpg (600x665, 149K)

Jesus Christ V5 was a mistake. What the fuck were they thinking?

Is the tabletop actually worth playing? I’ve been thinking of getting the d&d boys back together but 5e is boring


They look great.

Attached: brujah.png (920x1140, 876K)

I just want a gullible minion to run errands for me. Like Knox.

Oh so he's drawing from the actual source material? That's extremely thin spread.

That just makes you think how easy it would be for a wide scale vampire hunt to commence in every major city

>trace over some fashion models
>give them faggy impractical outfits no normal person would ever wear
>for the clan that's like 90% gangbangers and bikers

Who the fuck looks at this and says, "yeah that's good character design"?

The Erciyes Fragments: "He, who sought to hide his monstrous deeds Shall become monstrous in visage and doomed to dwell in offal and darkness"
Book of Nod states: "When Nosferatu was found indulging his tastes in foul ways with his own children Caine laid his hand on Nosferatu, and told him that he would forever wear his evil and twisted his visage."

A horrible appearance is literally their curse. I was just wondering how horrible that horrible has to be.

Attached: 1553753235925.png (1280x846, 829K)

Not horrible at all, see v5 corebook:

because you look like a monster

Addendum: Can we stop referring to them as "horrible" and just "different" please? That was the whole point of their curse being changed.

No. I can't RP them if they aren't horrible.

Mask of thousand faces exists desu.
Unless they look like that "naturally."
>t. never touched V5 with a stick

They look like that naturally, it was changed because there's nothing wrong with looking different

Then you should not be playing the game it's not for you

Well, that sucks ass then and is retarded. Being ugly and looking like said Nosferatu is what Nosferatu are meant to be. If they wanted "pretty" Nossies then they should just give them mask of thousand faces and problem solved.


Attached: corevalues.png (867x1168, 146K)

What a bunch of faggots.

Wow okay WAY over the line

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Attached: Gat Dangit.jpg (540x404, 57K)

>because there's nothing wrong with looking different
But Nosferatu do look different. Different type of ugly. Most """""normal""""" Nosferatu can look is either like Freddy Krueger or Lizzie Velasquez. This is the most """"""human"""""" they can look as. Those on the picture look nothing like it and look fairly normal, apart from shitty /fa/ sense.

>shitty /fa/ sense

Attached: gangrel.png (1041x1249, 1.19M)

Over-designed retard clothing drawn by some dickless LA bugman

Psst, hey kid. Want a spirit slave? I'll throw in these assault rifles if you buy now.

Attached: giovanni.jpg (223x388, 28K)

Fuck off you shitty nazi piece of shit you are BANNED from world of darkness

Attached: toreador.png (886x1110, 731K)

Don't you have a dead cousin to be fucking, Luigi?

he's completely right all of this looks trash

V5 Bane
Hideous and vile, all Nosferatu count as having the Repulsive Flaw (-2) and can never increase their rating in the Looks Merit. In addition, any attempt to disguise
themselves as human incur a penalty to your dice pool equal to your character’s Bane Severity (this includes the Obfuscate powers Mask of a Thousand Faces and Impostor’s Guise)

Hideous and vile
Hideous: Adjective: offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly
Vile: Adjective: -a. morally despicable or abhorrent -b. physically repulsive

Attached: 1345970089507.jpg (902x1200, 260K)

Playable Kuei-Jin when

Good thing I dont give a SHIT what nazis think

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you guys should watch the What we do in the shadows TV show
it's not as good as the Film but it's pretty great

Attached: Nandor.jpg (1072x1072, 134K)

What historical figures in history are confirmed to be Kindred?

Taika Wakiki's "comedy" is shit. The movie is shit and so is this shit show.

Attached: trailer-park-boys-jim-lahey.jpg (1600x1600, 276K)


Pick one at random.

it feels like the franchise is losing its edge in tabletop and vidya from what I've seen so far.

here's a nosferatu from Bloodlines 2

Attached: nosferat in 2.png (1793x913, 1.35M)

Vlad, godfather guy and possible Lou in vtmb2.

That;s thin-blood.

*unzips pants*


Attached: MalkavianVTMBWOD.jpg (900x1200, 268K)

Curses used to mean something...

Attached: (disgusted sigh).jpg (500x375, 29K)

Nosferatu shit blood. Not actual Nosferatu.

is this the winner of the 'most insufferable paragraph' competition?

God, imagine being as fucked in the mug as a Nos but you don't get any of the disciplines
fuckin suicide tier almost

Oh look a comfy vtmb thread after all this tim-
>see that autist that shits CP2077 threads as well has already shitted up yet another vtmb thread again with same posts, same baits and same same-fagging as always
F for this thread as well.

>godfather guy

the corebook alone would need a whole panel of judges

Attached: 1561066553840.png (1111x856, 268K)

I don't know how nu-shit bloods work, but old ones could use some of their clan's disciplines. The main issue with it was that they were way weaker than actual discipline used by actual vampire.

God guys I want a vampire gf

Attached: unknown.png (391x390, 224K)

Yes. He's Ventrue.

iirc thin bloods don't get any of their parents disciplines but now how have their own class of disciplines exclusive to them, which will be in the new game

Gary Golden is quite handsome

Same. I want a vampire gf to suck my dick.
And then drain my blood from that dick when I cum.

Didn't he die at like 50?

Yes and he became a kindred. Just like Vlad. Just like (possibly) Lou Graham.

Vlad, Rasputin, Al Capone, Crispus Attucks. Also Himmler was a Tremere for some reason.

this shit reads like a parody

Oh I see. Their "deaths" in history were when they were embraced?
>Himmler was a Tremere
That's also strange. Maybe the Holocaust was a whole big Tremere experiment.

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So did LaCroix engineer your siring so he could have a pawn for his schemes? That’s kinda the implication I got.

no he was going to kill you

No. He wanted you dead since day 1, but couldn't kill you because Nines yelled loud enough at him. So, he made another plan to send you on suicide mission, then another one and another one AND ANOTHER ONE!
Short: He was trying to get you killed you this entire time. You just happen to be useful to him at the same time because finding an idiot like yourself, that will keep doing his dirty work, even when he's blatantly trying to get you killed, is rare to find.

she's cute but unfortunately retarded

>forgetting tzimisce
Vicissitude is fucking rad

What was the impetus for doing anything for LaCroix beyond meeting him in his ivory tower for the PC? I mean, you could just say "hey" and then fuck off to hollywood and hang out under Isaac's domain forever. I dun gettit, why do anything for him

LaCroix probably engineered your siring so he could kill your sire. He probably secretly said he allows it to your sire, but then told everyone else that it wasn't officially allowed. The Malkavian madness insight is full of implications about this in the allegory of the fish and the chef. The fish is mad at the chef for killing his father and challenges the chef to a game of chess. The fish wins the game, but is then stabbed. The fish says 'why? I won'. 'So did your father' says the chef. The fish represents you, you're playing by the prince's rules and succeeding and expecting a reward. The prince is the chef who is going to betray you rather than let you get ahead. The fish's father is your sire who played the same game and also won but didn't survive being betrayed.

As pointed out LaCroix sends you on missions you should basically be kept busy with for a long long time or die on. LaCroix also doesn't have you trained at all as it's left to Jack to make sure you know anything about the rules and how to survive. If LaCroix wanted a good pawn he would have invested in helping you to survive. LaCroix does gain some real admiration and friendliness towards you if you're consistently his champion, but he uses you ruthlessly and tries to have you killed via bloodhunt and you'd have to forgive that to be his ally in the end.

well you do get a nice new apartment at some point if you don't talk shit to him, so maybe the PC just wanted to go up the ranks and that was the simplest solution.
Or maybe that's one of the parts you're supposed to make up your own reason

yeah, I'm thinking it's just game design. Didn't wanna get autistic over it, was just wondering if anyone had something concrete

Man this game makes me wish vampires were real

Admittedly, I feel the same way sometimes, the lore is too fucking goodat least until V5 ruined everything

5 and we're all embraced tonight

fuck off lahey

I remember when I first played this back in college when it came out. Was pissed he wasn't a Ravnos. You could have been cool, Nines. You could have been somebody. Instead you're just a bum. And probably a pawn for the real owner of the Sarcophagus.

Because your PC is written like biggest low IQ retard that ever existed. LaCocks even says how much impressed he is with your retardation to do anything he asks of you, even though he isn't even hiding how much that he hates you and wants you dead. The only way to play this game without feeling like an absolute retard is to pick the clan of literal retards (Malkavian) because then at least your PC's retardation will make sense and you won't feel like a retard yourself for playing as one.

Actually, he claims Slugg is a thinblood, while the informant himself is just "the Nosferatu".

lmao did you even watch the opening cutscene
he's about to say, because your very existence breaks the Masquerade, you're gonna git got, and then Nines goes AYO SENPAI SHIT'S GAY, the crowd murmurs, and Lacroix pretends he was going to say all along that he was going to let you go

Unrelated, but what are chances that so-called Samuel is reference to Okulos himself?

LaCroix legally has the right to order you to do things. He is arguably your new legal guardian, your adopted sire, and has the equivalent of power of attorney over you until you're considered trained and accepted. As Prince he's also sort of the authority who can decide that and he can order people around or exile them for the good of their society. You might be able to appeal to others like the Cammarila and Primogen that LaCroix doesn't teach you anything and tries to have you killed. They don't do anything about it in this game, or at least not quickly enough to avoid doing those missions.

There are a significant amount of anarchs your character can talk to. In theory you could befriend and join them, with their backing the Prince will likely pretend to overlook your disobedience as there's little he can do about it without starting a war he doesn't want (with the Kuei-jin ready to swoop in and devour whoever remains). However Nines wants to be the new prince and the anarchs will tell you to just carry on what LaCroix orders for now and report back to them. You aren't given the opportunity to really disagree.

You also aren't allowed by the game to decide to just flee to another city as a refugee rather than carry out dangerous missions. Although that is a potentially valid choice, with it's own possible dangers and various outcomes.

Well, he is Nosferatu by the name of Samuel which can be seen as an Easter egg to that.

>And probably a pawn for the real owner of the Sarcophagus
Speaking of which, wasn't the sarcophagus really fucking unimportant at the end of the day anyway? Correct me if I'm wrong but in some of the endings it is shown clearly that the corpse inside the sacrophagus had nothing special to it at all since Jack simply opened the thing up and replaced the body with explosives, then sat back and hanged out with it while LaCroix's building exploded and absolutely no Gehenna happened

Without spoiling your spoiler the answer is: Yes.

That was the point. That's the plot of the entire game. It was just a prank, bro.

Gehenna is just bunch of nonsense, user. It doesn't exist.

Attached: Kekett.jpg (310x269, 23K)

Of course YOU'D say that.

Attached: Hello Old Friend.jpg (572x768, 133K)

That always bothered me to be honest, what with everyone freaking out about it and telling you to not open the bloody thing, even fucking Beckett freaks out at the end and it comes off as really fucking goofy in retrospect that's why Strauss' ending is the best ending

Gehenna being a myth used in vast manipulations is more interesting then Gehenna being a generic apocalypse.

so why did Jack do it?

>even fucking Beckett freaks out
He's Gangrel. He probably managed to hear tick-tok during his examination so he warned you in a... subtle way because he probably didn't want to risk Sebastian finding out that thing inside might be just too mind blowing in the end. He doesn't give you a warning if you were ass to him though.

correct me if im wrong
>be vampire
>no sex, no food, no drinks, basically no bodily pleasures except drinking blood

>be Kuei-kin
>pretty similar to vampire but it's 'chi'
>can still have sex and eat food

okay so, why not the kuei jin

Jack is Yea Forums basically hated LaCroix and the Cammies and wanted a nice FU before he returned to ye olde pirate life.

Because you'd need to be a chink.

Vamps can bang in V5 so we can finally slip Pisha the D. Granted ... she'd likely chew it off.

Can't wait to see your meltdown in 2 when Gehenna comes knocking on everyone's door.

Attached: t. absolute state of Beckett.jpg (583x657, 117K)

I don't know, Caine and the Antidelluvians are pretty fucking scary and the sheer sense of dread the Gehenna gives comes solely from the threat of them coming back.
I think it can be pretty fun to interpret the Gehenna as being both a tool for manipulation and a real threat that's always looming around and no one is really sure if it's real or not at the end of the day, the ambiguosity is what makes it so interesting.


Isn't Pisha dyke last I checked?

i hate the camarilla, but God, do i fucking hate the anarach fags

That's why she chews it off.

>He probably managed to hear tick-tok during his examination
It'd be nice if a Gangrel PC could hear it as well if that's the case.
Good to know that he cares about you I guess, he's a good bro when you get to talk to him about history

You can have sex as vampire in world of darkness. Toresluts in particular sex all the time. It just isn't as fun as kiss (drinking someone's blood).

vampires can have boner?

>Be Nossie
>Old man Antediluvian actively wants to genocide yo ass and sends death squads on you

Weren't vampires always capable of having sex, and the act was just frowned upon?

I think it was in Revised where they tried to tone down the sex as an act and basically explain that seduction and sexuality were just weapons in the hunter's toolkit. I vaguely remember the Revised Corebook (or was it the ST Handbook?) explaining that all bodily fluids are replaced with blood. So you could fuck a vamp, but her pussy juice and/or (if Tzimisce!) cock would just spew vitae .

You don't get to hang around sarcophagous long enough, or examine it closely to notice things about it. Even Beckett probably managed to hear it much later. Also, not all Gangrels have the same level of senses. They have sharper sense than normal kindred, but some Gangrels have certain senses better and sharper than the others of their kind. Think about dogs. Some dogs have better hearing. Other have better smell senses. You get the idea.
Plus, comparing your Gangrel to Beckett is as if Brujah tried to compare themselves to Jack. It just doesn't work.

Late game (sewers, hotel, CPC HQ) sucks dick.

Yes. They use ability called blush of life for it.

Yeah the game kinda pitters out for me after you find "The Tape". After that its just hack and slash and a lot of the ambiance and mood is drained from the game. I still love it. I'm replaying it now as a Salurbi

Because Caine was backing him and/or it was Caine's idea.

Ahm that was just crazy Malkavian who thought he was Caine.

holy exposition batman

Here's what we know about Jack. Major spoilers ahead.
-old vampire
-has a sense of humor
-he supposedly has experience as a pirate
-he was willing to kill all of the crew of the ship
-says it worked 'they tore each other apart fighting over [the coffin]'
-he threatens to kill you if you're a Malkavian who may have figured out his plan right away
-he's invulnerable and the game recognizes this fact, as he has a voiceline where he laughs off any attack on him (if you attack him at the start), so he's much more powerful than others in this game
-he wasn't worried about the body inside of the coffin
-Caine goes to hang out with him at the end. The seer on the beach can even foresee this 'a smiling man with the father standing behind him'
-'Remember, wherever we go, it is the blood of Caine which makes our fate.' is the final thing said about Jack's plot

That's the point. They wanted to keep it ambiguous.

Shut up, White Wolf, no one cares.

I still like the little missions in Chinatown and the end when fighting up La Croix tower. Other than that it's pretty bad and was rushed filler.

Funny, I didn't mind the sewers in my first playthrough, my Gangrel was too fucking powerful by then so it came off as a massive powertrip moment to me. The haunted hotel bothers me way more, it was great the first time but it loses all of its impact in later playthroughs

This. Gehenna was retconned so the original reason for Caine not being there doesn't exist anymore. WW can fight right off, it was Caine now as official canon.
I hope though VTMB2 doesn't make any reference to his appearance in VTMB, one way or the other.

Well, he was mentored by a Malkavian. So his mental state is not surprising.

Attached: Aristotle_portrait.jpg (424x550, 26K)

Based retard.

Don't forget that he even posed as a Malkavian for a long time before coming out as a Gangrel.

>haunted hotel
That section was weird to play since I usually get spooked easily but due to very flat lighting it wasn't atmospheric at all. Thankfully, you can skip the fucking basement by jumping over the hole in staircase.

Gehenna was retconned because it ended the setting originally. Of course, not like you HAD to have it happen in your game in the first place. Both Masquerade games were picky with what stayed canonical and did not. For example, Cristof Romuald from Redemption was turned into a canonical character.

Attached: z3DmT5d.jpg (400x519, 47K)

>Cristof Romuald from Redemption was turned into a canonical character.

From which ending? The good guy one?

It caught me really fucking good the first time through, I even had to take a break halfway in but i'm a massive pussy when it comes to horror in first person games anyway. It's a shame that now it has just become "that part" for me whenever I start another playthrough, it used to be so good and now it's just a chore.

>-he was willing to kill all of the crew of the ship

This is really not as shocking as it may seem. Your newly made vampire starts with humanity 7 but it quickly drops to 5 simply because of the vampire lifestyle. It's reasonable to think it would drop further over the centuries.

10 Selfish Thoughts
9 Minor selfish acts
8 Injury to another (accidental or otherwise)
7 Theft
6 Accidental violation(drinking a vessel dry out of starvation)
5 Intentional property damage
4 Impassioned violation(man slaughter, killing in frenzy)
3 Planned violation(outright murder)
2 Casual Violation(thoughtless killing, feeding past satitation)
1 Utter perversion or henious act

because kuei ji are not really MADE by another. they're vampires simply because that's the closest approximation for westerners while kuei jin personally take insult at the comparison.

But there can be. that guy there has a Protean, and he's a Malkavian. There are three ways for that:
>clan with either Protean or Celerity that learns discipline of another clan (Gangrel learning Celerity for example)
>genetic jackpot: being a ghoul to the certain clan and managing to become revenant before being embraced by someone from another clan. That way you might inherent a certain discipline of your master's clan when you were a ghoul (For example: Zantosa's Toreadors who inherent Vicissitude from their former Tzimisce masters)
>diablerie, if you're too stupid to learn or don't have genetic jackpot

you think all the edgy vampires in a city ever fight over picturesque brooding spots like this

Attached: True KueiJin.gif (277x200, 141K)

Jack could be anything from humanity 2 to 5 honestly. But I like that guy.
also a pirate killing a ships crew is not really shocking as well

The Gangrel clan can have that as base disciplines. City Gangrel as a bloodline have protean, celerity, and obfuscate.

honestly the 'ugliness' is part that can be easily tolerated but you can end up with rotting meat, twisted bones, oozing wounds, parasites living in your skin and feeding of your blood, smelling like twenty shits and all that cappadocian borderline shit, if it was just looks I'd take Nos but they're too hobo


Meet Vlad the CHAD. He has both Protean and Celerity ... among other things.

Attached: Dracula_sheet.png (985x731, 283K)

I've only played Bloodlines so I don't know much about the lore of WoD, so...
When Gehenna happened, what actually DID happen and how come there is now a new World of Darkness?

>Thaumaturgy 5
Tremere must be seething hard about this.

There were different endings to choose from. The Antedelluvians could rise, Caine could return and battle Lillith, the Masquerade can get broken on national TV. But I think the "true" ending was basically a Noah's ark parable. Buncha vamps (including PCs) hide in a house as a red fog makes the blood wither. If they stay in and repent the come out human.

I fucking love how lewd this game is.

Wouldn't it be super hard though since if there's so few of them most of the people that get vampire hunted by the less than smart masses would be regular humans with maybe just some pale skin

It is actually very simple and Jack kinda explains it in the end. The Camarilla, the Sabbat, the Kuei Jin all were encroaching on the comfy Anarch State of LA. The arrival of the Sarcophagus made them all fight each other and weakened our outright destroyed all of them, leaving LA to the Anarchs.

Werewolf is even lewder. There's a whole game mechanic about blood lineages , racial purity, and breeding. That's if you're into teh furry sechs.

>Buncha vamps (including PCs) hide in a house as a red fog makes the blood wither. If they stay in and repent the come out human.
A the Wormwood ending. I initially thought it was really cool but now come to see it as just the Rapture for vampires, which ruined it for me.

Why isn't there a vampire game in which you could play as actual Dracula? In every vampire game he's always antagonist.

You should check out some of the Castlevania games.

He an antagonist there at best, final boss at worst.

I see. So what about the New World of Darkness? Does it take place after Gehenna or is it a complete reboot?

Jack tries to sell you the idea that LaCroix tipped off the Sabat to where you would be after the warehouse to tie up all loose ends, yet somehow Nines just happened to be taking a stroll at the exact same time and place where the player gets jumped? Isn't it just as likely, if not more likely, that Nines set you up to "save" you and make the player a mole for the Anarchs?

What about Lords of Shadow?
And isn't Soma Dracula, kind of?

Complete reboot and has little to do with the lore of the Masquerade, which was also the point.
NWOD was more about inventing your own adventure and lore, instead of the old overbearing overall plot.
It also never became that popular for that exact same reason.

>Hello I am the worst girl in the entire game, FUCK YOU

She's best girl.

She's legitimately one of the nicest and sweetest Kindred out there. She yells and gets mad at you? She's just idealistic and emotional. She wants what's best for everyone, kindred and kind. She's a communist because she wants to help people.

The "New"WoD like Vampire the Requiem is something completely different. Basically WW's attempt to New 52 their brand to mixed success. But the New-New WoD. Vampire 5th Edition is basically the claiming, as far as I can tell so far from The Jyhad Diaries, nothing in the Gehenna book ever happened and the end of the world is all metaphorical as the world spins into a new era.

It's this game, not the first one.

Attached: Castlevania_Lords_of_Shadow_2_boxart.jpg (250x308, 131K)

>When Nosferatu was found indulging his tastes in foul ways with his own children
What the hell was Nosferatu up to to disgust even a guy like Caine?

Attached: 1557760165431.png (859x726, 134K)

Official VTMB Best Girl Power Rankings
>Venus's Tits
>Deb of Night
>Venus Dare

Attached: 148.jpg (1600x1073, 345K)

>Not using guns?

What you gay? Guns are great. Your vamp powers just make Guns better.


It didn't help Requiem launched pretty bare bones seeing as it was the first game line for nWoD, or whatever it's called nowadays. I can't think of any new takes that were objectively inferior to oWoD lines and some were clear improvements like Changeling and Hunter, for example.

Attached: HtV_TaskForceValkyrie.jpg (612x401, 324K)


I'll take that half damage, thank you very much.

>so why did Jack do it?

He literally explains his ideology when he first talks to you. He hates the leadership of the Camarilla and thinks they need to be replaced. He will not go out of his way to kill regular Camarilla members if they don't get in his way. His beef is with the leadres.

Huh, that sucks. Although I have barely played any tabletop games so I shouldn't really say anything, but the established world and characters always seemed like the coolest part about WoD
So is 5th Edition part of the old or new WoD? Sorry I'm a bit confused about what you meant.

Sewers took forever, and i was a gun guy so I ran out of ammo by the end. I had to swing my backup Katana around (zero points into fighting too) to kill those Geo-dudes.

>Anarchists are a bunch of queers. You are all sheep whom require a shepherd. LaCroix as the prince of Camarilla and fledgling as an exemplary member of the Ventrue clan will serve as your saviours. Fret not little sheeps for no matter how delusioned you might be, you will come to see the light. You WILL join the Camarilla or you will be eliminated user.
What do?

Attached: 1538436305261.png (474x1064, 196K)

up until v5 camarilla considered all vampires part of itself, whether they liked it or not

Werewolves > Vampires
in terms of power level

Wait, is the guy in the top left picture on the back cover torching the fucking thinbloods under the pier? What the fuck?

Yeah 5Th Edition is part of the old WoD like the Bloodlines Game. In fact Bloodlines 2 and 5th edition were apparently written at the same time.

Killing his waifu which made Caine seeth.

Speaking of which, how many vampires are canonically more powerful than most werewolves?

It's just bullshots, don't think too hard about it.

Fuck Th*nbloods
I don't recognize the bottom right pic either so it might be cut/scrapped content

Your Immortal flesh has trapped your spirit from rising above such petty questions.

Attached: MageCard.png (423x696, 597K)

Bottom right is the gargoyle in the Asian theater in Hollywood that Issac asks you to kill

Well, you always have the immortality card to get more powerful over werewolves. Average werewolf will wreck your average vampire any day, though.

Why do you fear the unknown, user?

Attached: EmbraceEternity.jpg (800x600, 37K)

Why does he look like a Tom of Finland character? He has the same eyes and beard and biker beefcake style

Nos (based and night pilled) > venture (literal patricians) > malk = tremere = toreador > shit > other clans

So, is there a clan that doesn't have faggot for its Antediluvian?

Attached: theremustbemoretolife.jpg (188x130, 42K)

Pajeet hags belong in hospital basements


Oh, I see!
I just hope that Bloodlines 2 can satisfy fans of Bloodlines 1 and fans of WoD somehow. I don't care much about the combat, just great characters and quests.

I must have missed that one then, I started skipping sidquests towards the end when the game gets combat heavy because I was getting sick of that shit.


Malkvians. Malkav was alright before becoming bonkers, even after he became bonkers he still wasn't as big of a faggot as rest of his "family."

>I don't care about the combat, just characters and quests

You have the hallmarks of an excellent WoD player.

Assamites, Ventrues, Malkavian and Salubris have least cunt-ish Antediluvians.

I've seen someone post in one of these threads that an average vampire has much more potential to grow in power than the average werewolf despite being initially weaker, so the older a vampire gets, the more likely they are to be more powerful than most werewolves. Is this accurate?

Cheers mate

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I my humble experiences starting-level Werewolves are OP AF. The power creep is slow for kindred, but once a vampire has some XP under his belts and made some wise decisions on skills and disciplines he has a chance.


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>nothing personal, kid

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June Moore - Thirst.

You're welcome.

Yes, but it's more like your average vampires' expertise lies in being a social predator, with clans like assamite and gangrel who can specialize in being munchkin fighters notwithstanding, while your every werewolf is a RIP N TEAR killing machine who varies in HOW they'll rip you to pieces.

I wonder if when the sequel comes out vampire cosplay will be a trend.

>Chiasm - Isolated starts playing

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I kind of want a vtmb game set when the camarilla was just founded and the clans were still establishing power.

Attached: camarilla founders.jpg (1130x706, 110K)

we already have slaneeshi cultists running around, vampires are old news

Attached: slaneesh.jpg (1425x1071, 339K)

The werewolf section was way scarier than the hotel could ever hope to be

God damnit trannies ruin everything

At first it's because, hey, why not? You don't know anything about Kindred society, and he's the first one to give you tasks and a haven.

If you try to say no to any of his requests later on, he'll use Dominate on you, which you can't resist because you're too weak. By the end of the game you can because, as some theorize, the taxi driver is Cain and he's manipulated your blood to empower you.

I'm playing as a douchebag Tremere right now and saying no or giving sass for every request made to me. There's actually very little you can purposely lock yourself out of that way.

literally indoctrinating children

Attached: slaneeshi cultist.jpg (946x720, 165K)

I like the fact that Founders were actually a party.

Attached: Chro1.jpg (449x650, 163K)

>Haqim (Assamite) just wanted to keep the peace and put Baali scum in their place.
>Malkav (Malkavians) was basically just a nerd that went insane due to having too high IQ.
>Saulot (Salubri) was closest that you could get to a vampire good guy.
That's it.

Fuck no. He's walking horror show whose Jew nose starts growing while he rubs his hands every time his dear children use Vicissitude.


from left to right. How close am I?

>it isn't due for an entire year
I hope you're not implying they're going to make any major changes in a year or so, because that's not going to happen.

that's correct

I really wish they gave you the option to get powerful enough in some convolluted, almost game-breaking way to fight the werewolf head on if they picked a fighting specialized clan as a bit of an easter egg. I was kinda bummed that my (up until that point) unkillable gangrel died to the werewolf in just a few hits

Do crosses and God not do anything to Vampires?

They tell you they don't in the first 3 minutes or so of the game

nope shove em right up their asses

Nice. Those are also some neat character designs then because they are not that in your face but you can still tell.

only if wielded by someone with true faith otherwise they're just empty symbols, there was a dude who literally fended off the supernatural with a credit card because of his absolute belief in the power of money

>get embraced
>end up being a Thinblood
>end up being a fucking Nosferatu Thinblood
>get barely any benefits, all of the downsides of a regular vampire AND have to be ugly as fuck

I would immediately go sunbathing.

They did Hardestadt dirty in v5. He really was a fascinating character, doubly so because you would not expect such trickery from a seemingly stereotypical Ventrue.

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>the absolute state of nozzies

At least Samuel isn't having it that bad. Now Slugg... that's another story.

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This is how your character runs around in VTM Redemption for half the game. Which I always found neat.
You should have been able to achieve true faith in Redemption, prove me wrong

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How the fuck do you even kill Grunfeld? Fucking invincible shithead.

>read up on WoD werewolves
what in the fuck? are these furcunts are even more autistic than vampires?

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>Go out in the sun for easy suicide
>be thin blood
>the sun tickles you
>get back inside and get more depressed

Just turn me into a proper vampire please

flamethrower his austic german ass

Did I hear something about someone wanting to become a proper vampire? Why yes I'll make your wish come true, whatever you like it or not.

Attached: Karl_Schrekt.jpg (278x283, 18K)

nightmare material. They cook make a horror movie with that material

Well, they ARE the only ones who can rage.

Do thinbloods even get clan weaknesses proper?

he's such a psycho and loser

See . Slugg is confirmed thin-blood, yet he looks like actual Nosferatu.

Some do. Rosa in the first game clearly had insight which shows that she was embraced by a Malkavian. Then you have Slugg who is thin blood, yet he looks like Nosferatu.

If he is far away: stay in cover and snipe the bastard
If he is near you: stun him with one of your disciplines (you chose a clan that can stun people at range, right?) and whack the altar boy molester with a weapon

Please Schrekt let me just hang around in your comfy castle.

>Bloodlines says no
>end up co-owned a church turned into a nightclub
>spend time in a graveyard covered in crosses
>no effect

>fight Bach
>can use a cross to fucking supernaturally blind you

You know, that's something I really love about that game and the whole world of the series; the cosmology of it is really ambiguous. The whole story of Cain and Lilith varies from being a literal truth to an allegory to a semi-historical account. Gehenna is real and literal, but then it's a superstition, but then it's another allegory, and there's no set dates or times for it, nor are there agreed upon signs of it. Even the fucking Antediluvians are semi-mythical and obscure to the point that they'll probably never be found.

And I love how each Sect and Clan tends to have different beliefs on how the world works. It all kept me guessing until the end.

Bach has that "True faith" ability thing

>No no no it's not Gehenna because I said so because I can't be wrong because if I'm wrong my life will lose meaning and I'll probably Etika myself.
Beckett literally sounds like Yea Forums.

I'm gonna be completely honest the whole vampire thing is fucking gay I just want another modern day RPG...

>I'm gonna be completely honest the whole vampire thing is fucking gay

>cringe and not bloodpilled

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crosses only do something if you have true faith to back it up, but true faith can make whatever you believe in damage them.

i wonder if there's a hunter with a guitar.

Yeah but that's such an ambiguous concept. Like some user above said, you could use ANY object representing something you have faith in. And how do you externally measure someone's faith?

Plus, what does that say that the rest of the Society of Leopold don't/can't use that ability too? Or, does that mean something like Gehenna could happen if someone truly had faith in it?

So, what is the sauce on this?

renata bliss freestyle dance teacher

>created the baali and some offshoots of the Salubri in China that made the Kuei Jin aware of Vampires
>clan is allied with the Sabbat
>Good Guy

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Based Malks.

Attached: tyler.jpg (480x320, 34K)

So what about the new game are you guys looking forward to?

Seems like most people here vary from being completely skeptical of it to very very cautious, but surely there are some things in there that look good?

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I like that they will probably nail the music and enviroment, and overall from the art side it seems like a truthful sequel to the first one. I hope there are memorable characters, I already like Slugg.

>Or, does that mean something like Gehenna could happen if someone truly had faith in it?
that could only possibly happen with someone like faith 10 which is super rare (i.e jesus) and is unlikely because gehenna is more a vampire thing

He's doing it wrong, though. He's not a good Ventrue. Not entirely terrible but not good either. You lead by example and show of strength. By recognizing strengths of others and using them to make something greater for your Clan, your Kingdom, your Sect. By not tolerating bullshit.

The level design and how it works with your disciplines looks great. I think you can pick one of three Thinblood powers at first (telekinesis, bat powers, and mist powers) which unlock different paths (gates with keys/switch only reachable by telekenisis, gaps that you can only hover over with your bats, and ventilation systems you can only get through as mist), which will make replaying the game a lot less tedious.

That on top of the usual options of stealthing past, talking past, or fighting past encounters, AND having a more vertical layout with your parkour moves makes it look a lot more interesting than the first game. Though I can bet that this means there won't be as many sewer systems or crawly sections, which I won't miss.

I also like the weapon degradation and focus on melee and disciplines for combat. Only makes sense. It also apparently means you need to feed much more often, which in turn means you need to engage with this whole new "Resonance" buff system, which mite be cool.

Overall I think it looks way more mechanically advanced, even if the animations shown so far are beyond janky and buggy. Hopefully that'll be improved before release or, failing that, modded somehow.

Skelter is a Gangrel

Didn't know we're playing Shadowrun.

Tbh after seeing the E3 gameplay stuff I've moved from being somewhat sceptical to completely disillusioned. The combat seems worse than the original and the characters introduced so far seem bland and boring (toreador milkies aside). All the things that made the first bloodlines so great (characters, atmosphere, dialogue) seem to be missing from this title. I have no hope left that this game will even come close to being a worthy successor.

Maybe you ALL are homosexuals!

Attached: th[1].jpg (474x355, 16K)

>The combat seems worse than the original
Why do you think that is? I mean, 1 has pretty bland-to-frustrating combat, so what about the new one is even worse?

Did you watch the same videos as us? Because your posts sounds like delusional cope, or shilling.

You only find that out by looking through the game files though

So many people never even put points into combat stats so it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't bother to learn how the melee system worked either. I'm not saying VtMB has the best combat ever but I get some DMC1 vibes from it with the different melee combos and I think it's pretty fun. There are some issues with enemy balance which can make combat seem bad but the combat system itself is good.

Attached: vtmb melee manual.jpg (496x692, 196K)

Also yeah from what I've seen in the previews for 2 it looks like the combat is even more button mashy.


He's the leader because people respect him and not because of many capes he knows


the marketing has been very persistent across the board

Attached: gangrel2.png (991x1301, 1.99M)

>play as gangrel, THE melee combat focused class
>get two hits in, on third hit, character does retarded spin attack, gets hit in mid air, interrupts combo
Great combat system

So how much of a humans personality changes when they get embraced? Like if a random Yea Forumsposter gets turned into a Brujah does he immediately start getting all rebel like, or what?

My take is that your humanity is initially unchanged, but you can start sliding FAST. It becomes a balancing act.

And on top of that you get the additional personality traits of the clan. But you're still you, just altered.

They continue to make transparent marketing threads on Yea Forums
>300 replies
>74 posters
And fill those threads with the same retarded hat full of questions they made the intern come up with the night before, as if they authentically think an actual person even on Yea Forums would give a single shit

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Gangrel still does enough damage with just the first two hits that without finishing the full combo you can still do plenty of damage. But I'll agree with that being a problem and I'm not sure why Wesp hasn't bothered to fix that instead of doing all the other shit he does.

>300 replies
>74 posters
That's pretty much how VtMB threads have always been, unless you think they were marketing the game 5~ years ago too. If people like a game they're going to stick around in the thread and make multiple posts. Not saying there's no shilling going on at all but this "X replies X posters" doesn't prove much.

Shut up.

So, to correct that user:
Grenade > average Garou > average Kindred.

>But you're still you, just altered.
you seem to have assigned identity to a transient process, my friend. Be more careful in the future

After playing Bloodlines and browsing the Wiki, it seems like a lot of Kindred gets embraced by a clan that fits their personality. Or I guess, they got a lot their personalities from their clans.
Anyway, for those who know a lot about the WoD, is their an example of a Kindred that gets embraced into a clan that completely goes against their own personality/way of life?
It may be a stupid question, but I was just curious.

No I'm talking primarily about the barrage of stupid fucking questions these threads suddenly started getting "magically" bombarded with right after Bloodlines 2 was announced, and anytime it neared page 10 some magical new user who liked Bloodlines would find it at the bottom of the Yea Forums catalog just to ask ?

I was in those "comfy" threads as you call them except I didn't see you there you marketer piece of shit. I would unironically shit onto your naked eyeball in real life m8. You're swine.

Lol, Garou are a bunch of faggots and pussies who think they're invincible and forget that you straight up don't fight a Garou unless you know you're gonna win. Sure they can fuck up neonates and btfo most ancillae, because these fucks don't know better, but once you get into elder territory, Garou start lacking in firepower as opposed to Vamps and Mages who just get exponentially stronger. Being immortal has to have its perks, I guess.

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People were asking those questions back then too and lorefags would be discussing it. It became pretty common for people to get annoyed because people who didn't know anything about the lore would be trying to explain it and get it wrong.

Nah it's completely different. You don't ape the old days well enough faggot. You're actually just a retard and in the course of this job you took you've earned the total contempt of another human being - total contempt. Seriously. Sincerely. End your life.


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>The level design and how it works with your disciplines looks great. I think you can pick one of three Thinblood powers at first (telekinesis, bat powers, and mist powers) which unlock different paths (gates with keys/switch only reachable by telekenisis, gaps that you can only hover over with your bats, and ventilation systems you can only get through as mist), which will make replaying the game a lot less tedious.
So why can't I get through gates/to switches as mists (or in some cases as bats), can float over gaps as mist and cant fly through at least vents as bats?

CHAD Tepes

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calm down malk

To an extent, yeah. It varies from clan to clan. Tremere are very stringy about who they embrace, while a Brujah or Toreador might try to embrace you as a "spur of a moment" thing.
You are supposed to "fit" the overall theme of the clan - but your behaviour may very much vary - it wouldn't be fun if everybody played the same stereotype, There are different functions and roles in the clan and even Tremere need a "face" from time to time. And even a Ventrue need someone within their own clan to kick some ass.

I can't remember, which clan was it that can use blood points to regain human senses for a while like eat food and have sex?

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>"you can't trust anyone!"
>Ah, this means that even Nines is messing with me. Just wait until he eventually tuns on me.
>Turns out only LaCroix is really messing with you and most everyone is level with you and just want you to do things (but that's a job so whatever).

Disapointing. Too many "good guys".

All of them aside from Nosferatu. Toreador are just better at it.

Blush of life, pretty sure any vampire can do it but Toreadors use it the most.

That makes sense, thanks user.

Everybody was using you to further their goals. The only ones who didn't were Mercurio, Beckett and arguably, Strauss. Which is hilarious, because he's a fucking Tremere.

It looks more like spikes of newfag interest to me. It was very obvious when that highschool play tier LARP stream was live. What makes you think they are not?

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Then again, that nossie from the trailer didn't look all that fucking ugly to me.

He can literally just play that off as a war wound and just walk among mortals with no issues.

Attached: bloodlines-2-preview-2.jpg (1589x894, 109K)

Tremere FUCK OFF

Ah okay, I guess that also explains why the MC in Bloodlines is able to have sex with Jeanette and that gravekeeper.

>Everybody was using you to further their goals.

...and? How is that different from any other job. Everyone says "Do this. I'll give you a reward if you do". That's a contract. They always end up following thorugh so it's good.

>Graphics are okay
Need to play to really judge, but so far the atmosphere doesn't feel as comfy
>Combat is subpar
Melee sucks - enemies stand there reacting like martial arts dummoes and just to fly off once HP reaches 0.
>Voices don't correspond to characters
>Storywise almost sure it will be either mediocre or edge
>FP camera is a bad idea
Third person perspective fits the game much better and could help obscure the fact that the combat is obviously less polished than in action games.
>Animations suck
Check the extended gameplay trailer. The "just let me go" part. The way MC holds machete. The overall stance. THE FUCKING LEFT ARM. I don't get how anyone would say "okay, lets put it in the fucking trailer"

But then again it will be out next year, so they may still improve on combat and animations. Maybe even graphics. But VAs as well as the glimpses of plot we've seen are set in stone.
So I think this will be 6/10 RPG aimed on teens that just discovered vampire gimmick and diehard masquerade fans, who'll endure this shit for that sip of nostalgia.

Attached: 16464326_197072297435741_7557799434751311872_n.jpg (527x659, 37K)

>Everyone says "Do this. I'll give you a reward if you do".
>slash paintings for jeanette
>no reward
>therese tells me to go meet jeanette at the diner
>assassination attempt
>half of the quests from lacroix end with him refusing to give you payments if you ask after completing them

>I don't get how anyone would say "okay, lets put it in the fucking trailer"

Attached: slugg face.webm (1360x768, 1.42M)

Fem Malk PC.

>*screams in Tremere*

Are vampires even a thing in this day and age? They were big throughout the 90's and later on early 2000s with a whole bunch of movies and tv series? But now with punk, gothic and metal on the decline, do kids even give a fuck about vampires?

Yes and no. It's not quite as popular in an individual country, but I see a lot of Russians commenting on VtMB videos and there are even goths in China now.

>there are even goths in China now
Literally fucking how?

Fuck off Jewmere.

Wtf? I need a chinese goth gf broooooooos

Globalization is a thing. If 80s Yugoslavia had a goth scene, which for some reason youtube keeps recommending it for me, then why not China?

I dunno man but I'm kind of glad to see it, though they don't seem to have an easy time with it.


So, pic-related is a prostitute from what I heard? Nice.

China is rapidly modernizing. It's crazy how modern and nice the big cities are. In some ways they're even better than Western ones.


always a hop skip and a jump from the nearest labor camp

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Who knew Nines was on Griffith Park? Was it Lacroix?

>shes a communist because she wants to help people

Yeah, China is bipolar like that. They harvest organs from prisoners, while having great modern malls and cities.

Ever been to Tehran? Great place, I recommend it. Feels like any modern city. Huge chunk of people worship western culture and know English. Then you turn a corner, and oh, wait, like 25% of the population are religious crazies and support a despotic authoritarian government.

I mean, in Poland - that has a very strong heavy metal scene - metalheads never really went away. And you can meet a bunch of goths/ punks here and there. Sometimes they camouflage as normies, but they are there. There aren't virtually EVERYWHERE like they were 10 years ago in Poland, but they hang around.

Fuck off worm worshipper

so Gehenna isn't real because Beckett hasnt been drinking?

i'd actually kind of love to see tehran. schlubby white guy doesn't really draw bad attention right?

Damsel is completely pure of heat. That's where her passion lies. She has no interest in power or wealth. She wants everyone to be equal.

Her anger and outrage is aimed at thsoe who wish to exploit others.

He probably had someone follow you there after he told you to make the alliance.

>Behold the mighty Tremere in his fully glo-- Why are you all laughing? Please, stop laughing.

Attached: t. absolute state of Tremere.jpg (978x698, 602K)

Wasn't there a new Werewolf game being developed?

So in other words, she's this naive soul who thinks that Karl Marx was legit.

Yes, earthblood. Got some new screenshots and is scheduled to be released next year. Might be vaporware but the new publisher swears its not though.

That and being an unholy abomination against creation, a progeny and thus co-bearer of literal God's very curse on the first kin-slayer, a cold, bloodthirsty monster that has to hide in the darkness like the vile spawn it is and prey upon humans to consume their very life force. Otherwise she's a real darling, yeah.

>At least the mighty Tremere can still get an erection. Can you say the same, heathen?

>get attacked by your future sire
>be left for death
>you survived?
>now manage to survive at least a week on your own, without even knowing what the hell you are or what you're meant to do in your new "life"
>I'm pretty sure that nothing wrong will happen to someone who has NO IDEA what they ARE
>not like they might starve
>not like they might frenzy due to starving
>not like Camarilla or hunters won't skin your furry ass for any of that
>not like you might meet your fate in the sunlight because YOU DIDN'T KNEW WHAT THE HELL YOU WERE
>>best clan to join
Are you masochist or something?

Damascus, Istanbul, Erbil, West bank, Israel, Lebanon, and Tehran, are great.

Istanbul, Israel, and Tehran are the only safe places to visit though.

Apart from you becoming ugly, you'd need to survive the Embrace that hurts so much that it can kill you before you even turn properly.

This guy beat me to it .

rules of nature

In practice, you play anti-heroes in the table-top games who have some edge but are ultimately fighting WAY worse psychos than you. You are attempting to maintain order, while some sickos want to burn everything down or create a pile of skulls. This is the same for the game as well.

And there's nothing in the rules where you can't basically play a Batman or Blade type heroic figure.

There are no comfy threads allowed on Yea Forums anymore, unless it's nuVegas.

I'm still disappointed you don't go apeshit as a Toreador when Jeannette asks you to slash the paintings, only a line about beauty and then you're back in the dialogue loop

Other way around, ESL-kun.

And they run when the sun comes up
With their lives on the line
For all that I've
Gotta follow the laws of the wild
With their lives on the line
Out here only the strong survive

No. The entire point of that section is that Beckett's reason for denying Gehenna is real, even though it's clear that it's very real, is because he can't cope with a fact that he was wrong so he keeps denying in the end to save his pride aka Beckett is your average Yea Forums poster.

Nah not if he's old clan, besides Tremere sell their secrets to other kindred for favor

Vlad is not old clan. He's just Tzimisce that looks normal. That's all.

*nods respectfully in your direction*

I want to stick my dick in crazy

Which ruins the entire point of being a Nosferatu. Thank shit I don't have to follow every rule and guideline in v5 and I can adapt my chronicle how I want. SJW bullshit added only to emphasise the hypocrisy of ideologies, no beautiful Nosferatus, no pandering to anyone's sensibilities.

It won't be a RPG like Bloodlines from what I've read. Its more of a brawler with "RPG elements" which usually means a perk system.


Attached: werewolf-header-902x507.jpg (902x507, 67K)

Not every Toreador is into the arts, though.
And what they define as art can vary quite a lot.

>ywn be a true Brujah

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I was hoping for a game that would finally do the masquerade justice.

>Anarchs are all hot-headed retards being manipulated by Jack
>Camarilla is run by old jerkoffs in power that'll just take anyone up for the role of Prince
>Sabbat are edgelords willing to wipe out their food supply and put everyone in danger because "muh children of Caine"
>Kuei-jin are literally the scummiest, underhanded fucks to ever walk the Earth
There's just no winning when choosing sides, is there? Helping Strauss out is probably the closest option to everyone and everything not being completely fucked.

Thinking about reinstalling this. What are some recommended mods for a second play through?

Attached: t.wiseau.jpg (284x177, 5K)

>Has Tzimisce vicissitude gone too far?
>97% of Camarilla can't tell if this violates the masquerade, antitribue now!

And how do you know this? How do I know you're not a recruiter for the Jiyhad?

The same thing happens with DMC, Dragon’s Dogma, Prey, and Dragon Age threads to name a few. It’s a handful of anons who want to talk about specific games, but there’s nothing to talk about so they keep repeating themselves or pretending to ask newbie questions. Or did you think someone buys Dragon’s Dogma for the “first time” every single week

>This is because you need to manage your rage. If it fills up all the way Cahal goes feral, and the only cure for that requires killing everyone in the nearby area, including your friends. Rage doesn’t just fill up in combat either. When you talk to other characters you can gain rage from the conversations. You need to be careful in what you provoke people to say, as filling up your rage in conversation has the same result as it does in combat: you become a feral werewolf and have to kill everyone else to go back to normal.
Hopeful optimism is welling up inside my heart.

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Druid tier sets up top, rogue tier sets on bottom.

Which is ironic, because Strauss is a motherfucking Tremere. The last clan you should trust.

You can also go Lone Wolf. It doesn't solve anything - quite the opposite - but it's there.

The Plus patch and Clan Quest mod. Overall they both give class adjustments, specific bonuses, patch cut quests and dialog back in, and add a new route where you can side with the Sabbat.

>old clan
>Vicissitude 5

Attached: Anon, I....png (758x564, 741K)


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And let you diabelrize VV and Jeanette. Bastard.

What's the difference of Old Clan Brujah and Old Clan Tzimisce to their "new" clan counterparts?

If you want to be a good guy, don't get bit in the first place. The only good and sensible vampire is the one that walks into the sun on his first dawn or one with a wooden pacemaker.

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Lorelet here, just had three questions I wanted to ask. What type of person does a Malk or Tremere go for in terms of embracing someone, What's the difference between Brujah and these true Brujah and what differentiates Lasombra and Venture in terms of general personality traits and what they look for in someone to embrace? From what I understand they just get powers involving shadows and can't seem themselves in mirrors as their curse, which seems pretty tame in comparison to some.

I always figured that was the point of siding with him when playing Malkavian. Rosa outright says you can only trust Beckett and Romero, but throughout the whole game you're shit-talking LaCroix and calling Strauss a Wizard-King.

>not diablerizing vamp thots
What the fuck are you actually doing?

The Deb of Night
oh god how

OCT don't have vicissitude and they treat that discipline like a cancer. They instead have koldunic sorcery.
OCB have a discipline that alters time and are generally shut-in nerds.

They dont need pussies in the clan nigga.

In V5 Thinbloods can have clan-curse weakness, having the bane severity of 1 of their gen 13 parent.

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Ahem, Yea Forums decided to shit itself to death:
I just typed the words "deb of night" and instantly got transported back to Santa Monica. How did this game nail atmosphere so well, Yea Forumsros? I was barely even conscious during the early 2000s and I've never been to the US but it still felt so immersive.

Attached: galapagos turtle.jpg (460x259, 23K)

Pretty much act the exact opposite of Brujah.


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>he never played as a gangrel loli catgirl

Here's some unhelpful answers

Malkavians would sire either something that appeals to their madness or directed BY that madness via their little web. That's about it and opens the board to as liberal or tight a field of candidates as someone playing them likes and is capable of rationally being unrational about.

No idea on the Tremere specifically except a guess its probably idiots with ouija boards and a hood already in their wardrobe. Maybe that's a bit obvious for them though? Or maybe kine pretending at magic is insulting?

The difference between the Brujah and True Brujah is, depending on who you ask: The word "True", a group of pretenders with no real tie playing at anarchy or a code that isn't truly theirs, or basically WoD Mandalorians. Or more basically one was the original set of north african baalists who got DUNKED hard and one is either the bloody remains or men in the shadows waiting to kill ceasar named now Camarilla.

I don't know much about the Lasombra, the Ventrue I'd guess would be as refined in their taste in kine to sire as they are in what they drink, but I also would expect a Ventrue to see anything they see as a tool to expand their own influence, a chain around the neck rather than a gift given. They probably wouldn't pick someone who wasn't of some pedigree and importance, or used to being important to make use of them and ensure they get to grips with the Ventrue way quick enough to not be a liability.

so old brujah are the true scholars w/ time fuckery then? shame we got this edgy sjw versions. and what happened to their discipline? why wasn't it passed down?

But Damsel though

Would Tremere go for academics? Particularly those into the weird esotericism which still remains in academia, like kaballah and Buddhist esotericism and all that stuff. The world of VTM seems like the kinda world which would have weird chemics looking into what amounts to alchemy, too.

Cause the original Ante got fucked up and all of the modern Brujah are the descendants of the guy that killed him.

To be fair, old brujah were also pretty cringe.

I wanna put my peepee inside a rotting nosferatu GF hopefully she doesn't have vagina dentata that'd be like ouchie haha bro.


Holocaust in WoD is a purely human event, but the nazis were at least partially backed by some Tremere and Tziminsce, a subsect of the technocracy and a werewolf clan. The Ventrue, despite Germany being one of their primary strongholds, kept out of the war, because Hitler insulted Breidenstein.

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Which clan is the bloodmage clan? I want to play them in 2

look at this level of casual.
go play the first

Vlad was never stated as Old Clan. Just a Tzimisce.
Not to mention that he possess Vicissitude.

Have fun worshiping worm, faggot.

>Holocaust in WoD is a purely human event
This I don't get. Surely eradicating God's chosen people would be some sort of Biblical fuckery.

Nosferatu. They aren't playable in the sequel. Now go away.

>the credit card autist is back
This is not a thing.

Only the Tzimisce really care about that gay biblical shit. It's fiction and hearsay to the majority of vampires.

Yeah but like in actuality we know it's in at least some Lovecraftian way correct

They haven't been god's chosen people since Jesus.

His animal eyes tells it

I mean, True Faith comes from somewhere. Also, Angels, Demons and Caine.

Kindred could bang before V5

t. goy, the real life kine

They simply don't want to touch the subject. Just think about what happened when they said that insurgents in tchechenia were paid by vampires to murder homosexuals. What a shitshow.

Technically they could, but sex to Kindred were like tits on a zombie. Amusing for a while, but ultimately pointless.

Yeah, yeah, I get that. Like I'm not IRL shocked they didn't want to touch the Holocaust with a ten-foot barge pole. I just think I'd make it into some retarded vamp conspiracy if I were writing it (I'm a Jew, so they aren't allowed to criticise me).

No shit. You're meant to be dead.

I will user, stay jelly

I hope it crashes hardlab into mobile games, nothing in that game looks good, they don't have the same technology from Source, setting does not look good like the first one, back alley with asian whores giving blowjobs, nightclub might give you aids just from looking it, everything is way too clean, way to sterilized, I don't like the stupid "lol modern night realism, goths aren't a thing anymore", who gives a shit, I don't play a video game about vampires who fight demons and flesh golems to read about the socioeconomic problems of Seattle, or the horrible fate of those with mental illness, I just want more WoD, more supernatural creatures, more "everyone is a fucking cunt towards you", more dark and edgy 2000's culture, also, the combat is just cancerous, and the fact you play as a faggot V5 thinblood is stupid.
Better dead to be honest.

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>disco balls and neon lights
i don't care if it's more relevant today, i want goth clubs

>that gay biblical shit
>Book of Nod is so influencial that Camarilla openly censors it while the Sabbat live it
>All Elder vampires feel the Beckoning and Withering
>fiction and hearsay
Nah bruv, every vampire knows now that some sort of Lovecraftian shit is going down whether they openly admit it or not.

I remember reading something about WW2 werewolves vs german vampires, and how technocracy was testing new tech against reality deviants.

As far as I know the Camarilla in general, as well as the independent ventrue realm of Britain were all opposed to Hitler, since he was somehow immune to domination and did whatever he wanted, but the technocracy sect supporting him prevented all assassination events. Tremere got involved in all that SS mysticism stuff, while the tziminsce used the holocaust as an excuse to fuck around with inmates.

>he thinks Ravnos is dead

Want to replay it because i forgot 90% of the stuff, should i go malkavian or do a run with someone else first to refresh memory and no miss out on weird shit malks have?

Week of Nightmares happened and V5 never happened.
Fuck off WW.

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Haqim and Malkav pretty much. I would add Saulot as well, but they're trying to make him look as two-faced fag that created Baali.

>but they're trying to make him look as two-faced fag that created Baali
That's just Shitmere propaganda.

Which leads to a curious precedent. In a setting when everybody is in on a supernatural conspiracy and every historical figure is either a vampire, a wizard, a werewolf, a demon or a ghoul to a vampire (somehow I think Rasputin managed to be a mage, a vampire and a demon all at once), Hitler was just "a mortal guy" who managed to derail everything. Even WW is not touching that hot potato.

The beauty with V:TM is that everything is open to interpretation so that each chronicle tells a different metaplot.
I've recently started a v5 chronicle with a group of friends and I'm starting to realize why people prefer v20. v20 has heaps more options for customization and Paths. On the other hand, if I was to make my friends read the v20 corebook, they'd lose interest from the information overload.

>And how do you externally measure someone's faith?

The thing about faith is that it's not a thing to be measured. It's either there or not.

Games made with TLC tend to be like that.

Gangrel antediluvian is just sleeping in the earth, trying to become a nature goddess.

>giving a shit who is in power
Camarilla only cares about controlling those in power. Case in point, Himmler was Berlin's Primogen.

>everyone mentions Haqim and Malkav, but no mentions of Arikel.
She might be annoying Mary Sue and whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that she's not bad for an Antediluvian. At least she wasn't edgelord for the sake of being one, nor is she some sort of threat for her clan, unlike Nosferatu, Tzimisce and Lasombra Antediluvians.

Malk isn't hard to understand at all, not even as your first time. It's just different from what you'd expect from an RPG.

user, he asked for Antediluvians that aren't faggots. She might not be a faggot in terms of being edgy cunt, but Toreadors are still faggots in another way.

>On the other hand, if I was to make my friends read the v20 corebook, they'd lose interest from the information overload.
I'm sorry for you having to run games for casuals. Perhaps some of them will grow intellectually in time.

Arikel isn't recorded to have had any lesbian relations, though.
Also, she's one of the few Antes that showed genuine empathy towards humans and generally never brutalized anybody.

She is the progenitor of the Toreador clan. The gay is literally running through her veins.

You're saying she's gay by proxy? That applies to Caine as well.

He's a MANlet so he's manly, come on.

Whatever bro, V:TM is about story and character. I can aadapt v20 shit for v5 and homebrew some shit. I.E, a Bagger Toreador player has a homebrew flaw "compulsory eater" which is the need to shove her face with food after stressful or traumatic situations otherwise she gets -2 to all rolls.

Caine's gayness is repelled by his massive autism.


>become an emotionless autist
oh well at least I gain OP time powers

Jesus, how wound up are you that me asking you the be more specific is me "shilling"? I didn't even say you were wrong or that I liked the combat. I just wanted to hear what about specifically looked bad to you next to the older game (which everyone agrees is janky with bad combat too).

I didn't on my first playthrough, but did on the second, alternating combos and trying to block here and there (not that I ever needed to), and I still thought it was just functional at best. DMC1's combat actually chains together and has way more complexity, on top of general animation work that makes it buttery smooth to swap between enemies or close gaps. Bloodlines has none of that.

why does everyone cry about Brujah being hardcore SJW when there are also hardcore nazi Brujah?

Not really. Malkav was meant to be the smartest one and Caine is an obvious brainlet. He obviously didn't get his intelligence from Caine, so Arikel's faggotry is all her own. I mean... Toreadors are fags... so only conclusion is that Arikel was closeted fag as well since all children got their specific traits from their Antediluvian.

Tourists here to start shit and hopefully inflate their agenda's relevancy and maybe even recruit members.

>and Caine is an obvious brainlet

Attached: Caine.png (555x566, 154K)

not in v5 sweetie


That's how V5 interprets them. In reality, Brujah were always a "rebel flavour of the hour". From punks, to neo-nazis, to communists.

And Nosferatu are the nerds. Absimillard was anything but a nerd.

Nope. Nerds are Tremeres. Nosferatu do everything and anything in order to survive (considering who their said Antediluvian is) and best way to survive is to get dirt on everyone and everything because information is the key to everything. So they're quite like their clan's father in how shrewd they can get in order to achieve their goals, in order to survive.
All clans bear some of the characteristics of their's clan's father. Whatever they like it or not.

Plenty of Antes didn't fit the stereotype of the clans they created.

fucking hell dude weed lmaoId like to to smoke some fucking dude weed lmaoahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmu damnit lmao

Arikel does when it comes to Toreadors. When I say Toreador's faggotry, I don't mean on actual homosexuality... just the way they are and act.

He would've been less confused if you said "queer", probably.

But that's not even accurate, because almost half of the Toreadors are poseurs whereas the other half hate faggots.

>half of the Toreadors are poseurs
Soooo--- faggots?

Why did nobody tell me that VtM: Redemption is bucketloads of fun? Because VtM: Redemption is buckedloads of fun.

I would kill to have a Bloodlines/Deus Ex type immersive sim set entirely in Vampire: Dark Ages setting. Imagine being an vampire lord in a medieval castle.

>tits on a zombie. Amusing for a while, but ultimately pointless.
speak for yourself

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Basically embraced on a fancy cause they look good or other shitty reason. They're the ones that fit the club slut stereotype, but only some of them do.

While most of the clan is degenerate, they're a bit more sophisticated than the faggot stereotype.

Toreadors are basically clan of roasties and delusional landwhales who want of world to revolve around them.

There are no fat vampires.
I am serious.

Because you'd have to be a sleezy chink and ruin people's lives on a daily basis. Not all Kindred are assholes, but all Kuei-jin have to be assholes.

Reminder to watch this piece of greatness.
RIP good content.


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I'm talking about the way they're written. They look as if they're written --they most likely are-- by a fat landwhale that is trying to live her fantasies through them.

I 100% think her character is a hot supermodel or some shit. Landwhales love playing the roles of roasties, but complain about their existence nonetheless.

I have to say this every fucking thread...

White Wolf/Paradox who had bought White Wolf by then, hired a bunch of new staff to write V5. The new staff were huge /pol/lacks that filled the book with memes you'd find in a shit thread here, and new plotlines that unironically added in a whole racial superiority angle to the people vampires could be fed on (like how refuges were naturally an inferior race and thus free game to vampires). And no, before you say it, it wasn't the same tone as something like playing a Tremere who lived through the holocaust as an SS officer. Something like that and all the other horrible shit in the Vampire rulebooks of the past is more blatant roleplay where the point is "oh wow look how inhumane your character has become since their Embrace". And then other shit like them trying to turn the Brujah into stereotypical SJWs who literally have a weakness called "Triggered!", instead of the punks they used to be.

So samples of the early draft of this get posted, the community is mostly pissed (both about the /pol/ trollery and plot changes), then White Wolf do huge damage control and hire the first shit liberal writers they can, and gave them free reign so long as they veered far away from what the previous new team did.

And so you get bollox like Rudi, or Thinbloods no longer being as inferior as they were before, etc, while still keeping the plot changes that no one asked for. All the statements about inclusivity are there to cover their ass.

And before you say "but they're caving to SJW demands now! The series used to be irreverant and didn't care about "representation", I'll invite you to go read something like the Clanbook Assamite book where they spend pages talking about avoiding Arab and Muslin stereotypes, or how the cover is a stronk black womyn, or how the series has ALWAYS made the effort to use different pronouns for general scenarios.

V5 was a big pile of shit and most people stick to 20th Anniversary anyway.

Source on the webm? Context?

Esports drama. Nuff said.

Sure you wanna bet on that horse, my dear goy?

Attached: Fitmere.png (989x1271, 474K)

>citation needed

But THERE ARE! You look the same as you did on the day of your embrace. So, if you were a fatass that got embraced, you'll be eternally fat unless you find a Tzimisce that would be willing to fix it for you.

Attached: HAH.png (300x484, 176K)

>I'll invite you to go read something like the Clanbook Assamite book where they spend pages talking about avoiding Arab and Muslin stereotypes, or how the cover is a stronk black womyn, or how the series has ALWAYS made the effort to use different pronouns for general scenarios.
I think it's a matter of context. There are different him/her pronouns used throughout the books and a note about not being an asshole when adapting other cultures and real-life events into your event and then there is Rudi.
Do you think Revised players were triggered by Sacha Vykos being "transgender" back in the day? Why do you think the same players are treating Rudi as a punchline to a joke?

I'd imagine Malks and Nosferatus would go as far as to want to Embrace a landwhale. The others would probably make them ghouls first and force them to get in shape before Embracing.

Not Tremere .

Well someone already posted an article in the thread, but here's a (over-sensational) account of it: web archive org/web/20180708153619/dogwithdice.com/whitewolfaredead/

And I'm friends with someone who doesn't work with White Wolf but works for a related p&p publisher whose staff were getting emails from White Wolf and ex-White Wolf staff before publishing, so they watched the whole thing unfold from the inside. It was basically just months of them shaking their head and wishing V5 never happened at all. It was a cringe-fest from start to finish.

Anyway, long story short; I wouldn't worry about the new Bloodlines being "SJW propaganda" or whatever. Game journos ask those stupid woke questions all the time in an attempt to seem sensitive. If it wasn't about the Malkavians being offensive to people with mental health issues, it would be about female sexualisation (but Mommy Milkies is in the first trailer and you can wear a Jeanette costume, so they don't seem to care about that), or it would be about being offensive to some other minority they actually don't care about. And what are the devs going to say to that question other than a non-committal "yes, that is an issue, mhmm, we have a team of philosophers and sociologists on the case".

I mean, unless Brian Mitsoda, who wrote and did a dozen voices for the previous game, has been body swapped with someone else, I can only imagine it will still have most of the tone and humour of the original.

...I just hope it's not a dogshit game overall.

I find it funny that fatasses of vampire world are unironically some of the most powerful characters.

Attached: Monçada_2.jpg (310x388, 46K)

Still, Brian Mitsoda alone does not a videogame make. He had help of qualified writers. Even Avellone didn't write Torment all by himself. He set the tone - but the rest of the writing team has to be up to the task. And if they don't - we have games like PoE 2: Deadfire.

Malk > Tremere > Nost > POWERGAP > Ventrue > Literal shit > All other clans
Prove me wrong.

Masquerade is fun a few times and then you know the whole setting and it's impossible to separate that knowledge from your characters actions. Requiem leaves things vague in the right places so you can actually do whatever the fuck you want. One is fun to read, the other is fun to actually play. But no that user lied nos ugliness can't be on the "inside". But it can manifest in supernatural ways instead of physical deformities. Stuff like their mouth not moving when they talk, people they're talking to always getting that itchy feeling like there's a bug on them, or some junji ito style body horror. The number one priority is making sure the GM has something to work with to to drive people away from you.

>make a good base game
>absolutely RUIN it with the worst team ai ive ever seen in a game


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I swear they had the sluttiest outfits for some reason.

Oh, I'm not defending Rudi AT ALL. He was a huge mistake and deserves the ripping.

What I'm saying is that there are loads of people who seem to think that Vampire has always been this insensitive nigh-celebration of vile human history, and that it's a series that was much more hardline about it's overall political ideals (like, I keep seeing people in these threads think the first Bloodlines is some sort of unnuanced celebration of leftism because LaCroix is the antagonist....even though the Anarchs are often fucking shitheads to you and can have you killed as collateral damage in one of the endings). And the same people act like White Wolf was "infiltrated" by the cultural Marxist conspiracy or some bollox, when all it was was damage control for a book that was still shit in the end anyway. You have buddy above in the thread who has to post the Rudi pages and bad art. every. single. time. Same dude thought the first Bloodlines was being "commie" when it made a Bush joke in 2004, and lost his shit when everyone called him out on it.

So I doubt he and people like him even knew the series already had transgender characters or pages about cultural sensitivity. Probably didn't even know there was a clan based around Muslim assassins. Which is why I bring it up.

The series was universally better before V5 because yeah it did it with tact and didn't pretend there wasn't some racial connotations to their universe (even when it made ambiguous enough for debate).

Does this guy say "nazi" 1,000 fucking times or what? Is it actually worth reading all that? Super obnoxious.

>As I’ve mentioned, vampires have a strong appeal to those of a fascist persuasion.
The fuck?

>has been body swapped with someone else, I can only imagine it will still have most of the tone and humour of the original.
I still have to see the original tone in a gameplay trailer, and to be honest, I don't know what part Mitsoda worked on the original Bloodlines, he wasn't the director, nor the project lead, the whole satirical tone could be the contribution of Boyarsky or Anderson, they had the lead positions in Bloodlines.

Attached: 1533005448463.png (480x882, 319K)

It took me 10 hours before I realized this fucking game has an active pause.
Of course it's not Space. That would be too obvious.

Generally I'd agree, but considering he went the extra mile to voice some nutty characters with dialogue he wrote, I'm hoping he has an equally big impact on this one.

If there's a character like this in the game somewhere, I'll be happy: youtube.com/watch?v=gg2Jwi17MFE

>The new staff were huge /pol/lacks that filled the book with memes you'd find in a shit thread here, and new plotlines that unironically added in a whole racial superiority angle to the people vampires could be fed on (like how refuges were naturally an inferior race and thus free game to vampires).
That sounds absolutely based.

>V5 is shit because was written by people who didn't cared about the setting

>Of course it's not Space. That would be too obvious.
Space wasn't the go-to pause button back in the day. "P" or the actual Pause (Pause/Break) were.

Its not that for me ,its everyone using their skills randomly like madmen